Brown Sugar

By GirlsWithGoals

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Chresanto and Maya been best friends since they were in pre school. Times have changed and both have grown an... More

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Eighteen .
New story.
Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine.
Filler ..
Thirty (Finale Pt.1)
Finale pt. 2
Finale Pt.3
Book 2 .


280 16 3
By GirlsWithGoals



"Hold still girl this the last strand of hair " Rose demanded curling the little piece of hair after about 45 minutes.

"Bout time my butt is getting numb. "

"You'll thank me when you look in the mirror so shutup ." I rolled my eyes playfully and smirked.

"Lemme seee " she turned the chair around so I can see my hair finally and I gasped. The curls were all spiraled and pretty , I just fell in love with my hair all over again. I turned and looked at my best friend as she was wearing her famous smirk.

"You're welcome little girl "

"Aye aye I'm not little " she laughed.

" you like 4 feet " I rolled my eyes.

"5'4 Mrs. Over exaggeration " she poked my nose. I hated when she talked about my height, I'm lowkey sensitive about my height. Sounds dumb but I don't care.

"I'm sorry love , but you better get dressed it's 6:25 now." I got up and took one last look in the mirror then walked in the closet for some shoes.

"Thanks Mom"

"No problem you my seed " I poked my head out the closet and made a face .

"Bih don't say it like that, I automatically think of sperm " she bust out laughing.

"Nobody told you to think that way now hurry up girl . " I waved her off and grabbed my space jams out my closet. And came out and set the shoes at the front of the bed by my clothes. Corey said to dress casual but it was so hard to pick one outfit. But I finally got one .

"Alright Shew fly " Rose looked at me dully.

"You act like I haven't seen you in bra and panties before." I sucked my teeth.

"I wanna come out he room like TADAAAAA and I can't do that if you see the outfit before I come out." She rolled her eyes playfully and got up and mumbled something before walking out my room. I put on my black crop top and denim jacket and put on my tan skinny cargo pants and put on my Jordan's . I walked over to the mirror and made finishing touches before I heard Rose scream my name .

"MAYA COREY HERE SO HURRY YA ASS UP " Did she just cuss at me? Anyway I automatically got nervous and took deep breaths. Why the flying fuck am I nervous?  But then I put on some unscented lotion and sprayed some perfume. Then I grabbed my phone, keys , and purse then walked out my room and closed my door . Then I walked downstairs to see Corey and Rose talking.

"Yeah so you hurt my sister you know what time it is home boy" Rose smiled before glancing up the stairs. I followed behind her action and was taken back a little bit.

"Don't you look cutteeee " Rose went up and hugged her and still my feet were glued to the floor where I stood . She walked up to me and smiled . Damn this girl is beautiful.

" Hi " I smiled back .

"Hey " I seen a flash of a camera in the corner of my eye. Maya snapped her head in that direction while I still admire her features. From her soft looking skin to her to her perfect pouty lips.

"Really?" She asked looking at her friend.

"I had to y'all had this movie scene shit going on " we both laughed and I finally broke my stare from her . Rose noticed and smirked.

"So you ready to go gorgeous?" Maya looked at me and nodded. She turned to Rose and gave her a hug.

"Bye best friend "

"Adios best friend " they let go and we headed out the door. I walked ahead to open the door for her so she could get in and she smiled shyly.

"Thanks" she mumbled getting into the car. I jogged to the driver side and got in and looked at her.

"You look beautiful " she looked at me and blushed .

"Why thank you ." I'm usually talkative, but I can barely get a sentence out right now. My nigga get it together damn.

"So where we going?" I was snapped out of my thoughts as I looked at her again.

"Well I feel like a movie is too basic and we should do something different sooooo .."

"Sooo what? " I smiled. I started the car and got on the road.

"It's something I know you'll really like ." I glanced over at her to see her with her bottom lip poked out. I looked back at the road.

"That's not telling me where we going thooooo" I shrugged and kept driving and stopped at a red light.

"You'll love it baby girl just relax " she glanced out the window and held her smile but her dimple showed showing that she was a little.


"Alright close your eyes " she looked up from her phone with curious eyes. I put the car in park.

"Lemme find you tryna kidnap me ." I laughed.

"You willingly got in the car now close your eyes " she giggled but closed them . I got out and jogged over to her side opening her door and unbuckling her seat belt and gently pulled her out and closing and locking the door behind her.

"Corey please don't let me fall " she mumbled but loud enough where I could hear her. She squeezed my hand a little for reassurance that I won't let her fall and I squeezed back.

"I won't I promise " we got on the side walk and we walked a little before I stopped her.

"Okay you can open your eyes now " she opened them and gasped putting her hand over her mouth while the other still holding mine. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she looked at me.

"How'd you know about this? " I shrugged swinging our hands a little.

"I overheard you and Rose talking about it in class and I knew you really wanted to go so why not? Surpriseee " she blushed and gave me a hug . I hugged her back and took in her sweet perfume before we both let go.

"The poetry slam is one of hardest places to get into how'd you-"

"I know a guy baby girl, but let's go get our seats it's almost starting."

We gave the guy at the door our tickets and came in to sit down. I looked around and it was like I belonged here. The vibe here was calm but intense.A man with Iverson braids and in a black dashiki and pants and timbs walked on the stage and looked around at the crowd before speaking .

"Welcome to The Poetry Slam , I am James but I hate that name so call me Jay and I welcome the new comers and ...the rest of y'all " the crowd laughed .

"But those of you that have been here once before you know the routine , we start off with an opening performance and then we get into the good stuff. So any volunteers? " he looked around the crowd and it got silent.

"Alright since y'all being scared , I'll do the honor of going first ." He signaled the band to play and they started playing.

As I look into the sky .

I can see the sun peaking out to say hi

As times flies and the sun goes down , you can also hear the whisper of goodbye.

The stars peak out one by one , two by two

And just when you thought it was through

Here comes the moon 

I love how Nature is in tune , in sync

How things move and change as fast as the eyes blink

You would think I would let it sly and take it for granted

But my God took his time with his sky , I love that it so gracious

Patience my brothers and sisters I'm not quite through

Of course the sky with everyday there's something new

But one day we would all see the sky in a higher view ..

Thank you .

He bowed and the crowd cheered loudly. Something so small yet so powerful , it took my breath away . Corey felt the same way I think because he reacted the same as I did.

"That was amazing " I whispered to him and he smiled and nodded.

"See I knew you would love it " I smiled at him and he kept looking at me. I blushed and broke our stare and looked back at the stage. I felt his eyes still on me but I didn't look at him.

"What?" He chuckled.

"You're just...something " I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I hope that's a good thing " I said still not looking at him . He rubbed circles with his thumb on my hand. I almost forgot I was still holding his hand.

"You have no idea " I glanced at him and smiled and looked away.

"You're just full of surprises "

"Well princess I have one more surprise up my sleeve " I looked at him curiously and heard the man on stage announced the next performer .

"Ladies and gentlemen I want you to give a warm welcome to this young man , and this is his first time performing tonight but give it up to my man Corey Williams "

Corey rose up from his seat slowly letting go of my hand as the crowd cheered still looking at me then broke the stare and walked on the stage. He grabbed the mic from Jay and looked at everyone.

"Man I'm a little nervous so don't kill me if I mess up " the crowd laughed and he continued.

"But this poem is for all the ladies in in particular " He looked my way and some faces in the crowd followed his eyes and 'aww' and ooed and of course I blushed . He signaled the band to play again and they started playing.

Who's this angel? I know this angel

By the way she smiles you can't tell that she frowns inside .

And the way she laughs at everything is just to keep from crying

Elegance and grace leaks from her every move

Her beautifully shaped face blemishes here and there but it's okay

I watch her from a distance, staring at Gods creation procrastinating

Thinking if I should go over there and make conversation ...but I'll just wait man

But then over time I think about who would step up if I just wait man ..

Curves all over but my favorite is her smile

The one I catch all the time, the one that's just right

Who's this angel?

Hiding from the world , being that missing piece any man is looking for .

This girl here is a blessing

She has the eyes that could tell you anything if you just listen, well babygirl I wanna listen

I wanna be the one you laugh and makes jokes with in our kitchen

Maybe when the time is right be the mother of my children

But that's the deep end , and this is just the beginning

Baby girl you winning I been telling you that since the beginning. He winked at me and I giggled.

In the ending ..I want you there

Whether you're my girl or what I don't care so I'ma stop there

Who's this angel? I know this angel .

She's the girl I wanna see in every angle .

That's my angel..

Thank you .

The crowd went crazy jumping out there seats and hooting and hollering. I did the same . He bowed and walked off the stage and walked back to our table , before I could say anything he pulled me into a sweet hug.

"You never cease to amaze me Corey " he chuckled.

"You were my inspiration." We pulled away and he kissed my forehead and then my cheek. My face got hot per usual and he smirked as we sat down. I looked at him and he mirrored my action .

"All that was about me?" I tilted my head to the side .

"It was already written, but you gave me inspiration and I fixed some stuff and finished it yeah it was" he laughed and I smiled. I see Corey in a different light now, I always seen him at that player that always hit on me . But now..I see him as a sweet heart who just has a crush on me. I'm glad he's showing me this side of him, I was getting bored of the tough act he had at school or around his boys. But this is the real him. But I didn't intend on seeing it tonight.

" You okay?" I was snapped out of my thoughts and I blinked and noticed I was staring at him this whole time .

"Yeah seem so..-"

"Different?" I nodded. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah I know...I just wanted you to see the side not everyone gets to see. You're special "

"Thanks ..I think you're special too ."

"Me? Ion know about that .." I sighed .

"I wish you could see what I see "

He smiled and before I could think twice my hand was on his cheek . Looking into his eyes , they looked so warm and welcoming the opposite of what I've seen before. Yes I was admiring him. I blinked and tilted my head again and he smiled at me. Me thinking I would never like him , but here I am doing the opposite of my expectations. Oh lord.

After we left we got some food and parked the car by a nearby park and just ate and talked.

"I know this sounds cheesy but I had a great time with you tonight "

"How is it cheesy ? " I asked. And he laughed.

"Because that's what you hear in them romantic movies , after the date they get home and be like 'I had a good time with you tonight' or 'thanks for going out with me ' but you know that's how I feel right now" I laughed and he joined with me.

"We're not home yet" I giggled. Then I drink my lemonade. He ate a few fries .

"You know what I mean" I nodded.

"But I'm glad I decided to go out with you" He smirked at me.

"Will you be willing to do it again?" . I thought for a moment.

"Of course " His face lit up and he smiled ear to ear. He's so cute.

"I know this is our first official date..but I like where this is going ." I smiled looking down . I ate a fry .

"Me too.." I looked up and he was staring at me. I playfully rolled my eyes before speaking.

"Why do you do that ?" He shrugged.

"What? I can't look at you?"

"Naw staring is rude, take a picture next time " I bit into my burger, well I was about to and a flash went off.

"Coreeey" I whined looking at him with his phone in his hand . He winked .

"You told me to " he took another one before I tried to take his phone.

"Delete them " I laughed . He shook his head .

"These memories baby . Memories " He froze and I blushed . I guess he didn't realize what he said until after he said it.

"I'm sorry it slipped-" I cut him off .

"It's fine " I bit into my burger . And it was quiet for a few minutes because we were actually eating our food now. Then once we were done we started talking again.

"I'm full " I yawned and looked out the window. I heard the jingle of keys and the car started.

"Yeah I think I should get you home before Rose kills me." I was expecting the car to move but it didn't which made me look his direction.

"But I have to get this off my chest first ." I furrowed my eyebrows .

"What is-" before I could get the rest of my sentence out he kissed me. I turned my body fully in his direction so I could pull him closer by the back of his neck. Everything in me was heightened. Our lips moved in sync and I couldn't believe how soft his lips are. The kiss was so electric it was unbelievable. I moved my hand slowly to his cheek as we pulled away.

"Judging by the response you wanted to do that as bad as I did " he smiled sweetly and I blushed. Out of instinct I pecked his lips again and leaned back in my seat.

"You're right " He looked back in his seat and I noticed the slight pink in his cheeks. I cheesed at him and he looked at me still pink.

"What ?" I raised an eyebrow still cheesing .

"You're blushing " he slit his eyes at me and smiled .

"We shall never speak of this " I giggled and didn't say anything . I was gonna tell Rose still debating if I should leave out that detail or not. He put the car in drive and he took me home. Then Chres popped into my head. What am I gonna do about that situation? Should I let it go? Part of me wants to ..

I gotta make up my mind..


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