Everything I've Needed (A Jac...

By Asnowfallkindoflove

854K 13.9K 1.7K

Lucy Clearwater was born and raised in LaPush, but had to leave it all behind when she was fourteen to go to... More

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)
Goodbyes Are The Hardest Thing (Ch 2)
More Letters (Ch 3)
Just Ten Days (Ch 4)
Goodbye, New York (Ch 5)
Seeing Her (Ch 6)
Different And Yet The Same (Ch 7)
Who Would Have Thought (Ch 8)
Just 15 Minutes After Arriving.. (Ch 9)
Guilt (Ch 10)
More Time With Jake... And The Rest Of The Guys, Of Course.. (Ch 11)
Not Too Jetlagged For Jake (Ch 12)
Enchanting Eyes (Ch 13)
Breakfast With The Boys.. And Jake (Ch 14)
Lovin' Every Minute (Ch 15)
My Necessity (Ch 16)
Bonfire (Ch 17)
Breakfast for The Boys (Ch 18)
Couples Retreat.. Well, not really.. (Ch 19)
Two Things For Sure.. (Ch 20)
Conversations and Patrol (Ch 21)
Chatting With Emily (Ch 22)
So Much (Ch 23)
Empty Spaces (Ch 24)
Taking It (Ch 25)
Two Puzzle Pieces (Ch 26)
Not A Dream (Ch 27)
The Crazy (Ch 28)
Soulmates (Ch 29)
Going Under (Ch 30)
Warmth (Ch 31)
Invincible (Ch 32)
Worry (Ch 33)
Not Invincible (Ch 34)
Parasites and Dogs (Ch 36)
Ball And Chain (Ch 37)
What The Hell Is A Brag Sheet? (Ch 38)
Doppleganger (Ch 39)
Jeremiah DeLuca (Ch 40)
Unknown History (Ch 41)
Illegal Stress (Ch 4)
Hot And Heavy Future (Ch 43)
Thank You, Sam. (Ch 44)
Nothing (Ch 45)
Vicodin (Ch 46)

Double-O-Seven (Ch 35)

15K 238 45
By Asnowfallkindoflove


Nerves. It was evident that was all I was feeling as my shaking fingers pulled the buttons on my sweater in place. It was probably my third try at it, each time misaligning them. Finally, I seemed to have gotten it right and stood in front of the mirror, taking in the image reflecting. I had decided on an argyle type print sweater and a black miniskirt. I wish I could have worn flats, because that would have looked best with the outfit, but it was just too cold with the late November weather so I decided on my black boots to go over some nude tights. This choice of clothes probably seems very detailed and planned- and it was. It took me about half an hour this morning and nearly all day yesterday to figure it out. I asked Jake for his help, but after a few groans and “babe. You’ll good in anything,” I decided to give up. Boys…

I smoothed over my skirt once more and fixed my hair again. It was all down with a black hairband holding it all back except my bangs. Checking myself one more time, I grabbed my shoulder bag which was basically empty except for a pencil case and empty folders and left my room.

The house was still pretty dark, which kind of surprised me seeing as I wasn’t used to being awake this early. I softly went down the stairs, being careful not to wake up Sam or Emily and set my bag down on the couch before heading to the kitchen. But when I walked in, I could see Emily’s hunched over silhouette on the table. She was fast asleep, resting her head on her arm, snoring softly.

“Emily.” I whispered, nudging her. She merely muttered something softly and turned to face the other direction. “Emily!” I hissed, poking her this time.

“HUH?!” She jumped in her seat, her head whipping up.

Naturally, as whenever I woke her up, I jumped as well and screamed. “My God! What is it with you and waking up?” I smacked her arm.

“What?” she looked up at me through squinted eyes.

“Em.. Go back to sleep, what are you doing up?” I sighed.

“It’s your first day, I wanted to see you off.” She mumbled, resting her head again.

I giggled at her incoherentness. “Em, go to sleep. Jake will be here any minute.”

“Mmmk.” She almost crawled out of the kitchen.

“Wait!’ I stopped her. “How do I look?” I spun around showing her my outfit.

“Awesome.” She grumbled without even turning around.

I narrowed my eyes at her, hands at hips and shook my head walking over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. For a second with Emily I had forgotten all about my nerves but now here they were again, making the bottle shake with my unstable hands. Calm yourself Lucy. Seriously. It’s just school.

“Knock Knock..” The familiar deep voice of my boyfriend broke me from my thoughts.

I turned to the doorway where Jake was standing clad in my favorite black button down, his sleeves neatly rolled just past his elbows and dark jeans.

“Good Morning, babe.”He gave me one of my favorite smiles and pushed himself off the doorway. His eyes traveled over my body as he whistled softly. “You look amazing as always.”

I smiled thankfully and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head into his lower chest. His arms immediately circled around me, his hands rubbing my back.

“You okay, baby?”

I shook my head, inhaling his strong cologne, instantly feeling the nerves slowly fade. “I’m nervous.” I muttered.

“Aw, babe don’t be nervous.” He kissed the top of my head.

“K.” I muttered, closing my eyes and moving my head to the side, just enjoying his warmth.

“Anybody who doesn’t love you is insane as far as I’m concerned.” I added.

I looked up with a wide smile. “I’m your imprint. You have to say that.”

He shook his head, “I believe every part of it, Lucy. And besides all of us will be with you. There’s nothing to worry about. I promise.”

I loved this boy. I really did. He knew exactly what to say to ease all my worries. I reached up on my tip toes and pulled his neck down to plant a kiss on his lips. “Thanks, baby.”

“Of course. Are you ready to go?”

I nodded, turning around and picking up my bag off the floor. Jake took it from me right away and grabbed my hand in his other one.

“You don’t have to do that.” I smiled at him.

“Do what?” He scoffed and let me go through the door first.

“You’re so cute” I laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist as we walked over to his truck.


“Just ignore them, Luce.” Jake said as we walked towards his car after the final bell rang.

“Kind of hard when they’re blatantly STARING” Seth exclaimed, turning to the group standing beside a large black SUV.

They all quickly averted their harsh gazes and began talking to one another, thank God.

“See? Always there for ya, cuz.” Seth wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Where were you the rest of the day?” I muttered.

“Well I figured with Jake here following you around all day, you’d be fine..” Seth teased, earning a smack upside the head from my boyfriend.

“No, Jake had other things to worry about.” I looked up at him with a sarcastic smile before walking faster towards the Chrysler.

“It was two girls! Two!” Jake exclaimed, but I just rolled my eyes and kept walking meanwhile the other boys ‘oooo-ed’.

Confused? Let me backtrack for you. When we first got to school, Jake took me to the office to get my papers for the day and even before setting foot into the damn school I was already the talk of the day. And apparently the object of fascination. I swear, everywhere I went it was like I was a new species that everyone was either scared of, disgusted by, or wanted to poke. But nobody dared poke me with the boys with me. Maybe that’s why some gave me scared expression? I don’t know. It was just so fucking annoying. Every class consisted of obviously Forks kids, and a few Rez kids I barely recognized. But I was guessing they recognized me completely. Know how I could tell? Their glares. Especially from the girls. Actually, come to think of it, the boys were mostly younger so I hardly came in contact with them and when I did, they didn’t really seem fazed.

Anyway, when I got my schedule I found out that I had Homeroom with everyone, except Jared and Kim, Math with Jared and Kim, History with Embry, English with Jake, Lunch with everyone, Biology with Kim, Gym with Jake and Seth, and Study hall with Seth. So luckily, I was never really alone in any classes. So I really couldn’t complain about that aspect right? Wrong.

Apparently Jake is quite a hit with the ladies at ol’ Forks High. Why nobody told me this, I have no idea. Well.. I have somewhat of an idea. It wasn’t anything serious, and probably on any other day I wouldn’t have been so irked by it.. But today, everything was just suckign so much that it really pissed me off. Not once did we have a peaceful walk to one of my classes. Every corner there was a Sarah,Michelle, Nicole looking.. THING waving, winking, nudging, prodding, grazing, laughing, smiling.. Agh. It’s like I wasn’t standing right there, holding his hand. They didn’t even give me a glance- the only ones who didn’t. And Jake really wasn’t help in that department. He would smile and laugh right back. It was all harmless but seriously? Today just wasn’t my day.

“Yo Jake drop me off at Stella’s?” Quil asked, getting into the backseat.

“Shot gun!” Seth called with his hand raised as he nudged me out of the way.

I gave him a bemused look, but he was unfazed so I just hopped into the back.

“Seth.” Jake sighed, shaking his head. “Really?”

“What? She got this seat in the morning. Sharing is caring.”

‘then I guess you wouldn’t mind me sharing how you totally bit it today in gym?”

“HAHA! No way!” Embry exclaimed.

“Yup, face down, ass in the air. It was epic.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the memory. Oh it was a good moment. We were all sitting at the bleachers because the teacher had decided to not show up and Seth thought it would be a nice idea to run up them as fast as he can.

Seth only remarked with a good punch to Jake’s shoulder.

“What a dumbass!” Quil jeered from the other side of me.

“Shut up, like you’ve never fallen.” Seth retorted.

“Not like that, I haven’t” Quil laughed harder.

Seth turned around, eying him dangerously. “I can fix that..”

“oooo” Quil mocked, waving his hands in mock fear.

Seth reached his hand out and went to punch Quil, but instead got a bit of my thigh.

“OW. Can you settle the fuck down?” I exclaimed, not realizing how loud it was until after.

“Damn?” Seth looked at me with surprised eyes.

“Sorry.” I sighed. “Just a long day.”

“… I LOVED IT.” Seth exclaimed with a smile. “Who knew all that can come out of such a little thing?”

The other guys laughed

The rest of the car ride was silent, as the tune on the radio changed from one to another. Since I was in the middle, I had direct view of the rearview mirror—and Jake’s eyes. Every few seconds they would leave the road and go directly towards the mirror. At first I thought it was just because he needed to see behind him, but when he started randomly winking and wiggling his eyebrows, I knew he was directing it all to me. It got harder and harder to keep the frown on my face as his faces grew weirder and funnier. At one point he even arched his eyebrows to the beat of the music, which was priceless to watch. Even though I couldn’t see the lower half of his face, I knew he was smiling .. and so was I. Who am I kidding? I couldn’t stay mad at this boy.

“So why are you going to Stella’s again?” Embry asked. “Don’t you usually go on Wednesdays?”

“Yeah, but Stella has a doctor’s appointment today and Lucas is going with her, so I’m watching Claire.” Quil explained.

“How far along is Stella?” Seth questioned, playing with the radio stations once a country song came on. “Blekh. Why does anyone listen to that stuff.”

“Ugh Six months, I think?” Quil shrugged.

“Hmm bring me back some of her brisket. I love Stella’s brisket.” Seth sighed.

“that is if I ever make it there with Jake and Lucy’s googly eye exchange over here.”

“Honestly. I liked it more when you were mad at him.” Seth added, leaning back and putting his feet on the dash. “We’re all gonna die because of you.”

“Hey” Jake slapped his legs down. “What did I tell you about that?”

Seth groaned. “Fine.”

“I’m still mad at him.” I replied, crossing my arms.

“You are are ya?” Jake teased, reaching his hand back, but keeping his eyes on the road.

“Mhm” I nodded, but it turned into a shriek when his hands found my stomach and started tickling.

“MAY I REMIND YOU YOU ARE DRIVING?” Seth exclaimed, grabbing the wheel. “That’s it. Lucy, get out of the car.”

Jake laughed and turned fully around to give his full attention to the road.

We dropped Quil off and headed directly home to find Emily’s station wagon parked outside. Seth was first to hop out of the “deathmobile” as he called it.—what a DramaQueen. Embry followed close behind, leaving Jake and I behind.

“Don’t think some wiggly eyebrows and one of your gorgeous smiles is gonna soften me up, Jacob Black.” I turned to him indignantly.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of it.” He winked with an eye wiggle.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, taking my smile with me. Damn this boy.

“Seriously Emily? EVERY Monday?” Seth’s irritated voice greeted me as soon as I entered the house.

Emily was seated with her legs stretched out on the coffee table, eyes transfixed on the screen with a bag of corn chips cuddled to her side. I looked to see what she was watching, knowing what it was before I even had to look. LittleTown. It was that pathetic soap opera she had been watching since before I left for New York. I don’t understand how she couldn’t seem to get sick of it. The same thing happens every other month on that thing. She tried to get me into it numerous times, but I always disappointed her, pointing out the horrible acting and each filming mishap. She definitely didn’t want me watching with her anymore.

She didn’t even bother with Seth, simply continued to stare on.

“NO KENDRA! UGH! Every time? You’re going to take him back again?” She shouted to the screen, scaring us all just before the ending credits came up.

“Damn that Kendra.” Jake shook his head as soon as he walked in.

“Oh! How was your day?!” Emily greeted, standing up and dusting her legs off from any crumbs.

“Don’t ask.” I groaned, walking towards the kitchen where the other two were.

“It really wasn’t as bad as she makes it seem.” I heard Jake tell Emily.

“shut up, Jake!” I called warningly, already hearing their footsteps behind me.

“Alright.. well just give me an overview.” Emily appeared through the doorway and sat herself in one of the chairs.

“Hmm, let’s see.” I sarcastically thought, pulling a water bottle out of the fridge and tossing the boys one before getting one for myself. “Forks High. Forks kids stare, Rez girls are bitches. Rez boys are clueless. Jake’s some sort of James Bond, and.. that’s pretty much it.”

Emily’s eyebrows arched. “Hm. Okay.. That was… concise. Maybe tomorrow will be better?”

“And he’s not the only double O Seven you know.” Seth puffed out his chest.

“Yea. You’re a real Sean Connery.” I deadpanned.

“Last time I tell people to stop staring at you. In fact, I may just join them next time.” He replied, throwing a random oven mitt at my face. Jake quickly caught it before it actually hit me though and wasted no time in whipping it back.

“How about your classes? Were those good? You know.. the reason why you go to school in the first place?” Emily interrupted.

“Oh don’t even get me started. The teachers kept calling me LUCINDA. What is THAT about?!” I exclaimed, turning to grab a glass form the cabinet.

The room stayed silent for a second and I turned back around.

“Um.. maybe it’s because it’s your name?” Emily slowly replied.

I nearly shuddered. “Blekh. Don’t say that. I haven’t been called that since grade school.”

“Your name is Lucinda?!” Embry exclaimed.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Only on my birth certificate.”

“Where the hell have you been?” Jake asked, giving him a strange look.

“I just thought her name was Lucy. I didn’t think it was a nickname.”

“My name is Lucy.” I pointed a warning finger at him.

“Not what it says on your legal documents, Lucinda.” Embry teased as Seth cackled beside him.

I put the glass down and took steps towards him. “Say it again, I dare you.”


“whoa there,”

I felt Jake’s arms grab me from around my waist, holding me back.

“That’s not such a good idea, Embry.” He chuckled.

Embry laughed and got off the table. “Probably not. C’mon Seth. Let me beat you at level six.”

The two boys quickly walked out of the room and Emily hopped off the counter.

“Tomorrow will be better, Luce. Don’t worry.” She patted my shoulder and walked out as well.

I sighed and went to step away from Jake’s grasp, but his grip only tightened.

“Jake..” I sighed, placing my hands on top of his.

“no.” He muttered into my neck. Placing soft kisses on it. He moved my hair to the side to give himself better access.

I sighed in content, closing my eyes and enjoying him.

“Do you like it when I do that?” He whispered.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

“Good.” His hot breath flicked across my skin sending goose bumps down my body.

“You don’t play fair, Jacob Black.” I leaned into him.

He chuckled against me. “Are you still mad at me?”

“No.” I grumbled.

“Good” He turned me around roughly.

“Oh!” I gasped, holding onto his shoulders tightly. He kept me up, the same smirk on his lips. “No one can resist double o seven.”

I scoffed. “Ew. Shut up.” I smacked his arm.

He laughed harder and leaned down, “Do try to remember that you’re my imprint. And that nobody can compare to you..”

I could feel my cheeks turn pink. “Okay.” I pressed my lips against his, feeling his smile against mine.

He pulled away for a few seconds and softly whispered, “ I love you, Lucinda Clearwater.”


He only answered with his roaring laugh, lifting me off my feet and putting his lips back against mine.

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