devoted 2. || grayson dolan

By sheSstyles

105K 2.3K 1K

SEQUEL TO OVERDOSE "Are you going to forget about me again?" | grayson dolan More

One year
im sorry
Please stop
Eww stop
i promise
I love you
Please read.
nice to meet you
I need a break
Who is this?
Let me think about it
my mistake
Im here for you
This is bullshit
I love him
I will leave
I miss you
Such A Boy
I want to go home

Hi & Awkward

3.1K 64 160
By sheSstyles

Wanna go get ice cream?


You're so mean

I'm kidding. Yeah.




I get up from bed and I pause my laptop. I just finished watching Grayson's and Ethan's new video. I'll admit, I laughed a lot. Especially when Ethan said "next Tuesday".

I look at myself in the mirror and I sigh. I've been in bed all day watching YouTube videos. I'm wearing some leggings and a big hoodie. I walk inside my closet and I change into some ripped boyfriend jeans and a baby blue shirt, it's kind cropped. I decided to wear my white vans.

I go to the bathroom and I brush my hair and leave it down. I apply some mascara and chapstick. I walk back outside and I grab my car keys, wallet and phone before I walk downstairs to the parking lot.

"Hello are you today darling?" Ms.Peters, a old lady that lives in the same apartment complex as me, asks as she sees me unlocking my car.

"Hi, I'm great how are you?" I ask with a smile on my face. She's really sweet and cute. She talks shit about her kids to me. They're wild.

"I'm good, I'm gonna go buy food for my cats...where are you going?" She asks.

"I'm going to go get yogurt with a friend" I say and she nods her head. We say our goodbyes before I get inside my car and drive to the Yopi Yogurt. I listen to some music and sing along as I receive stares from people on the road.

All this reminds me when I was singing to Sorry and Justin saw me. Honestly who would've thought I was gonna become great friends with Justin. The old me would be crying tears of happiness.


10 minutes later I arrive to Yopi Yogurt. I park my car and I get off making sure to lock it. I walk inside the yogurt shop and look around for Grayson. I smile as soon as I see him sitting in a table for four. My smile disappears when I notice Ethan and the same girl that was with them at the beach.

What did you expect Sophia?

Grayson looks up and sees me. He waves and I wave back with a smile, Ethan and the girl also notice me. They both smile and I smile back. Instead of going to sit with them first I grab a cup and serve myself some Berry yogurt, I put some strawberries, granola and boba. I also grab a water bottle.

I put my things in the scale and I pay the guy 10 dollars, telling him to keep the change.

"Thank you. What's your name?" He's asks with a small smile.


"You're really beautiful Sophia, hope to see you again some day" he says and winks. My cheeks turn red and I giggle.

"Thank you"

He's cute.

I grab a spoon and walk to the table. I awkwardly sit next to Ethan. This is so awkward I want to run and hide in my room for ever.

"Hey guys" I say. Ethan looks at me and smiles.

"Hi Sophia, I love your shoes!" Ethan says as he looks down at me vans. I chuckle and thank him.

"Hey, umm this is Amber, and Amber this is Sophia" Grayson says introducing me to Amber. She's so pretty. She has blue eyes and blonde hair, nice jawline and cute nose and freckles under her eyes. You can tell she's a model.

"Hi nice to meet you" I say

"So nice to finally meet you" she says and shakes my hand. I can't help but glance at Grayson who's looking at me.

"You've heard of me?" I ask nervously. She smiles and nods her head.

"'re Grayson's ex right? His fans told me about you" she says and I almost want to laugh.

"Yup...that's me" I mumble and I freak out when I feel Ethan's hand on my back. He grabs his phone and shows me something.

Please ignore her.

"Oh that's cute!" I say pretending like he's showing me something. He smiles and nods his head before he puts his phone to the side.

"So Sophia, you're fiends with Justin Bieber?" Amber asks after I have some of my yogurt. I swallow and look up at her.

"Yes" I say. She nods her head and bites her lip. She looks at Grayson and leans her head on his shoulder. I bite the inside of my cheek and look down at my yogurt before I take another amount into my mouth.

"How old are you Sophia?" She asks

"I'm 16 and you?" I ask

"I'm 18. Do you have a boyfriend?" I try not to roll my eyes.



"Because I don't need or want one, they all end up cheating on you, right Grayson?" I say and look at him. He stares at me with wide eyes.

"I mean I think it's the girl fault if their boyfriend cheats on them. Maybe they aren't good enough, don't you think?" She asks with a small smirk on her lips.

"No I don't think that. But I mean my opinion doesn't matter" I say and she nods her head.

"How long did you and Grayson da-"

"Amber that's enough babe" Grayson stops her.

"We dated for a year" I reply.

"Why did you break up-"

"Because I was to busy touring and so was he. We became apart. Don't think this should matter though. You're with him" I reply annoyed.

"You're right. Just wanted to get to know you a bit more" she says and starts playing with her long nails.

Looks like you wanted to get to know our old relationship.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom, babe can you come with me?" She says as she smiles at Grayson. He nods his head and they leave to the bathroom.

Once their gone I clear my throat.

"I'm sorry about her-" Ethan was saying before I stoped him.

"No need to apologize. Ive dealt with worst. Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I say

"Because unlike my brother I think before I call someone my girlfriend" he says and I chuckle shaking my head.

If I'm honest I'm not jealous, I mean why would I? Grayson is nothing to be. I don't care who he dates, I'm just annoyed that she knows me by her fans, well not that but the way she said it. It's as if the fans said mean things about me, like I'm less then her. I'll admit she's way prettier then me, that's maybe why. I'm also annoyed by her questions. What type of girl wants to know about their boyfriends last relationship.

"We're back" I look up and slightly smile at them. Grayson looks at me and smiles, I look at the window and notice three girls pointing at our table. I elbow Ethan and he looks to were I'm looking.

"Gray" he says and now him and Amber notice the girls. They girls look really familiar, I think their the ones that alway meet The twins. They're all really pretty.

"You guys should go say hi, we'll wait her-" I'm saying but Amber interrupts me.

"I think we should all go" she says

"I don't think that's a good idea tho" I reply

"Why? Oh yeah never mind. It wouldn't be nice to see Grayson with his ex and his current girlfriend-awkwarddd" she says in a sarcastic tone. I want to get up and splash my water in her face. But I won't.

"Well, I'm leaving. By guys" I say and stand up gathering my things. Ethan looks at me with a frown.

"I'll walk you to your ca-"

"No it's fine Ethan, I'm capable of walking myself. Thank you" I say and smile at me.

"I know. But I'm walking you" he says and I nod my head. I wave my hand at Grayson and Amber.

"Wait Sophia!" Grayson's shouts as me and Ethan are about to open the door. I turn around and raise my eyebrow at him. He licks his lips and sighs.

"Have a good day"

"You too"

We step outside and I sigh. Ethan walks next to me as we stand in front of my car.

"Thank you. You should go with them" I say glancing at the girls who are now inside meeting Grayson and Amber.

"I will. I hope you aren't-well no I'm sure you are annoyed by her. Grayson's shit, he clearly doesn't know what he's missing on" he says and I smile.

"Well as annoyed as I am, I'm happy he's with someone who he likes. All that matters is that he's happy, my opinion doesn't matter. Thank you again Ethan" I say.

He nods his head and smiles. I unlock my car and wave at him before I get inside. He smiles and waves back before he walks back inside. I turn on my car and drive off back home.

Today was...awkward and, yeah just awkward.


What do you guys think of Amber??

Guys today was the second day I dreamed with the twins. On Monday I dreamed with Ethan, we were age Coachella and I was with like my family, but I left with him to this alley and we were dancing and taking pictures, my mom then caught me and I got in trouble, then I woke up😂.

On Tuesday I dreamed with Grayson. I dreamed that I went to New Jersey with him. We were with Lisa, Ethan, Cameron, Grayson and I. Some fans noticed the Twins so Lisa, Cameron and I had to leave a separate way. The next scene was of me inside Grayson's room. He was laying in bed and I listening to music. I went up to him and asked "Grayson where's the bathroom, I need to pee" he then smiles and pulled my hand and said "ok but first come cuddle with me" my heart was beating. IT FELT SO REAL! Like do you guys ever have those dreams??? Anywayssssss I kept telling him that I had to pee but he would just chuckle, he then pulled onto the bed and he wrapped his arms over me and he starts saying cute things which made me blush. I looked at him and I kissed him while we were both giggling and I said "gray I need to pee babe" then I somehow fell asleep next to him and I could hear Lisa telling him that he was moving to fast with me. That he was going to hurt me and she would be mad at him.

My grandma woke me up from the dream lol. I've been thinking about the dream all day😂, I even blush thinking about me and Gray cuddling😭😭

Haha. Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote💛

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