T E M P T E D {ch 21 - Stubbornness, Strictness and Seriousness}

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Chapter Twenty-One

Stubbornness, Strictness and Seriousness


Leah Fox


“Come on, Leah!  You’re just going through the motions. I want to be confused as to whether you’re going to tear Wedge’s throat out or tear his clothes off!”

I huffed and wiped sweat from my brow, glaring at Blake. I knew I definitely had the anger down pat, it was easy when I was within metres of him. I just couldn’t infuse the longing into it. I hurt all over, I could hardly breathe and my knees were shaking. The only longing I could express was the want for a bed.

Wedge stepped into my vision, in front of Blake purposely or accidentally I don’t know, and rested his elbow on my shoulder, leaning down to put his nose practically against mine. As I avoided his eyes guiltily, I took in the trails of sweat and the dark stain of water on his blue, loose singlet. Being my partner was more hard work than was necessary for someone of his skill.

“You’re tired, I know, so am I,” he said quietly, his breath brushing my face as he spoke. At least he’d been chewing gum before the session so his breath smelt like mint. “And that makes it all the harder. Blake’s being picky, as is his right as choreographer, and you have to let it go. Ignore him. Listen to the music and go with the way it makes you feel. Don’t worry about the choreography, it’ll come naturally after a while anyway.”

His hand dropped onto my hair and he drew back an inch, wincing. “I can go all night,” he obviously lied, “so be a little selfish and go at your own pace.”

“If he tires, I’m more than capable to step in and continue the practice with you.”

Wedge twisted around, shifting his arm to fall over my shoulders, so that we could both look at Blake. He looked pretty casual, as if it was something that would be clearly accepted. I was sure that I was the only one in the room that heard the challenge in his voice. The dare. Not an official dare, he hadn’t spoken it out loud, but he was provoking me, and it was sure as hell working. I had to get this right or I’d be giving Blake the opportunity to get his hands all over me.

“Okay.” I put one hand on Wedge’s waist and pushed him away from me. “Again.”

“You can do it!” Sean called out in some unrecognisable accent. He and Darcy were watching from the side-lines, resting. I saw Darce gulp some water down with envy.

I heard the quiet beginning of the song start and then the first piano chord. I took a deep breath. I didn’t have to dance the first part, just wait until I heard ‘howl’ for the first time. Then begin the first slow steps while Wedge gradually moved into view. I heard my cue and raised my arms. I tried to feel the emotion, loneliness, anger, longing but not quite over the edge yet. I looked up and saw Wedge setting down after a pirouette.

You are the moon that breaks the night for which I…”

 I launched myself at him.


My temper had snapped. He was here and I’d broken from restraints. I was keeping him here. I slammed into him, latching on and then springing off. I crouched low, eyeing him hungrily as his expressions went from surprised, happy to shocked and frightened. My hands came up and slithered over him, my body twining with his. He took me through the lifts with ease, like I didn’t weigh a thing. I dropped and the music stopped. I could hear my harsh breathing echo throughout the large room.

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