Bad Girl (A Roc Royal & Diggy...

By ArriannaRoyale

40.8K 692 73

Heartbreak after heartbreak, Danielle Jones tries to find love and herself. More

Bad Girl (A Roc Royal love story)
Seeing him again
Sneak Peak
Drunk and Raped
Background Info
Meeting Diggy Simmons
Authors Note
I Don't Need You
Big Fight
New Arrival
BabyDaddy Trouble!!!
Everything Is Going To Be Okay
The Simmons And The Ex
Missing You
Girls Day Out
The Party pt.1
The Party pt. 2
Back To Reality
On To The Next
A Roc Hard Life
Author's Note

Hanging Out

1.4K 29 2
By ArriannaRoyale

Danielle POV

You're my four letter world
four letter word
My four letter word four letter
Your fou-

I groaned as answered my phone without checking the caller ID. As you may know i was peacefully sleeping until somebody called me.

Me-(sleepy voice) hello

???- Good Morning love

Me-(wakes up little) who's this

???- Diggy

Me-(fully wakes up) oh hey Dig what's up

Diggy- Nun much i was wondering if you wanna hang out at the mall

Me- Dont you think its too early

Diggy- Its 1:00

Me- forreal oh okay well sure

Diggy- I pick you at 2. what's your address

Me- 4735 Meadow Lane

Diggy- Gotcha bye

Me- Bye

I jumped at of bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly stripped and jumped into the shower.

~ 30 minutes later~

I got out of the shower and reached for a towel when i caught a glimpse of my growing stomach in the mirror. Its not really showing but you kind of notice it when look at really hard. I wonder if I should tell Diggy that im pregnant. I think i should i mean its not like we are dating. I cleared my head and wrapped the towel around me and walked back into my room. I lotioned up and looked in my closet for something to wear. I only found a gray hoodie, I picked that out and went into my dresser where i found some ripped skinny jeans. I looked under my bed and found some timberlands. I grabbed a white tank top to wear under my hoodie. I put on my clothes and shoes then put my hair into a tight bun. I checked the time and i had 10 more minutes till Dig comes. I found some gold hoop earrings and put them on. I walked downstairs to see my dad and some woman talking and smiling. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and sat on the counter on my phone. The woman gave me a stank look and i gave her one right back.

Woman- Daniel, who's this i thought you said you were single

Dad- Nia this is my 17 year old daughter, Danielle

Nia- you didn't tell you had a daughter (observes me)

Me- Who are you and why are you in this house

Dad- Dani dont be rude, this is David's mother

( David is Danielle's 2 month old brother)

Me- and why is she here i thought she gets him on the weekend and its Wednesday

Nia- Im his girlfriend and ill be moving in tomorrow

This is going to be bad cuz i never had a good relationship with my little brothers moms except for Danny's and Derek's mom. She was real cool, but she died a couple years ago. Plus, this Nia women seems not to like me, but i dont care. My dad's relationship never last so she'll be gone in a few months.I leaned over and whispered in my dad ear

Me-(whispers) i hope she's not the jealous type

Dad-(whispers) me too but she dont seem like it

I shrugged and i heared a car horn outside.

Me- Bye dad love ya

I put my apple back into the bowl because i never ate it. I walked outside and got into car. Diggy hugged me and kissed me on my cheek. I blushed as he drove to the mall. OMG what is this boy doing to me. I never blush not even when i was with Roc. I turned up the radio and Drake- Worst Behavior was playing. I looked over and saw that Dig was rapping along with Drake. I turned the music down so i could hear him. My eyes widen at how good he was. He looked at me and winked. We arrived at mall and went inside. We been to so many different stores, so we decided to stop and go to the food court. We went into Taco Bell,ordered our food, and sat down. We ate and talked until i had to go the bathroom. I got up walked to nearest bathroom which was half way across the food court. I bumped into some dude and he turned. My heart stopped when i saw who it was....... Chresanto. I tried to walk away but he grabbed me by arm and yanked me back.

Roc- Sup Ms.Danielle

Dani- What the hell you want

Roc- Such language i just want to see how you doing.

Dani- (slaps him) leave me alone before i call the police and press charges on you

I ran to the bathroom and quickly used it. I walked back out and saw Dig and Roc talking to each other.

Diggy POV

Dani was a long time so i went to go check on her. I was walking toward the bathroom when i saw my nigga Roc. I walked over to him and dapped him. We started talking bout tour, girls and stuff. I saw Danielle come out the bathroom and walk over here. Roc stared mighty hard at her and she seemed uncomfortable.

Me- Ill talk to you later bro

Roc- Ight

Me and Dani walked back into Taco Bell. We sat down at our table and continued to eat. I noticed that Dani had ALOT of food and would occasionally rub her stomach.

Me- Dani are you ok

Dani- yea

Me- Dont lie to me come on i promise i wont judge you

Dani took a deep breathe and told me three words that took me by surprise and made my heart break alittle.

Dani- Diggy, Im pregnant

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