Chapter 8

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It was about 2 in the morning before i got home. The whole gang was in the living room. I walked in with Jamie and wanted to attempt sneaking up stairs. "Where have you been?" Darry yelled when I walked in the door waking up all the guys who had any thoughts of sleep on their minds. "I went to the movies with Jamie. Pony said he would tell you I went." I said. "Pony is that true?" Darry asked. "Yes" pony said with his head down. "Well the movies ended a long time ago where have you been?" Darry asked turning back to me. "Out. I was with Jamie. We went and met up with Matt." I said just wanting the conversation to end. "And what were you doing with Matt and Jamie?" Darry asked. "We were uh... talking." I said. Darry didn't buy it when i said uhh. "I don't believe that Samantha!" Darry said starting to yell again. "Well we were just ask Jamie." I said turning around to point at Jamie to only find out she had taken off out the door. "God I hate when they do that." I said sighing in anger. "Go to your room it's late." Darry said looking at me. He was now seeing my hair that was a mess and my shirt that was slipping off my shoulder. I really did nothing wrong we were just playing around and I fell off the monkey bars. "Wait!" Darry said. "What?!" I asked. "Why is your hair a mess and your shirt slipping off your shoulder?" Darry asked. "I was being a idiot and fell off the monkey bars." I said looking at the guys in shock of the question Darry asked. Without another word I went up to my room. I could hear the guys telling Darry he handled it all wrong. But Darry being Darry told them it didn't matter now. I went and changed and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to rocks being thrown at my window. I ran over to the window and opened it. "What are you doing here Jamie?" I asked looking at her. "Sorry for running out on you last night but I had to get home." Jamie said. "It's fine do you want to come in?" I said. She shook her head yes. "Well come on up." I said. "The door is locked or I would have just come up to your room in the first place." Jamie said. "Ok I'll be down in just a second." I said closing the window and taking off down stairs. All the guys were still the same spots they were last night when i came in. "What's got you in a hurry." Steve asked when i came running down the steps. "Which one of you idiots locked the door?!" I yelled at them. I ran over and unlocked the door to let Jamie in. "Come on Jamie lets go upstairs." I said walking upstairs. Jamie followed me. "So what's up?" I asked Jamie. "Why does something have to be up?" Jamie said. "Because I know you." I said. "Ok so it's Matt." Jamie said. "What about him" i asked. "He really needs to talk to you but it's kinda hard with the gang or your brothers always around." Jamie said. Then there was a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me." Soda said. "Just you?" I yelled. "Just me." Soda said back. "Ok come in." I yelled. He had a cup of coffee for me. "You didn't seem like you were in a very good mood so I brought you some coffee." Soda said handing me the cup of coffee. "Thanks soda." I said taking a sip of coffee. "Your welcome." Soda said walking out the door and back down stairs. Jamie just looked at me. "You know their buttering you up for something right?" Jamie asked. "Yeah I know. I just don't know what for yet." I said drinking the coffee. "Hey I gotta get going but seriously if I were you I would hunt down Matt to talk to him." Jamie said before walking out the door. When she opened the door all the guys fell to the floor. They got up and started making excuses of why they were there. "What are you guys doing get in here now!" I yelled at them. They got up and walked into my room. "So you guys have now resorted to listening to my conversations." I asked. "Well ya know we um were uh just looking for the switch Johnny lost and uh we uh were uh checking the stairs and the floor in front of your room." Dal said. "So let me get this straight you were checking the floor for Johnny's switch with your ears to the door of my bed room?" I asked. They all started shacking their heads yes. I eyed them for a second. "Johnny what's in your back pocket?" I asked. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out his switch. "Here it is look I found it." He said going along with dals lie. "Listen I know what ever is going on in my life sounds so exciting to you but really. I would expect this from dal Steve and two. But Johnny pony soda and Darry I would never except you guys to do that." I said with my hands on my hips shaking my finger at them. They all looked down at the floor. "And you guys wonder why I don't tell you everything." I scolded them. "Now get back downstairs I have stuff to do today." I said watching them all walk out of the room then close the door. I got dressed and put on a pair of jeans with rips on the right leg, a shirt that i had cut the bottom of into fringe and a pulled my hair up into a tight French braid. Grabbed my purse off the hook in my room and i walked down stairs. "You hungry Sam?" Darry asked. "No I think I'm gonna go talk to Matt." I said looking at what Darry had been cooking. "Ok just take your switch. And be careful. Oh hey I got a letter from the school." Darry said. "Oh yeah what.. uh what did it say?" I asked nervous of what it was going to say. "It says that you are expelled and no longer able to go their anymore." Darry said. "Does it say why?" I asked. Darry shook his head yes. "It says that you got into a fight with another girl and gave her a black eye." Darry said. I looked away. "Did you do that?" Darry asked. "Yeah I did but i had good reason to." I said pleadingly. "Why did you do it?" Darry asked. "She was saying things about me and about us." I said. "What was she saying?" Darry asked. "She was saying stuff about me that made it sound like I was selling myself and stuff like that." I said. "Did you tell the school that?" Darry asked. "Of course I did she was a soc the school always listens to them." I said. "Well did anyone see it happen." Darry asked. "Yes some people saw it but they were some of her friends." I said. "Who did you hit?" Darry asked. "Pony's soc girlfriend. Cherry." I said. "You punched cherry?" Pony asked getting into the conversation. "Yes. She was asking for it. She was slashing my name like a set of tires." I said. "Well that don't mean you hit her." Pony said. "Yeah it does pony. Me and you have different ideas on things you wanna be a soc you wanna be like them you want out of here. I don't. I want to be here. I love being a greaser. I can't imagine being any other way. You and me may be related by blood but mentally we have nothing in common. I'm outta here." I said taking off out the door. "Sam get back here." I heard Dallas call after. "No dal I'm not going back." I said not slowing my stride. "Sam!" Dal said grabbing my shoulder and turning me around to face him. "What?" I asked. "Come back Darry wants to talk to you." Dallas said. "No. I'm not going back. I'll just hear about how bad my choices are. I've been kicked out of school." I told Dallas. "Hey listen to me there is a good part about being kicked out of school." Dallas said to me. "What's that?" I asked calming down a little bit. "You have more time to spend with me." Dal said looking into my eyes. The next thing he did shocked me. He leaned in and kissed me. "What was that for?" I asked after we both pulled away. "Because I love you." Dal said.

Ok y'all so imma b really mean and stop this chapter right here. Hahahhahaha I feel so evil 😈😈 thank y'all 4 reading. I love it so much when I hear from y'all. Don't 4get 2 comment and tell me what you think. Thanks again 4 reading. Bye4 now

Stay gold

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