T E M P T E D {ch 1 - Girl, Grump and Goodbyes}

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Chapter One

Girl, Grump and Goodbyes


Leah Fox P.O.V.

I looked up at the overly large building with awe. The Performing Arts College, my dream school. Other students were arriving, most with their parents, to settle in at the campus before the first day of lessons the next day. Their parents would probably hold their hand while they received their new schedules, room whereabouts and well wishes. I looked to my company. The entire band had decided to come along to see their vocalist settle in on her first year of college. My older brother, Rhyley, looking awkward and tired, not used to being up at this hour. His pure black hair, the same colour as my own, was sticking up in all directions as he hadn't bothered fixing it when he woke up.

The other band members, the twins, were wide awake and looking around eagerly. I knew that they were simply on the lookout for naive freshmen and I couldn't blame them. I was keeping my eyes open for a good-looking guy myself. Preferably one who knew how to strum a guitar romantically and look like a god but I tried not to get my hopes up. The taller twin, Jack, saw me watching them and grinned, his blue eyes twinkling with humour.

"Drinking in the stunning masculine beauty of your favourite guys before we leave?" he asked, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and reached into the boot of the car to get out my massive suitcase, pretending to ignore him. But he had the right to be proud of his looks. He and his near-identical twin, Kurt, both had long and lean physiques combined with blue eyes and blonde locks. They were the ones who were surrounded by the fan girls at the end of gigs.

I was the owner of extremely pale skin, that wouldn't tan no matter how badly I scorched myself. My ebony hair was shaggily cut with plenty of layers, the fringe often falling over my eyes. My eyes were pale blue and surrounded by thick lashes that I DIDN'T tint. I had a small figure, with relatively no curves. And no, I was not emo, despite the haircut and the dark, baggy clothing. I was punk. I had the skateboard and the iTunes playlist to prove it, as well as singing in a punk rock band named The Cubs.

The Cubs had been formed by the three guys at the beginning of last year's summer. They decided on that name because mine and Rhy's last name was Fox and the twin's last name was Wolfe. And they were young, only eighteen and nineteen at the time, so they settled with 'Cubs'. Rhy was bass, Jack on lead guitar and Kurt on percussion. But none of them could sing so they turned to me. Rhy had heard me singing in the shower daily, it was my morning tradition, so knew I had the voice. He practically forced me to join, saying that if I didn't he would tell the twins I had major crushes on them. This was true at the time so I immediately joined up, even though I was uncertain about my singing voice.

We had only played a few large gigs in the past year, the guys too lazy to organise anything bigger, and were fairly successful. But they'd decided to discontinue this year as they went into the last two years of college. They'd wanted to concentrate on their study. But I'd had my taste of performing and I was hooked so I enrolled in the city's famous PA College and here I was. Ready to strut my stuff amongst other hopeful singers.

I yanked my suitcase out of the car, nearly falling over in the process.

"Hey, don't worry about helping. I'm fine," I muttered sarcastically.

"You're on your own now, kiddo. No big brother to beat up the mean kiddies who bully you," teased Kurt, nudging me in the ribs.

"Screw you, Kurt," I said, poking out my tongue.

"Is that an offer?" he joked.

I scowled at him and pulled my case along behind me, striding towards the office. Rhy caught up to me and walked next to me. I knew why he had been silent for the car ride over. He was worrying.

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