Taking SPACE

By DanielLeonHeart

65.6K 5.5K 401

A family of five lives in the far reaches of outer space on a mining station built by their father. Their li... More

Second Book Teaser


2.5K 200 9
By DanielLeonHeart

Capturing Almon the VP was going to be easy he was currently having a small dinner party on the Boklar colony, getting Winkler on the other hand... Daniel rubbed his forehead. He didn't even want to think about trying to come up with a plan for that... He lived on the capital flag ship for Pete's sake.

"I guess that will work."

"Sounds like a long shot but I guess that's the best we got."

Daniel took off the hat and Harold went into idle. "So were really going to go with that?"

"Why do you sound so surprised, you suggested it after all." Steven answered.

"Yeah but usually my ideals are instantly thrown out the window."

Stephanie harrumphed. "Of course they are they usually Intel something as stupid as this."

Daniel ignored Stephanie. "Why aren't we using Catherine's disguise ideal."

Steven looked at a screen. "I wish we could."

Catherine shook her head. "We don't have the resources to make a believable Almon replica. Not only that the plan would require him to make a believable escape from our assault and to do that we have to let one of the androids get killed."

"Which is a very inefficient use of our limited resources." Michael added.

"Yeah but if Daniel can't pull this off." Stephanie argued.

"He'll have eleven tries. I'm sure he can do it." Michael said encouragingly.

"I hope we can do it no more than three." Steven added.

Daniel scratched his chin. "Me too."

A hologram of Alf appeared on the deck. "I have a room on the mobile station prepared to receive our guest."

"Okay then, do you guys have your androids in position?"

Stephanie put back on her hat. "Yes, Zephyr is in position."

"David Kel is." Michael switched to Harold for a second. "And it looks like Daniel has Harold in position as well."

"All right whoever gets to him first bring him to this room here." Steven tapped on the screen displaying the floor plan for the building the dinner party was taking place. "It is the securest room in the building and should allow enough time to deploy the dimensional door. After you are through I'll micro disintegrate it."

Daniel put back on his hat and turned to Stephanie. "I bet I get to him before you do."

Stephanie rolled her shoulders. "Ha, I doubt that."


Almon G Lintex sat enjoying his prime cut of space whale while he listened to the other politicians talk, when one of the security guard walked in and bent down by his ear. "Sir someone is currently hacking this building's security systems."

Almon turned and glared at the security guard. "That's nothing unnormal track them down and take care of them that's what I pay you to do. Why are you bothering me with this?!"

"The signal is synonymous with the one that hacked your personal room in your manner."

Almon bolted up out of his seat and half dragged the head of the security out of the room. "What do you mean the same signal? I thought Cox was taking care of this!"

"He was Sir but his contact and his man were just killed by a construction droid not more than two hours ago."

Almon's face paled then flashed with anger. "Why didn't you inf –."

The entire building shook as a loud smashing sound came from the outside that quickly became the inside. A few seconds later two similar smashes followed.

"What was that?!"

"I don't know sir"

"We'll find out and get the rest of security in here!"

The sound of bending metal and cracking wood erupted from the room beside them.

The chief of security pushed Almon behind him just as the wall flew apart and burly man wearing the lionhearted uniform came smashing through.

The guard tried to pull his weapon but Harold swatted him aside like a fly and the man smashed against the far wall and slid to the ground unconscious.

Almon tried to run but a heavy hand pushed him to the ground then brutally bent his arms behind his back slapping them into some type of restraint.


David Kel and Zephyr followed Daniel's path of destruction to where Harold was already restraining Almon.

"Told you I get to him before you would." Harold boasted.

Zephyr stared at him. "I can't believe you just charged through the building as if you were a raging bull like that!"

Daniel opened his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Stephanie.

The door to the room flew open and three security guards came into view. At seeing Almon laying on the floor the instantly drew their weapons.

Daniel closed his eyes and sent back his full concentration into Harold.

Harold reached out and ripped loose a transport size chunk of the wall he just came through and interposed it between them and the guards like a shield as if it weighed no more than 10 pounds.

The small arms fire plaininged off the makeshift shield. "Through the roof. The extraction point should be just down the hall then."

Zephyr nodded and grabbed David Kel unceremoniously throwing him through the ceiling. Then jump up through the hole she had just used him to create.

With one hand Harold tossed Almon up to her than threw the wall at the guardsmen pouring into the room buying himself enough time to jump up as well.

Zephyr threw almond over her shoulder and dashed down the hallway towards the designated room.

David Kel clambered to his feet. "You know I think I'm going to let you two handle this type of stuff from now on that stinking hurt!"

Harold laughed as they ran after Zephyr.

By the time they got to the room and closed the door behind them Stephanie had already had Zephyr deploy the metal curved tubes and they were snapping into place.

Almond had been rather roughly handled but he managed to wheeze out. "Who are you people?!"

Michael had David Kel stand up straight. "We are the lionhearted. And you and your president will stand trial for your crimes." Then he turned and smashed the security camera.


They came through the dimensional door onto the mobile station. A hologram of Alf and eight droids were waiting for them.

Zephyr shoved Almon to the droids. They took him by his arms and dragged him off to the cell Alf had prepared for him.

"Good job Sir, I especially like that last tidbit." Alf commented.

"Seen that did you?"

"Yes, soul Knight's hack enabled me to watch the whole thing."

"I'm hoping that last threat will get them to draw the big ships a little farther out and close in fighter security."

Harold wilted a bit, "I'm sure it will."


Daniel sat in the pilot seat clenching and unclenching his fist mumbling prayers to God.

"There they've set the larger ships farther out and drew the fighter patrols in to tight formation around the capital flag ship. Just like emergency procedures dictates they should." Steven looked up at Daniel. "I'll have a probe pass the larger ships any minute now, all you have to do once you're through the gate is get past the fighters flip up the light sails and fire the lasers."

"Easy for you to say that there is a hundred and fifty fighters out there."

"Yes, but like you pointed out earlier you only have to get past a hand full of them to get in range of the capital ship with them in tight formation like this."

Dan shifted uncomfortably, "Yeah."

Stephanie sat down in her seat. "What's wrong? You're always claiming your the best pilot there is in the galaxy. Can't prove it now that it actually comes down to it?"

"I am the best pilot! But no pilot no matter how insane would pit himself against such extreme odds. And this is not like a game where I can just reload or respawn if I get gunned down we lose one of our valuable ships, ones that take forever to replace!"

Michael walked up behind Daniel's seat and put his hand on his shoulder. "You can do this just calm down and remember the time you took out 163 players in one go with only one death."

"That was different, they were piece mail and they were not all gunning for me and I could freely hit their cockpits if I wanted to I don't want to kill these guys!"

"If I remember correctly more than 130 of those takedowns were disables not kills because you didn't want them to be able to respond. And after about fifty kills they all look like they were gunning for you to me."

"In place and deploying gate now." Steven tapped a button with finality.

Daniel looked at the two screen and down at the vert helmet

Catherine looked up from the screen she was working on. "I know you can do this neither me or Michael would've ever agree to this plan if we didn't think you could."

Swallowing Daniel nodded picked up the vert helmet and put it on his head.


Opening his eyes he found himself sitting inside the Starfighter. The GTX 4000 was the most advanced piece of virtual technology there was and Steven had just added a few adjustments using the lionhearted brain interaction knowhow so it was as if he was really there.

He took a deep breath and reached out turning the fighter on. "Father please help me."

The fighter didn't so much as turn on as it did lit up as all the systems coming online.

Stevens voice pierced into his hearing as if it was coming through a long tunnel "Okay get up some inertia and as soon as you're ready I'll flick the gate on just long enough for you to get through."

"Okay." His own words felt like they were coming from far away. This was the first time he'd ever gone this deep into vert so he flew around a little bit and was surprised to find out that it felt realer then real and it seemed like his senses were slightly heightened as well. "Okay I'm about ready to make my run but first Steven could you go into the system settings and turn off any destruction feedback? I don't want this thing to accidentally hurt me if my ship blows up."

"Good ideal."

The reality around him flickered and Steven said, "all right make your run."

Daniel leveled out and aim for the hoop that form the dimensional door. It was only a few inches in circumference larger than the widest point of the starfighter for stealth reasons but that was going to be easy to thread for him.

He turned the propulsion engines all the way on and shot forward.

Once he reached the normal velocity of a stray meteor he killed all power. Plunging the vert cockpit into darkness.

The inertia carried him on and right before he got to the dimensional door Steven flicked it on.

The starfighter was through it in less than two seconds and Steven had the dimensional door back off in three leaving only the faintest of energy spikes that no one could possibly catch but just in case they could Steven immediately began to collapse the metal tubing and move the drone's position.

Daniel kept the starfighter off and because he had no residual energy or heat source like a dynovamator it remained undetected.

Daniel looked out the virtual viewport. He could see the giant capital flagship clear as day and the three dozen fighter formations that look like small gnats flying around it.

He stilled himself for the fight to come, with no detectable signature it was impossible for radar to detected him but he was coming in range of the fighters logic drives which would detect him as a possible collision and show him as a gray dot on their radar. He knew no pilot worth his salt would mistake him for an asteroid.

If only the starfighter was covered in stealth fiber making him invisible to even logic drives but that would be a practically impossible proposition seeing the total circumference of the starfighter was almost a thousand times that of a small probe.

One of the fighter formations broke off and headed his direction.

"Alright I've been detected. Engaging."

The four ships flew closer in the typical Alitien formation consisting of the leader in the front a wing man off to either side and the third bringing up the rear. Daniel flipped the power and the beam cannon whined to life impacting on the leader of the formation.

The leader was shocked and jerked up hard to the right and as conditioned to do the rest of the formation followed him. Giving Daniel enough time to nudge his trajectory bringing him behind the formation as he kept the beam cannon steady beam solidly impacting on the leader.

The surprise wore off and the leader began evasion action trying to toss him off target while his three wing man broke off and started to circle around. But Daniel was a perfect aim and nothing the leader could do shook him.

The leader's shields flickered and grew brighter in the aft. Daniel smiled the leader had just shifted most of his shield energy to the back capacitor and this is what he had been waiting for.

Daniel gave all the maneuvering Jets on the top half of his starfighter full power rocketing him downward at a forward angle giving him a clear shot at the bottom of the leaders fighter. He cut the beam cannon and shot two blast of lasers.

The first set of five lasers impacted on the weekend shield shattering it andthe next five all hit the exact same place burning through the lower plating and severing the main power conduit completely disabling the fighter.

Daniel knew all the weak points of over a thousand fighters and ships and that knowledge had just enabled him to take out that fighter in a total of 7.3 seconds

The radar showed him that the three other ships had successfully rounded him and were now on his aft for most fighter pilots this would be a death sentence but not for him.

He turned off the pilot assist and the inertial dampers. Newtronic combat had long ago been rendered obsolete with the discovery of the exact frequency gravity, however with his seemingly wasted years of playing games Daniel had learned a master pilot could use its obsoleteness to obliterate entire squads.

Daniel in a snapping turn spun the starfighter around so he was flying backwards. Lined up his cross hairs and opened fire with the lasers on the fighter in the middle.

All three of the fighters shot back but he gave all the maneuvering Jets on the left side of the ship full power sending him sidestepping to the right as he released a continuous stream of lasers into the fighter in the middle the formation.

Their weapons tried to track his erratic movements but he simply use the same technique to rocket back to the left and up a little his shields only receiving light splash damage from one of their lasers. On the other hand their fighter in the middle was taking a pounding forcing it to break off its pursuit and try to evade the continuous stream of deadly rain from Daniel but it was no use from this position Daniel was like a turret allowing him to continuously scored full on direct hits.

The fighter's shields gave way and the lasers bore through the hall into the shield generator and then through the propulsion system turning the ship into a hunk of floating space junk.

"You're fighting too much you need to head for the capital ship!" He heard Stephanie complain.

The starfighter beeped warning him that one of the fighters had a missile lock on him.

He smiled he had been waiting for this Alitien training taught their fighter pilots to only release one set of missiles at a time and they always begin their launching with the wing man on the left.

He swung his crosshairs to the left fighter his right and open fired with the beam cannon.

Milliseconds later the fighter launched his two missiles and they both instantly collided with the beam from his cannon and exploded.

The first explosion happened just a tad before the second and shattered the fighter's shields letting the second explosion take a sizable chunk out of the fighter itself disintegrating both missile launchers and two of its lasers. For good measure though Daniel raked the beam cannon across the remains of the wounded ship turning the rest of its weapons into slag.

"Daniel there is another formation coming in to your 8 o'clock high." Steven shouted.

Daniel glanced up and to his left to see four more fighters headed his way just as his starfighter began to scream warnings of multiple missile locks.

He slammed his propulsion systems back on and shot towards the one remaining original fighter an action that if he'd actually been in the ship would have given him major whip lash.

In less than a second he was at the other fighters bow and an insane act of maneuvering flipped the starfighter around and sent two times the energy to the propulsion systems something that would of normally required him to shift all the energy from the guns and shields but because the waist thick conduit running into the ship through a dimensional door he had way more than enough energy. This also however made it possible for him to overload the gravity propulsion system turning it into a miniature graviton weapon, that sadly all that would do was pull all the ships around him towards him for a few seconds as his ship imploded upon itself something he did not wish to do. He cut the power just as he reached the same speed and velocity of the fighter above him.

This successfully interposed the fighter between him and the oncoming formation and should've forced them to not fire their missiles however to his shock his starfighter registered four missile launches.

Knowing there was no way he could possibly outmaneuver four missiles at once he turned off all power.

Without the massive energy beacon the missiles lost their primary locking signature. Normally the missiles would recalculate and lock onto something else on the ship however the fighter Daniel had interposed between him and the oncoming formation was a glowing beacon of energy and the four missiles locked onto it instead.

The poor pilot in the fighter never even realized what had happened until was too late. The four missile smashed into him and he died in a crimson ball of fire.

A loud smacking sound floated its way into Daniel's hearing and Michael shouted, "They killed their own man! Those those people! Everyone knows you don't launch a missile when your allies are in the way!"

The starfighter powered back to life and Daniel switched the beam cannon to full power than pushed it to 200% power and changed it to pulse mode. He had been using it only at 25% power because he didn't want to kill someone now however...

His inertia still carried him forward in the direction the now destroyed fighter had been going and he briefly overloaded propulsion systems shooting himself faster in that direction then he turned off the pilot assist and inertial dampers. Using the very forward maneuvering Jets he spun the front end of the ship towards the oncoming formation and fired the beam cannon.

A long stream of fully visible energy hit the wing man on the right squarely on the left side of the fighter. The fighter shields lasted right up until the last second then gave way. The last of the beam melted the outer hall of the ship but didn't penetrate.

It did however accomplished what Daniel wanted it to. The fighter formation was turning to the right to track his movements and the beam had melted shut the left maneuvering Jets making it impossible for the fighter to continue to turn to the right.

Unable to turn the fighter flew directly into the flight path of the leader and immediately both of their logic drives took over sending the leader high and to the right while the fighters logic drives sent him father to the left and into the path of the other two wing man.

Their logic drives acted expertly avoiding what would have been a deadly collision but this also sent each of the fighters flying in different directions.

Daniel turned back on the inertial dampers and the pilot assist as he rocketed towards the scattered formation. Leveling his crosshairs on the wounded fighter he fired another pulse from the beam cannon.

The stream of energy cut straight through the almost nonexistent shield and ripped a giant hole through the top aft of the ship.

Daniel watched as the cockpit of the fighter plunged into darkness then he passed within a few hair widths from it and could easily see the pilot inside giving him an obscene gesture.

"Poor loser." Daniel mumbled.

Over the local frequency Steven shouted, "God bless you to."

Daniel rolled his eyes the guy was sitting in a powerless cockpit meaning there was no way he could hear Steven besides there was no reason to comment to such a sore loser anyway.

The leader and the wing man on the left had recovered and were turning around to track Daniel. The wingmen in the back of the formation though was still trying to recover from the almost deadly whiplash he had received and now just happened to be directly in front of Daniel crosshairs.

Daniel pulled the fire button for the beam cannon but the ship beeped a warning that it was overheated. Daniel switch the weapon capacitors back to lasers and began pelting his target with them though before he could break down the fighter shields the leader and the left wing man brought their own lasers to bear on him.

Daniel sent a burst of energy into his propulsion systems speeding him forward until he was only a few feet behind the fighter he had just been shooting he nudged his stick forward flying underneath its bow than matched its speed essentially coming into formation underneath it.

The two pursuing fighters continued to shoot but because of Daniel's perfect positioning underneath the other fighter most of the lasers were impacting upon the fighter instead of his Starfighter.

The pilot finally fully recovered from his the debilitating whiplash and try to break away from Daniel but Daniel expertly held formation with him as he used the laser turret, that Steven had replaced the cockpit with, to continuously pelt the underside of the fighter.

"Stop shooting me you space whale tarpaulins!" The pilot cussed over the local frequencies at his subordinates.

They stop firing but it was too late the fighter shields gave way and four laser shots from the turret bore into the hall severing the fighters main conduit.

As the energy in the fighter died away Daniel override his logic drive and pulled up hard.

The fighters logic drive used the last of its energy to do a snapping reverse flip that rendered its pilot unconscious and sent it flying back towards the leader.

The leader's own logic drive was forced into snapping its fighter hard to the right.

Daniel let his inertia carry him upwards as he once again turned off the inertial dampers and pilot assist. He spun the front of his ship around and fired the beam cannon into the side of the leader.

The first pulse broke through the shield and scarred the outer plating and the second drilled straight through the ship turning it into worthless slag.

"Three more formations converging on you now!" Steven shouted.

Daniel's starfighter screamed a warning and Daniel looked down to see the display say there was thirteen missile locks on him.

Daniel's eyes scoured the area, the incoming formations were too far away to have missile lock on him! Then he realized the one remaining fighter was sending his targeting data to the other formations.

Daniel sent all the energy he safely could into the propulsion engine and snap down hard to the right.

Sadly he didn't manage to break missile lock and the starfighter registered sixteen missile launches one was close by and the others were father out.

He tried to bring his ship around and head towards the one remaining fighter but the pilot was too smart for that and already had broken off his pursuit.

Daniel drew extra energy through the conduit and sent it to the shields as he decided to take the first missile and try to dodge the rest using the ships flares but the massive amount of energy now flowing through the conduit disrupted the continuum of the dimensional door and it collapsed severing the conduit.

The starfighter plunged into darkness and seconds later the oncoming missiles smashed into it obliterating it.


Daniel pulled back and jerk off the helmet.

"You can't overload the propulsion system and the shields at the same time that's too much energy flow into the conduit!" Steven shouted at him.

"Well sorry I didn't know!" Daniel angrily retorted.

Stephanie glared at him. "You were also fighting way too much. You didn't get anywhere near the capital's ship."

The adrenaline was still flowing hot through Daniel's blood and he turned to her. "I have to fight if I don't they will blast me out of the sky!"

"No you don't! All you have to do is get in range of the capital ship and fire once!"

Daniel's face grew beat red. "You have no clue!"

"I do to."

"No you don't! I start out at 7K away and if I'm lucky I get 3K in before I'm detected meaning there still 4K to go and the max range of the lasers is 1K. If I try to run that I'm dead!"

"No you wouldn't be."

"I would too!" Daniel clenched his fist. "Any time a fighter straightens out and tries to run I can take them down in 200! I guarantee there absolute worst pilot can do it in a maximum of 1K much less 2 or three! And that's just one-on-one not one verse fifty!"

"Then just dodged them! You don't have to fight them!"

Daniel rolled his eyes and put up his hand palm first.

"Oh no you don't do that to me!"

Michael quickly stepped between them. "Stop just stop you two!"

Daniel turned his back. "This isn't going to work. It was a stupid plan."

Dan's voice carried with it a heavy sense of finality and everyone just stood there not knowing what to say.

Catherine took a deep breath. "No, it's not going to work. Stephanie's right for this plan to work you would have to somehow just dodged them. And all of you should know." She looked at the others. "That trying to get Daniel not to fight is completely against his nature."

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Yeah in every RPG we play he has to kill every single enemy in sight before he moves on even if we're all protesting."

"Yes, which means this plan won't work however if we make a minor adjustment to it..."


Michael sat in the commander seat and pulled on one of the normal commercial vert helmets they owned.

Daniel began to put on his as he complained. "I hate escort missions."

The virtual screen loaded up and Michael looked around. He didn't like this vert helmet it felt too clunky and plastic and even though he could see his own virtual limbs something seemed off about them. He closed his eyes and put it out of his mind as he turned the starfighter on.

When he open back up his eyes Daniel was already headed for the dimensional gate so he started to head for it as well but as he watched Daniel passed through it he realized just how small the opening was. "I don't think I can get through that."

"Here let me." Alf's voice said in his ear.

An invisible force took control of the starfighter correcting its trajectory then turned it off as it flew through the dimensional door.

Michael came out on the other end and could see the little black dot that was Daniel a ways ahead of him.

He looked past him to see the giant capital flag ship that was the government's capital and all around were hundreds of fighters. "Is there more than he was last time?"

"Probably." Steven answered.

Michael decided not to think about it and craned his head to look around. A large assortment of different types of freighter sized or bigger combat vessels formed a massive circle approximately 10K out and around the capital. It had only been around thirty minutes since their threat had gone out but already large portions of the giant link shield were going up. The Alitien bureaucracy was moving a lot faster than it normally did.

"I guess everyone in the capital is worried about what might happen to them if they ended up in the lionhearted custody." Michael mused himself.

"Okay it looks like a formation has detected my presence. I'll engage and draw them off. Don't power up unless you have to."

Michael didn't stop himself from nodding even though he knew Daniel couldn't see him. "I won't. Just remember that your objective here is to protect this ship. Don't get too caught up and fighting."

"I know I know."

Daniels starfighter sprung to life and moved with ferocious energy as it opened fired on the formation coming towards it.

Michael watched for a few seconds then scan the horizon. "Looks like three formations are diverting from their patrol patterns and headed for your direction."

"Okay." Dan answered back his voice lithe with the combat he was now engaged in.

Michael let his eyes flicker back towards the fight to see that Daniel had indeed somehow drawn them father off and out of the way of his flight path.

Less than thirty seconds later he floated pass the fight making it so he had to crane all the way around to see how Daniel was doing.

The three other formations join combat with him and two more were headed his way.

Michael was quickly out of range to really see what was going on but it honestly look like a royal mess to him. He turned around and closely watched the rest of the fighters. To his surprise he made out two of the disabled fighters that Daniel had taken out earlier. From the looks of it someone had come along and pushed them back towards the capital so they could be rescued.

He smiled. With any luck at all his starfighter would easily be counted as one of their number at least until they got a direct visual.

"One of the patrols is coming around and they're going to cut right into Michael's flight path." Steven warned.

"O, great just great." Daniel moaned

"Want me to power up and see if I can outmaneuver them?"

"No! Once they know you're here that'll make my job all the harder and I already have my hands full. I'll get them out of your way don't worry."

Mike wasn't sure how Dan could possibly do that he was already 2K behind him but Mike sat back in his seat and calmly waited.


Daniel lined himself up so the ship he was pounding on was in a straight line with the patrol that was going to fly into Michael's flight path. He killed all energy to his propulsive system and sent it to the beam cannon along with as much energy as he dare pull through the conduit.

He switched the beam cannon to charge burst and pulled the trigger. There was a small charge time then a blinding light shot straight through the ship he was pounding on and continued 2.3K on smashing into the leader of the patrol breaking the shield and taking a hunk out of its aft."


"Whoa that was some shot!" Michael said as he blinked a few times to get the light spots out of his eyes.

"I hope you're happy. That completely burned up my beam cannon!"

"I am. From the looks of it the patrol has stopped moving."

"You know in real life it would cost us around thirty-five thousand to replace that beam cannon." Daniel shouted back.

"This is real life. And you don't need to shout were all right here." Stephanie reminded him.

"Oh... yeah."

The room fell into silence as Daniel concentrated on the fight he was in and Michael carefully watched the fighters around the capital.

Forty-eight seconds later Michael heard Daniel say, "Ah man!"

"What? Did they get you?"

"Yeah. Looks like you're on your own from here."

"That's fine I'm only 1.3 K out now and even if they spot me I should be good."

No one replied so Michael slightly lifted the vert helmet so he could see what they were doing.

"We are just watching the view from your ship on the big screen." Catherine said as he seen him pull the vert hat up.

"I can take over from here if you want." Daniel enthusiastically offered.

"No. Keep your hands to yourself. You're likely to screw it up." Stephanie scolded

Michael pulled back down the helmet and begin to countdown the space units.

As soon as he was within nine hundred and fifty he power back on the starfighter flipped the light sail up on the P988 or rather modified 'Blower' and fired the lasers.

The lasers collided with the capital ships shields and Michael's eyes barely caught the flicker around the impact. Then for good measure and show he opened up with the beam cannon as he shouted, "Did it work?!"

"I think so give me a second." Steven answered.

Turrets all over the capital ship swiveled toward Michael's Starfighter as he uselessly raked the capital ships shields with his weapons.

"Yes it worked! I have a dimensional door just wide enough for me to put my hand through open right now."

The starfighter began to scream warnings at Michael and he ripped off the helmet. "Here Dan you can take over from here."

Daniel smiled and pulled back on his helmet. Michael stood up and stretched as he looked over at Steven. He was holding a six inch in diameter dimensional door. "How is it?"

"Well from what I can tell it's in between the hall plating and the interior. So I'm either going to have to maneuver it to a better position or blast a hole open somehow to allow us to deploy a dimensional door large enough for the androids to go through."

"How long will it take you?"

"To do it right without being detected ten maybe fifteen minutes."

"Okay we will get the androids ready."

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