Falling bulletsโœ”

By bbynim

259K 21.5K 9.1K

โDont waste bullets, baby girl. Instead, what do you say we kick some criminal assโž TRAILER IN LAST CHAPTER ... More

CHAP 1- "Nostalgic"
CHAP2-"His murder"
CHAP3-"Mistaking him"
CHAP 4-"New victim"
CHAP6-" Trust"
CHAP7-"His Reminder"
CHAP10-"He texted"
CHAP 11-"Understand"
CHAP 12-"Find him"
CHAP14-"Surrender your lies"
CHAP 15-"His real self"
CHAP 16-"First snow, first smile"
CHAP17-"I helped"
CHAP18-"Stay warm"
CHAP19-"Neighborhood thief"
CHAP20-"Bunny in trap"
CHAP21-"Messed up"
CHAP23-"Sequences of him"
CHAP25-"Call of darkness"
CHAP26-"Riddle for a life"
CHAP28-"Kiss of assurance"
CHAP30-" Unravel him"
CHAP33-"His Scars"
CHAP34-"Hide and seek"
Note; read
CHAP36-"Figure it out"
CHAP37-"They are all insane"
CHAP38-"Found or not?"
CHAP39-"Her mischief's"
CHAP40-"A helping hand"
CHAP41-"It begins"
CHAP42-"Wrong guess"
CHAP43-"Theory untold"
CHAP45-"Hidden in secrecy"
CHAP46-"A call away"
CHAP47-"One and the same"
CHAP48-"Reveal to me"
CHAP49-"A trap let free"
CHAP50-"Bird skin"
CHAP51-"The hasty lies"
CHAP52-"Hunter, Killer, Sinner"
CHAP53 part 1-"Curiosity killed the cat"
CHAP 54-"His voice rings a bell"
are you guys reading ?
CHAP 55(1.5)-"A puppet"
CHAP55(2)-"A castle built in sorrow"
CHAP56-"Letters from no one"
CHAP 57-" Not a mistake"
CHAP58- "A whimsical tale"
CHAP60-"End the game with me"
CHAP61-"The last clone to die"
CHAP 62- "A Happily ever after"
TRAILER ( movie edited trailer )

CHAP 13-"She smiled"

4.9K 394 152
By bbynim


Beads of sweat rolled down my face. It wasn't time for me to get up yet, but the more I struggle inside this blanket for air, the more I want to kill myself. Leaving the curtains open at night was my first mistake and letting her use my room was the second.

"Mom! Did the electrician come yet" I yelled in my morning voice, not something pleasing to hear for men.

"Why? is it that hot in there?"

"I woke up early so cant you guess" I said, stating such obvious facts while mom just ruffled my hair like she would every time when I sat next to her as she continued cooking.

"What about Rin, is she bathing?"

"No, she left early to school. She said she had to return something to someone"

Wha! I let her use my room for once and she dash off without even saying thanks? It's true I haven't been close with her for a few years, but this must be how the elder ones always feel. The AC in her room stopped working and because she threw a tantrum about not getting any sleep, I switched rooms with her.

I haven't slept in such a tidy room for so long that it's like luxury to me at my own house. When I had the chance to get along with her, I dint want to lose it, so I agreed and suffered. But now I feel betrayed.

"I'll get some fresh air then" I told mom, heading upstairs.

"But you're going upstairs? Oh, you mean the balcony"

"No, my room" mom laughed when I winked. The only fresh air I want is the scent of my room.

Scratching my morning hair, still yawning, I pulled my exhausted feet upstairs waiting to crash into my bed again. The feeling was so overwhelming that I was smiling like an idiot with my eyes half closed while I reached to hold the door handle.

I opened the door and.


Mom came running upstairs holding a shocked expression on. She looked awfully confused while she observed me with a tilted head at my awkward position on the floor because I had fallen on my butt and was continuously pointing at my room with my mouth still wide open.

"What happened, Taehyung-nah"

"Mom, this isn't my room! Where's my room" I asked her, still not recovering from what I'm seeing in front of me.

"Aish, you scared me. Rin, cleaned it up because she couldn't sleep peacefully"

My bed no longer had my clothes that was spread all over and was neatly dressed with a white bed sheet that was neatly tugged in each corner. All my snacks were gathered and kept inside a bag that was hung on the wall. My games were all neatly arranged on the corner of my table and my school books were all arranged separately.

'It's like a whole new world to me'

"Mom, how could she do this to me" I said, almost whining.


Because of my lovely sister, a person who takes less than five minutes to get ready for school had taken almost an hour to sort out things and leave. I rejected breakfast and was about to get out before mom pulled my ears and stuffed my mouth with a loaf of bread, waving at me while I left for school.

The breeze was firm, hitting my hair while I dint care since I never bothered combing it today. Usually when I walk to school mom always makes a mess, asking me to take the car. But when school is just a few miles away, I never understood the need to. It would be bothersome to our driver too.

I guess that's how it is to be rich.

Our family owns a huge company that has been formed by our great grandparents and my dad is looking after it now. We live in a big house, not very big like the ones in dramas, just big enough to fill us four in. Dad is usually stuck with meetings or business trips so he rarely comes home.

Speaking of home, I'm going to kill Harin today.

"Your early by an hour today" a voice so familiar talked behind me while I turned to reply.

"Ashly, hi"


"I guess I am since your friend messed up my sleep" she stared at me with an eyebrow up, like she doesn't understand.

"Forget that, is this the time you usually leave for school"

"Yea, every day I leave around this time"


She smiled.

So warm I couldn't control my expressions to ask her anything further, I was stuck.

"I'm the only child in the family and I guess I never wanted to trouble our driver" she said, adjusting her bag on her shoulder and smiling at me with her eyes.

"Well, I guess it's the same for me too, I'll walk you to school then"

"That's okay, I can walk myself young man" she said, still smiling and leaving me behind.

It seemed so coordinated, the way she moved and the way I moved behind her, trailing her footsteps even though I was quite far from her. We were placing our steps together, while it was just me copying her. When she pauses, so do I. At some point this seemed to get fun before she turned and looked at me with crooked eyes while I froze.

"Fine, let's walk together then" she said, waiting for me to join her line of the road.

We walked, I was quite, don't ask me why.

"I heard you and Harin got along" she asked, her eyes looking at me in a way that I won't notice.

"Yea, I guess so" I simply answered, not lifting my head that was watching my footsteps which was still matching hers.

"I still remember when we were young; you would always get mad at her if she never talked to you"

"Yea, I remember those days quite clear" I answered, laughing a little at those lost memories that I rejoice the most. As we walked the distance between our shoulders decreased and her untied hair danced towards me, hitting me at regular intervals, tickling me, making me smile accidently.

"If it isn't wrong of me to ask" she said, stopping on her tracks and facing me.

My eyes moved from the ground and caught her brown eyes that only looked at me. She held her hands on each of the laces of her bag while my hands were inside my pockets. We only stared for a few seconds, and then she continued.

"What actually happed between you two back three years ago?"

I tried my level best to keep the warm expression I had towards her even after the question she raised towards me. It was not about how difficult it is for me to answer, more than that it might leave a mark on her about me, about what type of a person I am.

'I don't want another person hating me again'

I don't want her hating me.

My hand rushed to her hair, cunningly, while I acted as If I was patting it, but I had a smile on me that she was looking at.

"What are you doing?" she asked, while I magically took out a chocolate from her hair, with a hell lot of charisma.

"Just taking back my property" I answered, while I unwrapped the chocolate and tossed it in my mouth while she just stared. Again I did the same thing, taking another chocolate from her beautifully untied hair and unwrapped it. But this time it wasn't for me.

"Tae-"before she could even imagine I tossed it into her mouth, my finger almost touching her lips.

"Don't ask, a magician never reveals his tricks" I answered while she chewed on her chocolate, smiling at me again.

"Let's go" I said, hoping she doesn't understand that I tried to toss the topic away.

By the time we reached it was half an hour late. And unexpectedly everyone was running out of the school.

"It's dispersal already? Are we that late" I asked, looking at my watch. But we were just a few minutes late.

"The fire alarm?" Ashly whispered, frowning.

"Aish, that rich little bastard caused a commotion again. What do we do now; they might get us fired even if it's the school owner's sons fault for falsely setting the alarm on" we heard the securities talk among themselves and it was even more obvious when I saw hyungs rush inside the school.

'Not again, Jimin'

(Haylee's Pov)

He told me to meet him at the roof and I waited with this body that still had life in it. I mean, I just knocked him out.

After waiting for a few minutes a figure with a hoodie, completely dressed black approached me with a mask on him. I couldn't make out the face at all. But what was even more surprising was another body that still had life, being dragged by him holding his back collar.

He simply stood in front of me, gesturing his hands forward for taking his new victim.

"First, tell me how I'm getting paid"

"I didn't get you to be like this so that you can command me" he said, harshly taking the body I had into his other hand. He smirked while I did the same, but mine was out of disgust.

"Go down, you will be needed there. Keep them busy for me" He instructed while he took out the cell phone from the pocket of this man.

"You don't have to look if you don't want to" he said.

"What are you going to do with him-"even before I could finish, the body he had carried all the way here having the exact same clothing as the body I had carried with me was held behind his back, I could still feel him breath, weak.

He held a gun towards his heart. It's as if he knew exactly where he wanted it to be placed. No doubt, no hesitation. And then, he pulled the trigger. A small amount of blood splashed over his cheek and he so easily wiped it off with a sly smile.

He just threw him of the roof afterward.

"What!? Why are you killing the other one if you wanted this man?"

He doesn't answer.


You: I'm throwing myself. Or I'm throwing this phone.

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