devoted 2. || grayson dolan

By sheSstyles

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SEQUEL TO OVERDOSE "Are you going to forget about me again?" | grayson dolan More

One year
im sorry
Eww stop
Hi & Awkward
i promise
I love you
Please read.
nice to meet you
I need a break
Who is this?
Let me think about it
my mistake
Im here for you
This is bullshit
I love him
I will leave
I miss you
Such A Boy
I want to go home

Please stop

3.1K 69 43
By sheSstyles


"I seriously can't believe I agreed on doing this" I say as me and Justin run our way up the hill. I'm only here because he begged me and promised me to let me listen to his new remix before it comes out.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad" he says with a smirk and I flick him off. Me and Justin became great friends which is so weird for me to say and think about. I'm friends with someone I used to imagine me marrying.

Once we finally reach to the top he asks me if I can take picture of him. I take a few.

"Post it on your Instagram and make a paragraph about how beautiful and a great friend I am" he says and I laugh.

"You know I would do that" I say seriously and he nods his head.

"Yeah don't" he says with a funny face. I giggle and look at the beautiful view. I look down and I sigh. It reminds me off last week when I left the beach.

I haven't talked to Bryan but I know sooner or later I have to. I have to let him know that I can't keep being with him. I want to break up with him.

"So, what has happened in your life" Justin asks as we both sit down in a bench that gives us the view of the hills.

"I'm breaking up with Bryan" I reply and he glances at me.

"Really?" He asks


"Why?" He asks as he grabs a rock and throws it down.

"He basically said we had sex in front of everyone" I say and Justin huffs. He shakes his head.

"Did you guys?" He asks after a few seconds of silence. I look down.

"Of course not. I'm not stupid enough to loose my virginity to someone I don't love. Call me cruel or whatever but I don't love him. I care for him a lot, but I don't think I see a future with him. Yet again I'm 17, so I don't think I see my future with anyone" I ramble and Justin listens.

"I'm glad you haven't. Your virginity is something pure and yours. I know you don't Sophia, I can tell when you love someone , I'm glad you finally said it out loud" he says and pulls me into a hug. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"But I'm afraid. I know how much he loves me and I know that this will break him. But I can't keep being with someone I don't love, that will just hurt him more" I say.

"I actually want to give him a good punch for saying you had sex with him" he sad and I chuckle.

"You will kill him J. I think me breaking up with him is enough" he laughs and nods his head. We keep talking but instead we change the conversation and we start talking about him.

He then lets me listen to the song. I swear I cried a little. I couldn't help but get up and dance. He even recorded me on his phone which I warned him not to post it. We played it again and this time I made him dance which was funny cause he can't really dance Spanish music.

After that we ended up leaving because a guy start recording us and asking stupid questions that pisses Justin of, but thankfully I managed to clam him down.

He dropped me off home and I'm now in my bedroom watching 13 reasons why with a bowl of chips on my lap.

I can already tell this show will fuck me up mentally. I'm barely on episode 6 and I've cried a few times. In between the scene I hear a loud knock on the door. I get up from bed and I walk outside to the living room. I grab a water bottle before I open the door.

"Please let me in" I sigh and instantly regret not checking who it was. I move aside and let him in. I shut the door and turn back to him.

He stands a few feet away from me with his hands inside his jean pockets. His eyes are on me.

"Why haven't you answer my calls Sophia? Do you know how worried I've been? I thought something happened to you!" He says in a loud tone. I walk past him and I stand next to the couch.

"I've been busy" I reply trying to keep myself calm.

"Busy with what?! Hanging out with other boys? What the fuck Sophia!" He shouts and my eyes widen. I glare at him.

"Keep your tone done first off all and second of all the only person I've been hanging out with is Justin, who I should remind you is like my brother so calm the fuck down" I say through greeted teeth.

How dare he come here and scream at me after what he fucking said. Does he even remember?

He sighs and sits down on the couch with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry babe. I've just missed you" he says and stands buck up. He pulls me into a hug and I simply stand still. He pulls away and stares at me with a blank expression.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"God Bryan! Do you not remember what you fucking did! Why are you here acting like nothing happened?!" I say annoyed. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Are you seriously still hurt about that? Come one just get over it" he says and pulls me in but I push myself away from him.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask as I stare at him. He's acting so different and it's really scarring me.

"N-nothing. What's wrong with you?" He asks

"Please just leave Bryan" I say. He looks at me and then down my body. He makes eye contact with me as he holds a smirk on his lips.

"Come here" he says and grabs my wrist. I gasp at how hard he's holding onto me. I shake my head and I try moving his hand but he's to strong for me.

"No.stop it Bryan!" I say and he brings me closer. He grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. Our lips connect but I shake my head.

"Please let me go, you're hurting my hand" I say and he chuckles.

"You know what Sophia. I'm done. I'm fucking tired of you treating me like shit. I'm tired of you not showing me that you love me. I will leave, but before tell me why you do this?" He asks as he lets me go. I grab on my wrist.

"WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU? I've done nothing but show you that I care for you Bryan. You've been there for me when I was alone and I've always made sure to thank you. But don't keep expecting me to have sex with you! BECAUSE THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!" I say angrily with watery eyes.

I cry when I'm mad.

"WHY? Why...won't you have sex with me? Don't you trust me?" He asks as he gets closer.

Just say it Sophia.

"Please just leave" I say as I try to avoid eye contact.

"No. Tell me." He insists

Because I don't love you.

"I-i-please leave..." I beg. He stares at me and shakes his head, he walks closer and places his arm on my shoulder.

"Just tell me-"

"BECAUSE I DON'T LOVE YOU! I CANT. I've tried so many times...b-but I can't. And I don't know why. You can hate me all you want, but I can't control my feelings" I say whispering at the end.

I look up and I see him with wide shocked eyes. He stands still with zero expression as I cry quietly. He shakes his head and without saying a single word he leaves slamming the door.

I sigh and sit on the floor

I feel a huge weight lifted of my shoulders.

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