
By lovablehemmings

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"That's Luke Hemmings, we dated but he was into some freaky stuff..." More



430 4 3
By lovablehemmings

Dedicated to pizzasgoodforthesoul 😘

Quick authors note.... I did not edit this so there may be loads of mistakes typos etc. Sorry in advance!

When I got home from Johnny's I began packing, I had this urge to see Luke. I needed to explain what it was he saw at the party,not because I have feeling for Luke but because he is a nice person. He deserves clarity.

I found myself running around my house grabbing the miscellaneous things I would need for the next four days. I was hungover and exhausted. As if on cue Tara struts into the room where bunny slippers on her feet with two cups of tea.

We both found something comforting about drinking anything hot. I smiled knowingly at her and sat beside her on my bed.

"Are you totally stressing out?" She asks staring at me with an understanding expression.  I love the way she just gets me. She knows when I'm reaching a breaking point and she welcomes me with open arms.

"Yes," I sigh answering honestly. "and I dont even really know why."

Her lips pull into a deep grin. "Well obviously it's because you'll be seeing your hottie neighbor."

I groan and shake my head, "Why does everyone keep saying that? You, my mom and fucking Johnny of all people." I scoff remembering the way he was Luke.

"Woah, woah wait Johnny? Back it up because I am lost." Her eyes filled with excitement. She adjusts herself so that she is sitting crosslegged on the bed holding her tea in her lap.

I go on to tell her about the whole night, since she seemed to have disappeared as soon as we got there. "Obviously Johnny and I hooked up." I tell her feeling a little ashamed. It's that I always intend to sleep with him but with Johnny what else is there to do really? I was bored and a little lonely, add some alcohol in the mix and you've basically got a sad sob story movie.

"But then Luke came out of nowhere and Johnny and I weren't even really doing anything bad, it just looked bad. The two of us were having a moment and it wasn't for Luke to see." I explain.

"Are you upset that he saw?" She asks taking a moment to pause. She looks at the ceiling which is a nervous habit of hers. Most everyone looks to the ground when they're uncomfortable but Tara, she looks up. "Or are you upset that you were with Johnny?"

I take a deep breath and let it out sighing. I run my fingers through nmy hair letting it fall messily.

"I'm just saying it seems like Luke is into you and your mom and I can clearly tell you're falling for him."

"You and my mom?" I cut her off feeling angry and confused. I wish everyone would just mind their own business instead playing match maker.

"Stella you can deny it all you want but you can't deny that he makes you mad, he may even be driving you crazy but he makes you feel. You can't deny feelings." Tara shrugs as if she hadn't just given me deep emotional advice.

That's one thing I loved about her, she never acted serious even when she was put in serious situations. Carefree Tara, no matter what or who was in need of her assistance.

"I have to get going now." I tell her sitting up. She nods assuringly.

"Text me!" She yells at me as I'm out the front door.


The car ride was long as expected but I enjoyed it. Just me and the open road no one telling me what I should be doing or who my soulmate apparently is...No pressure.

Although my palms began to get sweaty the closer I got to my parents stree. Would I see him? Maybe he would be outside in his yard, doing whatever it is he does... No, it's fucking November who is outside in November Stella, my subconscious reminds me.

I imagined Luke sprawled out on a table of some sort in tight boy shorts, no shirt with a rose in his mouth. Just waiting for me to return home. The thought made me laugh, calm down Stella....

When I do turn onto the familiar street my eyes dart to his house first, curiosity getting the best of me. It looks empty and for a second I wonder if he's moved. The curtains that were hanging the last time I was here assure me that he has not, I pull up to my parent's house and sigh. The hard part is over now right?

The smell of food instany takes me over. I walk to the kitchen where Jess is sitting at the table with a glass of wine in her head and a disgusted look on her face.

"I'm just saying mom, she doesn't have to be such a bitch." My mom gasps at Jess' inappropriate language.

"Who's a bitch?" I ask walking over and sitting on top of the counter. They both look at me surprised, my mom holding a ball of dough in her flour covered hands.

"Katie Thomas." Jess answers my question and takes another sip.

"Oh my god, she totally is." I say stuffing my face with some chips. "Mom you were defending her?"

"She seems like such a sweet girl I just don't know what you two are going on about." My mom tells me. She wipes her hands on her blue apron. She is quite the sight to see with flour scattered all over her, her messy brown hair pulled away from her face and not an ounce of make-up on. This is the mother I grew to know and love. It didn't matter to me if she was dressed to the nines or eating greasy French fries with me in sweats I loved her the same.

"Speaking of sweet girls, where is my darling little sister?" I ask her.

"You mean our demon sister?" Jess jokes.

"Dont think you're too old for a spanking." My mom scolds. Jess and I both hold our hands up in surrender.

"She's at a friends house, down the street." Memories of Jess and I hopping from house to house when we were kids makes me smile. " I was thinking maybe you and Jess could walk down and pick her up?"

I look at Jess who is already looking at me. We shrug our shoulders together in agreement.

A few moments later Jess is pulling me out the front door, not even allowing me to grab my coat. "Dont be such a pussy." She laughs as I shiver.

"Easy for you to say, you have a fucking coat!" I rub my arms together desperate for warmth.

"So how are things with Luke?" She asks me and for a minute I consider turning around and running back to the house. I really just wanted to enjoy twenty-four hours without someone bringing him up.

"Things are great, I think I might actually be carrying his unborn child." I say sarcastically growing more annoyed at everyone making up scenarios between the two of us.

Jess laughs and shakes her head at me, " I would hope not, sex with Luke was awkward as hell."

I furrow my brows walking beside her, "why?" The question flies out of my mouth, as if I have no control what so ever.

"He made me call him daddy, what's sexy about thinking about your dad when your trying to get it on?" She continues to laugh.

"But that's not what he meant." I say, feeling an urge to defend him.

"Oh and you know what he meant?" She looks at me with a with a smirk, suggesting I am somehow involved romantically with him.

I look away feeling a little embarrassed. How did I get myself caught up in a conversation about a neighbors kink?

"Well first of all, daddy kinks are about dominance not actually your father. It's a power trip for him, maybe it helps him deal with understanding his girlfriends are his and only his. Second, you shouldn't judge someone you're fucking, for their kinks just because you're not into it Jessica."

"Look at my little sister being so grown about and talking about fucking." Jess jokes.

"Hey there," Luke car pulls up beside us. He smiles leaning out his window with one hand on his steering wheel. My cheeks hea t up and I pray to God he didn't hear any of our conversation.

"Hi Luke," Jess and I say at the same time.

"Whatcha guys up to? It's cold as balls out here." He giggles and I do too. Our laughter mixes and the sound of it is enough to make me laugh again.

"We're picking up our sister." I smile.

"Well I won't keep her waiting. See you later?" He looks only at me and his blue eyes are asking mine the same question his lips did. They long for me and I'm unsure of why, his eyes as dreamy as they may appear pull me in and I nod.

"Sure," I bite my lip, something I never caught myself doing before. "I'm in town for a couple days I'm sure you'll see me around." His smile lights up and soon enough he pulls away and into his drive.

I tried to steady my heart as I walked in silence with my sister. She had a smile plastered across her face but she didn't say anything even though both of us knew.... I was falling for Luke. I wanted to continue fighting my feelings towards him just to prove everyone wrong but I couldn't deny it any longer. Just from the tiny moment I shared with him now had me looking forward towards my time here. I missed his presence as we reached the doorstep of another neighbor.

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