A Roc Hard Life

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This chapter is all about Roc Royal by the way. Enjoy! :)

Roc Royal POV

I sat in the meeting room at Streamline Records waiting for it to start. Kenneth called me at 7:00am telling me that it was important. I have been in here for two hours by myself. I could be playing with my son, chilling my niggas, recording a song for my solo album, or even smoking a blunt by now but I have wait on a bullshit meeting. I wonder why I'm the only person from MB here.

Walter, Keisha, Vincent, and Kenneth walked into the meeting room with serious looks yet sad looks. I look behind them to see a boy about my age walking in to with a sly smirk on his face. They sat down in front and looked at each other then at me. "Chresanto, we love you like a son but we think it's best to let you go, " Walter says while barely looking me in the eye. I sit up immediately. "What do you mean you think it's best to let me go," I say feeling myself getting angry. "Chresanto, you have been setting a bad example for MB's younger fans, you are one of reasons the group lost many fans, and you have to much drama to deal with, " Keisha says while playing with her fingers. I look at the boy that is sitting quietly next to Vincent. He's trying his best not laugh at the situation. "Who is he, why is he here," I demanded. "This your replacement, Elijah Johnson or EJ for short. We're taking him to meet the guys, " Vincent says proudly. I look down feeling sad now because I don't what I'm going to do for the rest of the year to get money. I can't get the money I made from MB because I'm not 18 yet, so I'll have till next year. I only have 300 dollars in pocket and 400 dollars at home. Plus my mom is kicking me out because my sudden blunt attitude and disrespectful behavior. "Your last paycheck has been deposited into your bank account. Have a nice Mr.August," Walter says while walking out of the room along with everyone else. But Kenneth stops and looks at me, "I'm going to miss you Roc star, " he says then continues out of the door. I sat there for a minute and stared out of the window in front of me. It showed a view of the city of LA and beautiful outline of the ocean.

They just fired me from the ground. I can't believe this! After we been through, the top-selling records, sold out tours, special rewards and now they choose to put me out the group. The main rapper? I blacked out. I flipped over the table, broke a couple of the vases that were around the room, punched holes into paintings, and ripped the legs off the chairs. The security team busted through the door and tackled me to ground and carried me to the exit of the building. "Fuck this building and everybody in this piece. Y'all ain't shit," I yell as they walk me down a flight of stairs that lead to the main entrance. I saw Princeton, Ray Ray, Prodigy, and that nigga EJ by the front talking and laughing like they known each other for years. Fuck them. They stop their conversation when I walked and watched as the security guards literally throw me out on the curb. I get up and storm over to my car. I get in and repetitively hit the steering wheel.

I pulled up to my moms crib and went to the mailbox. I pulled out the six pieces of mail and went through them. Light bill, rent notice, letter from Aunt Francis, coupons, child support notice, and a magazine subscription. Wait a minute. Child support notice? I went back to the child support notice and saw that it had my name on it. I went in the house placed the other pieces of mail on the kitchen and proceeded to my room. I kicked the random baby toys out my way and sat on my bed. I opened the mail and read it slowly. That bitch Desiree is trying to put me on child support and wants $3,000 a month. I don't have that kind of money right now. I saw that if I don't pay it then I'm going to jail for 4 years. I balled up the paper and threw it across the room almost hitting my dog, King. I picked up phone and called Desiree. She picked up on the fourth ring.


Me- Desiree, wtf is this child support shit. I take care of my son.

Desiree- I need that money because Royal ain't cheap. He need diapers, clothes, formula, bottles, shoes and accessories plus I need to pay my bills.

Me- He only a baby, he don't need no damn accessories. This notice says CHILD SUPPORT which means this money is for my son not you. How about you get your lazy, black ass up and get job then maybe you can pay your bills.

Desiree- You my baby daddy, so you gotta take me and him nigga.

Me- Hell naw. I take care and will continue to take care of my seed, but fuck you doe. You don't mean shit to me. You were only a quick nut.



Mane, how did my life get so hard? What did I do to deserve this? Is it because I raped Danielle. Is it because I hurt her. Is it because I'm disrespectful. I wish I can take it all back. I hate my life. I hate myself. I got off my bed and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of patron and went in a drawer to get a bag of weed. I need to let loose. I lit the blunt I made and drank some of the patron. Here's to a fucked up life.

Bad Girl (A Roc Royal & Diggy Simmons love story) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now