Chapter 30

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Sam's POV
It was a silent ride to the jail. When we  got there i followed soda and Johnny in. Soda walked to the front desk. I looked over at Johnny with a sly smile. He winked at me. I really needed it he knew i did.  On the inside I was a wreck. On the outside i had turned on the charm. I was as tuff as I was gonna get without dal by my side. One of the cops walked out and looked right at me and Johnny. "You two the ones Winston wants to see?" He asked in a gruff voice. "Yeah. Why?" I said back fiercely. "Come with me." He said turning to walk. Me and Johnny followed. Soda watched. He took me and Johnny back to an interrogation room. He walked out and in a few minutes walked back in with Dallas in hand cuffs. Dal just smirked at me. It killed meon the inside. The cop watched him set down then walked out of the room. I knew they were watching us behind a two way mirror. I hated that idea but that's the way it's gonna be for a while if I even got to see him. "Hey babe." Dal said leaning over the table and kissing me. "Hey Johnny." Dal said glancing over at him. "Listen the main reason I wanted to talk to you two is that I want Johnny to take care of you Sam. I know your mine and no one should touch you but I still worry babe. I know that you can fend for your own but I need someone by your side. Can you do that for me Johnny?" Dal said. "Of course dal. I'll do anything for you." Johnny said. "Sam what do you think?" Dal asked. "Whatever you think is best dal." I told him. "I love you Sam." Dal told me. "I love you to dal. Why did you get in trouble?" I asked him. "I really don't know Sam. Tim and I were doing our usual rounds and someone made the call." Dal told me. Then the cop came in the door. "Alright Winston times up." He said gruffly. He grabbed dal and started to pull him away. Dal stopped. If dal didn't want to move he wasn't going to move and the cop knew that. "What now Winston?" The cop demanded. "Let me kiss my girl bye." He almost yelled at the cop. Dal walked back over to me and gave me a long slow kiss just to drive the cop insane. The cop pulled him away. "Bye dal." I said as the cop pulled him away. "Bye Sam. I love you." Dal said as he the pulled him out and shut the door. He walked back in a few minutes later. "Come with me." He said. "So your Dallas's girl?" He asked me. "Yeah why?" I retorted back. "Just wondering what's your name." The cop asked. At this point I was done with him. "Samantha Curtis. I ain't done nothing note worthy for the books so don't even waste your time looking me up." I snapped back at him. I then walked into the front part. He didn't say another word to me or Johnny. I walked over to soda. "Everything go ok Sam?" Soda asked. "As good as it's gonna get. I'll tell you about it when we get to the house." I said looking over at the cop who was still watching me. Soda looked over at him. When i got home the guys were full of questions. "What did dal say?" Darry asked. "Nothing important. Just that he wanted me to stay out of trouble and that he wanted me to stay happy." I told them. I looked at Johnny to make sure he didn't tell them. "That's all?" Two-bit asked. "Yeah that's all." I said looking at Johnny. "What y'all got some sort of inside joke going on or something?" Two-bit asked. "Naw ain't nothing going on." Johnny said. "Jamie is there something going on?" Two-bit asked Jamie. She looked at me for a second. Like she was trying to figure out if something was up. "Not that I know of." She said. "Darry what time is it?" I asked. "11:00. Why?" He asked. "Just wondering. I just don't want 2:00 to come." I said. "It will come eventually Sam. I have to go to the dx. Wanna come?" Soda asked. "Yeah I'll walk I need to clear my head a little." I said. "Clear it anymore and you'll be an air head." Two-bit said with a laugh. Johnny smacked him on the head which was new for Johnny. "Johnny!! That hurt!" Two-bit yelled. "What ya doin Johnny? Trying to take dals place?" Steve asked. "I think I figured out what dal really wanted to talk about." Pony said with a sly smile. "Pony mind your own business and it was exactly what I told you it was." I said getting ready to tackle pony. "I'm going to the dx. I'll see ya there Sam." Soda said walking out the door followed by Steve. I walked up to my room for a few minutes to close my eyes because i had a pounding headache. I then woke up at 1 and walked downstairs to find a cop in the living room.

The Other Curtisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें