13 reasons why imagines//pref...

By BluesBunker

153K 2.6K 382

A imagines/one shots/gif/preference book about the 13 reasons why characters! Read to find out Started - 21/0... More

Resquest box
Request Box #2
Writing Prompts
Long Written imagines
Jeff Atkins [1]
Justin Foley [1]
Montgomery De La Cruz [1]
Montgomery De La Cruz [2]
Justin Foley [2]
Clay Jensen [1]
Clay Jensen [2]
Zach Dempsey [2]
Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey
Jessica Davis [1]
Justin Foley [3]
Jeff Atkins [4]
Tony Padilla [1]
Tyler Down [1]
Alex Standall [2]
Hannah Baker [1]
Justin Foley [4]
Jeff Atkins [5]
Tony Padilla [2]
Jeff Atkins [6]
Zach Dempsey [3]
Clay Jensen [3]
Clay Jensen [4]
Alex standall [4]
Justin Foley [5]
Justin foley [6]
Zach dempsey [4]
Christian Navarro/Tony Padilla [3]
Alex standall [5]
Jeff atkins [7]
Justin Foley [7]
Hannah baker [1]
Gif/Short Written imagines
Jeff Atkins [2]
Montgomery de la cruz [3]
Requested imagines
Alex Standall for laura
Tony Padilla
Dating [] would include
Writing prompts request
Tony padilla writing prompt [1]
Tony padilla writing prompt [2]
Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [3]
Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [4]
Zach Dempsey/Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [5]
Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [6]
Tony Padilla Writing Prompt [7]
New book?
Fandom name?
About The Author/Me
Update on my life

Tyler Down [2]

1.9K 29 0
By BluesBunker

So today was your first day at a new school, you were extremely nervous. You obviously didn't know anybody there so that made you even more nervous. You had never been the outgoing type, you tend to keep your friend circle small and you enjoy things such as reading or photography which you loved.

You wanted to be a photographer so bad but you knew you had no chance at that. You wondered if your new school had any clubs that included photography, because if there was you would definitely join. As you walked in through the doors you immediately got even more nervous seeing how many people there was.

"Um excuse me—" You tried asking someone where the office was but they just pushed you away. You sighed, you spotted a lanky boy with a camera around his neck. He seemed kinda awkward but he was also kinda cute. You went up to him.

"Do you know where the office is?" You asked, he looked at you for a couple of seconds seeming like he didn't know what to respond with.

"U-uh yeah, um I'll walk you." He said as he started walking, you soon following. You looked at his camera and smiled.

"You like photography?" You asked.

"Uh yeah, I'm in the yearbook." He stated while grabbing his camera and taking a picture of you, you laughed.

"I love photography! Is there still room for me to join yearbook?" You ask.

"There definitely is, and really you like photography?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah, why do you look so shocked?" You asked, he became tense and scratched the back of his neck.

"Pretty girls like you are never into stuff like that." He said, his cheeks had turned into a light shade of red and so did yours. Before you knew it, you guys had arrived at the office.

"Thanks a lot, I'll see you around." He smiled and walked off. You said smiling. You entered the office, and got your schedule. You somehow made it to your first class without getting lost. You saw— crap you never got his name! You saw him smile when he saw you and he gestured for you to sit next to him.

"I never got your name, I'm sorry." You said as you sat down next to him.

"Tyler, what's yours?" He said while smiling. You never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. They were an ocean blue and you could get lost in them for hours.

"Y/N" You said he smiled.

"I like it, a pretty name for a pretty girl." You could tell that he had gotten comfortable around you because now he was flirting with you, you blushed. Class soon began, you honestly weren't paying attention you were too busy thinking about something, or maybe someone.

"Y/N!" You were snapped out of your thoughts and came back to reality. You saw Tyler waving his arm in front of your face.

"You seemed so focused, what were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Honestly I'm not even sure myself, shall we get to our next class." You guys had two more classes, only one class was with each other the other wasn't. Then was lunch. There was so many people you didn't know, some of them looked at you and smiled while other just rolled their eyes and looked away. You sat down soon enough so did Tyler.

You looked around a spotted a table that was filled with jocks and cheerleaders, basically what always happens. They're probably the popular kids.

"There's Bryce, Zach, Justin, Montgomery, Alex, Jessica, Courtney, there probably more but those are the only ones I know." Tyler said following your gaze.

"Montgomery is always bothering me, he's a dick." You nodded. The rest of the day went by slow as ever. You met some other people who were nice. When school was over you saw Tyler and walked up to him.

"Hey." You smiled while waving. He always seemed tense when you walk up to him. He nodded his head and you guys made small talk.

"Hey, um do you maybe wanna I don't know hang out today like at 6pm?" He seemed so nervous.

"Sure I would love too" you smiled sweetly. He smiled back. You guys exchanged numbers and soon departed and went your own ways.
Your parents asked how school was and you said the same answer as always. You told them how you were going to hangout with one of them today in the evening. They obviously bombarded you with questions but they were happy you made friends. You had gotten a text message from Tyler.

"Hey Y/N dress casual were going to a carnival if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah it's fine, I love carnivals." You said. Soon enough it was 6 and you were nervous as hell. You never really hung out with guys like this on dates. Was this even considered a date?

"Honey, your friend is here." You heard your mom yell from downstairs. You ran down the stairs before they attacked him with questions and before your dad gave him the "You Break My Daughters Heart I'll Break You."

"Okay bye mom, I'll be back." You said walking out the door. You and Tyler walked to his car, like a gentleman he opened the door for you. You thanked him and buckled up. He turned on the radio and you gasped. Your song was playing and in no way were you not going to sing.

You burst out singing the lyrics that you knew from heart. Tyler just laughed, but soon enough he started singing the lyrics too. You let him sing some parts and you sang other parts. At the stop lights he would always look over to you and smile. You would always blush and try to hide it. You guys arrived and you acted like a child running and laughing.

Tyler had brought his camera saying he was gonna try and get some pictures. You guys got your tickets and decided to not get on the roller coasters because of Tyler's camera. So you guys went to the Tea Cups first. You started spinning it as fast as you could, with Tyler's help of course. You guys kept on laughing while spinning it.

Soon you stopped because you felt like you were gonna throw up. You guys got off and Tyler had to hold you because you were so dizzy. He bought you some lemonade. You guys decided to eat, you had gotten a pizza and he had just gotten cheese fries. Every now and then you would steal his fries when he wasn't looking. As you reached for one he turned back to look at you.

"HEY THOSE ARE MY FRIES!" He said. You just shoved it into your mouth and smiled.

"You're lucky you're cute." He whispered thinking you wouldn't hear him but you could. You smiled and he smiled back. So he took a bite of your pizza you gasped.

"Nooooo not my pizza." You fake cried. Which resulted in you guys bursting into laughter. You guys walked around until you begged him if you guys could get on the Ferris Wheel. He was okay with it and you guys got in line. You have the man your guys' tickets and you guys went in and sat down. Each of you on one side. He took out his camera and pointed it towards you.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Taking a picture of this beautiful view." He said, you blushed. Gosh this boy loves making you blush. The ride went on and once it was over you guys got cotton candy afterwards. You guys shared one and you kept feeding pieces to him. He had his arm around you and you honestly didn't mind it. You smiled while looking at him and he did the same. You guys got to his car and once again he opened the door for you.

The ride home was pretty calming. You guys got to know more about each other and every now and then he would make you blush. You guys arrived at your house, again he opened your door and walked you up to your door.

"I had fun." You both said at the same time. You guys bursted into laughter which soon died down.

"Hush honey they'll hear you."
"Is that her boyfriend?"
"Are they gonna kiss?"
You guys quickly looked to see your parents peeping threw the curtains. As soon as you saw them they ducked down.

"Oh my gosh they're gonna attack me with questions!" You laughed. He chuckled.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled and walked back to his car. Sighing you walked in preparing for the questions. Questions flew from all directions as soon as you walked in. You laughed and told them everything and you went back to your room and got ready for bed. Tyler had texted you saying goodnight and that he had fun. That night you definitely fell asleep with a smile on your face.

The next day you woke up and did your morning routine. You grabbed a light snack and headed off to school. You had taken your camera today seeing as you were going to sign up for Yearbook today. You met up with Tyler at his locker and soon this boy came up to Tyler. He pushed him up against his locker. Was this the boy Tyler had mentioned who always bothers him? I believe his name was Montgomery.

"Leave him alone!" You yelled at him. He stopped in his tracks and looked over. He scoffed once he saw you,

"What are you gonna do about it?" He said. You stuttered and just looked up at him. He yanked your camera and threw it to the floor. You looked to the floor to see pieces of your camera scattered all over the floor. You felt like crying, this was your most prized possession. Montgomery just smirked and said,
"That's what I thought." While laughing and walking away.

"I'm so sorry this happened you shouldn't have said anything." You looked at him but then he became blurry because of the tears.

"No please don't cry." He said even more sad. He hugged you and obviously you hugged back. You wiped your tears on his shirt but then apologized. He looked at you with sympathy.

"It's fine I guess I can always get a new one." But you knew that would take a long time because your family doesn't have a lot of money so you always have to save up for whatever you want. He just hugged you again. The rest of school time you just spent extremely sad and quiet. At the end of the day, once again you found Tyler he gave you a ride home. During the car ride he kept trying to cheer you up. You didn't want him to feel bad so you pretended to laugh and smile.

"You're so beautiful." He said while looking over at you, you just smiled and blushed like always.

-A Couple Months Later-

You and Tyler were going out today for your birthday. He said he was going to take you out for dinner and then you guys were gonna go somewhere that was a surprise. Your mom called you down saying that Tyler was here. Your parents
loved Tyler now, they called him your boyfriend even though he wasn't, but you wished he was. You greeted Tyler and like always he opened the door for you.

"Happy Birthday Princess" Tyler had began to always call you cute nicknames like that. You smiled back at him, he reached toward the back of the car and took out a cute bear.

"OMG ITS SO CUTE!" You said in utter awe.

"Like you;)" He said which made you turn crimson red. He laughed and started driving. You guys got to the restaurant and once again you thanked him for taking you out for your birthday. You guys are the food which was amazing. Next was the surprise Tyler didn't want to tell you about. You guys got to the car and for like the millionth time Tyler opened the door for you.

"Such a gentleman since day one." You said letting out a small laugh.

"Always for you princess." He turned on the radio and for the rest of drive you guys were just singing lyrics. Treasure by Bruno Mars came on you got so excited, you loved this song so much.


"YOURE WONDERFUL, FLAWLESS, OOH YOURE A SEXY LADY!" Tyler sang back while looking at you the entire time. You just kept laughing and sang back more bits of the song.

"TREASURE THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! HONEY YOURE MY GOLDEN STAR!" He sang to you during a red light so he was able to cup your cheeks while saying that.

"PRETTY GIRL, PRETTY GIRL, PRETTY GIRL, YOU SHOULD BE SMILING! A GIRL LIKE YOU SHOULD NEVER LOOK SO BLUE. YOU'RE EVERYTHING I SEE IN MY DREAMS! I WOULDN'T SAY THAT TO YOU IF IT WASN'T TRUE!" He sang back. You just laughed and smiled whenever he sang to you. He made you so happy. The song ended and you were pretty sure Tyler had lost his voice because of how much he was yelling.

You guys arrived by the lake. You smiled, Tyler remembered your love for the lake. You guys got out of the car and before you guys began walking toward the water he got something out of his trunk. It was a box neatly wrapped, you wondered to yourself what it could be. You guys say down near the water an she handed the box to you.

"Open it," he said smiling. You grabbed it and started unwrapping it. Once you opened it you gasped. He had gotten you a new camera.

"Tyler! This must've cost you so much!" You said while hugging him.

"Eh I had some money saved, and it kinda was my fault yours broke." You could kiss him right now, you wanted to. You kept on saying thank you so many times until he said.

"But wait there's more." Like those guys in commercials that are showing products. He took out this book that was under all the wrapping paper. You opened it, inside were pictures of you. The first one being the one he first took of you on the first day of school, other photos were once you never noticed him take. You looked up at him with the biggest smile.

"I love it!" You said, he just smiled back and looked at you with awe. You guys just say there enjoying each other's company but soon it was time to return home. The drive back was more calm, you guys were both quiet but not to the point where it was awkward. Once you guys arrived to your house, he opened your door and handed you all the presents he had gotten you. You thanked him and he walked you to your door.

"Thank you so much for tonight, I had so much fun." You smiled, and he said it wasn't a big deal. You guys just stood there for a couple more seconds until he started leaning in. You leaned in as well and your guys' lips connected. You had been wanting to do this for so long.

"HONEY LOOK THEYRE KISSING!" You heard your mom through the window, but you couldn't care less. You guys disconnected your lips and looked at each other.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long." Tyler said.

"Me too" you said.

"So what are we now?" Your asked wanting him to ask you out right there.

"Um do you maybe wanna I don't know be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes!" You said so happy. You kissed him again. You sensed a flash go off and you turned to see your mom taking a picture. You blushed and looked back at Tyler who was waving at your mom. You both laughed and soon your parents opened the door bombarding both of you guys with questions.

Tyler came in to help you put your presents away and before he left. Your dad gave him the talk, Tyler looked scared shitless but he promised not to break my heart. He looked at me while saying that and I just blushed like always.
2775 Words!
Me: I swear if Tyler wal-
Tyler: *walks into the room*
Me: *whispers* why did I jinx it?
Tyler: hey ka-
Tyler: I was only going to ask if I could get a picture of u for the year book
Me: bitch u probably already have a book load of pictures of me so use one of them I creep!
Clay: *walks in the room* *freezes* urh hey kalie?
Me: hey clay
Tyler: *walks out*
Me: finally! What's up clay?
Clay: well tony won't leave me alone, could u talk to him for me?
Me: ok sure, but before I do that! Don't forget to vote, comment
Clay: and share!
Me: Please?! Anyway me and helmet are gonna go now! Bye xx 💙💙

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