You Don't Know Me → Dean Ambr...

By notatmybest

26.4K 450 71

Alexandria was dominating the women's division when she met Dean. She has been a fan favorite since she began... More

#thankyouroman 2


1.8K 33 0
By notatmybest

Alexandria's pov

"You alone tonight?" I look up to see Dean sitting across from me and I jump.

This past week had kind of sucked without Drew. After we made it to the next city after Raw last week, Shane called him and asked him to come to where Smackdown would be held the next day. As soon as he dropped me off at the hotel, we had to do a quick goodbye because he had to fly across the country.

For the rest of the week I've been traveling alone. I'd be alone at live events, signings, and just about everything. Drew and I did mostly everything together. It actually hurt not having him here.

"Yeah." I sigh, taking a sip from my water bottle. "And don't sneak up on me, you could've given me a heart attack."

Dean chuckles and shrugs. "Oops?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw that you were alone." He shrugged. "I can be nice."

I raise my eyebrows. "I didn't say you weren't Ambrose."

"I can't come back at you because I don't know your last name." Dean admits sheepishly.

I chuckle. "Its Ramirez. Alexandria Ramirez."

That wasn't really my really last name. I took my mothers to hide that I was Undertakers daughter.

"Jonathan. Jonathan Good." He put his hand out to shake and I laugh, shaking it.

"I'll just call you Dean though, its easier." I admit and he chuckles.

"Can you guys flirt somewhere else?" A snobby voice complains and I roll my eyes.

The voice belongs to none other than Nicki Bella.

"Can you go use John some more?" I snap back, not having it.

Nicki scoffs as she gets in my face. "Watch it."

I roll my eyes again before getting up. I brush past her shoulder hard as I walked away. Some people just can't grow up.

I heard footsteps behind me and I stopped, turning to see Dean.

I sigh as I let go of my anger. "Sorry for storming off. She just really bothers me. All she does is bother me and I've never done anything."

"Looks like we have the same enemy." Dean chuckles lightly, scratching the back of his neck.

I stop and sit on a nearby crate. I pat the spot next to me and Dean sits.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Dean asks after a couple minutes.

"What?" I ask taken by surprise a little.

"Well, besides Roman, sometimes, you're the only person who is nice to me." He shrugs as if it was no big deal.

"Well I have no reason to be rude to you." I said as I looked up at him. "You've never done me any wrong."

He gives me a small smile as he pulls the sleeves of his sweater over his hand.

"Do you have a match tonight?" I ask Dean, changing the heavy topic.

"Uh, yeah. Its against Cesaro." He stands up as he stretches. "What about you?"

"No sadly but good luck!"

"That sucks. They should be building you up for a title shot." He sighs, giving me a sad smile. "I mean, with all you've done this year, you deserve a title shot. You basically carried the Raws women division without a title. You should be champ."

"I did not carry the division." Dean stands up straight when I said this.

"The hell if you didn't." He comes over and sits next to me again." You've done matches that women have never done, hell you've done some men haven't even done. You bring a different style of wrestling to the women's division that no one has ever had or has truly had the chance. You are one of the greatest of this generation, mark my words."

I think about what Dean says. I have done some matches nobody has done. Every week I did my best, even before being brought up to WWE. 

"Maybe your right, maybe you're wrong, its not up to me to decide who is the greatest." I smile at him and pat his knee before hopping off the crate."I think I'm gonna head to the next city since I'm not on the schedule today."

"You'll miss my match then!" He pouts.

"You make a valid argument." I smirk. "Are you riding with anyone to the next city?"

"Just Roman. Why?" He asks confused.

"I was going to ask to ride with you since Drew is gone but never mind. Roman hates me." I shrug. "I hate riding alone."

"You can still ride with us. I'll tell Roman to behave." He rolls his eyes playfully. "I don't get why he is so rude to you."

"Maybe we'll find out on the ride." I shrug.

Before Dean could answer, a stage crew member told Dean its time for his match.

"I'll see you later?" Dean says and I nod.

"Yes you will." He smirks and jogs towards the stage.


"Why the fuck is she coming with us?" I heard Roman whisper-yell to Dean.

I roll my eyes as I leaned against the hood of the car. So much for whispering. After Dean finished his match, we came out here to wait for Roman to finish his match.

I cross my arms over my chest and kick at a rock that was on the ground. I hear a long sigh and Dean comes up to me with a big smile.

"Did you win the argument?" I ask with an amused grin.

"You bet I did." He laughed before opening the back door for me.

"Why, what gentleman." I bobbed a curtsy at him and he chuckles.

"Of course my lady." He bows and I laugh, shaking my head slightly before getting in the car.

Dean closes the door before getting in the passengers seat. I see Roman fuming in the front seat and I sigh quietly.


We've been on the road for about an hour and Dean and I have been talking the entire time. Though Roman wasn't talking, he didn't seem mad anymore.

"Hey Rome, can we stop at a gas station? I'm hungry." Dean asked and Roman nodded in response.

We pull into a gas station parking lot and as soon as Dean gets out Roman turns to face me. I sit back, not wanting to get in an argument for Dean.

"You make him happy." Roman blurts and I almost choke on air.

"Excuse me?" I ask confused.

"I said you make him happy. This is the most I've heard him talk and smile in a while." He smiles sadly. "Its been like this ever since you guys started talking."

I process what Roman says.

I make Dean happy? I'm just me, nothing special. I'm just an ordinary girl.

"But I'm nothing special." I shrug. And we only started talking like a week or two ago.

"To him, you are." He says.

Why am I so special go Dean? Sure, we've only been talking for about two weeks at events but it was just stuff to pass the time. I don't see how I could make him happy in such a short time.

Well, if just talking to him makes him happy, then I'll continue to do so.

I sit up and lean in between the two front seats. "Hey Roman, why do you hate me?"

I hear Roman sigh. Before he could answer, Dean gets back in the car. He gives me a small smile and I return, though still focused on the conversation Roman and I could've just had. Maybe its just a conversation for another time.

Roman pulls out of the parking lot and we continue on the road.

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