The Other Curtis

By tenneesseewalker

112K 1.7K 163

15 year old Samantha Curtis is trying to figure out life when she finds herself falling for one of the gang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 31
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Just something quick
Chapter 33

Chapter 14

3.1K 47 2
By tenneesseewalker

"Come on lets walk to the nightly double." Darry said walking into the living room where everyone was talking about the camping trip to the lake. "Ok let me go get my jacket." I said running up the stairs. "Hurry up. I wanna get good seats." Dal yelled. I walked up the steps to my  room and got one of my jean jackets then ran back downstairs. "Was that fast enough for ya dal?" I asked walking out the door with Jamie right behind me. "Yeah that was fast enough." Dal mumbled still standing in the same spot. Then he walked out behind the rest of the guys. "So what movie is playing tonight?" Johnny asked. "It's a new one. Psycho is what they said its called. I don't really know what its about though." I said while looking ahead. "Hey its named after Sam." Two-bit said with a laugh. "Shut up two." I said reaching over to smack him upside the head. He dodged it and laughed even harder. The guys all laughed. "I seen it the other night. It was pretty good." Jamie said. "Yeah my mom made me take my sister to the movies. So i took her to the nightly double. Thats the movie that just happened to be playing." Jamie said with a slight smirk. "Pony ain't you gonna get cold with just that sweat shirt?" Jamie asked. "Naw its nice out tonight." Pony said. "Whatever its gonna get cold." Jamie said. "Well give me your jacket then." Pony said jokingly. "No." She said bluntly. "Cut it out you three." Darry said to the three of us  now pushing each other on the side walk. I  fell back and walked beside soda and Steve. Dal walked beside me and grabbed my hand. dal and I knew that we could show emotions for each other around soda and Steve. "Sam. What do you figure on doing with your free time since you got kicked out of school?" Darry asked turning around to look at you. Dal threw my  hand out of his before Darry could see. "Just whatever i find to do. I may learn to cook or clean the house or my room. Or even do the laundry. Who knows. I may just sleep in my pjs all day." I said with a smile. Darry laughed a little. "Sure I'm sure you are gonna do none of that except sleep in your pjs all day." Darry said with a laugh. Dal just looked over at me  with a smirky smile on his face. "I might. I might make a big cake for all of you." I said putting my hands on my hips. "That will happen when Mickey Mouse goes off the air." Two-bit said laughing like a howler monkey. Dal ran up behind him and smacked him upside the head. "That hurt!" Two-bit whined. "It was supposed to." Dal told him. "Since when do you stick up for Sam anyway?" Two-bit asked. "I have faith in her. I think she can make a cake. In fact i will come over to the house in the morning and watch her make a cake." Dal said. "If you don't burn the house down i will let you two make a cake tomorrow." Darry said with a laugh. "Alright I'm gonna make a cake tomorrow!" I yelled "I don't wanna go to the movies anymore i wanna go do something fun find some trouble something like that." I whined. "Come on Sam don't you wanna watch the movie named after you?" Steve asked me. "Not right now. I'm not feeling so well i think I'm gonna go back to the house and go to bed." I said rubbing my head. "You sure Sam?" Darry asked. "Yeah I'll be fine i just need some rest." I told him. "I don't want to send you back to the house by yourself maybe i outta go with you." Darry said. "No I'll be ok." I told him reassuringly. "I gotta go home. Pony wanna walk me?" Jamie asked. "Might as well" Pony said. Ohhhhs and Aaaaas escaped me and the gang. "What?!" Pony asked. "Nothing." I said laughing looking at Jamie. She blushed a little and rolled her eyes at me  then turned and walked away with Pony walking beside her. "Since when did Jamie blush?" Two-bit asked. "She is actually capable of emotion?" Dal asked with a laugh. "You guys noticed that to?" I asked. "Yeah." They all said. "Do you know why she is doing that?" Darry asked. "Yeah she is Pony's girl now." I said with a laugh. "Dang it Steve won the bet." Dal said. "You guys bet on Pony and Jamie getting together? Why didn't you let me in on it?!" I yelled at them. "Well we figured you would cheat since you and Jamie are so close and kinda put it in your favor." Darry said. "Soda is close to pony and Soda was in on it." I said with my hands on my  hips. "Well tell ya what Sam, next time we bet on something we will let you in on it." Dal said. "Sounds good to me. I'm gonna head back to the house. See y'all later." I said turning around and walking toward the house. I had been walking for a few minutes with my hands in my jacket pockets with a tight grip on my switch when i heard a car pulling up behind me. It slowed to a stop and two Socs got out. "Hey cutie wanna come with us." One of them managed to slur. Great. They are drunk. I thought. I recognized the voice. It was bob. "Hey sweetheart. He was talking to you!" Randy said walking up to me and grabbing my shoulder to turn me around. "Hey look who we got here." Randy said when he turned me around. "Yeah its dals girls." Bob said with a laugh. "Well where's your precious dally at?" Randy teased. "Shut up." I spat back at him. "Where is? Is he gonna save ya?" Bob asked mockingly. "I outta knock you both out." I  said to them. "Oh no I'm shaking." Randy said him and Bob laughing. "Come on Dal's girl. Knock us out." Bob taunted. I figured i better take the hit while i could. I hit them both. They fell back and came up stumbling and madder then ever. They were drunk of course. "You shouldn't have did that." Bob said stumbling over to me. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall of an old building. It kinda hurt. I  kicked and punched as hard as i could. I had no clue how far away any of the guys were away but any chance i had I was gonna take. I whistled for the guys just in case they could hear me.  I kept kicking getting weaker and weaker while bob and randy both hit me. After a few minutes i heard big foot steps and i started to black out by the time they got close enough to help me. When i woke up I was on the couch in my house. I had on a tank top and felt someone dabbing a cold washcloth on my head. I figured that it was Darry. I opened my eyes to see Darry dabbing the washcloth on my forehead and dal and soda were pacing the living room with Johnny and Steve trying to calm them down. "Darry?" I asked. "Sam. You ok?" Darry asked. Dal and Soda just about knocked Darry over and tackled the couch at the sound of my voice. "Guys take it easy. I'm fine. Well as good as i can be from getting beat up by a couple of Socs." I  said jokingly. "Sam you gave us a heart attack." Soda said grabbing my hand. "I'm fine. Question why does my face hurt so bad." I asked. "I had to stitch you up a little. You have some on your arms and legs to." Darry said standing up. "I wanna go upstairs to my room." I said starting to get up then getting really light headed. I put my  hand on my  head. "I think if you go we will help you." Dal said. "You have a concussion." Darry said explaining. "No big deal guys i can walk it off. Ive had worse." I said starting to walk. Dal was right in front of me. "Hey dal." I said. "Yeah Sam." Dal said concern in his voice. "Catch me." I said before falling into his arms. I woke up in my bed with all the guys surrounding my bed looking at me. This time Jamie was there and so was Matt. "Guys i told you I'm fine." I said looking at them. "Sam no your not. Why do you keep saying that." Dal said in frustration. "Dal I said I'm ok or at least i will be. Matt? Jamie? What are you two doing here?" I asked. Matt looked from me to the guys. "Dal can you go make me some tea?" I asked. "What I don't know how to make tea." Dal argued. "Guys why don't you go help him then." I said trying to give them the hint. They looked back and forth to each other not getting the hint. Jamie got tired of it real quick. "Idiots take the hint get out and you better bring her some tea back geniuses!!" Jamie yelled at them. She grabbed a pillow and chased them out the door. "I'm going to make sure they make it right." Jamie said closing the door behind her. "Sam i uh.. feel really bad about the other day." Matt said. "No Matt don't feel bad about it i should have told you what I really felt then for me to just tell you and let you think what you thought." I said. "Listen i felt like i got shot through the heart when you told me about you and him. Then you just seemed so happy. It killed me. I didn't want you to get hurt. I have heard about Dallas Winston and how he is. I just didn't want that to happen to you." Matt said sitting on the edge of the bed. "I had no clue Matt. I actually was kinda upset about telling you. I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore and when you got mad and ran where ever and didn't talk to me i felt really bad." I said. "Why did you get that tattoo?" Matt asked. "I don't really know. I guess cause i wanted it." I said. "Why does it say stay strong?" Matt asked looking at the tattoo. "Because i need that reminder. The things i have seen, did, felt, and went through can make a person week." I told him. "Look i gotta go home but I'll be back later." Matt said before leaning down and kissing me then walking out the door.

Alright guys i updated!!!!! Yay!!! Thanks for reading. Pease don't forget to comment and tell me what y'all think i love hearing from you guys. Thanks again so much for reading. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what u think. Thats all 4 now. Bye 4 now.

Stay gold

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