Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

136K 3.8K 484

Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 14- War With Yourself
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 16 - Growing Bond
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan

2.8K 78 7
By Littl3R3d

  Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear drop.

Cade's POV 

FutureBanks: With a baby on the way he pops the question and of course I said yes!Xoxo. #LoveMyBabyDaddy

I thought I knew Abby but this just shows me how much I don't. I never would have thought she'd do something like this to me. I'm so angry right now I could throw this phone into the ocean.

  Toby yanks the phone from my hand bringing me back to the world and I look at her angry crying face. "Toby I can explain. Please just list-"

  "I don't want to hear it Cade! Why did you even come back here if you were going to marry Abby?! Why couldn't you just call or text me?! Does it make you happy to hurt me?! Huh?!" She yells and then she hits my chest and shoves me.

  "Stay away from me!" She barks and my eyes widen at her remark. I walk closer to her and pull her into my arms and she screams, "let go of me!" She tries to force her way out of my arms but I held on to her tightly. "Toby no. Please don't do this. Give me a chance to explain."

  "Explain what? You told me you love me and now you're engaged to Abby. It was her all along wasn't it?" She says while crying and I feel my heart tearing apart.

  "I do love you Toby, very much. It was never Abby it was always you. You have to understand that my father is a horrible man an-" she pushes me causing me to stop talking as I stumble away from her.

  "Stop it! You told me you'd tell your dad no, that you wouldn't let him let you and now look! You and Abby are perfect for each other! You both share something in common, hurting me! It ends here Cade! Go be with your bitch fiancé and leave me alone!" She yells at me and I do nothing. She's really angry right now so she won't listen. I have to wait until she's calm.

  I watch her as she and Liz go back to her car, they get in and drive away and I feel cold, like the blood was drained from my body. Everything was falling apart. I had to fix it, but how? Toby just left me and I feel lost, I feel like nothing else matters. I can't even think straight. Where will I even stay tonight? I can't go back to the room and I don't want to stay with any of my friends, they will ask questions.

I get back in my car and I sit looking at the view. What the fuck did I get myself into?


Toby's POV

   I try to will myself to stop the tears but I can't, this really hurt me and I can't seem to come to terms with it. As much as it hurts I still really wanted Cade. I still really wanted this to be a dream. I love Cade and the last thing I wanted was for us to be apart but that's just how it goes. I can't stand the hurt anymore and this has gone too far. My head is hurting because I'm crying so much, I cried all the way back to campus.

  Elizabeth pulls up in the lot and then she parks the car. She wraps her arms around me and I hug her then sob.

  "Everything will be alright soon Toby, don't stress too much its not good. You should come and stay with Meg and I." She says and then releases me.

  "No, I'll stay in my room. I really don't want to be asked any questions. I just want to be alone."

  "What if Cade comes back there?"

   "He won't, he'll probably be heading back home to be with his family and fiancé. I need to go to the administrative office tomorrow to see if they can give me another room or give me back the rest of my rental fee for the semester." I said but deep down I wanted him to come back to our room. I wanted to be around him despite everything.

  But I can't understand why they are now engaged after everything we've been through. It just doesn't make sense, Cade only saw her as a sex toy.

  Fuck. I forgot about the text she sent me. That's probably the reason he proposed... but that still means we can't be together. I'm not willing to be his mistress. That's too much baggage, he's going to be a father and a husband and its not with me.

  "I'll see you later." Liz says handing me my keys and I nod my head then she leaves. My phone buzzes again and I know its Cade. He's been texting me the entire ride here, all he's doing is apologizing and begging to come to the room to explain. I was going to text him and tell him that he could because that's all I wanted but I couldn't. I won't now because I've come to realize that he has to do what he has to do. I ignore his message and got out of the car to get back to my room.

   A lot of people didn't know that Cade got Abby pregnant so I'd be able to avoid all the negative comments that was going to come my way and since she didn't tag him in that engagement pic then they probably wouldn't know even though she changed her user name. I'd be able to avoid all comments... right up until they got married, then they'd be coming.

  "Toby!" Derek's voice shouts my name and I wipe my tears away fast while walking faster. What the fuck does he want now? I ask myself as I speed walk to my dorm.

  I can hear his footsteps closing in and I know he's running. Ugh, for the love of-

  "Hey didn't you here me call your name?" He ask and he's all breathy.

  "Well technically I did. Did you not see me walking faster after you called?"

  "I thought you just realized you were in a hurry. Could you just stop walking for a minute and hear me out." He says then walks in front of me. I hold my head down so he doesn't see my face and he tries to look anyways.

  "Hey, look at me for a sec."

  "Do you have something to say or should I go?"

  "Okay nevermind. I wanted to ask a favor."

   "What could that be now?"

   "I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend." He says and I guffaw.

  "Hell no." I said looking into his eyes then I started walking pass him, he sticks his hand out and he pushes me back then uses his other hand to hold me in front of him.

  "Restraining order." I said pushing him but he holds on to me. "Derek if you don't let me go I'll scream." I said looking into his eyes and he looks at me with a sympathetic look and I know he sees my tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

  "Its not permanent... unless-"

  "No." I cut him off and he laughs and releases me.

  "Listen its just that my parents are coming tomorrow and I didn't tell them that we broke up."

  "I think you should because I'm not doing that."

  "Please Toby. My parents love you and they want to see you. Just for a few minutes then tell them you have some assignments to do and leave. I just don't want them to be down my back about our relationship ending and our families being close and we should be together."

  "Derek I'm not doing it. There is no way in hell I'm helping you. You almost killed me remember? Pretend that you did and I no longer exist. I want nothing to do with you Derek so get out of my way." I said then walked pass him and this time he lets me.

  "Uh Toby?"


  "I'm really sorry for everything that I've put you through. And please don't let me see you like this again. Every time we cross paths something is wrong with you." He says and I nod my head in agreement then turn to leave.

  He was right. Something was always wrong with me when our paths crossed and Cade was always the reason. The tears start flowing again and I hurry to my room.

  Its Sunday morning and I barely slept a wink. Cade has been texting and calling me none stop but all I do is ignore them.

  I got out of bed, went into the bathroom then when I was finished I came out and started packing my stuff. I was determined that I wasn't going to stay here with him. I couldn't bear to not have him to myself.

  There is a knock at the door and my heart starts racing, I turn around and looked at the door then wondered if it was Cade. I take a deep breath as the door knocks again then I walked tentatively towards it, I slowly open the door and a smile forms on Elizabeth's face.

  "Hi! Just wanted to check up on you." She says then walks in and I turn to walk behind her. "I'm fine, you don't need to do that." I said then walked into my closet.

  "Uh, did you find somewhere?" She ask looking into my bag. "No but I'm just packing from now." I say putting more stuff in the bag.

  "Right. What if you don't get a room? Isn't it going to be hard to unpack everything?" She ask and I sigh heavily. "Lets just hope that everything works out." I said with my hands on my hips. Her phone buzzes and she attends to it fast.

  "Mistery man? I said smirking at her." She laughs and continues looking down on the phone. "Nah he's probably still asleep. But I do have to go." She says putting the phone in her pocket. "I'll catch up later okay?"

  "Okay, later."

  "And Toby, the girls are worried about you. Let them know when you want to stop being alone." She says and I smile and nod at her. She turns to leave and I continue on with my activities. After a minute my phone pings and I don't check it because its probably Cade. Sigh.

  A shadow appears from behind me and I realize that Liz didn't close the door.

  "What did you lea-" I said turning around thinking that Liz would be in the door way because she forgot something. But my eyes fall on Cade who looks like he hasn't slept at all and all of a sudden I'm dumb.

  "I'm going to explain to you whether you want me to or not." He says walking in then closing the door behind him. He looks at me with furrowed brows as I hold my clothes in my hands.

  "What are you doing?" He ask after looking at the bag and then at me. I turn around to continue packing my bag and he walks over to me and pulls the bag away throwing everything out then he sits on my bed.

  "What the hell Cade?! Please just let me do what I'm doing." I said walking over to the closet for my suitcase. "You said you wanted to explain so do it." I said putting my shoes in the suitcase, he begins explaining and two minutes in I started giving him my attention. He tells me everything about his dad and Abby as well as the argument and how he didn't know where Abby got the ring but he didn't give it to her. His dad must have done it then.

  "So your dad is doing this all for his image?" I asked sitting on the ground.

  "Yes. I'm surprised he took me when my mother died because they weren't together."

  "That's not right, he can't do that to you. There has to be some way to get those papers from him. He won't be able to sell it if he doesn't have them."

  "You mean steal them?...You're a genius!" He says walking towards me, he kneels on the ground in front of me. He cups my face in his hand and he smiles at me then he looks at my lips, he starts leaning in and I hold my head down.

  "Toby please." He begs with his forhead resting on the top of my head. "I can't, not right now. Lets just see if we can get everything sorted out before we get back into anything and I get hurt again."

  "What if I can't get the papers?  Will you runaway with me?" He ask and his last sentence catches me by surprise, I look up at him with furrowed brows.

  "I really meant what I said Toby, you're all I want and if you won't be with me because of Abby I'd rather we both get away from her."

  "Cade I don't th-"

  "Please don't say it." He begs and I bite my tongue. I love Cade and I wanted him for me. Abby wasn't going to win and neither was his dad.

  "Okay, we need to get the papers. How?" I say and he stands up. "I'd have to go back there and be all friendly, act like I agree with their stupid plans."

  "You're going to trick them?"

   "Yes. That's the plan."

   "Well I wish you all the best." I said getting off the ground, I walk towards my bed and I can feel his eyes on me.

  "I'm sorry for putting you through this. But I will not rest until I get this sorted out."

  "Try to get it sorted before the wedding day, its better for us if you do."

  "So you plan on not being in a relationship with me until I've sorted this out?" He asked looking at me.

  "Yeah... No... I don't know, I'm a little confused. I need to have proof that you're not playing me because it feels like you are even though you've explained and apologized.. I just feel like I can't trust you right now." I say and he runs his hands through his hair and then he puts one over his mouth and I could tell that my words hurt him.

  If they sting that much he must be telling the truth right? I ask myself as I try to process everything.

"Toby I don't think I want that. He showed me the papers so he's probably going to think that I'd take them too. Its going to take awhile to build his trust. I don't want to be without you for that while." He says and I get tiny butterflies, he doesn't want to be without me and it makes me happy because I don't want to be without him either.

   "Remember our plan for when I get back? I had the boat hauled down here, I was planning to take you this evening but this shit happens." He says then sighs and I feel sorry for him. He's stressed enough already, I should  probably help ease his stress by helping him to take his mind off things.

  But at the same time I'm stressed and hurting too. I don't feel likeI can do this yet. I feel like I need more time to fully process everything that has been happening since yesterday.

  "I do remember, I suggested it. But I don't think I can do that right now because this is affecting me as much as its affecting you and I feel like I just need to be away from you for awhile." I say and he looks pale.

  "It feels like you're trying to leave and never come back but you're doing it in a less than harsh way." He says walking towards me and I sigh.

  "Toby please don't do this to me. Try to see pass everything that's going on and think about how we were before all of this. I need you to keep my shit together and give me courage to get this thing dealt with faster." He says sitting beside me and I feel good that he is. I start remembering everything about our relationship before the screw up and it makes me happy. That's what I wanted, that's where we should be again.

  "Okay. I'll go with you." I say and he looks at me with widened eyes and 32 watt grin. He wraps his arms around me, we fall over and I let out a loud giggle.

  "Thank you, thank, you thank you." He says giving me a peck on the cheek after every thank you. "Okay easy there tiger." I say and he chuckles.

  "You make me so happy Toby-Lynn Casey." He says and I blush. You make me so happy too Cade Banks, I say to myself as I bask in his embrace.

  Cade and I walk hand in hand to the boat, he's been holding my hand ever since we left our room. We don't talk to each other we just remain silent.

  I can tell he's nervous because his hand was wet and clammy. Why exactly was he nervous? I mean I was still here, I was with him, he had no reason to be.

  "This is now my favorite shirt." He says smiling at me. "Why is that?" I asked looking at the shirt. "Because it smells like you." He says pulling up the shirt to his nose to sniff it then I realize that it was the shirt I had on yesterday.

  "That's because I was wearing that shirt." I said smirking at him. "And how did you end up wearing my shirt?" He asked with a smile and cocking his head to one side.

  "Don't question it. Just be happy that it smells like me." I teased and he chuckles. "Well then I better take it off because I want the scent to last." He says and then he removes his shirt and then my eyes dart to his naked torso.

  I found myself in awe of his hard, lean frame as he stood shirtless before me. I've seen him shirtless before and it has never affected me this much. Yes I always stare but the feeling now was different. Was it because I wanted to feel his skin against mine now more than ever due to our phone conversation?

  I don't know but I started feeling nervous all of a sudden, I swallow as the setting sunlight shined upon his beautiful, smooth skin. I tried to tear my gaze from the tanned outline of his magnificent form but it was no use.

  My eyes trailed up his body and his soft pink lips shifted into a knowing grin as he caught me staring. My face begun to feel like a hot oven and the heat burned through my cheeks, I was blushing because he caught me and then I cleared my throat, "stare with caution next time."  I mumbled under my breath.

  "Are you a gawker now bombshell?" He teases and I roll my eyes at him then he chuckles. "Lets go." I said as I made my way on the boat, the wind blew and my dress went up exposing me. I yelp grabbing on to it then stumble my way on deck, I was able to maintain my balance and Cade laughed out loudly.

  "Not funny! I could have fallen."

  "Yes you could have, next time let the dress blow up." He says smiling and I widen my eyes at him. "What if someone saw my underwear?"

  "No one is around bombshell. Just us." He says walking towards me, he cups my face in his hands and he looks into my eyes. "I love when you blush because of me, its cute." He says then smiles and I smile at him, he leans his head to kiss me and I bite my lip as he comes closer. Just as he's about to kiss me I pull away and say, "we should go." He looks at me with a confused look and I smile at him.

  "Why did you do that?" He asked putting his hands in his pocket. "Do what?" I asked walking away from him.

  "Don't play dumb with me. I thought we agreed that we were going to go back to normal."

  "We did." I said softly looking at him. Teasing him is fun.

  "Then why can't I kiss you?" He asked frowning at me. "Who says you can't?" I asked and he chuckles then I look at him confused. "What's so funny?"

  "You are." He says then he smirks, I fold my arms and pout at him then he chuckles again. "I'm going to get a shirt then we can go." He says then goes below deck. What the heck just happened? I walked over to one of the rails to gaze at the sun setting and reflecting on the water.

  I stood there for about 2 minutes until Cade returned. His hands locked around my waist and his hard chest pressed into my back. I felt the strength of his arms around me, trapping me in his warmth and I felt safe, it felt like he'd never hurt me or let me go.

  "Enjoying the view?" He ask with his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his hot breath. It sent shivers down my spine and unleashed sensations at my core. "Yes, its beautiful." I say as normal as I can trying to ignore the feelings taking place.

  He places his hands on my hips and I can feel him move behind me, he pulls me closer to him and I gasp as his sex touches me and it feels a little hard. I pull away from him and then I started walking away and he grabs my wrist.

  "Where are you hurrying off to?"  He ask with a smile on his face and I know exactly what he's doing. He's messing with me the way I was messing with him. "I'm going to the bathroom." I say smiling back at him.

  He pulls me closer to him and I trip falling into his chest letting out a "oaf!"

  "Somebody is a bit clumsy today." He teases as he steadies me. "Well you're making me clumsy." I say trying to free myself from his clutches. But he cups my face in his hands haulting me and causing me to look into his eyes. His stare is wanting and I can't help but want too.

  "Please just one kiss. Do you know how hard it is to be around you and not kiss you?" He says shifting his gaze from my lips to my eyes and to my lips again. It was hard for me too I've gotten so use to kissing him that when he returned last night its the first thing I did. But I'm pretty worried about what's going to happen if he couldn't get the papers.

  I didn't want to leave my life behind by running away with him. He was going to be a dad and I didn't want to take a child's father from them. I know what its like to be without a dad because my dad is in the army, but I still remember all the good times I had with him when he was around. They were amazing and I'd want Cade's child to experience the same amazing feeling.

  He starts leaning in due to my silence, my heart beat quickens and I feel like I'm frozen. His lips land on mine and he breaths out heavily through his nose as if he has been holding his breath. He's kissing me and I'm kissing him back and a tear falls from my eye. He was enjoying this, I could tell from the way he was kissing me but it was painful for me. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it too but it felt bitter sweet.

  He stops kissing me and when I open my eyes he's looking at his hand that he removed from my cheek but still holding my other cheek with his other hand. He looks at me and I wipe my tears away, he then removes his other hand from my cheek and he takes two steps back. He looks at me terrified and I look at him with widened eyes.

  "What?" I asked with a teary voice. "Is it that hard to kiss me?" He asked looking down and folding his fist. What?

  "Its not that. I'm just thinking about everything you know and other things."

"Toby I told you that I'll get it sorted out."

  "What if you don't? I'm not going to leave with you Cade. I can't." I said and he looks angry and sad at the same time.

  "Why?" He asked looking at me. "Because I don't want your child to grow up without a father. If we leave then that's going to happen."

  "Toby how hard can it be to take some papers? Stop over thinking everything and focus on us." He says and then he walks over to me. "I will be there for the child when it gets here and I will be with you. I will get the papers and keep the boat. Have faith in our relationship... please." He says and I feel stupid. Why was I doubting that this plan would work? Cade was right I needed to have faith.

  I walked towards him quickly and then I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug placing my head on his chest he takes a moment before he wraps his arms around me. As we stand holding each other his phone vibrates and he sighs.

  I pull away from him so he could check and he digs into his pocket and removes it. He opens it and looks at it for awhile before speaking.

  "Fuck." He says and runs his hand through his hair.


  "My dad is at our room." He says and I gasp. What is he going to think if we are both not there?

  "Where the hell are you and Toby? Are you forgetting you're engaged to Abby? You shouldn't be out galavanting with her and don't tell me you aren't because I realized you took the boat." He reads the message and anger rushes through me like the blood in my veins.

We needed to come up with something to tell his dad about our disappearance and I know exactly what it is.


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