~Guys My Age~

By ShiquenaQueen

357 19 0

Why Can't I Find Guys Of My Age That Know How To Treat Me?! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

7 1 0
By ShiquenaQueen

I woke up screaming feeling something digging in the back of my thigh hurting like hell trying to get up but being pushed back down by some guy as tears streamed down my face.

''STOP IT STOP IT SHE'S CRYING YOU ARE HURTING MY BEST FRIEND FUCKING STOP!'' Sophie screamed at who ever was digging in my bullet wound feeling the pain becoming worse making me scream more and tears stream down my fast with beads of sweat down my face, Sophie tried to get out of Sami's tight grip on here so she wouldn't attack the person hurting me.

''SHUT UP SOPHIE I ALMOST GOT IT!'' a girl's voice screamed from behind me I soon felt the person pulling something out of my thigh knowing it would probably be the bullet as I started sobbing feeling someone rubbing my back.

''We're almost done love just bite in the pillow.'' A low british voice told me I nodded softly sobbing biting down in the pillow feeling the person stitch up my thigh squealing and biting in the pillow in pain when the person was done I got lifted off the couch and gently placed on my back looking up seeing a guy with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair smiling down at me stroking my hair back but he was soon pushed away by Jack that kneeled down next to me stroking my cheek with a single tear escaping his right eye I wanted to wipe away but hissed in pain looking at my arm seeing that the bandana was still on my bullet wound I looked infront of me seeing a girl with blue hair and hazel eyes looking down at me with a small smile on her face.

''Hey I'm Ally I removed the first bullet out of your thigh that guy over there is Mike he's my boyfriend and there in the corner is Ben.'' She pointed at a guy standing in the corner he looked at me smiling and waving making me wave and smile back at him I looked at Sophie seeing her huddled up against Sami's chest softly sobbing.

''Soph?'' I called her name softly her head snapped my direction before running towards me throwing her arms around my neck sobbing on my shoulder I wrapped my good arm around her pulling her close to me.

''I-I't all m-my f-fault I-I should've n-never s-suggested t-to g-go t-to t-that stupid p-party.'' She sobbed in my arms I stroked her hair telling her it's okay.

''Soph I know you wanna hug and shit but I still gotta remove the other bullet and this time I gotta knock her out or I could also just paralyze her arm.'' Ally suggested Sophie nodded and let me go before all eyes turned to me once again.

''I prefer the paralyzing arm thingy.'' I said Ally nodded with a smile.

''Mike, give me the bag.'' She said extending her arms Mike nodded and quickly walked towads a closet opening it and taking a bag out of it and walking back to Ally handing her the bag she placed it on a dark brown coffee table and opened the bag taking out a roll and rolling it open as I saw all the medical stuff you need in an hospital making me gasp and her chuckle she picked up a needle and some green syringe pushing the neelde in the cap of the syringe pulling the stick of the needle back making the syringe enter the neelde she took the needle out the syringe bottle and placed the bottle on the coffee table she looked at me holding the needle extending her hand as I placed my arm in her hand she carefully untightened the bandana and threw it on the ground before pushing the needle right above my wound into my skin making me hiss in pain she pushed the stick as the syringe went in my arm when the needle was empty she quickly took it out of my arm placing it on the coffee table again she started counting to ten and when she said ten she squeezed with her nails in my skin but I didn't feel anything knowing the syringe was working.

''Alrighty then here we go again.'' She said grabbing some tweezers I looked at Jack feeling him interwine our hands together making me before he kissed the top of my head we looked at Ally seeing her digging the tweezers in my bullet wound thank the Lord I can't feel  anything rn in my arm cause if I did  ears would be bleeding cause of my screaming the sound of the tweezers digging into my wound was heard making me cringe while more blood started pouring out Mike left the room and came back few seconds after with a towel and a wet cloth in his hands.

''Got it!'' Ally squeeled taking the now bloody tweezers out of my arm with a bloody shiny bullet between it making everyone smile she placed the tweezers on the coffee table and grabbed a needle and thread to stitch up my wound.

*few minutes later*

When she was done stitching my wound up she got up cleaning the coffee table as Mike walked towards me with the wet cloth and small towel and cleaned the remaining blood and handed me the small towel after so I could dry the wet stitched up wound when I was done I handed him the towel thanking him with a smile as he returned a smile with a wink before walking out the room Jack gently pushed me a little to the side of the couch and layed down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me on top of him I rested my head on his chest feeling my eyes closing while everyone around me started talking but the only person in my mind was the one holding me.

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