We Always Attract - Oneshots

By Drive_LikeIDo

10.7K 151 27

A collection of oneshots for the We Always Attract story, the sequel to Scarred and Left Me Like a Sunburn ... More

"You and Sophie used to go out?!" (Nathan's POV)
"Oh Max..." (Nathan's POV)
Gut Feelings (Nathan's POV)
Sophie's Sixteenth Revisited
Hit Me Hard (Nathan's POV)
And Opposites Always Attract Don't They? (Nathan and Max's POV)
Bubbles and Birthday Presents (Nathan's POV)
"You're in denial about my massive guns Jessica" (Sam's POV)

I Suppose Karma's a Bitch, Isn't It? (Nathan's POV)

953 10 4
By Drive_LikeIDo

Sorry this is a bit rushed but hey ho :)

This oneshot set around chapter 8/9 of We Always Attract from Nathan's POV

The five of us lads, Kelsey and Nareesha stepped into the club, the bass pumping and the lights flashing wildly, highlighting the masses of bodies crowding the dancefloor.

"Shall we get some drinks in, lads?" Tom shouted over the music, slinging his arms around mine and Jay's shoulders.

Tom grabbed Jay and bounded over to the bar whilst Max, Siva, the girls and I found a free booth and sat down, getting comfy.

"You alright, Nath?" Nareesha asked me. putting her hand on my arm.

"Yeah" I mumbled half-heartedly.

The truth was I wasn't alright. Something, or someone, had been nagging at my brain for the past couple of weeks.


Since she'd arrived on the tour, it's like I couldn't stop thinking about her. I mean, I've obviously thought about her, and us, a few times over the past couple of years but I guess being in the band had distracted me from her.

But now she's coming on tour with the band.

I'd tried to make myself see it in a positive way, to see it as an incredible opportunity for Sophie to get exposure as a singer. I tried to be happy for her.

But it's hard to be happy for someone who ripped your heart out and let it shatter on the floor in a milion little pieces.

And worst of all, I could feel it happening again. I could feel myself being attracted to her again. I kept finding myself thinking back to the memories we'd shared together when we were younger- when we'd sang together, the first time we'd kissed, the first time we'd had sex... all the other times we'd had sex...

But our relationship was so much more than that. I'd forgotten how close we were, how she was like my best friend, how much I loved her...

Love her...

No, loved.

Thinking about it was really starting to get me down but I couldn't help it. It was hard not be reminded of all the good times we'd had together when I'm spending hours each day being in the same room as her.

It also kept reminding me of that night. That night that I'd never managed to erase from my memory. Still to this day, I've never understood why she did it. I know I was leaving but that wasn't an excuse. If she didn't want to do the long-distance thing, she should have just told me. It would have hurt but I loved her so I'd have understood.

I knew I needed to talk to her about it, about us, especially since we ended it in such bad terms, but I couldn't bring myself to. Every time I looked at her, the image of her and Scott kissing appeared in my mind and made me feel sick. I don't know how I'd manage to actually speak to her in person.

The whole thing had been getting me down since she arrived but today I was in a particularly bad mood because of something we'd found out earlier.

Sophie was going on a date tonight.

I don't know why I was surprised to be honest. Obviously she would be getting dates; she's fucking gorgeous.

What I didn't understand was why I felt so... well, in all honesty...


Yes, I was jealous.

I shouldn't have been. I'd broke up with her nearly three years ago and hadn't had any contact with her since but I couldn't stop myself. The thought of her being with someone that wasn't me...

"Drinks, guys" I heard Tom sing loudly, snapping me from my thoughts as he and Jay appeared with two trays full of drinks and vodka shots. Tom started handing the drinks and shots out.

"Here Nath" he said, placing a shot in front of me, "drink up!"

I didn't argue with him, hoping that as the liquid burned my throat, it would burn away my thoughts of Sophie.

"You gonna have some fun tonight, baby Nath?" Tom grinned as he sat down next to me, singing his arm around me.

"Yeah" I sald, giving him a half-smile.

"Don't worry, there's some fit birds in here" he said, "your Uncle Tom will get you laid by the end of the night"

I rolled my eyes, doubting that would happen.

The first hour or so was spent with all of us just chatting and socialising with each other. Then, Kelsey dragged Tom off to go and dance with her and Siva and Nareesha decided to do the same. That left Max, Jay and me in the booth. Max and Jay were chatting for a while but my mind kept wandering off to other things.

"What's up, Nath?" Max asked me. I just shrugged.

"Why don't you go and find a girl to dance with?" Jay suggested. That reminded me of when Sophie and I used to go to parties and she'd always make me dance with her. Sometimes, when it got late and she was getting tired, she would take her heels off, stand on my toes and let me dance for her, occasionally placing soft kisses against my neck and shoulder. And then some really cheesy love song would come on so I'd start singing it to her and she'd be rolling her eyes and telling me how embarrassing I was, making me do it more. I knew she loved it really though.


"What?" I huffed.

"What is up with you tonight?" Max said.

"Nothing" I muttered, shrugging. Max frowned at me and opened his mouth to say something when Jay hit his arm to catch his attention.

"Mate, do we know those girls?" Jay said, nodding his head. Max and I looked in that direction to see a group of four girls heading in our direction, all of them looking at us.

"It's that girlband" Max said, "you know the ones that nearly got on the tour"

"Oh yeah, the ones Nath thought were amazing"

"I didn't say they were amazing" I scoffed. The girls reached the booth before Jay could say anything else.

"Hey guys" the blonde one at the front said, "it's good to see you"

Max and Jay agreed and started making conversation with them. Then one of them asked us if was alright if they sat down with us. Max was polite and said yeah, but I didn't really know why they wanted to; I mean, we had basically rejected them from our tour.

They all sat down, the one with dyed purple hair choosing to sit next to me. I internally sighed, hoping she wouldn't try and make conversation because I was feeling very anti-social tonight.

They stayed for a while, chatting to Max and Jay because I didn't particularly contribute much to the conversation. I think the purple haired girl next to me was inching closer to me though and I swear her hand kept brushing against my leg.

After a while, one of them grabbed Jay and insisted he dance with her. I don't think he really wanted to but he went off with her anyway. Then Max spotted a girl that he'd seen before on a night out or something so he went off to talk to her and two of the three remaining girlband members went off to get another drink.

Which left the purple haired girl and me.


Being my socially awkward self, I didn't say anything. Instead I pulled my phone out and went on twitter so I looked somewhat busy.

"I'm Chelsea, by the way" she said to me.

Guess I'll have to talk to her now.

"Er, Nathan" I said awkwardly.

"I know" she giggled. It wasn't a cute giggle like Sophie would do; it was a high-pitched annoying giggle.

I took a moment to get a good look at her. She was wearing this ridiculously short skirt with a tight crop top on. I couldn't help but notice her boobs weren't exactly hidden and if she stood up, surely her knickers would be on show.

Sophie would never wear something like that, I thought, she had more respect for herself.

Seriously Nathan, stop it.

The amount of perfume she seemed to have sprayed on was extortionate, and it smelled so sweet, it was sickly. Her skin was literally orange, presumably from some sort of cheap fake tan and she had so much dark eye make up on, I couldn't even tell what colour her eyes were. I thought that this Chelsea girl was probably better looking underneath all of that slap.

Sophie never wore too much make up though. She didn't need to.

And Sophie didn't wear fake tan either. I suppose there's nothing wrong with wanting to look more tanned but being pale suited Sophie. She'd put some fake tan on her legs once but it went wrong and her legs turned streaky so she wouldn't let us have sex until she'd got it off because she was so embarrassed about me seeing her legs. I thought it was quite funny and I took the piss out of her for it so she put some on my face when I'd fallen asleep at hers once.

Yeah, needless to say I didn't find that part very funny.

I couldn't stay mad at her though.

And Sophie always smelled delicious, whether she was wearing perfume or not. She never put so much perfume on that it was overwhelming but just enough to let it intoxicate my senses. Her smell became so familiar to me and I would often be able to smell her on my clothes when we'd been together, much to my delight.

I cursed myself for letting my mind wander back to Sophie, and focused back on the girl next to me, downing the last part of my drink. I'll admit, Chelsea wasn't bad to look at, in fact, she was quite attractive, but she wasn't my type.

She wasn't Sophie.

I mean because Sophie was my type, I thought quickly, trying to justify myself. It's not because I still like her or anything, because I don't, I was just saying...

"Would you like another drink?" she began, placing her hand on my arm and batting her eyelashes.

"Er, yeah-" I mumbled.

"Great, come on" she grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I just let her take me to the bar and buy both of us a drink. I think it was some sort of fancy wine, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy thinking that Sophie wouldn't have bought me wine. She'd have bought me a beer, and then probably had a bottle of beer herself because she was cool like that.

Shut up, Nathan, she wasn't cool when she cheated on you.

I stayed at the bar with Chelsea for a while, mainly because I didn't really know where the rest of the lads had gone and I didn't want to look like a loner on my own. She kept buying me drinks, which I just saw as free alcohol, and though I was being a bit anti-social, it didn't matter because she just kept chatting to me. I was only half listening anyway because frankly, I couldn't really care less about how New Look had asked her to model their new Spring collection for them but she had to turn them down because she was too busy being in a girlband. I'm pretty sure it was bullshit anyway. The alcohol and listening to Chelsea talk sort of distracted from Sophie though, which I liked. An image of her kept popping up in my head, sat having dinner with some guy who was better looking than me and having loads of fun on her date, but every time it did, I took another gulp of my drink to make it disappear.

After countless drinks, I felt her grab my hand and pull me onto the dancefloor. My head was fuzzy and slow from the alcohol and I wasn't fully aware of my actions. Chelsea slung her arms around my neck and started dancing with me. I placed my hands on her waist, just letting the music and the feel of someone else's body pressed against mine cloud my mind. Chelsea's hands were roaming in the hair on the back of my head, which felt nice because no one had really done that since Sophie-

I quickly shook the thought from my brain and let Chelsea continue her dancing. Her hip-swaying soon turned to grinding and I felt her lips attach to my neck, gently sucking and massaging the sensitive skin. I let my eyes flutter shut at the feeling.

Her lips found their way from my neck, across my cheek and to my lips. The alcohol that was intoxicating my body meant I didn't respond at first but then I began to move my mouth against hers. I'm not really sure why I kissed her back, I guess I just missed being kissed by someone, missed feeling wanted by someone. Her tongue slid across my bottom lip and as soon as my lips had parted, she thrust her tongue into my mouth. Her hands were still tugging at my hair, her false nails scraping at my scalp and neck.

Suddenly, her lips left mine and I felt them brush against my ear.

"Should we get a taxi back to yours?"

I know why I did it. I wasn't thinking with my brain, I was thinking like a teenage lad. I was thinking that sleeping with some random girl would distract me from thinking about other girls, distract me from thinking about Sophie.



As I woke up the next morning, the first thing that registered in my mind was the pounding in my head.

Christ, how much did I drink last night? And why do I always end up with a massive hangover when I go clubbing with Tom?

The next thing I noticed was that I was naked, which was weird because I normally slept in my boxers. The only times I've ever wake up naked is when...

Oh crap.

I haven't...

Have I?

And that's when I spotted the empty condom wrapper on the floor next to my bed.

Obviously, yes, I have.


Hesitantly, I rolled over to assess the damage, seeing for the first time that some random girl with purple hair and smudged make up was fast asleep next to me in my bed. It took me a few moments to work out who she was, but when I did, I recognised her as one of those girls from that girlband that I can't actually remember the name of. The previous night came flooding back to me and I internally groaned.

What have I done?

I rolled out of the bed as smoothly and quietly as I could so as not to wake her up and grabbed a pair of boxers off the floor, pulling them on as I silently made my way to the door. I opened it slowly and stepped out onto the landing, shutting the door softly behind me and making my way to the kitchen. No one was in there so I switched the kettle on and started making myself a brew. When it was done, I took it to the table and sat down.

God, what was I thinking? Why did I have to go and sleep with some random girl? I can't even remember what her bloody name was.

"Someone got lucky last night" Tom said, appearing in the doorway and entering the room. I didn't reply, just sipped at my brew, "I know because I couldn't sleep from the noise"

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Who's the girl?" he asked, sitting down in the chair across from me.

"She's from that girlband"

"What's her name?"

"... I can't remember" I said sheepishly.

"Were her bedroom skills as amazing as you thought her singing was?" he smirked, but I just glared at him, "mate, you got laid and you're still in a bad mood" he sighed.

"I'm not in a bad mood" I grumbled, "I'm just hungover"

"Who cares? You got some" He said.

"Hey babe" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see a girl in our doorway, the same girl who I'd found earlier in my bed. No offense to the girl, but she didn't look half as good this morning as I remembered last night. Her purple hair looked a bit messy and knotted, and her smudged make up left dark circles under her eyes. The short skirt and crop top that had previously made a home on my bedroom floor were now covering, scratch that, barely covering her body. I vaguely remember her looking orange last night but Jesus Christ. Maybe it was just in that light but I don't think I've ever seen someone whose skin is such an alarming shade of orange.

She made her way over to me and sat down sideways across my lap, which I thought was a bit of bold move and hadn't really expected her to be that forward, especiallly since I'd only met her properly last night. Tom raised his eyebrows at me whilst she just wrapped her arms loosely around my neck.

"Would you like to introduce me to your lady friend, Nath?" Tom smirked, knowing full well I couldn't remember her name. Thankfully, the girl spoke up before I tried to.

"I'm Chelsea" she said.

Oh, yeah, Chelsea...

"Would one of you guys make me some breakfast?" she asked rather cheekily, "something like a fruit salad with yoghurt or something would be great, thanks"

"Yes, your highness" Tom muttered under his breath, standing up and rooting around the kitchen.

"Last night was amazing, babe, no one's ever had me like that before" Chelsea said to me quietly, trailing her hand down my bare chest, "you can give me your number and maybe we can do it again sometime"

"Er, yeah, maybe" I mumbled. Chelsea was about to say something else when Tom plonked a strawberry Muller corner and a spoon in front of her on the table.

"Where's the fruit?" she asked.

"It's in the corner" Tom said flatly, sitting down again and pointing to the strawberry section of the yoghurt. Chelsea huffed but started poking the spoon in the yoghurt anyway.

"We better start getting ready soon, mate" Tom mentioned, "we've gotta be at rehearsals in half an hour"

"Alright, I'll go and get ready" I said, gently pushing Chelsea off my lap. I hoped she would sit down in the seat and talk to Tom for a bit but she followed me as I made my way back to my room.

I started to get ready, expecting Chelsea to grab her bag and then leave, but she didn't. She just sat down on my bed and watched me getting ready. It was a bit weird actually. I didn't even change my boxers, though I wanted to, because I felt uncomfortable taking them off with her staring at me.

Once I'd got ready, I made my way to the front door, with Chelsea in tow. Tom was already waiting for me, along with Siva who was ready to go too.

"You ready?" Tom asked me.

"Yeah" I nodded.

He opened the door whilst Chelsea said 'hi' to Siva, as though she actually lived here or something. He gave her a weird look before following Tom out of the door. Chelsea and I stepped out of the flat too and we all began making our way down the corridor. As we stepped into the lift, I pulled my wallet out of the back pocket of my jeans.

"Here" I said to Chelsea, pulling out a twenty pound note and holding it out for her, "take this for a taxi"

"Oh no, it's fine, I'll come to rehearsals with you" Chelsea shrugged. Tom and Siva stared at her in disbelief.

Hold on, did she just invite herself to rehearsals?

"Er, I don't think you'll be allowed" I told her, still a bit shocked that she'd just suggested that.

"Oh, I won't be a bother" she shrugged, seeming very blasé about the whole thing.

"You do realise it's rehearsals for a tour your band didn't get invited on" Tom said bluntly.

"Oh it's fine, I don't mind" she smiled, "I'm not busy or anything today"

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I slid it out to see Tom had text me saying Tell her to piss off.

God, that's a bit harsh. I'm not very good at saying no to people as it is.

I pulled my face at him but he just glared back at me.

"You'll be a bit bored, Chelsea" Siva reasoned, "you won't really have anyone to talk to"

"I've got Nathan" she said, putting her hand on my chest and leaning into my side, "and I'll talk to that Sophie girl, I'm sure she'll like me"

My stomach churned at the mention of Sophie, but then I nearly laughed at what Chelsea had said.

I'm sure she'll like me.

I know Sophie. Her and Chelsea were probably polar opposites of each other and I knew that Chelsea was exactly the type of girl Sophie would not get along with. For some reason, girls like Chelsea don't seem to like Sophie.

Probably because she's funny, talented and beautiful, all without even having to try.

If I took Chelsea to rehearsals, Sophie wouldn't like her. She wouldn't get along with her.

She might even be jealous...

Would she get jealous? I don't know. I know Chelsea would really piss her off though.

Well, I was more than pissed off when Sophie cheated on me.

"You don't mind me coming, do you, Nathan?" Chelsea said, staring up at me.

I suppose karma's a bitch, isn't it?

"Er, no"

And I was right. Sophie was a bit late for rehearsals but didn't notice Chelsea when she first walked in. Then the lads started teasing her about her date, which pissed me off a little but then made me more glad that I'd brought Chelsea to piss Sophie off. When Sophie did notice Chelsea, she zoned out a bit and started glaring at her.

Maybe she is jealous. I hope she's jealous. She looks jealous, and annoyed.

"Sophie?" Max said, taking her attention away from Chelsea and back to him, "I said, did you have fun on your date?"

Oh great, now I have to hear all about this bloody date that was probably amazing and how great of a time Sophie had.

"It was... an interesting experience" She muttered.

What is that supposed to mean?

Jay and Tom took it in a sexual way and started teasing her about the golfball they'd found in her room the other day. They'd tease her, and me, even more if they knew the whole story behind it.

"Oi" Max said, nudging her with his elbow, "you never answered my question, how was the date?"

"It wasn't a proper date" she explained, "it was a 'my friend's got a date but doesn't want to go on her own so I get dragged into it because he's taking a friend' date"

What? So it wasn't even a proper date.

I've been getting jealous and it wasn't even a proper fucking date.

"Been there, done that" Max said to her, "Was he a nice guy?"

"Have you ever met someone who is..."

"Everything you've ever dreamed of?" Siva butted in, obviously half-daydreaming about Nareesha.

"No" she replied flatly, "everything you hate about the world rolled into one person"

"No" Max chuckled.

"Well, I have because I went on a date with him last night"

Sophie started ranting about her date and how annoying he was whilst I sat there and felt stupid.

Is Sophie telling me that I went in a massive mood and slept with some random girl to annoy her because she was going on a date, that turned out to not even be a proper date and with some dickhead that she didn't even like? I wouldn't have got as jealous if she'd have mentioned that in the bloody first place.

And now I was pissed off again. I had sex with this random girl to try and get over the fact I was jealous of Sophie's date and I didn't even need to be jealous. I shagged this random girl for absolutely no reason and now she's sat here in my band's rehearsal for absolutely no reason and annoying my band mates for absolutely no reason.

My eyes fell on Sophie to see her glaring at Chelsea again, and I realised it wasn't for no reason. Sophie was pissed.

Of course she was pissed. She'd spent her night sat with some dickhead whilst I'd spent my night getting laid with a fairly attractive girl. Okay, so Chelsea wasn't exactly my ideal girl and she wasn't gonna become my girlfriend or anything but Sophie didn't know that.

Then her eyes glided over to me, catching mine for just a split second and I knew, because I know Sophie too well.

She was jealous.

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