Uncontrollable (Percy Jackson...

By shannontracey

40.6K 949 237

Percy was having an amazing school year nothing "strange" has happened and he was grateful. Its finally summe... More

Authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Ten

1.4K 46 14
By shannontracey

okkkay im so sorry guys its been way to long since i've updated just i haven't had time, hope you guys understand :) hope you like the chapter, love you all.


Percy's POV

I chased after Annabeth (haha get it, no, sorry) who was clearly very angry.

"Catch up Seaweed Brian", Annabeth yelled back, We came to the Hermes cabin there were no lights on and no sound.

"SKY", Annabeth screamed." GET OUT HERE", She than threw her knife, Which stuck into the cabin door. All the lights flicked on and the Stoll brothers ran out.

"Woah, Annabeth, What in Hades are you doing?", Travis yelled. Annabeth just gave a dirty look and marched up the cabin steps and pulled her knife out, Now there was nice hole in there door, Annabeth turned back to the brothers and stepped closer, They backed up cautionously, Making a girl mad is bad enough, But when she has a knife you don't ask questions you just back away, Especially if its Annabeth.

"I'm looking for Sky, WHERE IS SHE!", Annabeth asked, Again. There was a quick pause until i voice came from the cabin.

"She's right here", Sky stepped out from the cabin in her pajamas with her hair all messy like she just woke up. Annabeth darted her eyes at her.

"Don't act stupid, You know what you did", Annabeth yelled at her.

"No, Please Annabeth entertain me, Tell me what i did", I thought Annabeth's eyes were gunna burn out of her eyes, They looked red as fire, Kinda like Ares eyes, But much prettier. Annabeth stepped closer to Sky and pushed her against the door.

"THIS", She said pointing to the cut on her face, I walked up and pulled Annabeth away before she killed her.

"It's okay Annabeth, Let's go", I pulled her down the step's.

"Ya, Annabeth listen to you're wonderful boyfriend", Sky yelled. Annabeth stopped and threw her knife, Again. It landed right beside Sky's face, She yelped and jumped back into her cabin. Annabeth laughed and starting walking back to her cabin, I smiled and followed.

"Looks like you still got good aim, Wise girl",I joked. She punched me and continued laughing.


I woke up this time in my own bunk and not at the bottom of the Atlantic, I groaned and got up. It was a long night and i was exhausted, I got dressed and headed to the Dining Pavilion. Overhead a black, Winged figure flew over me, It was my pet (kinda) Pegasus, Blackjack.

"Heey Blackjack, Where you off too", I yelled up to him. Now being a son of Poseidon i can talk to horses as well as pegasus's.

"Urgent call boss, Be back soon, Have suger cubes ready", He yelled back and flew off south. At breakfast everyone was quiet like someone died.

"Hey Tyson, What's up with everyone", I asked. He shoved a forkful of his breakfast in his mouth and shrugged his huge shoulder's.

"Not sure, People are acting odd, That scary girl isn't here", He said pointing to the Hermes table and Sky wasn't sitting there where she usually sits, Where was she?, I looked around Sky was no where to be found, I turned back to Tyson.

"Don't worry big guy", I said. "I'll find her", I mumbled. I got up and everyone glanced over at me, I walked straight to the door and marched out. I looked around camp searching for Sky. I checked: Her cabin, The training arena, The lava wall. I couldn't find her anywhere, I ended up at the beach, I sat down on the nearest rock and looked out into the ocean, It was calm and the warm breeze felt nice.

I was so caught up in the view i hadn't notice someone snuck up behind me till i felt a sharp tip of a sword on my neck where i have a scar from the attacker, It sent chills down my back. I shot to my feet and went for my sword but the person knew better, They slashed down and cut my arm, I stepped back and screamed out in pain but they covered my mouth and kneed my in the gut.

"Shutup, We don't want any of your friends coming to the rescue", They pushed me the ground, I rolled onto my back holding onto my arm, The person hovered over me, They were wearing a big black coat that had a hood that covered there face. I tried crawling towards the water but the 'Coat Dude' (thats what I'm gunna call them cause i feel Percy would come up with a dumb name haha) Slashed down and cut my leg and stepped in the way of the ocean.

"I don't think so Perceus Jackson", They said, My vision got blurry. I cursed to myself not to pass out, I pounded my fist on the ground, The earth around me started shaking. 'Coat Dude' fell on his butt in shock.


"Ya well i'm always full of surprises", I said to them, Than i clenched my fist and threw my hand towards 'Coat dude'. Water flew out of the ocean and hit 'Coat dude' in the head, They flew forward and hit there head on a rock and passed out. My vision went black when i woke up, My cuts were all healed some how, I got up slowly and where 'Coat dude' laid before Sky was laying there unconscious with no black coat just a orange Camp Half-blood shirt on and jeans.

"What in hades", I said to myself. A bunch campers came running down, When they got to me they looked at me with shock.

"Percy, What did you do", One of them asked, Before i could explain what happen Sky woke up screaming.


She saw she had a audience and looked at me and backed up.

"YOU", She said pointing to me, Everyone looked at each other than at me. "HE DID IT, PERCY DID, HE'S EVIL I TELL YOU, GET RID OF HIM BEFORE HE KILLS YOU ALL", Sky screamed out than ran and hid behind the group of campers. It was quiet everyone looked at me, Some scared and shocked like they couldn't believe i could do something like this, Other's mad.

"Woah guy's, I didn't do it", I yelled back. "You guy's have known me for years, You know i wouldn't hurt a camper", I took a step forward but everyone backed up.

"What about the other night, You injured a whole bunch of camper's", A kid from the Ares cabin yelled.

"That's different, You don't understand, Please. Believe me!", I pleaded out. It didn't look like i was getting anywhere with everyone, I turned to the ocean and dived in, I made the currents push me as fast and far as i could.

Nico's POV

I woke up to the sound of wing's flapping, I opened my eye's. A huge figure was over me, I jumped to my feet and grabbed the closest rock, Probably wasn't the most deadly weapon i've used. I was half expecting the figure to be one of Luke's monsters, But i got lucky for once, It was Blackjack, Percy's pegasus from camp. He landed right in front of me, I dropped the rock.

"Hey boy, What are you doing here", I asked. Now i can talk to the dead but not to pegasus's so the only thing i got back was a 'nah',He nudged my arm.

"Are you here to rescue me", I said patting his head.

"Thanks boy, But before we go back to camp were getting my sword back", Blackjack nah again, I climbed on his back and we flew off towards the cave.


Okk it took me forever to write this it kept deleting so i had to re-write it ugghhh but FINALLY I AM DONe:)

I hope you guys like it, Vote, Comment and share it means alot. love you guys!


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