~Guys My Age~

By ShiquenaQueen

355 19 0

Why Can't I Find Guys Of My Age That Know How To Treat Me?! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

13 1 0
By ShiquenaQueen

I decided to get a drink cause I started getting thirsty of all the dancing and shit so I told Jack over the loud bumping music.

''HEY I'M GOING TO GET SOMETHING TO DRINK WOULD YOU WANT ANYTHING?''In his ear he looked at me and nodded before interwining our hands and pushing through the sea of dancing sweaty drunk people we got to the huge kitchen seeing some people including Sami and Sophie playing beer pong I saw someone that I hoped I wouldn't see. My.Ex. He looked up at me as his blonde hair fell infront of his eye while smirking at me as I shot him a deathgsglare but was soon snapped out of my trance when Jack asked me something.

''W-what did you say?'' I asked him looking up at him making him chuckle.

''I asked what would you want to drink'' He chuckled at me making me nervously laugh.

''I will be fine with some Jillz.'' I smiled up at him he laughed a little bit before picking up a Jillz bottle and opening the cap on the counter making the drink squirt everywhere on my dress and on his shirt making me squeal and him scream he quickly placed the bottle on the counter looking down at his shirt softly cursing making me giggle he looked up at me making a strand of his hair fall infront of his eye while his eyes looked hollow and darker with his lips slightly parted and his cheeks a dark red color which actually looked pretty hot I blinked a few times while he stared at me while I saw something pointy pointing from the corner of his mouth it kind of seemed like a fang but it can't be a fang I shook my head grabbing some napkins and drying my dress a little.

''You want some Jack?'' I asked him looking up but feeling my jaw once again drop cause of him seeing him shirtless infront of me while he smirked down at me.

''You like what you see?'' He asked still smirking ,without meaning to I nodded yes making my eyes go wide at what I just did closing my mouth making him chuckle he slowly walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to his chest before his face neared my ear feeling my breath hitch a little at how close we were while my hands layed on his chest shaking a little cause of the intensity between us at the moment.

''Maybe you could see it all by yourself one day if you want to baby.'' He whispered in my ear I quickly placed my hand on my mouth so I wouldn't squeal when he started nibbling on my ear lobe, small soft muffled moans were coming from my mouth as he made a trail of wet kisses down to my neck he started kissing my neck as I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to moan any louder while he started sucking on my sweetspot. After a few seconds he seperated his lips from my neck and softly blowed on the spot where he just sucked before looking at my face smirking while I looked up at him shocked at what just happend he leaned his head against mine feeling his hot minty breath fan over my face I at his big plump lips seeing him lick his bottom lip he leaned down a little more until our lips were inches away that if one of us just moved forward just a little our lips would connect.

''Now every guy in here can see that you're mine.'' He growled at me before kissing the corner of my mouth making me let out a soft shaky moan wanting his lips on mine and he knew that he stood up straight again smirking down at me before interwining our hands grabbing his shirt off the floor and walked with my small hand still in his big one towards Sami that was wasted same with Sophie knowing that it was time to go I let go of Jack's hand wrapping my arm around Sophie's waste slinging her arm on my shoulders holding her hand with my other hand as she started singing American Idiot slurring the words making me chuckle while she tried dancing while walking. I started walking with drunk Sophie to the entrance of the house opening the door and walking outside to the car hearing it getting unlocked I turned around seeing Jack holding a drunk Sami that was slurring words while talking to Jack about random stuff when he reached me I opened the door and gently placed Sophie on the backseat strapping her in with the seatbelt grabbing my clutch and throwing it to the passengerseat just as I was about to close the door Sophie called my name slurring it a little.

''Yes Sophie Soph?'' I asked her looking down at her with a soft smile.

''IIIII nneeedd myyy shoes t-they're stiiii*hiccups*lll inside cccaaann you get them for meee mommyyyy pleeeaaaasse?'' She pleaded at me pouting at me making me laugh I nodded making her cheer  while I quickly ran back to the house going to the kitchen where Sophie played beer pong I started searching for her shoes seeing them underneath the Island countertop I bend down to pick them up and screamed feeling a hand smacking my ass holding onto Sophie's shoes I quickly turned around and became angry seeing my ex smirking down at me.

''Jason what the hell?!''I screamed at him he tried wrapping his arms around my waist but I pushed his arms away trying to walk past him but being pushed against the Island countertop with both his hands trapping me.

''I miss you baby and I know you miss me cause you wouldn't come here if you didn't miss me baby.'' He smirked down at me alcohol evident in his breath making me cringe I tried pushing him off of but failing at the end since I'm not strong enough.

''I came here for Joshua but since you're not him let me go I'm leaving.'' I spat at him he glared down at me before placing his hand on my waist digging his nails in my side as I started hissing and yelping trying to push him off of me with all the strength in my body smacking his chest.

''You came without me but now you're LEAVING with me babe.'' He growled down at me I forgot I had Sophie's heels in my hand as an idea popped up in my head I gripped the shoes harder then before while Jason kept talking seeing him leaning down I head bumped him and smacked him on the head with the heels of Sophie's shoes as he screamed in pain I took my opportunity and started running out of the kitchen pushing all the dancing people as fast as possible squirming through them seeing the open frontdoor I started running with tears streaming down my face I soon heard Jack screaming my name I looked at the car seeing him getting out speedwalking towards me I soon heard a gunshot going off feeling a burning sensation in the back of my thigh making me scream and fall onto the grass sobbing not wanting to move my leg due to the pain Jack started running towards me taking a gun from his backpocket and started shooting the person that shot me AKA Jason. People started screaming and running out of the house as gunshots were also heared from the inside of the house Jason was about to shoot me again but screamed dropping his gun holding onto his arm cause Jack shot him, he quickly picked me up bridalstyle and handed me the gun telling me to quickly shoot Jason which I did shooting his knee seeing him falling onto the ground I looked up at Jack as he quickly opened the cardoor gently placing me in the passengerseat while I still held the gun he closed my cardoor jogging to his side of the car opening it and closing it he started the engine but we soon all ducked as Sophie screamed same for Sami,Jack and I hearing shots being fired at the car one bullet hit the window next to me as I quickly ducked in Jack's arms screaming and shielding my head the shots continued I quickly grabbed the gun and started shooting Jason's direction while Jack started backing up with the car and drove away making me stop shooting at Jason hearing him still shooting just as I was about to pull my arm back in a burning sensation went through my arm knowing I've been shot making me scream in pain and pulling my arm back in the car hearing Sophie screaming if I'm okay I quickly nodded hearing Sami rustling in the back seat before telling me to show him my arm while Jack still drove in speed to God knows where. Sami wrapped a black bandana around my bullet wound as I started hissing in pain as he tightened the bandana around the wound when he was done I thanked him and leaned back in my seat feeling something wet underneath my thigh I carefully lifted my leg up looking at the seat seeing blood all over the seat as my eyes widened starting to pant I used my good arm and started tapping Jack's leg he quickly looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

''J-Jack I-I'm bleeding BAD!''I screamed everyone looked at me with wide eyes before Sophie screamed at Jack to head to the house of  someone named Ally he quickly nodded and started driving even faster while I started feeling dizzy.

''Alexa do NOT pass out ,don't pass out hold on you're gonna be okay trust me''. Sophie told me with panick written all over her face after that I passed out in the passengerseat hearing everyone screaming no.

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