Kendall Jenner Imagine

Door ninewrites

323K 3.7K 532

GxG stories about you (Y/n Y/ln) and Kendall Jenner in an Alternate Universe. GxG only Meer

A child?!
Say it
Feelings show
Mutual Feelings
I love you but I lost you
The diary
Babysitter part 2
Revenge: wrong person
Revenge: the date
Image of you
Truth Hurts
Reminisce: rain
New Cover
Relish the Night
Instant Regret
Into you

Lost Truth

9.9K 190 26
Door ninewrites

Part 2 of Truth Hurts

After our encounter in the lavatory Kendall doesn't mind me anymore it's like I never exist to her.

But this morning was weird. The Kendall Jenner smiled... at me. Am I hallucinating or something? Maybe I'm just too delusional. She would never smile for me, she hates me. A lot.

But the worst part is that I smiled too. Oh god please if that's not for me, don't make her remember or noticed or something that I smiled at her pleaseeeeee! God, I beg you. She hates me already I don't want to annoy her more.

On my way to my car and I see my friends already there grinning foolishly.

"Heyyy.. guys what are you smiling for?" I ask, furrowing my brows I'm curious. Are they high or something?

"Well, princess you got yourself a Prince Charming."

"What are you talking about?" I say getting closer to my car.

"See for yourself." Okay, I'm more curious now.

Then I see a single rose.

I don't get it, what's the big deal? "Not to brag or something but I always receive flowers or chocolates from someone, what's the difference with this?"

Then I look closer and see a sticky note stuck in my car. And it says... 

Hi, I don't know how to approach you but I just want to say that I saw you today and I realized you had rosy cheeks.
ps: hehe I sound creepy-corny now, I don't do this but please smile more you're really pretty when you do.
- K

Well, I might be lying if I say I didn't smile at the note.

"C'mon who's this 'K'? Kath ask.

"I don't know guys it doesn't say their name." I tell them still smiling.

"Well, who's the guy do you know got a 'K' on his name? Oh, maybe it's Kevin! Or Kheal or Kane or Karlos or Ken or Khalil or Kristof or Kenneth or Kanye or Karlsson or Kallum or Keats.." Sia says holding counts on her hands.

"Sia, oh please. First of all, there are just only four guys in our school who got the K as their name. And that's Kevin and Keaton but they already have gf's and you know them and last Karl and Kristof but they're gays and known as the president and secretary of our school's LGBT pride." Kath says raising an eyebrow at Sia.

"Well I'm sorry, I got carried away!" This two needs to stop.

"Guys it's okay, we'll know him in time." I tell them

"To solve the problem of this secret admirer of yours, remember the place you smiled at and the people around you this day, and if not maybe this 'K' is not from here." Well, she has a point.

"Yeah, thanks Kath I will."

"Hey that's unfair, I listed names for you!" Sia points out.

"You too Sia, bye girls." I get the sticky note and post it inside my car.

Let's see ..uh ..ehyaa. Umm well, the only person I smiled at this day was Kendall. Oh my god! Is it her?! It is 'K' right it might be her but I'll be dreaming if that happens. Why would I think that she's the one who would give me those it's not like she's bi or something and besides she hates me.

Maybe the person was in the hallway when it happened or maybe this person is one of my classmates and saw me smiling like a creep thinking of my illusion with Kendall this morning.

But.. but I don't know the other person's name starts with 'K'.

And rosy cheeks? I don't think so, I think maybe it was just because I'm blushing.. when I thought that Kendall was smiling at me.


I'm on my way to my locker when I see a gift stuck on it for the nth time since last month. Every day I go to school every day I receive a gift and a note from this 'K' person, but he or she needs to stop they are just wasting their money. I appreciate the gifts and the notes but they won't have used if they won't show themselves and I want to meet this 'K', okay I'll call him or her K from now.

K.. who are you please just show yourself I want to meet you, you know? You're the only person that makes me forget about Kendall, yeah another 'K'.

Why am I so unlucky with all the people, the only two people I like are both K's? First I like the person who is straight and hates me a lot and now that this person likes me and I know that I'm liking them too but is too shy to show themselves. Why this?! How long will I wait? Not that I'm hurrying but.. ughhhh I don't know anymore!

Now I'm laying on my bed with nothing to do, so I decided to read the notes again. I post some of it beside my mirror so that I can read it every time I brush my hair or do my makeup and some are on my walls too.

I remember this one time they rumored at school that it is Michael the one who is sending me the gifts and the letters because his nickname is Kael so they assumed that it's him but I didn't believe it because one he's a playboy, two he's a jerk and three he got a filthy mouth to be the one to write me those letters and every time he sees me it's like he's looking at a feast. So now he's not K.


It's game day and we're at the arena with all the students and faculty of our school well it's required to watch because it holds our attendance and merit in our PE class. And as one of the officers of our school, I'm helping the teams and the cheerleaders by giving them something to drink and first aid.

I look at Kendall, she's so beautiful, she is wearing a lovely cheer attire well of course dummy she's a cheerleader what do you expect? Ummm.. shaking my head, then suddenly Lucas came and Kendall drags him to the empty hallway.

Maybe they're a couple now. I don't blame her Lucas seems nice, he's good-looking and he's a guy. I just hope he doesn't hurt her.

" Y-y/n?" I blink twice and look at the boy in front of me waving his hands near my face.

"Oh sorry, yes?"

"Can I have two bottles of water please?" I give him then I look at the way Kendall was at a while ago. But she's not there, I wonder what they were doing? Stop that Y/n! You'll just gonna hurt yourself more for thinking about them.

So I look down and blink then I feel liquid slide down my face. What is this, am I crying, again? Did I move on right? I have Know, K likes me, unlike Kendall. Why can't I make myself forget her? It's not like we had a good history all we had was deplorableness but yet I still really like her.

"Here." I look at the hand that is offering me a hanky, wait I know that voice I knew it well. Could it be...

I look up and suddenly my heart starts acting again, why does she have this crazy effect on me, but instead of accepting the handkerchief, she's offering. I just stare at her coldly but inside I want to yell, it's her fault that I'm crying and I can't help to, the image of her with Lucas is too much and you can't blame me I didn't push myself to love her.. it just did. Hell, why do I keep saying I love her when she didn't even deserve it ugh why does love need to be so complicated?

Having this internal argument with myself distracts me from realizing that Kendall already left and that I'm not even looking at her place anymore instead I'm looking at the piece of cloth she left at the table for me.

Did she just? Oh. She is..  being nice.

"Y/n!" The Coach yells my name. So I run to him.

"Yes, coach?" I ask. Fixing my uniform a bit from my little run.

"Can you please give the cheerleaders some drinks? I still need their voices for the cheers." I nod at him.

Gosh, why me? Ugh, Destiny, you're playing me huh? God, I still feel like crap for what I did to Kendall a while ago. Stupid you didn't do anything. That's why!

I start giving the cheerleaders their drinks but when I feel that I'm getting close to Kendall's area I slowed my pace. I still don't want her to see me she'll think that I'm weird and besides I'm okay with her for not yelling at me anymore.

Oh, her hanky is still in my pocket should I return it to her or not? Think faster Y/n you're getting near her. Gawd what should I do?

I keep giving 'water' to the girls until there's only just a step for me to be in front of the beauty.

I keep my head down as I don't want her to see my face.

I tried handing her the water but she's not looking even though how much I don't want her to see me I still don't want to be rude and just leave her to drink there.

My hand's slightly shaking while reaching to touch her when suddenly she turns her head to face me which makes me drop my hand immediately and ask her instead.

"Water?" I ask. Extending my arms giving her the drink and her hanky.

She takes the water and thank me but the hanky. "Umm here, you're hanky. Thank you for lending me."

"Did you used it?" Raising a brow, she asks me.

"Yeah..?" I say, looking at the hanky that I'm still holding, while my breath is shaking.

"Then it's yours." I don't want to argue so I just nod my head and continue with what I'm doing.

The games finished and we already had congratulated the teams and the cheerleaders. I'm thinking of going home already besides I don't have something to do now, my job here is done and I need a cozy sleep I'm tired.

I open my car but before I can slide inside I see the sticky note again. Really?! Even here? Wait... K is here? I look around but I don't see anyone. I sigh and just get inside my car holding the note.

Hey Y/n.
I noticed you look so down today? Uh if it helps, you can tell me? I mean write me. I'm sorry if I'm invading your privacy right now, I'll just stop now. - K

Yeah... Oh, my god! Did K just say write him or her? What the heck I'm so stupid that I never think of that, what is happening to me I used to be smart but now. If K hadn't told me in this letter that I can write them back I wouldn't have noticed that I can have the chance to finally know K. Okay tomorrow I'll write back a letter to K and maybe tell him or her if they can show themselves because I want to meet them.

{= _=}

I'm so bored and hungry right now, how I wanted to go excuse myself and buy myself something to eat but I can't because in Mr. Benson's policy once you enter his class you're not allowed to go out until the class is ended. Mr. Benson's not even lecturing he just told us to watch a movie the Uncle Tom's Cabin but I already saw that movie and I even read the book and now I'm not interested although it is good. Also, it's not helping that Kendall is in this class too, she's not even mean to me anymore but I'm just prostrated that every time I would try to speak to her my shyness seems to activate, or whenever she's near me I would make some distance. I need someone to talk to, maybe I should text her.

Hey K what are you doing? I'm bored right now. 😐
[2:15] delivered

I typed it and send it to K, oh yeah we've been texting now. I gave her a number a week ago, I realized it was really hard to just keep on talking to her on just a piece of paper but even though we can text now she still sometimes leave a sticky note on my car. And yes I still don't know her name but she told me she is a girl.

I miss you... save me it's boring here       [2:16] delivered

K??        [2:23]  delivered

Are you busy?    [2:30]  delivered

Are you mad at me, what did I do   [2:32]   delivered

I'm sad K, you're not replying 😔[3:00]   delivered

Did I send her the last text maybe she has class too or maybe she's already working? But I'm sure that she's just busy because she would always reply to me the fastest.

"Ok class see you tomorrow" Oh the bell already rang?

"Move!" I'm getting my bag ready when I heard Kendall yell at our classmate, Mike. Why is she in a hurry?

Why do you even care? Maybe she has a date with Lucas.

Before I can close my bag my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

Hey Y/n 😊 and oh my god no I'm not mad at you and I miss talking to you too, I'm sorry I was just busy but I'm free now. - K the anonymous      [3:01]  received

I smile reading her text

Glad you have time to text me now, what are you doing anyway? [3:02]   delivered

I was at class and my teacher is a grumpy old lady so I can't text you back 🙁 - K the anonymous [3:02] received

Aww K wouldn't do anything trouble for me then? I'm pouting. [3:03]   delivered

Ugh, I want to see your pout now! 😱 And stop that others might steal you away 👀😡 - K the anonymous  [3:03] received

Away from who?   [3:03]  delivered

From me duh 🙄 - K the anonymous [3:04]  received


"Y/n You need to see your car!" A girl in my Spanish class say.

"Wha what about my car?" Furrowing my brows, I ask her.

"I can't, I don't know how to say it but you need to go now." She tells me, so I run with her to my car.

"Look!" The girl says, pointing through the crowd of students surrounding my car.

Students keep murmuring things about me while I push myself through them 'Umm excuse, please excuse me I keep mumbling until I'm in front of my car.

I gasp as I look at it, it's not wrecked or scratched but it was vandalized telling me that I'm Gay and I like pussy, there, written all over my car.

"Hey what are you all still doing here? Leave!" Kath yells to the group of students.

"Shh Y/n it's okay, we're here now." Sia and the girl say, calming me from sobbing.

They're so mean how can they do this I didn't even do anything to them. I just keep on crying to my friends, I don't deserve this.

"Who do you think would do this?" Kath ask me. I just shake my head at her mumbling I don't know repeatedly.

Right now I'm sitting at the bench near where my car is in a park with Dani the girl who told me about my car while Sia and Kath are washing off the tints from my vandalized car.

..Why did they do that, what is my fault? I ask myself.

"Stop asking yourself questions Y/n it's not your fault, they are just jealous of you." How did she know I'm talking to myself?

"H-how?" She then rolls her eyes at me.

"You keep on pouting, furrowing your eyebrows, and shaking your head of course it's obvious that you're having a conversation with your head so stop that you'll just be going to stress yourself more." Dani says.

"Wait is that Lucas and Kendall?" Dani says pointing to the fountain area.

"I -I'm not sure it's too far well that couple is.. fighting?" Shock, my eyes enlarge. Oh, my god what if that's Kendall? I don't want her to be hurt so I shake Dani telling her to stop them or get some help.

"Please Dani go help her." I'm begging her right now.

"She can handle herself." She just plainly say.

"Are you insane? She needs help!" I snap at her.

"Hey, hey look. She's alright." She holds my shoulders making me face Kendall's area and I see Lucas lying on the ground holding his nose and his lower part and while Kendall's leaving. Wait for what! (?)

"See she can handle herself." She says smirking

"Wow. She's strong!" I look back seeing my two other friends looking at Kendall's way with admiration and wondering face.

"How did she do that? She made Lucas lay on the ground!" They ask, Honestly I don't even know but she sure is strong.

/three days after/

K hasn't replied to my messages yet. I'm getting worried about her, what did she do or what happened to her this time?

Sigh, I'm also worrying about Kendall too. Is she still with Lucas after what happened last time, is she okay now or is she still hurt about their umm breakup? It's so hard and frustrating, worrying about someone when you don't even know how to help them.

"Hey Y/ln where are you going?" Ada my classmate in math, ask me

"Home?" I say

"Oh, I just thought I.. we got class together next subject." I smile

"Yeah we're classmates on the next subject but we don't have class today because Ms. Lee is going to the hospital for her BP checkup.

"Really? Yes! No class today.." haha he's funny.

"Ok see you later dude." He says

"See ya!" I wave and left the room.

I'm walking to the parking area and I notice that someone is standing in my car, maybe it's the same person who did the vandals.

I run and sneaks to the cars' until I reach my car. I'm on the end bumper and luckily the person is still there so I decided to run to the front to know who the person is.

"Hey what are you doing!" I yell at the girl and she instantly snatches something back and puts it behind her.

"Who are you and what are you doing to my car?" I ask suspiciously to the girl that I still didn't know 'coz she's still bowing her head making her hair cover her face.

"Miss say something I'm not gonna hurt you." I soften my voice but still, she doesn't want to say or at least move from her place. I have no choice so I go near her and gently lift her face.

"..." I gulp on my saliva when I see who it is.

Still holding her face she mumbles. 'Y/n'.

Now I'm the one who lost with words. What is she doing with my car anyway?

"Kendall?" I finally say, and let go of her face. She just nods slowly at me.

"What are you doing with my car and what's on your back?" I ask her.

"N-nothing!" Liar.

"I don't believe you, I saw you snatch something when I asked you." I say.

"Well, you didn't ask either more as you yelled at me." Shaking my head, I try to snatch the thing behind her but she keeps on turning.

"Kendall please what's that? Let me see it, for all I know it's something about me or I don't know... why do you hate me." I say giving up she's tiring me by running around my car for like five minutes.

I look to see her looking for something, huh maybe it's the thing.

I look down and see a crumpled sticky note, curious I pick it up.

Hey Y/n sorry for not replying to your messages, I know there is, I got my phone taken away from me and I'm grounded right now so don't be mad at me for not replying please beautiful? -K

"It's from K but why did she crumple it oh my g- "

I stop saying when I heard her gasp, I look to see her face in horror but I'm nervous too.

"Are you.. are you K?" I say, mirroring her face right now.

"I -uhh no.. yeah. Yes, I'm K." Kendall admits, we stay for like three minutes of deafening silence.

"But how, I mean why? I can't believe it." I tell her honestly

"Truth is that at first, I didn't know either." Kendall pauses and looks at me and continues.

"I didn't know why am I so mad at you then I realized I was jealous. I was jealous because you're so smart, more popular, all the guys like you and even Lucas. And then even when I'm a bitch to you, you're still good at me even though I hated you that much you didn't even talk back or depended on yourself you just take in all the harsh insults I said to you." She says, I bite my lips wishing that it can help me stop the tears from forming to come out.

"Do you, do you know why I hate you?" Again she asks, I shake my head No.

She sighs and releases a deep breath.

"I hated you because you're such a good person, I hated you because you're so smart, I hated you because you're so pretty, I hated you because you're too sweet to everyone, I hated you because all guys want you, I hated the way you spoked, I hated the way you tap your feet when your nervous, I hated the way you bite your lips, I hated the way you clothed yourself, I hated your beautiful long hair, I hated your enchanting y/e/c eyes, I hated your smile, I hated the way you look at me, I hated it whenever I heard your name, and most of all I hated you because I didn't realize that I love you and it kills me." She finished saying.

Shock is the only thing that can describe me right now.

"Y/n please say something.." she pleads, already crying.

"Y-you ah, you like me.. back?" I don't know what's the perfect thing to say, it's too good to be true to have your long-time crush confess to you.

"Yes Y/n I like you, I do. I realized that after what happened in the restroom. I just realized it when I knew that you want nothing from Lucas and that after you said that you like me. After that I realized I don't like him I was just enjoying the idea of him, to get you away from him. And realized that all the things that I hated from you are just some excuse to cover up the fact of what I liked in you."

"But what about the vandal that says I'm gay, you didn't do that?" I ask her.

"No, of course not!"

"I'm sorry I just thought it was you because of what I said in the lavatory." I stupidly say, Y/n quit being stupid. But I can't help it when I'm around her.

"Umitslucas." She says something under her breath but I didn't catch it.


"It was Lucas, the one who vandalized your car. He did it because I told him to stop bothering you. After all, he has no chance with you because.. because you like me and I told him that I like you too." Kendall says looking down.

"Really?! You said that?" I say, excitement in my voice. She nodded

"Hey now, don't look down princess your tiara's gonna fall." I say, lifting her chin and smile at her.

"Stop you're making me blush." She says then pout, god she's so cute.

"Kendall, can I... kiss you?"

She looks at me straight in the eyes and starts to lean and I did too until our faces meet, I put my arms around her neck pulling her down to depend on the kiss, she tightens her hold on my waist and pulls me closer to her, she then spins us making me lean into the car. I moan as Kendall bites my lower lip and slides her tongue inside my mouth, savoring and wondering each other's mouth.


An update Yay!

Sorry, this an early update but I will be busy for I don't know how long but I can assure you it's not that long, am l making sense? Just a minor student problem guys, promise I'll try to update you if I have the time. Sorry for the mistakes. A banana 🍌 (for the retarded)

Love you all 💕

- Nine 🍌

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