I Fell In Love with My Brother

By angelichearts

261K 5.7K 1.1K

Any girl would kill for Elizabeth's life. She's got the looks, the brains, and grew up in a rich family. But... More

Chapter 1 (Prank of the Day)
Chapter 2 (The New Guy)
Chapter 3 (Secret Crush)
Chapter 4 (He's What?!)
Chapter 5 (What the hell just happened?)
Chapter 6 (So sorry....not!)
Chapter 7 (Confused with My Feelings :l)
Chapter 8 (Photo Shoot Gone Wrong?)
Pls read :)
Chapter 9 ( Mission Accomplished (; )
Chapter 11 (Double Trouble)
Chapter 12 (Getting Ready)
Chapter 13 (The First Dates)
Chapter 14 (Lost Forever?)
Chapter 15 (Boring Day/Girl Time!)
Chapter 16 (Who am I Really?)
Chapter 17 (Start of Something New)
Chapter 18 (False Accusations)
Chapter 19 (Leaving)
Chapter 20 (Two Years Later)

Chapter 10 ( Girls Day In (: )

10.3K 246 50
By angelichearts


Hey guys! I know my updates have been a little late lately so I decided to make a schedule as to when I will update so that I'll have lots of time to write a decent chapter for you guys. I will be updating my story twice a week. I decided on updating every Monday and Thursday starting next week. So my next update will be next Monday. I'm kind of a little drained out right now and have a serious case of writers block. I just came back from a trip so I'm still a little bit tired. I apologize in advance. I know this chapter is a little crappy.



~Liza's POV~
At last! Mission accomplished! I never thought that it would be this easy. If only my love life weren't as complicated as it is.

After eating breakfast, I went up to get changed. While I was in the bathroom, I heard the door open and close. Then I heard Sam scream.

"I can't believe you did that!" She screamed.


~Liza's POV~

Oh God.

"Did what exactly?" I asked innocently.

"Why did you tell him?" Sam asked.

"Well, if I didn't tell him, how long do you think it will take for the both of you to find out by yourselves?"

Sam pondered on it for a while before saying, "I guess you're right, but a little heads up would've been nice."

I laughed, "That's what you get for keeping stuff from me."

We both laughed at that.

When I finished taking a shower and changing, I got out of the bathroom and saw Sam lying down at the bed reading the book from yesterday. Sam really likes reading books a lot. When she doesn't have anything to do, she reads.

"I see, reading again are we?" 

She laughed and set the book down by the table. She turned and faced me.

"So, what do you want to do today?" she asked.

"What do you mean? You should go spend time with Daniel," I told her.

"I'd rather spend time with my awesome best friend. Besides, Daniel asked me out a while ago. We're going out tomorrow," she said oh-so casually.

Is she kidding me? I could just cry right then and there! My best friend and my twin are both growing up so fast! I feel like a mother seeing my kid get married. Random, I know. I can feel a tear escape from my eye and quickly wiped it off. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Oh my! My little Sammy is growing up so fast!" I gushed.

I could feel her squirm, so I let her go.

"Stop doing that, Liza!" Sam said blushing.

I laughed. I can't help it! It's just so fun messing with Sam.


"We still have around five hours before the game starts. What do you want to do now?" Sam asked.

"We could always just stay here and watch a movie. Then we could go get ready around four in the afternoon," I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," she said.

"Why don't you go pick out the movie, while I go down and make some popcorn," I said.

"Alright then."

I went down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. When I got there, i heard voices. It sounds like they were arguing about something. I would've just went back up and waited until they were gone, but then that wouldn't be like me. Being who I am, I pressed my ear against the door and eavesdropped on the argument going on in the kitchen.

"Listen up, you better not hurt my sister or else, I swear to God I will kill you," a voice said.

I would recognize that voice anywhere.

"Chill, Spencer. I won't hurt her. I don't know why I'm feeling like this, but I just know that she's different. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, honest," the other voice said.

"You better be sure, Blake," Spencer said.

Oh, so the other person was Blake! What's he doing here?

"I might have forgiven you for what you did with Lyla, but if I see Liz get hurt because of you, I will hurt you. And after I'm done with you, you'd beg for me to just kill you," Spencer said threateningly.

I'll be honest, at that moment, Spencer scared me a little.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door, so I quickly went up halfway  the staircase. When I heard the kitchen door open, I descended the stairs. When I got down, I saw Spencer about to leave.

"Hey! Where are you going, Spence?" I asked casually.

"Out," he said.

"Well, duh!" I said sarcastically.

"I'm not in the mood right now, Liz," he told me.

Then I remembered the conversation I just heard a second ago.

"Oh," was all I managed to say.

He seemed to think he somehow offended me.

"Liz, I'm sorry, it's not-" he started.

"No, it's fine. I understand," I said cutting him off.


"I told you, it's fine," I told him once again.

He looked like he was about to say something, but the kitchen door suddenly burst open.

"Oh hey, Liza," Blake said coming out of the kitchen.

"Blake! What are you doing here?" I said. Trying to sound surprised.

"Just thought I'd stop by to see you," he said.

"Oh, that's so thoughtful of you," I said.

"Hey, Liza! Is the popcorn ready yet?!" Sam shouted from upstairs.

"Almost!" I shouted back.

 I turned back and saw Spencer and Blake looking at me amused.

"What? It's easier than using the intercom," I shrugged.

"Look, I would love to stay and chat, but I promised to spend some girl time with Sam," I explained.

"That's cool, I mean, I just stopped by to ask what time am I going to pick you up tomorrow," Blake said.

Tomorrow? Oh! That's right. My date with Blake.

"How about around seven? How's that?" I asked.

"Seven it is then," Blake said smiling.

Spencer cleared his throat.

"Blake, we have to go. Practice, remember?" Spencer said.

"Oh, right! I'll see you tonight then?" Blake asked me.

"Sure," I said glancing at Spencer, then back at Blake.

As they were about to leave, Spencer stopped and looked back at me.

"The jersey is in my closet, by the way. You can just go get it there," he told me.

I nodded.


I went to the kitchen and popped the popcorn. I went up and headed straight for the home theater, knowing Sam would be there already.

As I enter the theater, i saw that the movie is already set up.

"What took you so long?" Sam asked from the front.

"Blake stopped by, so we talked for a while," I told her.

"Oh? Couldn't he wait until tomorrow on your date? Or later tonight?"

"Apparently not," I said with a laugh.

"I see you chose to watch Despicable Me," I said laughing.

"I watched the trailer for Despicable Me 2 not too long ago and thought that I would like to watch Despicable Me all over again,"

I laughed, "You're such a kid, Sam"

"What? The minions are so cute! I couldn't help it!"

For the next 3 hours, we watched Despicable Me quietly, laughing once in a while. After the movie, it was already a quarter before 4 in the afternoon, so we cleaned up and went back to my room to get ready. I stopped by Spencer's room first to get the jersey from his closet though. 

When we got back to my room, I saw a shirt placed on the bed with a note. I looked at Sam and saw that she was just as confused as me. She walked towards the bed and picked the note up. As she read the note, a smile started to form on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

She turned to me and passed the note to me, telling me to read it.

Scribbled on the note:

To my lovely girlfriend,

                               Sam, I know this is a little sudden and a little last minute, but will you wear my jersey to the game tonight?

                                                                                        From your ever so handsome boyfriend, 
                                                                                                                      Daniel :)

I laughed at the last part. He's lucky he's my twin or else I would've said otherwise.

I saw Sam jumping up and down, screaming. I heard the door open and saw Isabel by the door panting. 

"What's going on? I heard screaming!" she said.

I leaned back on the wall and chuckled, "Why don't you see for yourself?" I told Isabel and handed her the note.

Isabel laughed as she handed me the note back.

"So, you're just going to watch her jump around like that?" Isabel asked.

"I'll give her another 5 minutes," I said.

Isabel chuckled and left the room. For the next 5 minutes, I just watched Sam jump up and down, screaming and dancing. I was so amused that I decided to record this for future use.

After she finally settled down, I went up next to her and sat down.

"You done?" I asked still clearly amused.

"Yup, pretty much," she said.

"We should go get ready then," I told her as I helped her up.

I decided to wear a white tank top under the jersey, which I tied at the back so that it would fit better and wore skinny jeans along with it. I partnered it up with a pair of black ballet flats. Sam was dressed pretty much the same as me, but instead of tying the jersey at the back, she did the cowgirl type where she tied it up front. I decided to let my hair fall freely down my back, while Sam tied her hair up into a ponytail. 

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Yah, are you?" she asked back.

"Yup! Let's go then?"

"Let's go!"

We went out and got into Sam's car. She started the engine and drove off.


By the time we got there, the bleachers were already packed with a lot of people.

"Why don't we go find the guys first and wish them good luck," I suggested.

"Alright then," Sam agreed.

We went inside the school and head towards the locker room. We went inside and saw that they were having a meeting, so we decided to wait outside. After a few minutes, the guys all went out one by one. I saw Daniel come out and told him good luck. He was talking to Sam now, or rather making out. Oh well. Then I saw Spencer come out of the locker room.

"Hey, Spencer!" I said getting his attention.

He turned to me and smiled. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I see him smile. What? No! Bad Liza! Stop that!

"I-I just wanted to say good luck," I stuttered.

He laughed and ruffled my hair, "Thanks, Liz," he said.

I glared at him.

"Don't do that!" I said fixing my hair.

He just laughed and ran off.

As I turn back to go to the bleachers, Blake came out of the locker room.

"Blake!" I said running up to him.

"Hey, Liza," he smiled.

"Good luck out there," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

He looked like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it. Then he did something I least expected him to do. He kissed me on the cheek.

"A kiss for good luck," he told me, blushing. Then he ran off.

I stood there frozen like an idiot, not knowing what to do.

"Come on, Liza! The game is about to start!" Sam said as she dragged me towards the bleachers.


"The Eagles win!" the announcer said as the game ended.

No surprise there. Spencer and the guys are the best football players I know. Of course they won. There were lots of cheers from the crowd.

"PARTY AT MY PLACE!!!" a player said. I think his name is Brock.

This brought more cheers. I'm not really the party person so I don't go to the after parties. Sam and I went down and congratulated the guys for a great game. We were about to leave when Sam stopped me.

"Why don't we go to the party at Brock's," she asked.


Hope you guys like it! ^_^

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