The Return (On Hold)

By 1998izzy

652 73 6

What would you do if your twin sister hated you? What if you hadn't seen her for five years? What if she had... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Six

45 7 0
By 1998izzy

Brittany's POV

- Brittany's POV

"War?" I mumbled to myself.

What does she mean by war?

I look around once again to make sure she isn't in here, and she's not. She is probably long gone by now.

I fold the note into eighths and shove it in my bag. I'll worry about it later. I dawdle over to the sink and splash some cold water on my face, which seems to have worked in clearing my thoughts.

Suddenly a huge gush of wind blows opens the doors to the girl’s locker room.

"W-who's there?" My voice is shaky, as I spin around cautiously.

A mini tornado comes through the door and sweeps me off my feet. I can feel that it is moving, but it's tumbling me around so much I can't see anything.

The next thing I know, the tornado is gone and I am left falling to the ground face first.

A familiar laughter fills my ears as I look up to find none other than Lexi sipping on a milkshake and giggling to herself.

"You did this?" I asked. This was so not funny.

She rolled her eyes as her laughter subsided, "Please, I'm fire. I can't conjure up tornados."

"Then how'd you do it?"

"I didn't." She claimed. Upon seeing my disbelieving stare she continued, "Hey I have no idea what I'm doing here either. One minute I’m enjoying a milkshake with Abagail and the next I'm caught in a cloud, being taken to who knows where."

"Well, be happy you got a cloud. This tornado has done damage to my hair." I whined, making some water appear in my hand to act like a mirror.

She laughed again. Well at least this isn't war.

"So where are we?" I looked around the room. Each corner was a different colour and they all met in the middle of the square-shaped room. There was the blue corner, which was decorated with snowflakes and white furniture, Green which had a brown leaf theme, Red decorated with suns and, Orange which was decorated with flowers.

Wait a second… I know where we are!

The door swung open and in came a woman wearing a beautiful green, floor-length ball-gown with a brown belt that clipped at the front with a matching leaf. She didn't look more than about thirty-two.

"Hello girls." Her voice was angelic and made me feel a cool breeze.

"Was a tornado really necessary, Autumn?" I asked. I had come across her several times, and I'd like to think we're sort of friends.

"Sorry, but your here are you not?" She had a point.

"Would someone care to explain what's going on?" Lexi asked, looking between us confused.

Autumn moved her attention to Lexi, "Why of course, how rude of me. We have never officially met but I've heard a lot about you and I'm sure you've heard of me. My name is Autumn. I am one of the four seasons. It's nice to finally meet you."

"How do you know me?" Lexi asked, still confused, though a bit less than earlier.

Autumn made her way over to sit on a chair in the green part of the room. "Well as a Season, I have to know everyone. But Brittany has mentioned you a couple of times before."

Lexi turned to look at me, and I gulped and forced a smile. "How do you know Brittany?"

Please don't say it. Please don't say it. Please don't s-

"We go back a long way." Fuck. I can't believe she is doing this. "I think you were six at the time." Realisation started to find its way to Lexi's face. "It was just after she stopped this fire an-"

"You lied to me!" Lexi shouted at me.

"I didn't lie. I was summoned here so we could talk about the fire and what happened but-" I tried to explain.

"You traitorous bitch!" Lexi screamed as she glared at me, and I swear, if looks could kill, I'd be dead. "You couldn't even be bothered to tell me about this? Seriously, we were with each other almost every day for four years and you didn't think to tell me!?"

"But I never lied." This was the truth, I never did.

"But you never told the truth." She said really quietly.

I was on the verge of tears as Lexi ran out of the room, whiles still sending me a dirty glare.

"I get the feeling I said something wrong." Autumn observed.

"You don't say," I say, sending her a 'no duh' look.

She shrugged, causing me to sigh, "What am I going to do now?" I asked.

"Don't worry. She'll be back any second." As if on cue, in walked two built men I have come to know as Spring and Winter, carrying a thrashing Lexi in their arms.

"Put me down!" She demanded, "This is a violation of human rights!"

"Then it's a good thing you’re not a human." Winter retorted, throwing her into a bean chair.

I couldn't help but let slip a giggle at that comment.

Lexi glared at me but shook it off and started walking towards Winter.

Autumn leaned over and whispered something in my ear, which caused my eyes to widen.

"What? Now?" I asked. She nodded in response. "Ok..." I was still unsure, but just as Lexi raised her hands (probably to cast a fire spell) I did the same and drenched her with water from head to toe.

"What the fuck?!" She screamed at me.

"What did you expect me to do, let you melt the winter?" I had to cut off her powers or god knows what would have happened.

"Whatever," She mumbled, "I'm outta here."

A figure I hadn't met before appeared in the doorway. "No one is going anywhere." The figure stated.

"Great, another person." Lexi mumbled, but apparently loud enough to hear.

"Actually, two!" A blonde about my age stepped out from behind the figure and I recognised her immediately.

"Summer!" I squealed, as I ran over to hug her. She is most probably my favourite person on the planet. She was beautiful, down to earth and always happy. I had never seen her without a smile.

"Britty!" She squealed back. We were really good friends, but we didn't see each other much. She didn't really see anyone much - other than the seasons of course. She only saw people when there is some problem - speaking of which...

"Sum?"  I asked, and she cocked her head to the side, "Why are we here?"

Her smiled faded a bit but still remained. She didn't say a word, but her eyes dropped to around my neck and she outstretched her hand to point to my necklace.

The Ice Heart.

"This is Mother Nature." Autumn introduced us to the figure once she realised we'd never met. I nodded in greeting and gave a small smile. Lexi on the other hand wasn't so polite. She turned her head and crossed her arms as she sat down on the beanbag she was on earlier.

"Well isn't she a gem." Mother Nature commented about Lexi. "Anyway, that's not what we're here to talk about."

"Well get to it then lady. Every second I spend in this room with that girl," she pointed at me, "I lose a bit more of my sanity."

"Ouch." I said sarcastically.

"I'm going out on a limb here; you two don't like each other do you?" Spring spoke up.

"Shut up Spring. What kind of a name is that anyway?" Lexi spat.

"Oops... I unleashed the monster." He said in mocked horror and ran behind Winter, looking out cautiously. I giggled. He never ceased to make things interesting. He and all the other seasons were related, and from what I knew he was only about a year older than us.

Mother Nature stomped. "Enough!" We all shut up and looked at her, like children in a classroom. "Good now I have your attention, there is a matter to discuss. Summer, you start."

"Ok, well, you see, the other day the seasons and I were joking around when we all felt a sudden... pull?" She questioned herself but shook it off, "Well anyway, we have all been born with the ability to sense change... bad change."

I gulped, this can't be good.

"We all rushed to a meeting with Mother Nature who - of course - felt it too. She started searching for possible shifts in the earth’s behaviour and she came across a problem." Winter piped in.

"How does this problem involve us?" Lexi pointed between us two.

"The problem is with the Ice Heart." Spring blurted.

"T-the He-Heart." I stuttered, moving my hand up to hold it.

"What's wrong with it?" Lexi asked, changing from angry and annoyed to sounding worried.

"As you know when the Heart was formed, your great grandma claimed that the halves had to go to the first set of twins in the family as they are the only family members who can once again make it whole." We both nodded, "Well there is a catch. Anyone, even if they’re not related to you can make the heart whole again if they obtain both halves and bring them together... and we sense someone is trying to do that." Autumn explained.

"But who wants to steal it?" I asked.

"We sensed it's someone who doesn't live in the mortal realm, which means they have to be a magical being, most likely your friends who attend sorcery school." Mother Nature answered.

"They're not Brittany's friends. Plus I never told any of them I have the heart." Lexi shook her head in confusion.

"You haven't told Abagail?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She stood there thinking for a moment. "I have known Abagail for over five years. Don't you think she would have tried to steal it by now?"

"Probably so… But the only change is that the other half is now close to her." Mother Nature pointed to the necklace I was still grasping.

"I know she wouldn't-" Lexi started.

"Believe what you will, all we're asking is that you not let the necklace be out of your sight. And we beg for you both to be wary of the people around you." Mother Nature shrugged.

Lexi stood up, "Mine is staying in my room. No negotiation."

With a wave of a finger, a silver chain appeared around Lexi's neck and on it was her half of the heart.

"Get this off me!" she demanded.

"Lexi, this isn't just about you. If someone manages to restore the heart, they will be invincible. God knows what someone might do if they had that power."

Lexi calmed down and stopped wrestling the necklace. "Fine." she sighed.

"Alright, well I won't hold you up anymore. Here you go." Mother Nature cast a spell and luckily this time, I got the cloud end of the deal.

My feet landed firmly on the ground back in the changing room, and I looked down to straighten out my uniform. I looked down, and thought I was lucky I checked because I saw a tiny piece of cloud hanging off my skirt.

"Brittany!" a voice called into the changing room.

"I'm coming!" I answered back, and went back to practise.


A/N: Hey readers. Thank you for reading this!

I hope your enjoying the book. I got really excited for the stuff that happens later in the book, so I wrote two chapters that happen near the end of the book, I can't wait for you to read them.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I got an editor, @mynameisriss, and shes slowly going through the book.

if any of you are wondering when i finish the book, itll definitely be sometime early this year. I only plan on about 35 chapters.

Anyway thanks- Bella

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