Silver | Kylo Ren x Reader

By supremekylo

16.9K 861 374

30 years have passed since the last wolf attack in the small town of Havensboro; after a gruesome wolf murder... More

The Wolf with Silver Eyes
The Man Named Armitage
The Wolf Attack
The Truth Behind Ben Solo
The Scarif Book Store Massacre
The Claw Marks on the Wall (NSFW!)
The Three Words
The Kidnapping
The Last Howl (NSFW!)
The Epilogue

The Sacred Silver Necklace

1.5K 76 63
By supremekylo

The sight of the tan wolf haunted your thoughts, all you could do was daydream about it, the way it looked at you as if it'd easily eat you up. You couldn't seem to understand as to why you were its target... or maybe it hated humans in general. You couldn't tell, because it clearly was focused on you and not Ben.

Standing beside Ben in the elevator as you decided not to take the flight of stairs, you were in complete silence. Ben knew you were traumatized by the incident, it wasn't everyday you encountered a rather ravenous pair of wolves. At least... he didn't know.

Looking over to you every now and then to make sure you were okay, Ben had the urge to reach over and hold your hand, but you were one step ahead. You weren't thinking, but your body was craving some sort of reassurance—as if to remind you that you were safe and nothing could happen.

Although your focus was on the metallic doors parallel to you, your hand slid into Ben's own as your tense soul slowly loosened up at the warmth radiating off of his own hand.

Feeling your hand reach into his own, Ben looked down at them, tightening his grip. Even though you were no longer shaking, your hands still vibrated. It was such a lovely evening, why did something like a rabid animal have to ruin it?

Rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, your thoughts slowly slipped away from the wolf and over to the sensation in your chest. Your heart was beating faster than normal no thanks to the rather bold—yet not so bold—move you made.

Feeling Ben's thumb brush against your skin, you let out a shaky breath. Somehow you had found comfort in that.

Hearing the elevator ding as the doors opened, you walked out alongside Ben and to your apartment. Stopping at the door, your free hand reached into your purse and pulled out your keys, unlocking the door and pushing it open. Not even bothering to let your keys go or put your purse down, you walked in with Ben, the man being hesitant at first but going along as he eyed your small apparent, shutting the door behind him.

You didn't want to let go of his hand, but you knew you eventually had to. It was already five till eleven and you knew he must've had work in the morning as you had classes... yet, your hand was still in his. "I'm sorry..." You spoke up, just about to let go of his hand although it was clear you didn't want to. "I don't mean to be so clingy... but I'm still shaken up."

"That's okay," Ben spoke, "You don't have to let go if you don't want to." Looking up at him, you swallowed. You didn't want to let go, that was the truth, at least not for a while. But, you were exhausted from the long day, all you wanted to do was sleep. But how could you now when you knew for a fact you were going to have yet another sleepless night?

"Do you... Can you stay... a little longer?" You nervously asked, looking down as if in shame.

Eyeing your figure, Ben had no intentions of leaving you unless he knew you were okay. "Yes... Of course." Looking up at him as you gulped, you only pulled him with you to your couch, placing your purse and keys on the coffee table before sitting down.

Hands still interlocked, you found yourself leaning against him, head resting on his shoulder as you sat in silence. All you wanted was to feel secure, to be able to sleep fine for once. You didn't want to continue to lose your sleep because of wolves. Something you swore wasn't of importance to you.

But, somehow, they seemed like a big matter to you.

Finding yourself becoming drowsy, falling in and out of sleep, you eventually knocked out. Feeling your whole body grow limp, Ben looked over to see your closed eyes. Lightly smiling to himself, he made himself comfortable knowing very well it was going to be a long night.

Waking up to the sound of police sirens, your eyes opened up, neck paining you from the position you had fallen asleep in. About to lift your hand up, you realized it was caught. Looking down, you blushed. How had you forgotten about Ben being there? You couldn't believe he actually stayed...

Hearing soft snores, you turned your head to see Ben's own lied back against the couch, completely knocked out.

Smiling, you carefully slid your hand out of his own as you stood up, but as you had, Ben woke up. Hearing light grunting, you looked over to see Ben's eyes fluttering open. "Morning..." You awkwardly smiled as he then looked at you, groggy as ever—which was quite adorable to experience first hand.

"What time is it?" He questioned, voice coming out far more deeper than normal. A true morning voice.

"Uh..." looking at your wrist watch, you nodded, "half past seven. I don't know if you're well enough to drive back home but you are more than welcome to st—" Not even able to finish your sentence, Ben lied on the couch and knocked right back out. "Okay, yeah... go with the latter."

Letting him be as it was the least you could do for keeping him there all night, you moved to your bedroom. You decided you were going to miss out on classes and just attend work. After all, you really had to catch up on your studying... but maybe after you continued your sleep.

Falling onto your bed and instantly knocking out, your mind went dark.

Lying on the grass and slowly backing up, seeing the vicious eyes the tan wolf had on them, your breath hitched. This wasn't how you wanted to go, not by the jaws of a ravenous animal. Not like this, not in such a gruesome way.

Continuously crawling back as your heart raced, the animal was just about ready to attack you, your arm instantly lifting up in self defense, yet the impact never came.

Slowly opening your eyes and lowering your arm, there stood the black wolf, growling at the tan one. Snapping and hissing, standing in a manor as if it were ready to attack in no time, your chest ached. Watching the tan wolf run off, the black one turned and faced you, silver eyes peering into your own.

Forcing yourself awake, you took in deep breaths. A part of you wanted nothing but to go back into the preserve and find that wolf. Why was it so protective of you and why did it seem to care?

Although you claimed to never want to go back in there, a piece of you couldn't help but want to go back. To see that lone, black wolf. But, how, if evil lurked and you were too afraid?

Hearing your front door close, you stood up and walked out of your room, seeing Ben standing there with a small brown bag.

Feeling your presence, he looked over, "I bought bagels and coffee... if you like coffee."

Walking over and smiling up at him, you nodded, "thank you." Grabbing a cup and then reaching into the bag, you bit into the bagel, too tired to even get cream cheese or butter.

"I think I should get going," Ben announced as you took a sip from your coffee. "Are you okay?" He asked as you nodded. "That's good, if anything, you can call me."

"Thank you... again..." you muttered, biting into your bagel and looking at him as he simply bowed his head. "Get home safe."

"Will do," he saluted, just about to walk out, only to stop. "Do you work today?" Ben asked.

"Uh... Yeah... From two to eight," you informed as he nodded.

"Okay." At that, he left your sight.

Sighing, you sat on the dining chair and simply stared at the door. How was it that you were lucky enough to have met Ben?

It wasn't the best situation but you're still lucky.

Hearing your phone ring, you stood back up and searched for it, pulling it out of your bag and answering it. "Rey—"

"Jeez, its almost been a day since I've heard from you! How are you? Are you okay? I didn't see you at school—"

"I'm fine, thank you. I overslept again... it's becoming a bad habit, hopefully I'll get over it." You sighed, biting into your bagel.

"So do I, the exams begin in two days." Feeling your shoulders slump, you turned and looked at your coffee table, seeing the stacks of text books there. Rolling your eyes, you groaned. "Exactly."

"Well, I guess I should get back to studying. I have a few hours till work, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, good luck!"

"Bye..." You breathed, hanging up and tossing your phone onto the couch. Finishing up the bagel and coffee, you moved to your bathroom to freshen up before spending a few hours to study.

The least you could do was actually study for once.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ben shouted, grabbing onto the ginger's collar and yelling in his face. "Why are you trying to attack her?! She's done nothing to any of us!" He snapped as the red head rolled his eyes.

"You must be rather foolish to think that," Hux scoffed as Ben narrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head at the statement.

"What the hell do you mean? She hasn't done shit, her being in the preserve does not mean she's going to kill any of us," Ben growled through tight teeth, Hux rolling his eyes once again as if that were the most absurd thing he's ever heard.

"Why else would she constantly appear in here? Huh? Riddle me that, Ren." Hux seethed as Ben clenched his jaw.

"She was lost," he snapped as Hux gave him a rather unamused look.

"Were you unaware as to who she was with those two times she was here? Especially the first evening?" Hux raised an eyebrow as Ben stayed quiet. "We saw her the first time, you know, when you approached her. You did see who she was with, right?" Hux asked as Ben quietly swallowed. "Pathetic." Shoving Ben's hands off of him, Hux fixed his collar. "She was with Dameron and his little pair of nitwits."

"That doesn't mean she's like him or any of them," Ben defended, speaking through his clenched teeth.

Tilting his head the slightest, Hux grinned. "Are you... infatuated with her? Do you like her?" He questioned as Ben's eyes narrowed. "Did you... imprint on her—"

"No! Of course not!" Ben suddenly shouted. "I wouldn't dare bring her into this wretched life. She doesn't deserve it."

"Oh, but we do?" Hux glared as Ben was now the one to roll his eyes. "You better be careful, Kylo Ren. Wouldn't want your lustful cravings to get the best of you." Sticking his hands into the pockets of his jacket, Hux turned around. "And you better be right about her." Watching the man walk off, Ben swallowed hard. The last thing he wanted was for you to take part in an unstable life like 'Ben's'.

Opening up packages and restocking action figures, moving back and forth from the boxes, you were suddenly engulfed by a pair of arms. "One day, you guys are going to be the cause of my death. Why is it that everyone likes to sneak up on me?" You questioned, turning around as the duo had let go.

"It isn't like we do it on purpose, it's a bookstore. Gotta be quiet," Rey winked as you shook your head.

"Is that so?" You arched an eyebrow, picking up the boxes and folding them. "What about you, Finn, what's your excuse?"

"Nothing, you just get scared easily." He chuckled as you rolled your eyes.

"I do not..." You mumbled, walking off as they followed you. Leaving the empty boxes in the backroom, Finn and Rey stood by the doorframe. "Are you guys ready for your exams?" You asked, walking up and in between the two as you aimed for the front of the store.

"Eh, somewhat." Finn shrugged. "My exams aren't all that bad, can't say the same for you." He nudged his head at you as you looked at him, sighing.

"I'm pretty ready for mine, geology isn't so hard." Rey shrugged as you let out yet another sigh. "But I'm sure you'll pass your exams!" She quickly continued as you then gave her a smile.

"Thanks..." You mumbled, walking around the register and pulling a stool over. "You two here to keep me company or are you actually gonna buy something?" You asked as Finn and Rey stood on the opposite side of you, Finn pulling out a comic book that was being displayed as Rey messed with a box of pens.

"Company," the two said in synch as you smiled.

Sitting there and having a conversation, one that constantly jumped around, you found yourself looking at a book that was left behind the counter—wolves. You hadn't noticed you had picked it up, as you were looking at it, you were tuned in to Rey and Finn's voice whenever they had spoken. Flipping through the pages, images of wolves attacking, along with their jaw structure and a diagram of their anatomy caught your attention.

Continuously turning pages, your brows furrowed more and more with every image that passed. "canine native to the wilderness"

"adult wolves measure at 105-160 cm"

"their teeth can easily crush bone"

"Locating the prey. Stalking. The encounter. The rush and the chase." Nothing but images of the tan wolf ready to attack fluttered in your head, only for the black wolf to appear.

"Y/N?" Instantly snapping out of it, you looked up at the two. "You alright? Your knuckles are turning white..." Rey pointed, you looking down at them and slowly loosening up your grip.

"H— Huh? Yeah..." You muttered, closing the book and hearing the store's door open, looking up and seeing Ben walk in. Lightly smiling to yourself and seeing his head turn from facing ahead, over to the right of him, he smiled back. "Uh, I'll be right back..." You spoke over to the two, you placing the book down and standing up.

Looking down at the book you had been reading, Finn and Rey exchanged looks before their eyes followed you, seeing you round the corner and walk over to someone.

Narrowing her brows, Rey watched as you moved to stand in front of them, only seeing the person you were speaking to. "Finn..." She spoke, patting his arm as he simply nodded.

"Just keep an eye on her," he responded, the two watching you smile and talk up a storm.

Looking down at you and studying your face, eyes shifting from feature to feature, Ben then spoke up. "So, how are you?"

Taking in a small breath, you lightly smiled. "I'm fine..." You nodded, not entirely lying, although a part of you was still on edge. "Better, actually. But I'm trying to focus on my studies, so that's keeping me distracted."

"That's good," he gave you a single nod. "I wanted to make up for yesterday night, I'm sorry about the whole wolf encounter," Ben said before pulling out a small box from his pocket. "Here."

Looking up at him, then down to it, you reached for the box. "You didn't have to, it wasn't your fault." You frowned as you turned your attention back up.

"It kind of ruined our date... and I feel terrible." Feeling your heart skip a beat at the sound of date, you couldn't help but smile. Luckily, Ben's focus was kept on the small package than on you, your red cheeks would've been a dead giveaway. "It's a little something."

Opening up the box, you saw a silver necklace that had a circular pendant, the phases of the moon being engraved in a circle as the center was open, a small crystal hanging inside. "Wow, this is... this is beautiful. Ben, you didn't have to." Shaking your head and looking back up at him, he raised a hand.

"Like I said, I wanted to make up for the night. Take it, please. I want you to have it." Smiling up at him, you took the necklace out and stuck your hand towards him.

"Can you help me put it on?"

"Yeah." Grabbing onto it, you turned around and lifted your hair up as he placed the necklace around your neck, clipping it together. "There."

Lowering your hair, you looked down at it and held on, eyeing the central crystal. From afar, Finn and Rey furrowed their brows at the interaction. What had he given you and why were the two of you so close?

"Thank you, it's absolutely beautiful." Gazing at the lilac crystal, you felt yourself in a daze, nothing but the black wolf taking over your thoughts. Why was it that you couldn't stop thinking about it?

Seeing how focused you were on the crystal, Ben took in a small, inaudible, deep breath. "I'm glad you like it."

The sound of Ben's voice suddenly ripped you from your trance, you turning your focus up to him as you nodded.

Taking in a deep breath, you looked over at Finn and Rey and raised your eyebrows. "Oh, hey, I should introduce you to my friends." You pointed over to the two, Ben looking over and suddenly tightening his jaw, you not noticing. Walking ahead of him as he followed, Ben kept his eyes set on either of them, continuously shifting them from one to the other. "Guys, this is Ben..." You presented, then turned to face Ben as he had forced a smile. "And this is Finn and Rey."

"Hello..." he simply responded, sticking his hand out for them to shake, Finn and Rey taking in small breaths before Finn went to shake it first, then Rey—both clearly hesitant and uncomfortable but you were completely unaware, too caught up in your own world.

"Hi..." The two said in unison as you smiled.

"If you don't mind me, I'm gonna look around to find another read," Ben nudged his head, sticking his hands into the pockets of his jacket before turning to face you, smiling, "I'll see you around."

Nodding, you watched him walk off. "Let me know if you need anything!" Waving his hand in the air, you turned your attention back to the two. "What?" You asked, seeing them wear a skeptical look.

"How do you know... Ben?" Rey asked, sticking her hands into the pockets of her bomber jacket before eyeing the pendant momentarily, Finn doing the same.

"Oh, he comes here a lot, a constant customer." You informed as she slowly nodded with an 'uh huh'. "I've gotta get back to restocking, it shouldn't take long but if you guys need anything or are leaving just let me know." Backing up, you turned around and walked off.

"I'm not liking this one bit." Rey spoke over to Finn as she watched you disappear towards the back. "Why is he friends with her? How does he even know her? I thought we were careful enough not to have her become known?"

"We were... Him and that pack he's always with are never around, it must've been when we weren't around her, Finn assumed.

"Yeah... she did say he's always here. But, why? Did he know about her before or do you think it was a coincidence?" Turning her head to face Finn, he only rolled his shoulders, speaking before walking off.

"Only one way to find out."

Following Finn behind, the two aimed in the direction Ben had gone in, finding him towards the back left side of the store.

Eyeing a book in his hand, Ben's senses suddenly went off, someone—a pair—approaching him. Closing the book, he looked over his shoulder. "I'm not bothering either of you, what is it that you want?" He spoke over to the two.

"Your presence is bothering us, especially when you're trying to get close to Y/N." Rey glared, now crossing her arms.

"Getting close?" He raised a brow, turning around to face the two. "I'm just a friend, nothing more." Ben grinned as Rey snarled.

"Just friends don't give each other sacred necklaces. We saw the interaction, the necklace you gave her. Don't think we didn't notice." Finn pointed out as Ben placed the book back before crossing his own arms.

"As if I care that you did? You know that necklace does no harm, if anything, it does the opposite," Ben stated.

"Which is the exact problem, why should she be around harm? Do you know something we don't?" Rey questioned, arching an eyebrow.

"Not at all. After all, we are just friends." Ben smirked as Rey felt her eye twitch in annoyance. She wasn't up for his cockiness, not when she couldn't stand the man.

"Stay away from her, Ren," she nearly snapped. "You have nothing good to offer her, only a lifetime full of trouble."

"And how can you stop me from wanting to be friends with her?" He asked, as if her threat wasn't sufficient enough.

Taking a step forward, she opened up her jacket and presented the silver dagger. "You know very well how I, Finn or Poe, can stop you," she nearly whispered, Ben looking at it but not budging. "Remember what I did to your face."

"You're threatening to kill me... when I haven't done anything? What about that code of yours? The Resistance doesn't just kill to kill, Rey. And you should know that." He tilted his head as she had let go of her jacket.

"Stay away from her, Ren. I'm warning you." With a pointed look, she turned on her heel, just about to walk away. "You'll ruin her life." At that, Rey left his sight.

"Keep her out of this, she deserves to stay far away from it." Finn broke his silence. "She doesn't deserve to know." Leaving, Ben's eyes followed before he let out a small huff. It wasn't like he didn't know that. Of course he didn't want you to know... but he couldn't seem to separate himself from you when he already felt much too attached.

Shelving a few boardgames, you stood back up and saw Rey and Finn approach you. "Hey, we're leaving," Rey announced as you nodded, giving them hugs. "Don't forget to set ten alarms."

Letting out a small laugh, you lifted a hand up, "I promise."

"You better. We'll see you later." At that, the two left, you smiling to yourself before turning to another box to open.

Walking over and to the front doors, the one to their right opened just as they walked out, Rey looking over her shoulder and seeing the back of a man's head, recognizing the orange hair. Blinking, she turned her head back ahead. A part of her wanted to go back in, but a bigger part of her knew he—nor the other fiend inside—wouldn't cause trouble in public.

But they stayed close... just in case.

Stopping in his tracks and eyeing the bookstore, Hux let out a small breath, smiling to himself. Sniffing the air, his head turned to the right of the store, a smirk growing on his lips as he aimed in it's direction.

Feeling his body suddenly tense up, Ben's head snapped up from looking at another book, instantly dropping it as he rushed away from his spot. There was an unsettling feeling in his gut.

Placing more boardgames on the shelves, a figure suddenly towered beside you, you looking up and seeing a recognizable face. "Oh, hey! Armitage, right?" You asked as he nodded.

"I didn't see you in class today, everything alright?" He asked as you nodded. "Good."

"Yeah, overslept... tends to happen." Waving a hand, you stood back up and brought the empty box with you.

Eyeing the box, then the lanyard around your neck, Hux raised a brow. "I take it as you work here?"

"Oh, yeah..." Picking up the laminate attached to the lanyard, you lightly smiled. "Do you need help?"

"Oh, no... just browsing." He stated. "Thought I'd come say hi since I recognized it was you."

Standing hidden behind a bookshelf as he watched closely, Ben's eyes narrowed as he listened in. Why was Hux so eager to know you? What was it about you that made him want Ben to stay away?

Seeing you wave goodbye to Hux, the man stuck his hands back into the pocket of his pants before walking off.

Before he could even pass the bookshelf, he was instantly pulled in. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Ben snapped, whispering through gritted teeth.

"I could ask you the same, Ren." Grabbing Ben's hands, he lowered them, fixing his shirt. "I am just talking to a friend," Hux spoke with a devious grin as Ben's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?!"

"I have a class with her, of course. A lovely little nurse she's studying to become. She's quite lovely, I'll admit. But, she's trouble-"-

"She is not." Ben snarled.

"She is friends with those Resistance murderers and you know that." Hux spat as Ben tightened his jaw. "She might as well be a hunter herself."

"She hasn't done anything to us or our kind, Hux. You know that very well. There is no blood on her hands, just because she is friends with them does not make her one of them." Ben snarled through his clenched jaw. "She's innocent, she wouldn't dare hurt any of us."

"And how are you sure about that? You've only known her for what? Three days?" Hux stated as Ben crossed his arms. "Stop defending her. She means nothing to you. She is nothing to you—"

"Then why are you trying to get close to her, huh?!" Ben nearly exclaimed.

Scoffing, Hux crossed his arms. "Is Ren jealous? I told you to not get attached to a filthy human—"

"Fuck off, Hux!" Ben shouted.

"You are jealous. You're dripping in its venom. You did imprint—"

"No! I told you I wouldn't do that to her!"

"Because you have control over that? We all know how reckless you are. You probably have and you don't even know it. Poor thing is now going to be dragged into this because you couldn't control yourself—"

"No, she won't!"

"Just wait till Snoke finds out—"

Instantly latching onto the man's collar, lifting him up, Ben seethed. "Snoke will never know and you will never tell him or I'll make sure that I kill you rather than the hunters." Shoving Hux back, Ben stormed out.

Ben was raging, Hux had ignited the flame, but what strengthened the fire even more was his fear. A part of him knew Hux was right... there was a bond and it was strong. He just hoped you didn't feel it on your end.

Looking at the time on your watch, you let out a small breath. It was finally eight o'clock which meant you could head home, do some studying and knock out. The week was awfully long and it had only been the beginning. You just hoped you could survive the rest of the week with the lack of sleep you had on you.

Grabbing your things from the back room and heading back out, you went behind the counter and made sure you had logged out of the system, only to see the book of wolves. Swallowing, you took in a deep breath. The black wolf. Was it okay? Was it still alive? There had been more and more murders surfacing—both human and wolf—you just hoped it was okay.

For some odd reason, a very strange one you couldn't quite grasp, you grew attached to the feral animal. It was an insane thought, it was just an animal, a rabid animal. An animal that could easily rip your body apart with its teeth. Yet, you didn't seem to fear it. At least, not any longer.

As for the others, you couldn't say the same. Those terrified you.

Exiting the shop and aiming for your car, you had found yourself now driving by the preserve. You weren't sure as to why, but you parked in front and got out. Bringing your phone with you and leaving your purse behind, you stood in front of the woods.

What drove you there and why were you so willingly going in? Did the wolf really mean that much to you?

Apparently so when you now found yourself walking amongst the towering trees, your phone's flashlight illuminating your path as the moonlight was blocked by the storm clouds that had rolled in.

Aimlessly walking down the forest, keeping your focus ahead, you heard a sudden gunshot, the sound of howling instantly following after. Feeling your heart skip a beat, your head snapped in its direction. What if that was the black wolf? No, don't jump to conclusions.

Quickening up your pace, you heard muffled voices in the distance. Looking behind you, bright lights flashed around. Gulping, you nearly broke into a sprint. Whoever they were, you knew they meant nothing but trouble and you definitely didn't want to get in their way.

"You hear that?" A voice spoke. "Over there, there's something!"

"I saw something! Yeah, something moving!" Hearing their voices becoming clearer the closer they became, your heart began to race faster, aching in your chest as you nearly panted. "It's one of them!"

Looking over your shoulder, you tried running as fast as you could, hoping you wouldn't trip over anything. "There! Over there!" Hearing a shotgun being reloaded, you took in deep breaths. You were terrified out of your mind, why did you have to go back into the woods? Why couldn't you have gone home and studied like you originally told yourself? You wouldn't have been in this mess if you hadn't!

"Shoot! Shoot before it escapes!" Feeling the tears forming in your eyes, you looked over and nearly froze as everything suddenly grew slow. The second the weapon was fired, a streak of black appeared in front of you, the impact of the bullet never being felt.

Swallowing, your eyes fell to the blob of black on the ground. "I think we got it—"

"Let's keep going, this wasn't what we came here for anyway." At that, the group rushed off, leaving you standing there, shaking in your spot.

Moving your phones flashlight onto the ground, you gasped. "N— No..." Rushing over to the wolf, you crouched down as it forced its self up. "You, you're hurt!" Seeing the silver eyes look into your own, it let out a small grunt before walking off. "D- Don't go! I can help you! Hey!" You shouted, as if the animal could understand. "Please!"

Hearing another gun being fired, your head snapped in its direction, only to look back ahead and see the wolf was gone. "No..." You shouldn't have gone, maybe then the poor animal wouldn't have been hurt.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A/N: Oh my gosh! Things are finally picking up! Let's first acknowledge how sweet and protective Ben is? Also... Hux is awful... and we have got to love loyal best friends Finn and Rey.

And what about that pendant?

Are you all slowly connecting the dots?

Thank you for reading and - as always - please leave a comment and vote! I truly appreciate the support!

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