Silver | Kylo Ren x Reader

By supremekylo

16.9K 861 374

30 years have passed since the last wolf attack in the small town of Havensboro; after a gruesome wolf murder... More

The Wolf with Silver Eyes
The Man Named Armitage
The Wolf Attack
The Sacred Silver Necklace
The Scarif Book Store Massacre
The Claw Marks on the Wall (NSFW!)
The Three Words
The Kidnapping
The Last Howl (NSFW!)
The Epilogue

The Truth Behind Ben Solo

1.3K 91 43
By supremekylo

Warning: Harassment/attempts of sexual assault are implied but nothing explicit is mentioned.

It had easily been a week since that moment, a week since the mysterious black wolf saved your life... and a week since your sleepless nights came to an end.

Although you were disappointed in the fact that you couldn't help out the poor animal, you were glad that—somehow—the nightmares were no longer existent. Actually, for the past seven days, you dreamt of nothing. Absolutely nothing. Or, so it felt like. All you could remember was just the pitch blackness of your closed eyes.

That night, after the wolf had saved you, you forced yourself out of the woods. A part of you wanted to search for the animal, but you were able to overcome it and go back home. After all, it was too dark out, there were men hunting and you had an exam to study for.

The exam... surprisingly you had passed with flying colors. If you had slept well and hadn't dealt with the wolf issue, you possibly would've aced it. But a low 'B' was good enough for you.

From then on, your days went back to normal. School and work, nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that you hadn't seen Ben since your encounter with him back in the bookstore. He hadn't, not once, visited. Which started to upset you. You were growing to really like the man, why did he have to disappear like that? Did something push him away? Did he not like Finn and Rey? You had hoped not because they were practically your family and meant the world to you, so of course that wouldn't sit well with you.

But that didn't seem like a sufficient reason. There was more to just couldn't tell what.

There was no lie in saying that you were sad. Ben was great company and was quite the gentleman. Even though you had only known him for a few days, the time didn't seem to matter when he was so kind towards you. Which bothered you, why would he be so nice towards you, take you to dinner and give you a gift only to drop you?

It itched at your skin, something wasn't right. You didn't do anything to scare him away, you were your usual self around him. So, what gives? There were so many times you checked your phone in hopes he'd message you, or maybe you missed a call, but nothing. Nothing would appear.

So you let it be, as much as you could. You didn't want to think about him as much as you didn't want to think about the wolf. But somehow, your mind always circled back to either of them.

Sitting there and eyeing the necklace Ben had given you, your cheek in the palm of your hand as your other held onto the pendant, you heard the seat next to you shift. "Someone isn't having a good day." Hearing the familiar, accented voice, you looked up and shook your head.

"No, my day is fine... just recovering from the exams I took." You lied, giving Armitage a small smile. "Tired, that's all."

"I see, well, at least you passed your exams." Nodding your head, you sat up and looked at the partially empty classroom. "I can't say the same for myself. I'm surprised I even got a D."

Growing wide-eyed, you fully turned your head. "A D?"

"It's nothing, I had other exams as well and focused a little too much on them. Plus, the professor I had before was on a different lesson than this one in the university I was in before. I'm amazed that I even got some answers right." He chuckled as you smiled. At least Armitage was good company as well and hadn't ditched you.

"If you ever need help, I can totally give it to you. Like a tutor, so you don't bomb the next exam and the final," you nodded as he grinned.

"That would be wonderful."

For the rest of the day, you went to your classes, had lunch with Poe and went to work. It was rather odd, you hadn't realized it until now as you stood before a shelf and began placing books back, looking at the blonde behind the register.

The second Ben had left, a woman was hired to work alongside you. It wasn't like you were ungrateful, you were just a tad bit curious. Maybe it was a sheer coincidence? The fact that she had appeared the very next day to work with you.

Moving over to the shelf and to the register, you leaned your hands against the counter. "Hey, Phasma, can you help me restock the top shelf in the science fiction section?" You asked, the woman looking up from reading a book, only to close it and place it down. Seeing her walk around, you eyed the book on the counter—the same wolf book you had seen.

"The step stool missing again?" She questioned with a small chuckle as you nodded, shifting your eyes over to her.

"Yeah, I don't know where it ends up, I feel like people think it's a seat..." Walking alongside her, over to the bookshelf, you went to grab the cart and pulled it with you. "It's just a few, not that many." Handing over three books at a time, Phasma placed them on top.

"We're gonna have to get you another step stool," Phasma laughed, grabbing onto the books and placing them. "I mean, I don't mind, but for the days when I'm not here or can't."

"Yeah, I'm sure the step stool is lying around somewhere... could be upstairs for all I know." Scratching the side of your head as you handed her the last few, she turned and placed her hands on her hips.

"Thats it?" She questioned as you nodded. "I hoped it'd last a bit longer, I'm practically doing nothing at the registers. Why is it that this place is practically empty?"

Sighing, you pointed over to the TV's in the small cafe. "The wolf attacks, that's why. Barely anyone wants to go out to places they don't really have to."

Looking at the television screen, she nodded, crossing her arms and watching. "I see... I mean, we haven't had any attacks in this area." Phasma pointed out, you not realizing it until then that the part of town you were in hadn't been attacked. Which was rather odd, you would've thought since you were much closer to the preserve than the areas the wolves had attacked. "So there really is no reason not to go out, but I guess to each its own..." she shrugged before walking away.

"Yeah..." Nodding your head, you turned back to the cart and moved it back to its previous spot. You just wanted the madness to come to an end already.

The sounds of walls creaking echoed throughout the house, wind blowing and causing the trees to rustle along with the leaves becoming the only noises to be heard. It was quiet and peaceful, but awfully lonely. To be sat inside an abandoned, deteriorating home with nothing but his thoughts was toxic. Lifting his shirt up and looking at the wound on his side, Ben—Kylo—let out a small breath. It was healing, but it was healing slowly, no thanks to the silver shell.

Letting out a breath in defeat, he dropped his shirt, looking at his surroundings and shaking his head. "How did things get this far?" He spoke out loud as if someone could answer. "How did I let myself get in this deep?"

Pushing his hands through his hair, he sat on the hard ground and crossed his legs, knees facing upward as he wrapped his arms around them. This wasn't the life he wanted but it was the life he had chosen—at least, for the most part. Things didn't have to be this way, but they somehow did.

He wanted to get away from it all, to run away like he once did before, but this time for better. Not for worse. He was, after all, a lone wolf. Couldn't he have left already?

No, because he was tied down. He had too many eyes on him, too many out there making sure he didn't make any moves.

He also had you. Ben didn't want to leave because of the fact that he knew he'd never see you again.  It was enough he hadn't visited the bookstore because of his injury and he felt awful about it, he didn't want you to think he abandoned you. But, maybe it was a bit too late for that.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he fell back and lied on the ground, staring at the disheveled ceiling that had been peeling before him. He wanted nothing but to protect you. To keep you safe. Ever since that moment you were assaulted, he couldn't help but grow attached. The need to keep you out of harms way growing stronger and stronger within himself... the harder he fell for you.

He couldn't admit to it, not out loud and definitely not to anyone. Yet, here he was, lying on the ground thinking about you because you were the one thing he adored most.

Saying your goodbyes to Phasma, you exited the bookstore and went to your car. Opening up the door and sitting your purse on the passengers seat, you started the car and had the reflection of your necklace catch your attention. Not once had you removed Ben's gift.

Gazing at it and moving the pendant around in your fingers, you heard a sudden howl. Looking at the night sky and seeing the moon being slightly covered by thin clouds, you instantly backed the car out of the parking lot and drove off.

You didn't know what took over you, but it felt exactly like what happened a week ago. Something had drawn you over to the preserve and you couldn't seem to go against it. The determination in you was strong, but, for what? Why is it that you found yourself going back there after nearly being shot?

Unsure of how to explain the phenomenon or even bother to try, you parked your car to a side and exited it, shutting the door. Something had brought you there—aside from yourself—there was something you had to see. But, what?

Was it the black wolf? You had hoped it was okay. Maybe it was something else? Possibly something to explain why you felt the need to go inside the eerie forest each and every time.

Walking through the woods, alongside towering trees and bushes, branches cracked underneath your feet. Hearing the sound of the leaves rustling as the wind had blown, another howl was heard. Stopping in your tracks, you looked up at the sky. It couldn't be a dog, it didn't seem like it. Maybe it was the black wolf? Maybe it was calling to you?

Or maybe you were just delusional. "Why am I here?" You asked yourself, voice coming out faint as you lowered your head to look back ahead, heart skipping a beat.

"Well, hello there." Seeing a man grinning at you, you took in a shaky breath. "What is a young thing like you doing out here?" Gulping, your eyes shifted to the shotgun in their hold, then back up to them.

"I... I—"

"You know you shouldn't be out here once the sun sets." Watching the man slowly approach you, your heart raced. "It can be dangerous."

"I— I am sorry. I just... my dog... he was loose and ran off and I—"

"A dog, huh?" He questioned as you slowly nodded, hoping he bought your lie. "Oh, I think you outta be shit out of luck."

"H— Huh?" You stuttered.

"This is no place for a dog, sweets. It either got killed by the rabid wolves, or, my buddies killed him!" Gasping at his sudden change of tone and the way he jumped in front of you, you stumbled back. "Its hunting season, sugar pie, and the target is anything feral."

"But.. I—"

"Are you... afraid?" He asked, looking you in the eyes as you tried taking in a shaky breath. "Aw, honey, it's alright! I'm sure none of us killed ya dog!"

"I just want to go look... for him..." You nervously spoke.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." The man shook his head. "Like I said, you shouldn't be out here."

"But... my dog—"

"Who gives a damn about your dog?!" He snapped, causing you to flinch. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He tilted his head as you kept quiet, reaching his dirty hand out to hold onto your chin as your face scrunched up. He was armed and you weren't about to do anything stupid to get him angry.

"No... I'm fine."

"Liar!" He shouted as you shut your eyes. "You've made a big mistake being out here. My boys would get a kick out of you..." Studying your face, your eyes stayed shut. Leaning in, the man sniffed you. "Mmm, you smell good. You must be very young, you've got nice skin. Your hair is very pretty..." Stroking his thumb against your cheek, your stomach turned.

"I am just trying to—"

"Hush, you!" He exclaimed. "I'm enjoying the view... you don't see much pretty ladies out here."

"Bud, what are you— oh, hey..." Hearing a new voice, you gulped. "Watcha got there?"

"Fresh meat. She's pretty, right? Maybe we can use her as bait..." Feeling yourself tremble, you refused to open your eyes.

"Oh, the wolves would love her. So would we, haha!" Hearing the stomach churning laugh, you swallowed. "She's got that virgin look to her."

"Oh, you bet! Should we keep her to ourselves?" The man asked as your heart had dropped. Getting nothing in response, the creep of a man narrowed his brows. "Frankie? What'd you think?"

Hearing low growling coming from afar, your eyes slowly pealed open. "Frankie? Where the hell are you?" He asked, looking over his shoulder. Shifting your eyes from the man, behind him, your eyes widened. "Frankie?" Letting go of you, he turned around, only to jump. "Holy sh—" Before he could finish, the wolf before him lunged as you instantly moved away. "Son of a bitch!" The man shouted as the silver eyed wolf snarled.

Backing up off of the man as he had knocked the weapon out, the wolf turned to you, then broke into a sprint, you not thinking but following. There was no way you'd stay there with a man who could've easily done monstrous things to you.

"Hey! You get back here!" The man shouted, you looking over your shoulder for a moment to see him stand up. "Get back here you whore!" Looking back ahead, you quickly followed the wolf behind.

Getting as far away from the sick man, your pace slowed down as the wolf's had as well. Moving to a tree, you leaned against it and tried catching your breath. "You saved me... yet again," you breathed, looking at it as it stood there and stared at you with its bright eyes. "Why do you keep saving me?" You questioned, as if it could answer.

Holding onto your chest and taking in deep breaths, the wolf continued to watch you. You had no idea as to why the animal would go out to protect you when you hadn't done anything for it. Maybe it sensed your intentions? Maybe it could tell you didn't fear it and had no malice behind being there in its home grounds?

Whatever it may be, it's saved you three times now from fatal endings, and you couldn't be anymore thankful. "I just need to know as to how you're always there to protect me... as if you know I'm in danger..." Eyeing the animal, it kept its focus on you as you let out a deep breath.

Hearing the sudden sound of a gun being fired, your head snapped up. Turning around and holding onto the tree, you peeked over, eyeing the distance in hopes the disgusting excuse of a man hadn't found you. As much as you didn't want to wish pain or death on any other wolf, you had hoped the man got distracted. The last thing you needed was for the black wolf taking yet another bullet for you.

Hearing more rounds being fired, you breathed through your nose, chest heaving as your focus stayed set ahead. You wanted no trouble and you definitely did not want to bring harm to the one creature that has saved your life countless of times. It was the least you could do.

Giving the area one last scan, thankful you hadn't seen anything in the distance—at least as far as you could look—you let out a sigh in relief. You must've lost the man... or at least his focus was elsewhere. But you couldn't help but wonder... what happened to the other body? Had the wolf attacked it? There wasn't any sign of blood on it. Not from what you could see...

So what happened? Did the man—Frankie—see the wolf in advance and run? That couldn't be it, he was a hunter, wasn't he? You assumed by the way he as speaking to your capturer.

You had no idea what happened to the second man but you were glad he was gone. If there had been two and you were still stuck in that man's hold, you could only imagine what horror would've happened to you.

Actually, you didn't want to. It would've been a nightmare you possibly could never recover from. Did you attract bad luck? Was that why you always found yourself in such troubling situations?

First, you nearly got robbed at gun point. Then, you were being stalked by a pack of wolves, a group of men nearly killed you with their bullets, and now a perverted old man harassed you.

If it wasn't for the black wolf, you would've been either dead or traumatized. Either way, you had the animal to thank.

Turning in your spot to face the black wolf again, you spoke up, "I should—" cutting yourself off, your breath hitched at the sight in front of you. Growing wide eyed as your body went stiff, your jaw fell loose.

What was in front of you was no longer a feral animal with a dark as night fur coat, no, it was a man. A man, completely nude, standing in front of you.

And  not just any man, it was "Ben?"

The name barely slipped out of your mouth, almost inaudible as you were in a deep trance. So many questions races around your mind, but not a single one seemed more important than why was Ben Solo naked before you?

Gulping, your eyes shifted from his sweat coated face, over to the healing wound on his side. Gasping, your heart skipped a beat. You weren't a believer of the supernatural or folk lore, but nothing could possibly explain the madness that was in front of you.

Shifting your eyes back up his chest dressed in scars, they locked onto his own. Seeing a shimmer of silver appear for a moment, your breath got caught in your throat. Whatever had been going on in your mind, there had been only one explanation for this. "Are you..." Taking in a shaky breath, your heart raced. "You're a... wolf? A... werewolf?" Your chest caved in. Seeing a small nod from his head, you blinked.

Moving your eyes from his own, down his body, they instantly stopped at where his happy trail was about to end. Shooting your focus back up, your cheeks began to burn red. "I have no intentions of hurting you... all I want to do is protect you," Ben hesitantly spoke. Your heartbeat grew faster at the sound of his voice. "That's what I've been doing... all along."

Swallowing, you took in a quiet, deep breath. "To... protect me?" Seeing him nod his head, Ben took small steps forward as you stayed glued to the ground. "I... Why?"

Stopping a few inches away from you, Ben looked down at you as your heart bursted into swarms of butterflies, fluttering throughout your chest. "Because... it's the right thing to do."

Unsure if this all had been real or just a vivid dream, you reached your hand out. Moving your eyes from his own, down to his bare chest, you pressed your hand against his deeply warm skin. The tingling sensation against your digits as the felt the softness proved enough that this was all very real and that was Ben truly naked before you.

Watching you as your focus was set on your hand, keeping it pressed against his chest as you eyed his scars, Ben moved his own hands onto your wrist. Shooting your eyes up, Ben looked at you as he moved your hand to where you could feel his rapidly beating heart against your palm. "Besides the adrenaline kicking in... you make me feel this way."

Feeling yourself about to combust, Ben gazed down at you as you were speechless. What could you possibly say? "I..." Unable to speak, you looked up at him with soft eyes. Not only did the man protect you, but the man had feelings for you—it was obvious in the way his heart raced. "Is... Is that why you saved me the very first time? Did you know?" You questioned, voice coming out faint.

"No... that was coincidental," Ben truthfully spoke as you stood there, quietly taking the situation in.

How were you not terrified? Let alone, why weren't you running? He could've sworn if he had showed his true self to anyone else, they would've darted. Left him behind like a fool.

But you didn't, you stood there, gazing up at the man as he had done the same to you. Did you feel the same? Did your heart race the way his was at that very moment? He had only hoped, because he wanted to have you and he wanted to be with you.

"And those other times?" You broke the silence, the sound of his breathing being heard. "Did you know?"

"Yes," he simply answered. "I sensed your danger. I knew your faint scent and followed it. That's how I found you." Swallowing, you slowly nodded your head. He knew your scent? You had only hoped it was good.

"Thank you..." Lowering your hand from his chest, Ben only got a hold of it, your heart instantly skipping a beat.

"I would like to keep protecting you. May I?" Nodding your head, Ben kissed your hand before gently placing his own against your cheek. Bending forward, Ben's face was inches away from your neck. Blinking as you were unsure as to what he had been doing, you then heard sniffing.

"Are— Are you... smelling me?" You questioned as Ben moved his head up the slightest and sniffed your hair.

"I need a better sense of your smell. Unlike before where I could only rely on a distant scent, now I know how you really smell." He spoke, your cheeks burning as you grew anxious. "Don't be nervous... you smell good." Biting your inner lip, your cheeks grew more hot as you blushed.

"How can you... Can you smell my emotions, too?"

"It's your pheromones," Ben stated, "It let's me know what it is that you are feeling."

"Oh..." Taking in deep breaths as Ben had stayed there, he then stood up straight as the distant sound of footsteps caught his attention.

"They're coming," he warned as you blinked.


"Follow me." Before you could even respond, he turned around and broke into a sprint, instantly transforming back into the wolf as your eyes widened. Now's not the time to be in awe! Quickly running, you followed after Ben.

Lightly panting, your eyes landed on a large home. An abandoned home. Of course it would be in the middle of the woods. Eyeing it, you heard the sound of the floorboards creaking as the door shut. Looking down, you realized Ben was no longer in sight. 

Instantly rushing over to the porch, you carefully opened the door and peeked in. The house was just as damaged as it was on the outside. Had Ben lived in there? "It's okay, you can come in."

Hearing his voice, your head turned in its direction, seeing Ben standing there buttoning up the black jeans he had now been wearing. Trailing your eyes up to his torso, you took in a deep breath. From afar you had a better look at him, and you had to admit... it was very pleasing to the eye.

Clearing your throat as you snapped out of it, you shifted your eyes up. "Do you live here?" You questioned.

"No... I'm not that kind of werewolf," he chuckled as you lightly smiled. "I come here when I need alone time... or when I need to disappear from the real world."

"Oh..." Looking back down at his shirtless torso, you eyed the wound. "I'm sorry about that..."

Turning his attention away from his pants as he zipped them up, he looked over at you, following your eyes. Seeing how focused you were on the wound, he shook his head. "Don't. It isn't your fault, I rather have myself get shot at than you. At least I can heal easily."

Feeling your chest cave in, you moved your eyes back up. "Does it hurt? To heal?"

"Not really... what hurts is getting the bullet fragments out." Slowly nodding your head, your shoulders lightly dropped in relief. At least that worry went out the window. "You were worried..."

"Yeah..." You breathed, fiddling with your fingers. "Well, about the wolf. Which I guess is now you." Sighing, you looked him in the eye, amazed how he was both a wolf and a man. "Does it hurt when you transform?"

"At first. Your body sort of gets used to it." Nodding your head again, Ben moved closer to you. "You don't have to worry about me. This is natural to me."

"It just seems so painful."

Smiling to himself, he moved even closer, now just before you. "The only painful thing is not being able to save someone in time," Ben uttered, voice nearly coming out as a whisper.

"But you've saved me each time..."

"Yes, I have. But not others..." He stated, eyes trailing off for a moment as if reminiscing.

Reaching out, you gently lied a hand on his arm, Ben's eyes moving back to your own as your free hand lied on the back of his neck and pulled him down. For a moment, his heart had lodged up his throat, but when he felt your lips press against his cheek, a small sigh left his lips. "Sometimes you can't save everyone. That's okay."

Letting go of him, you gazed into either of his eyes, softly smiling at him. "You're an exception." Pulling you into an embrace, your eyes widened for a moment before softening at the feeling of his warmth. Snaking his arms around your waist, your own moved around his neck as your eyes had shut.

He was so large and strong, it felt so right to be in his arms, as if you had perfectly fit inside of them. You didn't want to let go and you didn't want him to let go of you, you felt so... at ease. So safe. If you could, you'd fall asleep right there and then. 

Sensing the sudden change in mood as your body relaxed into his own, Ben took in a small breath, getting your scent once again as his heart throbbed. He so badly wanted to have you, to give you his all and to be yours. But how could he when the life he lived was one you didn't deserve being a part of? Even if you basically were at this point...

Nuzzling your head against your arm and his neck, Ben smiled. "You're tired," he spoke, breaking the silence. "It's late."

Lifting your head up and leaning away, you blinked. "I should go home-"

"No... it's too dangerous for you to go out there now." Ben shook his head. "Stay." Looking at him as he looked deeply into your eyes, you slowly nodded.

"Okay." Feeling Ben let go of you, you backed up the slightest, eyeing the area. "Where do I sleep?"

Turning to eye the room, Ben let out a sigh in defeat. How had he forgotten that you two were in an abandoned home in which he only slept in if he were in his wolf form—the only way he'd sleep comfortably. "I—"

"It's okay, I'll just sleep on the floor." Moving over to a spot that the floorboard wasn't uneven, you sat down, Ben watching. "Do you... by any chance have a blanket?" You chuckled, although doubting it.

Turning around in his spot, he walked off, leaving you sitting there as you waited. Coming back, he held onto a folded up blanket, only to open it up. Lucky for you, it was large. As for Ben, not so much. "Here, I use it when my body gets too hot and I can't wear my clothes." Growing wide eyed at his statement, he shook his head. "It... it's clean, I promise you."

Reaching out to grab onto it, you wrapped it around you as you lied down, Ben feeling terrible that you were going to sleep uncomfortably. "I... could transform and you can rest your head on me?"

Looking over at him, you sat back up. "Oh, no, I don't want it to be—"

"It's fine, I prefer sleeping that way when I'm here. It doesn't," he stated as you nodded.

"Oh... Okay..." Seeing him reach down to his jeans, you looked away. Even if you had seen him nude before, you still wanted to be respectful.

Hearing the sound of claws hitting the hard ground, you looked back over and saw the black wolf now standing in front of you. Moving around, he sat behind you and rested there, you looking over for a moment before lying down against him. It was odd, but, you appreciated the gesture.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A/N: This is possibly one of my favorite chapters so far! Especially since we now have the truth behind Ben/Kylo. And, I'll be honest, the reveal was so much fun to write and I honestly wish I could draw it out for you all!

This is just the beginning!

Thank you for reading and - as always - please leave a comment and vote! I truly appreciate the support!

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