Mindless Behavior Love Story...

By -trippypositivevibes

107K 2.1K 213


Mindless Behavior Love Story Rated R (The Prince-Ton)
The Concert
At The Hotel
At the Hotel PT.2
Making Love and More ..... <3
Back to school
Back To School Pt.2
At School
The Beatdown
WTF ?!? how can 1+1=3?
1+1=3? its me and you and who?
1+1=3? but not you and me!
Le Accidentè
Buena Boo Bye (Goodbye Boo) Hola Bebé (Hello Baby)
Goodbye Boo , Hello Baby Pt. 2
cause ... i... am.... superwoman ~Alicia Keys~
Dude , Are You a PSYCOPATH!
Work !
Brightside :) (this song my jam) and a Surprise
mi hermosa hija (My Beautiful Daughter)
Drama Mamma
All about Da Money!
The Call
Moving Day /Once A Cheater ...
....always a cheater
............... *idk what to call this chapter*
i will always love you no matter what!
Chappie 31 : At the same Damn Time Pt.2
Me Too!
Me Too Pt.2!
I'm Falling
I Don't Believe In Fairy Tales
Ready For Love
Bye Bye Bitch ( filler)
Worst Behavior
How Could You?!
Wedding Bails
(Last Chapter :/ SORRY!) We Got A Future

At The Same Damn Time Pt. 1

1.1K 29 5
By -trippypositivevibes


"Prince come with me" , I said faintly running to the bathroom "Alright babe I'll be in there in a second ", here almost what seemed like instantly "Hurry U- (GCO)", I barfed right into the toilet "Babe are you alright", Prince asked as I wiped my mouth standing up from the toilet "Yeah , I'm F- No I'm not (GCO) I puked once again " Okay now I feel better , but can we go to CVS?", I asked after a feeling of relief took over my body... " No , we got pregnancy tests already , duh!" , Prince retorted back " Ok , where are they?'', I asked back " Under the counter under or sink behind the First Aid Kit", Prince said leaning up against the wall " Found 'em... Thanks babe", I give Jacob a tight hug " You're Welcome , I'll be right back ,ok?", He told me as he walked outside the bedroom door "Ok , where ya' going?", I ask right back "To the convenience store babe ,do you want something?" , Prince asked " Nope, just hurry back , ok" , I asked being concerned ... " Ok , I will", Jacob said walking out the front door he was gone I just sat there and watched TV

Prince POV

I wasn't actually going anywhere I just walked around the neighborhood looking around and thinking about my girlfriend ... I don't want her to be my girlfriend AT ALL anymore I want her to be my wife ! my best friend for life " MY SOUL MATE" I run straight back to the house I get on one knee and ....


I hear Prince run through the door and see him on one knee and immediately he says, "D'Mya, hemos sido a través de gruesos y delgados juntos, Tú eres mi chica numero uno, yo sólo quería preguntarle 1 simple pregunta y mi pregunta es ¿quieres casarte conmigo? (D'Mya , we have been through thick & thin together , You are my number one girl , i just wanted to ask you 1 simple question and my question is Will You Marry Me? ) I just stood there like a dumby and started crying happily in my mind I said yes but in real life I hadn't said anything yet... " Um , D'Mya are you alright?", Jacob asked looking concerned " I say yes Jacob , Jacob yes I will marry you!" , I FINALLY say after standing there looking like a fool " Great!" , Jacob jumps up and kisses me passionately " J , are you forgetting something? " , I say in between kisses ''Oh Yeah sorry babe!", Jacob says rubbing my tiny itty bitty barely there baby bump

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