Found my Placid Love || Ziam

By dazzlingziam

92.3K 3.7K 5.4K

Liam Payne is a normal boy. He is looking for peace. Have two Best Buddies to hold onto and his 'not so big'... More

Chapter- 1
Chapter- 2
Chapter- 3
Chapter- 4
Chapter- 5
Chapter- 6
Chapter- 8
Chapter- 9
Chapter- 10
Chapter- 11
Kindly Ignore
Chapter- 12
Chapter- 13
Chapter- 14
New Story!
Chapter- 15
Chapter- 16
Chapter- 17
Chapter- 18
Chapter- 19
Chapter- 20
Chapter- 21
Chapter- 22
Chapter- 23
Chapter- 24
Chapter- 25

Chapter- 7

3.4K 145 159
By dazzlingziam

Guys i noticed that chapter 3 is having least reads. Please read it and also chapter 4 to keep up with the happenings in the story.

The way he looks at his baby 😭

Liam and Zayn decided to go to the older lad's house to check on the other three boys.

When they reached there, Liam quickly went upstairs towards the guest room where Zayn told him Niall probably would be sleeping.

He knocked once, there was no response, he knocked thrice more and still got no response. He just went inside and saw the lad passed out in his last night clothes and loud snores were coming out of his open mouth.

He shook him a bit. "Niall! Wake up bub, it's 1 p.m. already."

The blonde just groaned and pushed Liam's hand away. Liam shook him harshly this time.

"Okay, so you don't want to eat anything. I came to wake you up so that we all can go grab some nandos but you have no mood to wake up so-"

"Nooooo!!!! Wait i am up. I will get ready just give me 10 minutes. I am starving. " Niall said wide eyed slipping out of bed.

"Wear Harry's clothes he had quite a lot in here." Zayn said handing Niall some jeans and a button up shirt. Niall quickly went inside the bathroom attached to the room.

"How long have you been standing here? " Liam asked.

"About 10 minutes? " Zayn said.

"And why?" Liam asked.

"Because-" Zayn put his hands on Liam's waist pulling him closer. Liam smiled shyly at the gesture.

"You took too long to wake the leprechaun up, i have woken up Louis and Harry, already and Harry told me to hand the clothes to Niall." Zayn said bumping their noses lovingly.

"Okay" Liam said looking up at Zayn's hazel eyes.

"Also i told them i have to tell them something, so at the nandos we'll tell them we are together" Zayn took Liam's hand, kissed it softly and stepped back a little looking at his face, trying to find reassurance.

"What if they don't like us being together? What if they don't approve?" Liam asked in a low voice.

Zayn chuckled.

"Are you kidding me babe? They all knew it from the start and were already shipping us or something. Except Niall, he was oblivious just like you." Zayn said poking Liam's nose.

Liam scrunched up his nose.

"Oh shut it." Liam said ducking down.

"Hey guys lets go now-woahh!!" Niall said getting out of the bathroom, eyes wide.

Liam tried to get out of Zayn's grip but Zayn held him even tighter if that's even possible.

"Whats going on? Am i missing something? " Niall said gesturing at the two lad in front of him.

"We are dating." Zayn said proudly.

Niall whistled. He smiled and immediately hugged the couple.

"I am happy that finally Liam would be happy in his life for once. I know you're a nice guy. But don't make him cry please. I hate to see him like that and Louis would probably kill you before Harry had a chance so yeah. Shall we go now? " Niall said now rubbing his tummy.

Zayn chuckled and nodded. He interlocked his and Liam's hands and smiled at him. Liam smiled back knowing that this guy is something different and he is catching his trust quite fast.

"Well that was quick." Liam mumbled.

He just hopes now he won't face that old unaccepted life again.

They walked down and there stood Harry and Louis whispering about something they can't figure out.

"ZAYN AND LIAM ARE NOW ZIAM. YAYY. THEY'RE TOGETHER. " Niall shouted while jogging down the stairs.

"It was supposed to be announced at the lunch i suppose? Can't you just shut up for once?" Zayn said sighing but smiled wide when the other two boys looked at him.

"Fucking finally. Now he would at least stop making googly eyes on the poor innocent guy all the time from a far. " Louis said as he patted Zayn's back 'too nicely'.

Liam just blushed. He his doing this all the time whenever he is with Zayn and he doesn't know why he felt giddy and he smiled wide after hearing that. That one when his dimple on the cheekbone appears.

"I am happy that you did it. Keep him safe forever yeah? He needs the love, already have faced enough." Harry whispered to Zayn while Liam wasn't looking, Louis nodded. "Ofcource, and if i didn't you may kill me yourself." Zayn said softly. "Oh my little brother, i don't think we would need to do that." Louis said.

"Okay now, enough. Now lets get some food for the blonde in the car before he starts eating your car. " Liam said giggling cutely.

Zayn kissed his cheek. "Sure, lets go." he said. Harry and Louis cooing at the new couple.

They were now sitting on a booth, eating, talking and laughing in between. Niall concentrating on his food and the football match, Harry and Louis feeding each other, stealing kisses. Zayn and Liam in their conversation, knowing more about each other, while Zayn dropping compliments here and there making heat crawl on the younger lad's neck.

Having a good time, a happy time.

Kylie's POV.

I can't believe first Louis ditched my open offer by going for that styles, and now Zayn did the same by going for the Liam guy. I don't know what he sees in him.

I am literally boiling with anger seeing the brothers treating the other little twinks or probably fuck toys like a princess or something.

I have always been the one to stalk them, be the wanted girl, like a girl that the rich spoiled boys would usually like to have. Like to show to people, and Harry already stole my chance with Tomlinson. I can't afford the same with Malik.

Just looking at him makes me weak on my knees, he is so gorgeous.

He can have a popular and very hot girl, just like me. Probably me. Why is he with that weird kid who never talks much to anyone except these three friends he have, always have those irritating curles on his head, trying to hide his massive forehead. What a loser he is.

I came here, to this place just so i could have that leprechaun to help me. I always flirted with him as he knows every stuff even though he is full on fag. But he is too dedicated to them. I need to do something quick. Even if it ruins any hearts. I don't give a shit now.

Third person's POV.

Kylie stood from her place excusing herself from her group, over to where the five boys were having their meal.

She quickly deepened her cleavage by pushing her crop top more down, swaying her hips, slowly and on purpose went from the front of Zayn to give him the view and trying to get his attention.

Which in fact was all on the brown eyed shy boy in front of him.

"Hi guys!!" Kykie said with fake excitement and took a seat besides Niall. He just looked at Liam raising one eyebrow.

Liam shrugged frowning but waved anyway.

"Hey, so what's up? Why all of a sudden on our table? Any 'Motive'? " Harry said mockingly.

"Yes, actually Harry. I just wanted to know you guys more." She smiled overly sweet and put her hand on Zayn's hand.

"How have you been? You just stopped meeting me, got bored? I have more interesting stuff to do, y'know." Kylie said glaring at Liam.

Zayn took his hand away and held Liam's instead, waving their interlocked hands in the air.

"I am taken just now, and very happy, kylie, we have always been friends and i would like to stay that only. " Zayn said and then was again indulged in a conversation with Liam, pecking his lips, making him giggle, forgetting the surroundings.

Kylie scoffed.

"Huh! Good then. How have you been Louis? Harry? How's the relationship going? " She asked.

"it's going good, Thanks. He makes my world happier and better." Louis said sneaking his hands on the curly haired lad's waist protectively, claiming him silently as his, which he already is.

"Have you been coming to the pub you used to go?  And what about your weed addiction before Harry? Too in love that you changed yourself or still the same. " Kylie sipped on her coke smirking.

"Um. No i don't go there usually only with Zayn or Josh sometimes, for a guy time. Ofcource with my baby's permission. And weed? No, i don't do it anymore. Sometimes cigarettes, and once in a while only. " Louis answered  and tried to smile. But he was feeling uncomfortable with these sudden questions and he knows Harry gets angry on this, he don't want that.

"Oh that's nice, i thought i just saw you yesterday outside that pub, taking slow drags of weed, standing all alone." Kylie said.

"Yeah, guess that's not me. What were these questions all about? Want to put fire between us? That's not very nice Ms. Jenner. " he said gesturing towards himself and Harry.

Louis was taken aback from the information but replied confidently with sass.

"Hahaha, tommo as always joking around, come to my apartment sometimes we'll catch up on things we left out." she said to the five of them.

"Yeah, why not, not that we have any other better job to do. " Louis said smiling bitterly.

"Oh Louis, stop it! See you guys. Bye Louis, Niall. Congrats to the new couple and Bubye Harry darling, always be happy hun. " Beacuse you won't be having these little rendezvous and cuddles, kisses for a long time. She thought.

"What was that all about? " Zayn asked to the weird meet up with the girl.

"I don't know, but the bitch needs to stay away from my Harry. And all of you. "Louis gritted his teeth.

'What is she planning on now? Need to figure that out.' Liam mentally asked himself.


I am sorry for slow updates, i was literally engaged with studies and was reading a quite long book.

So what's your thoughts?

Sassy and protective Louis is life.

Love- d💕

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