Out of the Flames

By JinaMack

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She is Elite. A new species of super-humans are being hunted by the few who know they exist. While hiding aft... More

Chapter 1. A New Identity
Chapter 2. The Neighbours
Chapter 3. First Dance
Chapter 4. Partners in Chemistry
Chapter 5. Cat Got Your Tongue?
Chapter 6. Surprise Date
Chapter 7. Dance Lessons
Chapter 8. Getaway
Chapter 9. A Small Copper Circle
Chapter 10. The Gala
Chapter 11. The Perfect Ending
Chapter 12. The Beginning of the End
Chapter 13. Discovery
Chapter 14. Game On
Chapter 15. Run
Part 2. Chapter I. Audition For Life
Chapter II. Settling In
Chapter III. Spill
Chapter IV. No Longer
Chapter V. Cycles of Impact
Chapter VI. Impact of Rescue
Chapter VII. Escape
Chapter IX. The Beginning
Chapter X. Afterwards

Chapter VIII. Safe Returns

11 1 0
By JinaMack

Chapter VIII

Christine Sterling's POV

"Quiero una café con leche y azucar, por favor." I said to the lady behind the counter of the coffee shop.

I had been in Europe for the past two months before I flew over to South America for a month. Now as my four months came to a close I was making my way north. I had paused my journey in Mexico and I was waiting here for a couple of days before I went back to L.A..

I sipped at my coffee and stared at the Pacific Ocean. I thought through how my first couple weeks in L.A. might go and planned for every situation I could imagine.

After two days of silent planning and scheming I flew back to L.A. and waltzed up to my apartment building. Nolan was standing at the door letting in familiar faces and nodding politely to those who didn't have access to the building.

"Good afternoon Nolan." I said with my sunglasses on and a scarf coving my head and part of my face.

"Good afternoon ma'am, who are you here to see?" He asked trying to place my face.

Instead of answering his question, I asked one in return. "How is my car doing? Did you use it in your wedding?" I asked and immediately his eyes widened.

"Miss Metz!" He shouted in a loud whisper before I shushed him. "You're back! Your flat has been kept clean and ready for your return." He pulled open the door and allowed me inside. "If there is anything you need or anything you need done, don't hesitate to call." Nolan said with a smile on his face.

I kept my sunglasses on even as I walked to the elevator. I went up to my floor and unlocked the door from inside the elevator by spinning the locking mechanism and dead bolt with my telekinesis.

I walked into my apartment and paused in the doorway taking it all in. Then I sprung into action. I flew to my room and started sending things flying. I closed my eyes and telekinetically selected items to wear. At the same time I started curling my hair and shifting myself back into a person that resembled both Serena and Christine. I grabbed my laptop and sent a message to Henri.

Hello Henri.

I need you to create some documents that will merge Serena and Christine into the same person. Thank you.

Christine Sterling.

I finished everything in rapid succession. I opened my eyes and took a look at myself. I was balanced right on the edge of Serena and Christine. It was eerie how I looked like both of them at the same time yet I couldn't pick out which features were more Christine like and what was Serena's. I had long dark hair like Christine had and blue green eyes that were balanced between Christine and Serena. I had the same body as Serena but a bit slimmer to fit the thin body of Christine. I was beautiful and dressed to flaunt my beauty.

I left my flat and headed down to the lobby.

"Nolan, do you have my keys?" I asked, ignoring the way his eyes wandered up and down my figure.

He stuttered before answering. "Um, y-yes." He reached into his pocket and handed them to me. "Third level. Row C." He said as I walked out of the building.

I walked quickly to my car and got in. It was in pristine condition. Smiling, I revved the engine and sped away. I drove to the MezCorp tower and parked in front of the doors. I walked into the building and stole an ID card off of someone. I moved along as if I belonged there and made it to the elevator without any trouble. I rode the elevator as far as I could and then telekinetically lifted it the last couple of floors to Edi's office. I scanned ahead and saw the secretary panic as the warning light flashed on her screen to signal the elevator had been overridden. I opened the doors and stepped out.

Striding over to her desk I smiled at her daringly. Apparently I was in a bit of a dramatic, power-hungry mood. "I'd like to see Enrique."

"What is your name?" She asked trying to remain in control of the situation.

"Not important. Tell him there is someone here to see him." I demanded calmly.

"Mr. Mendez requests that all visitors have appointments and give their names for the records." The secretary said.

"Pick up that phone, call him and him that he has a visitor or I will walk through those doors unannounced." I threatened.

"The door is locked and I will not place a call until you give me a name." She replied. I sighed and scanned the locking mechanism on the door. It was an electromagnet along with two deadbolts. I smirked and searched the wall for the cable. I walked past the secretary's desk, blocked the dead bolts and pinched the wire cutting off the power to the electromagnet. I smiled at the secretary and opened the door with ease watching her expression change from smug to shocked. I let the door close behind me before I turned to look at Edi who was sitting at his desk with a surprised look on his face.

"Hello Edi." I said pulling off my shades and giving him a smile. He stood up.

"Tina?" He asked even though he was certain it was me. He stepped around his desk and walked towards me. I took in his polished appearance with his perfectly styled hair, navy blue suit and polished brown shoes before he reached me. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me in a tight hug. His lips kissed my hair and my cheek before I turned my head and pressed my lips to his. He squeezed me harder and deepened the kiss.

Finally, the secretary managed to get her flustered self together enough to open the door and burst through into Edi's office. Whatever she was going to say died on her lips as she saw her boss holding me with his tongue halfway down my throat.

A small squeak of surprise came from her lips and Edi pulled away. He looked up at her and half pulled away.

He cleared his throat. "Thank you Lauren, the situation is under control." He stared at her until she silently left the office. He turned back to me and smiled. "Are you back for good now?"

"Yup. I am all yours." I said playing with the hair on the back of his neck. "But first, I feel that I owe you am explanation. Before we go back to how things were a couple of years ago, I want to explain what happened." I took his hand and we went to go sit on the couch. We sat there for two hours as I told him everything. I started with my parents and ended up jumping around my history trying to get the jumbled timelines to go together and make sense for an outside observer. I showed him my telekinesis and shifting abilities.

Finally, when I sat back and took a deep breath he just stared at me.

"So you are telling me that those weird teenagers that were on the news a couple months ago are your grandparents?" He asked.

"Yes, and sometime today, Henri and Lynn will be stopping in for a visit." I said smiling. "They want answers."

"I do not know the answers."

"Don't worry, I do." We continued to talk for about two hours. I showed him some tricks and we fooled around for a hour. Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I froze for half a second before Henri and Lynn appeared on the other side of Edi's office.

I noticed a bit of charring on Henri's hand as he let go of Lynn after their teleport and possible time travel.

"Hello Mr. Mendez. Ma'am, I need to speak with this man and I request that you leave now." Henri said in a commanding way.

"No Henri, I don't need to leave. I do believe this is the first time you have met me, correct?" I said walking forward to shake his hand. "And you must be Lynn, shocking to see you here." I said with a wink as I shook her hand.

They looked at me with suspicious eyes. "Are you CIA?" Lynn asked.

"Heavens no, I realize you came here to talk with Edi, but the only thing he knows is what I just told him. I fear I am the most useful person to you right now." I said ushering them over to the couches where we all sat down.

"Do you have a name ma'am?" Henri asked.

"Many." I replied and waited a moment to keep them I suspense. "At one point in my life I was know a Christine Sterling, right now, I am know better as Serena Metz."

Lynn's eyes grew as big as dinner plates. "I knew it. I though you looked like her. Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. You are amazing. Where were you? Everyone thought you were dead."

"I was getting my act together so that I could be in a position to marry the man I love." I summarized.

"Not Eric! Tell me it's not Eric." She gasped. "Wait! Is it Jeremy? You and Jeremy would be perfect together!" Her eyes glowed with enthusiasm and her red hair bounced with her excited movements.

"Lynn, it's Enrique. That's why I am here, but we need to focus more on you and Henri now."

I got them on track and answered all their questions. I explained that I was third generation Elite and I told them about how the gene/virus functioned.

A few hours later we stood to say our goodbyes.

"If you ever need anything, come and see me. You have helped-will help me so much I will do whatever I can to help you guys in return." I said giving them hugs. Edi shook Henri's hand and gave Lynn a hug.

With one last goodbye they grabbed each others' hand and vanished into thin air. Edi turned to me. "I think I can call it a day. Want to go home?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. He gave me a small kiss on my lips and I instinctively curved towards him.

"Yes. Let's go home. Do you still own that house with the blue roof?" I asked.

"Yes, but no one is living there." He said giving me a funny look.

"Let's go. Tell your boss you're leaving." I joked. He called his secretary and said he was packing up for the day. As soon as he put the phone down I wrapped my arms around him and flew us out the doors that led to the balcony. We shot through and climbed high into the clouds to avoid being seen. Edi had let out a small scream when I had tackled him in the office but now he was silent.

"You can fly?!" He asked a few minutes later.

"Yup, I telefly. Flying with telekinesis." I winked and concentrated again. I was flying as fast as I could with the two of us as well and looking ahead to the house with the blue roof. There were sheets over the furniture to keep the dust off and I was removing all of them and tidying up.

A couple minutes later we arrived and landed on the front porch. "This is where we met." I smiled remembering the red headed boy with blue eyes and a perfect smile.

Edi tried the door, "It's locked." I laughed waved my hand over the lock and manipulated the mechanism.

"Try again." I said and he opened the door smoothly. We entered the house silently remembering all the memories. Without a word we ended up in the dance studio. Edi took off his suit jacket and tossed it to the corner of the room. We took off our shoes and with a motion of my hand, I started the music.

We twirled and moved in perfect synchronization even after all the years apart. As we danced the tingling of our chemistry reignited in the pit of my stomach and I could feel him again. With my eyes closed, I could tell exactly where he was.

At the end I prepared for the last jump. I dropped my telekinetic shield that would save me if I fell and launched into the air. I floated through the air and waited. I was in a place where I could not land the jump no matter what happened.

Then I felt his fingers curled around my waist and pull me out of the air. I curled around him and we landed in the finishing pose. I was dipped back and his hand was curled around my leg in a seductive manner. He stared into my eyes for a second before he pressed his lips to mine.

It was slow and sweet, in that moment I knew I would never leave him again.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes again. "I love you Tina."

"I love you more." I whispered back.

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