Never Good Enough \\ n.h. au

By xup_all_niallx

80.4K 2.9K 1K

Melanie has always been quiet. She never really made herself known, and she never got in trouble. Niall was t... More

Never Good Enough \\ n.h. au


3.4K 122 8
By xup_all_niallx

The next day at school, I was sore from running so much. I saw Harry and immediately thought of Niall. Something stirred inside of me, and I laughed. He had probably told all of his popular friends about what had happened.

I walked to my locker, and started putting my stuff away. Chloe walked up next to me with a disappointed look on her face.

"Hey, Mel," she sighed. I looked at her. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, starting to walk to first period.

"It's just that," she stopped, creasing her eyebrows together on her forehead. "Everyone's talking about you." I continued walking, but looked back and raised an eyebrow at her. She nodded and flipped her hair. Why would they be talking about me?

"But what are they talking-" I stopped as I heard someone call my name from down the hall. One of the popular guys in our grade was trying to get my attention. I think his name was Will.

"Hey! Slut!" He burst into laughter, and his swarm of friends followed along. My eyes widened at his comment, and I turned back to Chloe, starting to walk away.

"What kind of sick things are they talking about?" I hissed to her. She swallowed and followed quickly next to me as we got to my first period. I stopped and she looked anywhere but my face.

"Chloe," I urged. She jumped, looking terrified. "You can tell me. It'll be fine," I said, trying to calm not only her but myself down as well.

"They think you slept with Niall, and it was a one-night-stand thing. So that's why you were so mad at him and threw the ball and yeah," Chloe recited. My heart dropped and it must have shown on my face.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I shook my head. How could anyone say that?

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," I stuttered, on the verge of running away and hiding for the rest of my life. Everything was going to be so embarrassing now.

She gave me a small smile, and started to walk away, looking at the time. I walked into first period, keeping my gaze on my seat and no one else. I was relieved that my seat was in the back.

I started getting out my Trig homework, and felt gazes burning into me. I looked up at Harry and some other guy.

"Hey, Melanie," Harry said. "Nice throw," he complimented, smiling widely. I glanced at him with a blank stare and looked back down again, feeling the chagrin rise up inside of me.

At the end of that period, I was getting all of my things when someone put their hand on my desk. I looked up at Harry again, and started to get annoyed at his presence.

"What do you want?" I asked, glaring at him. He didn't smile that time. I picked up all my things and stared at him.

"I know that you didn't sleep with him," Harry said quietly. "I just wanted to let you know that." I was confused. Why was he telling me?

He walked away, and I followed, looking for someone to talk to. I sighed as I realized my only friend was Chloe, but I wouldn't see her till lunch.

I didn't really pay attention during the next three periods, thinking about everything. I was looking at Harry, who was in my fourth period, and realized I should confront Niall.

I walked to lunch with my money in hand, trying to spot Chloe. 

I sat down at my usual table, not really hungry. I sat with Chloe and all of her other friends who decided to talk about nails, gossip, and boys. I stayed quiet like always and usually played on my phone. 

Chloe finally approached, equipped with her whole pack, giggling behind her at me.  

"There you are," I sighed as she sat down. I shot a look at her ginger friend who was whispering about me. I had gotten that all day. "Everyone's been talking about me," I complained. She took a bite of her burger, staring at me. 

"I know. I told you they were," she snapped. My eyebrows creased together on my forehead. 

"Are you upset with me for some reason?" I asked, trying to be calm with her. 

"I know you slept with him. I know you did it to get close to Harry. You know I love him!" she exclaimed people started staring. My breathing pace quickened. This was all so messed up. 

"Chloe, what are you talking about? You're being ridiculous. Where did you come up with that?" I demanded. She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at me. 

"I think you should find a different seat," she said, returning to her food and friends. I bit my tongue to refrain from replying, and I turned to find Niall. A good slap should do it. 

I saw his blonde quiff from across the lunch room and built up my courage. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and looked at me. He chuckled to himself. 

"What?" He asked. 

"Can I talk to you, please?" I answered. He hesitated, looking back at his table of friends, but nodded eventually. We walked out into the hallway, earning even more whispers and fingers pointed at us. 

"Make it go away," I spoke. He crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I didn't start it," he said, looking bored with me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I didn't say you did. I'm telling you that it's bugging me and it's not true," I said, my voice rising abit. 

"You'd like it if it was," he smirked, and I was tempted to smack it off his smug lips. I shook my head rapidly. 

"Please," I urged. "Just make it go away." I turned and walked to the bathroom, knowing I wouldn't find anywhere to sit. I wasn't hungry anyway. 

I sat in the bathroom wondering how I, the most overlooked girl in the school, was now on everyone's mind.



sorry if this was short or confusing hehe

this might not turn out well...just letting you know.

please comment cuz I want reassurance to continue with this. vote and fan me please cuz I really love everyone who's read this far xD

uh bye

Mel xx

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