I am MC (Mystic Messanger fan...

By HoodieVixen

4K 158 16

I woke up as Mc, well I was still me, but I was MC. The day before Mystic Messenger was a game, that I was ov... More

It's Just a Game
3rd Day & 4th Day
5th Day & 6th Day
7th Day
8th Day
9th Day
10th Day
11th Day
Mint Eye
Just the Beginning
What's Next
Project Cinnamon Roll
RFA meets Hj

1st Day & 2nd Day

493 11 1
By HoodieVixen

1st Day
It was midnight. I didn't relize it was that late. I was walking out in the streets at midnight. I gave into Unkown's request, and was off to Rika ' s  appartment. I was barely even thinking straight, I gave right on into it, wanting to meet the RFA so badly. I was the most surprised to find Rika's appartment was just across the street from mine. I followed the rest of what I knew as the tutorial as I remembered from the game. Once I slammed the phone down I was the happiest I had ever been.

Then Seven called. I hesitated to pick it up, but knew  I should. I barely said anything. He did the thing where he said my bank account was hacked, to teach me and stuff. I just could help but smile the entire time, it was my first time hearing him, and understanding  him. It was strange, yet nice. He had always been my favorite. I didn't have work that day, so I pulled out my phone every time a chat room opened, didn't help I didn't sleep because of it. I enjoyed getting to know everyone.

It was different knowing they where somewhere out there, and not just a program. They were actual people, who wanted to talk to me. I felt bad that I was only saying what I remembered from the chats. I didn't want to mess anything up too badly. It then hit me, I needed to choose a route, sorta. One of them was bound to hapoen, but I wanted some control over it. I knew what was going to happen.

I wanted to help them all, I wanted to make them all happy. I was torn. They all had a special place in my heart. I made a list for each person as I walked between the apartments, for no reason. My phone buzzed, I thought it was a chat room, but it was an email from someone. I opened it to find it was a formal email. I had been offered to write an article for a magazine. I might have a degree in Journalism, but I only have the memory of highschool. I wasn't sure what to do about that, money from be a brewista would only go so far.

I tool this as an operitunity to take my mind off the RFA, even for the slightest amount  of time. I walked into my appartment, it ws my apartment, meaning it had my organization in it, which ment I kept anything I was proud of. I opened up the bottom right drawer. Inside were a bunch of fikes, labeled with years. I started with the most resent year. They were all articles I wrote for college, I assumed. They covered a variety of topics, economics, political events, famous people scandals, natural dissasters, trends, basically anything you could research. I knew the type of articles I wrote now. Reaser articles.

Next was to find out about the magazine. I did the only thing I thought of, I Googled it, well I guess there I Boogled it. I easily found the online edition, which I skimmed through the articles. It was a usual Magazine, some gossip, some news, mostly lies. If I did take the job I could write an article on diets and there effects on weight, that would fit right on in. I emailed them back that I would take the job. I was emailed right back saying they were anciously waiting for what I would send, and they needed it by next month.

This brought me back to the dire question, which route to go for. I knew who ever I chose I could always help the others after, if I didn't get sent back to my world. I decided to stick to one route, in order to know how to at least help one of them. After that I needed to wing it. Zen need someone to convince him to reunite with his family. Yoosung needed someone to encourage him to do well in school. Jaehee needs someone to support her enough for her to quit being Jumin's slave. Jumin needed someone he can rely on and see him for him and not what he isn't. Seven needs support, and someone to stand by him. They all had a place in my heart, and I couldn't stand seeing them suffer.

I decided that I could help Jaehee and Yoosung without getting romantically involved with them. Zen I was on the fence about. If I went with Jumin, and would get married to him, and not be able to help Seven as easily. Also with Seven I knew about the secrets, so I knew what to do for a bit longer. My mind was made up, Seven would be the one.

I couldn't help but get all bubbly with the idea. I wanted to find I guy like him, but know I would get to date him. Midnight came, along with the second day, and my third day in this world.

2nd Day
I worked again that day. I was happy I worked with coffee, even though I hated the taste I downed two cup, completely ball extra espresso. I couldn't help but laugh at Seven's picture of his "maid". It didnt help when Zen didnt recognize it was Seven cross dressing. "You've been staring at you phone all morning," one of my coworkers commented. Obviously I didn't know them, but they looked to be my age.

"Just texting my friends," I shrugged. Putting my phone away, momentarily.

"I thought you didn't want any friends until you got a stable job," the girl questioned. Maybe she had tried to be my friend before. "You kept on say, friends are not important, but the facts and whether people know them or not."

"I guess I woke up in a different bed," I chuckled, playing a trick on metaphors, and being literal.

"And that is why every thought you would have been a comidic journalist, nor all factual," they teased. I did prefer comedic news shows than actual news. What made me like this?

I heard the bell on the door ring, signalling a customer came in. I turned to see who. I was shocked, like I suspected I would maybe run into one sooner or later, but not the second day. It was Jaehee. I reached up, and quickly took off my nametag, didn't want her finding out.

"What can I get you?" I asked politely. She instantly looked looked up from her phone, probably in a chat room. I kept a calm look on my face, but remembered in talked to her on the phone before.

"An Americano, and a thriple espresso," she told me quickly, ringing it up. She looked back down on her phone, as my coworker started making them.

"Can o have names for them?" I asked, pulling out the marker and two cups. Even though I already knew them.

"Jaehee for the espresso, and Jumim for the America no," she said, clicking away on her phone. I spelt them both in English, cause I could. I did Jaehee's in a cute cursive, with a heart at the end, and I peropusfully spelt Jumin's name wrong, I sport it as Jewman.

"Must be having a bad day," I commented, "or have a terrible boss." I usually wouldn't try to have a conversation with customers, but I was going to become her bf, and there was going to be no arguing.

"Can I just have my coffee?" she questioned, getting pissed.

"Do you really want to get back to work though," I questioned, "It's about noon, so shouldn't you have a lunch break?"

"Can you please just get my coffee," she said, handinf me the money o forgot to ask for. "You should learn that the customer is always right."

"One Americano and a Triple Espresso," my coworker said, handing her the coffee. I watched as she left, earning a glare from my coworker. "What was that about?"

"In was try in gn to brighten up her day," I shrugged, not seeing anything wrong with it.

"You don't usually tall to customers more than nessicary," she pointed out.

"Hey my shifts over," I said, dodging the question, as the next worker came through the kitchen.

Not even a moment later I was walking back to my apartment, nose deep in the chatroom. There was Yoosung, Jaehee, and Jumin. I went through the conversation as it was in the game, but before Jaehee left there was something different.

Jaehee - Kira, have you ever had a girl hit one you?

I didnt think she thought ibwaa hitting on her.

Jaehee- I'm asking because I was getting coffee, and the brewista was asking me a lot of questions.

Jaehee- She was so busy talking to me she forgot to ask me for payment.

Jaehee- Do I come off like that?

I think they were just trying to brigten your day. -Kira

Jaehee - You could be right.

Jaehee- Thank you for outing my kind at ease.

Jaehee - I've got to get back to work now.

Jaehee has left

I could feel my heart beating again. I shouldn't mess with them beyond the story I know. I didnt want to go into entirely new territory. Luckily no one else brought that up again, so rest of the was just how it was ment to be.

When in got all settled in undecided to answer some of the emails. It was harder to do when you needed to type the entire email, and not.Just clock an option. I had responded to most of the emails I had received by ten o'clock. That night I actually for some sleep, first time since getting there. I woke up to the third day.

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