By SidneyArden

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Proper description found in the 'Introduction' section. More

T E M P T E D {ch 1 - Girl, Grump and Goodbyes}
T E M P T E D {ch 2 - Royals, Revelations and Romance}
T E M P T E D {ch 3 - Patience, Pedigree and Performing}
T E M P T E D {ch 4 - Dance, Derision and Determination}
T E M P T E D {ch 5 - Challenges, Courage and Caring}
T E M P T E D {ch 6 - Trials, Tenacity and Tact}
T E M P T E D {ch 7 - Allies, Artifice and Annoyance}
T E M P T E D {ch 8 - Nightmares, Numbing and Noticing}
T E M P T E D {ch 9 - Suffering, Surrender and Surprises}
T E M P T E D {ch 10 - Frustration, Fears and Foes}
T E M P T E D {Ch 11 - Bliss, Bitches and Boyfriends}
T E M P T E D {Ch 12 - Hooligans, Heroes and Hearsay}
T E M P T E D {Ch 13 - Temper, Trust and Talk}
T E M P T E D {Ch 14 - Confusion, Confession and Contact}
T E M P T E D {Ch 16 - Unacceptable, Unenthusiastic and Urbane}
T E M P T E D {ch 17 - Morals, Mercy and Murder}
T E M P T E D {ch 18 - Vanity, Vulnerability and Vitalization}
TEMPTED - {CH 19 - Will, Weird, War}
T E M P T E D - {ch 20 - Nerves, Nonchalance and Noxiousness}
T E M P T E D {ch 21 - Stubbornness, Strictness and Seriousness}
Chapter 22: Dread, Dismay and Deterioration

T E M P T E D {Ch 15 - Avoidance, Awkwardness, and Attack}

6.5K 141 28
By SidneyArden

Chapter Fifteen

Avoidance, Awkwardness, and Attack


Leah Fox


The second week, and the third, passed without any spectacular occurrence. I struggled through the drama classes, got used to the aches of dancing and outshone Janelle in the music class. I had lunch with my boyfriend, as well as Haezel - who'd been avoiding Greg for reasons she had yet to divulge - and the two hopeless, Faye and Matt, who hadn't yet gotten around to dating... or revealing their feelings for that matter. At first, Ferris had been slightly bitter about Blake's announcement and my brother's reaction, but he was an easy going guy and it only took a few days for him to return to his bright and happy self. I, myself, had been successfully avoiding Blake and he, thankfully, had been leaving me alone.

Well, he had been. Until today. It was the end of Mr Paul's class and he was by the door, Greg at his side. They looked like two bouncers, blocking my exit. I was in the centre of the room, waiting for my teacher to return with a tape of a routine for me. I was tempted to leave it but, judging by the smirk Greg was directing towards me, my guess was that I wouldn't be able to leave so easily.

"Foxy! Where've you been lately?" he called across the room though he didn't budge from the door.

I shrugged my shoulders and tapped my foot impatiently. As soon as the Mr Paul came back, I could leave because those two wouldn't harass me in front of a teacher.

"Oh, come on!" Greg just wouldn't shut up. "You haven't been AVOIDING me, have you?"

I sent him the iciest glare I could muster. Blake muttered something to Greg and then started walking over to me. I shut my eyes and nearly grunted.

"How's the ferret going?" he asked casually. The bastard.

I slowly turned my head and stared at him, jaw clenched, lips tight. The goddamn asshole looked like he was holding back a chuckle. How could he not be on his knees, begging me for forgiveness?

Finally, Paul returned with the disc. I would've snatched it from him but he saw Blake and put his hands on his hips. I could hardly grab it from there.

"What's up, Blake?"

Oh God, why couldn't he give me the stupid disc before asking these questions?

"I'm just here to talk to you about my choreography assignment."

"Oh alright. Here, Leah, I'll give you this so you can go." He offered the CD to me like a beacon. I didn't want to be around while Blake talked about this group that I was supposedly in.

"Ah!" I made a small sound as Blake reached in and took my disc.

He tucked it under his arm and put his other hand into the pocket of his jeans. "Actually, it involves Leah as well."

I glared at him. This was definitely about me joining his group. I DIDN'T WANT TO! ...If only I was telepathic.

"Oh, isn't she in Greg's group? I thought I'd put her there." Paul glanced over to the door and Greg smiled and shook his head. Why did he have to stand by the door? Why couldn't he just come over too? It wasn't like I was going to run away like a little brat. He could be an ally of sorts... though he'd probably side with Blake. But it still would've been a comfort.

"Yeah but, unfortunately, Greg's got two extra girls so I asked Leah here to change groups and she accepted."

I opened my mouth to argue but Blake talked over me.

"It would actually probably be better for her, Paul, because I remember you saying that Fox would be good for a third year's group because she picked up the moves in your class quickly. And since my routine will be contemporary, it'll be similar to the stuff you do in your class so she'll find it easier to grasp. Also, I checked her out during Greg's first group session and she definitely seemed more suited to contemporary rather than Greg's style."

"Well then." Mr Paul looked a little impressed. "I guess if it's okay with Greg than I can easily allow the group change."

What about MY opinion?

Once again, Blake spoke before I could get a word in. "Great. The first session is tonight and I had to make sure of it with you because I've only got three others and losing Leah would mean that I'd be screwed over until I found someone else fitting."

DAMN him! How could I back out after he said such a thing?

"Well, easily fixed." Mr Paul grinned. "I might come out for a while tonight to see how you go for your first lesson. It won't be as undemanding as you think, having a smaller group. The flaws in the choreography are easier to pick out that way."

Blake drew himself up straighter. "I don't have any worries. It'll be great to have you come out tonight, so long as you give me a bit of warning if you're going to be judging my lesson for marks."

Mr Paul shook his head and patted Blake on the shoulder. "I'll see you both tonight. Leah, make sure you study the different pirouettes in that routine. I'll be checking up with you next lesson."

I nodded and made my way stiffly towards the door. I could hear Blake's light footsteps just behind. What should I do? Slap him once we were out of view? Refuse to come tonight? Participate in his group so that I could sabotage his grade? I wasn't that girl. I couldn't bluntly treat someone like that, even if it WAS Blake. No, especially if it was Blake. It would be like stooping to his level. The guy seemed to have no concern about my feelings. This "joke" was going much too far!

So I wouldn't be petty. I wouldn't whine, squirm or fire up. I just had to wait for him to lose interest, or to finally realise that I truly did detest him.

I side-stepped around Greg and turned my head back with a bland expression. "See you tonight."


Blake Amherst


I felt frustration rise as I watched her walk off, obviously in a huff. She'd tried to hide the annoyance but it was easily read in her movements. The expression on her face when she'd said she'd be at the session had surprised me, her temper hadn't leapt up like usual, so now I understood that she was still holding a grudge against me for what I had said in front of her boyfriend and brother. I'd thought that leaving her alone for a few weeks would allow her to let it go... but I'd been wrong about her before and should've learnt that Leah wasn't someone who is easily predictable.

"Really, man, you're gonna need a lot of luck to win her over."

I'd told everything to Greg, even though I knew he'd hold the information over my head... But then again, I knew that Haezel was still refusing him even after he had supposedly kissed her brainless.

"It's not like I'm on a time limit, or that I don't have any chances," I grunted, turning to head to the cafeteria. He followed, light on his feet. I shrugged irritably, feeling that he was about to say or do something to annoy me further.

"I never did tell you about how Leah and I are friends now, did I?"

I whirled around, pinning him with a glare. "No, I don't remember that coming up."

"Strange that I hadn't, it's not like the topic hasn't come up." His expression was innocent, the gleam in his eyes was anything but. I felt like I could strangle him, with one hand.

"I mean," he continued, not knowing he was toeing the line between life and death, "all you've done for the past two weeks is moon about her."

The rage shuddered through me and I leapt at him, shoving him into the hallway wall. He frowned and shoved me back.

"Just saying it like it is, mate."

"How friendly are you exactly?" I snarled, gripping his collar in my fist. He didn't seem bothered by the inevitable beating I was about to dole out onto him. In fact, he was laughing silently.

"Dude, you sure it's just a crush?"

I released him, pushing him back. "I'm just pissed because a friend hasn't been telling me things," I muttered. I turned away from him and continued toward the caf. I was close to starving and I doubted there was much time left to lunch.

Greg caught up to me, draping an arm around my shoulder and near strangling me. I looked at his grinning face and scowled.

"Come on, Amherst. I can't help paying you out. It's so fucking easy to get you riled."

I elbowed him away. "Lay off."

"I'll promote you to her," he bargained.

"I'm not a sales item," I said drily. Why had she warmed to this git and not to me? Sure, we hadn't gotten along well... most of the time. But there were moments I'd thought that she'd seemed almost like a friend. Like when I'd helped her in Greg's class, holding her small frame to go through the movements with her. Despite her petite figure, I'd felt strength in her then. And, thinking back, she'd smelt like... like something addictive. And then there'd been the time I'd bonded with her brother and band-mates. So why couldn't she forgive me for one stupid remark? Why was she acting all emotionless towards me?

Greg grabbed me in a headlock again. "I'll buy your lunch and help you plan tonight's session..." He pushed my shoulder and smirked slyly. "You know, there are ways to make her have to get close to you as you teach the routine..."

I snorted. "This isn't a romantic movie, 'Mr Right'. That kind of thing could probably be seen as sexual harassment."

He raised his hands. "I'm not saying that you should be totally obvious about it. But have volunteers and stuff like that. And then show examples by grabbing the person closest to you, which just happens to be Foxy because if you stand more than two metres away from that girl, you start sighing dreamily and pouting..." He trailed off as I gave him a hard look.

"This is the kind of shit you've been planning to use with Hazelnut, am I right? You're fucking hopeless, mate."

He smirked. "Ah, but when it works and she can't keep herself off me, you'll regret not following my advice."

I scowled and shook my head derisively. However, inwardly, there was a niggling sensation that almost felt like desperation. Fuck it, I said mentally, just forget the crush before it becomes something else. Find another chic and forget it. A bunch of laughing girls came down the hall towards us and I winced, remembering that the only girls available to me were either fake, dramatic or failures. I needed to go out.


Vance Shepherd


The first year Jazz, Tap and Ballet class was running overtime. I could hear that prissy bitch, Ms Forsa, going through different moves in her stern voice and snooty attitude. She was way too picky to be a junior student teacher. She kept most classes back because she asked for perfection and expected it. An absolutely dumb idea.

I sneaked into the hall through the stage door and kept to the shadows behind the curtains, watching the little punks going through the arabesques and battements. I hated ballet. Fuck, I hated any kind of dance. Dancing was for babes and any guy who actually liked that shit was a fag. It was disgusting, showing off their packages and fluttering around like a girl. Made me sick.

I glanced over the girls, noticing a few interesting shapes, there was curvaceous and then there was just fat. But I stopped on a slim figure, an energetic blonde who was stretching her leg above her head. The girl from my music class, Haezel. Now that was hot. I ran the heel of my palm down the front of my crotch. When I got that girl to give up playing hard to get, we were going to have a lot of fun trying out many different positions. That flexibility... I stopped myself before I go too carried away. I wanted that girl to get with me soon. There just wasn't any originality in the willing girls these days. I needed something new.

I licked my lips. I couldn't wait.

I'd just like to add here that I don't share Vance's views.... I also don't like showing Vance's views. Especially the part with the male dancers being gay. I think male dancers are totally hot 8D

Also, I'm sorry that I had to add that part with Vance. Creepy bastard. I wish I hadn't written him into the story... but then again, that would make the other characters' lives way too easy.

Comment, if you like. I'm always interested in any kind of feedback :)

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