The Neverland Inn : One-Shot...

By Sparky503

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A combiled version of one shots from the adventures of Shan, Faith and Dee as they run the ghostly bed and br... More

NL Breakup
NL Birthday
Lazarus Machine
Partner Polygraph
NL Valentine's Day
NL Break In
NL Daughters
NL Physics
NL IPhones
(Authors Note ♡)
NL Glitch : S2E1
NL Symphony S2E2
NL Nephews S2E4
NL Puppies S2E5
NL Ex Wives S2E6
NL Wisdom Teeth: S2E7
NL Movie Night: S2E8
NL Baseball : S2E9
NL Chances : (S2 Finale)
NL Recovery : S3E1
NL Forever: S3E2
NL Phone Call: S3E3
NL Halloween: S3E4
NL Fatherhood: S3E5
NL Christmas : S3E6
NL Pain Pills: S3E7
NL Replacement : S3E8
NL Trainee: S3E9

NL Investigators S2E3

167 9 15
By Sparky503

"Hey guys?" Shan called from her laptop in the west den. "Any reason why the Inn's twitter is blowing up with these super shady messages?"

The girls all gather around the computer with a confused look on their face. Three messages popped up with the blue dot next to them showing they were unopened. The chat head was nothing but a gray box, no picture and the Twitter name was, "ghostad505" Shan clicks on the message and she begins to mutter audible what was inside,

"Dear Neverland Hostesses, My name is Zak Bagans-"

"OHMYGOOOOOD!" Dee begins to squawk, losing her control and the girls tsk, "Keep going, keep going!"

"My name is Zak Bagans." Shan continued,

"And for years I have been interested in the death of your Head of Manor Mr. Jackson. To cut to the chase, I wanted to inquire about perhaps performing a lockdown inside Neverland Mansion with my paranormal expert crew, if only you release to me if any of you have encountered anything unexplainable. Of course you are more than welcome to decline. I want uphold the most positive of wishes towards Michael and his family. I will not be offended if you turn down. I'll leave my cell number here at the bottom when you have come to a decision. Sincerely Yours, Zak." The girls all winced but Faith speaks up,

"So Dee, who even is this guy? What paranormal experts is he talking about?" She says with air quotes. Dee asks to take the laptop and she opens a new tab in the browser explaining,

"He is the lead investigator of this T.V. paranormal group 'Ghost Adventures.' They are based out of Las Vegas and they've damn near been everywhere doing paranormal investigations in haunted houses. And I do mean everywhere."

She pulls up the crew's homepage on their official website and the girls close in as she begins to scroll down. "Oh wow, they've been to Scotland." Shan sees then points.

"France too." Faith mentions through her glasses.

"Yeah, they even did Dracula's castle in Romania. They're pretty legit." Dee sighs, "But here's the thing. Is Michael really gonna let a crew of guys come through here and try to ghost hunt him. Should we ask Janet?"

"I think Janet would be okay as long as these guys are respectful and are mindful about Michael's past. But true, we don't know for sure. " Shan says putting in.

"Well." Faith says unsure, "There is one party we could ask right this moment."

They all share a grin in sync and they turn their heads up saying,
"Ohhh, MICHAEL?" They leave the west den and begin their way towards Michael's room. Getting to the closed door, Dee goes to politely knock until the handle moves on it's very own. It opens very languid and slow and they enter the room. The light changed. The atmosphere shifted and the air felt easier. Around them was the sunny glow of a bedside lamp and other little gas lights spotting the wall. A toy train chugged along, streaming a cute toy smoke stack and they smiled.
On a vintage record player, spun a record playing Ben King and Nat King Cole. It played on and in the corner they hear him. "What's up, girls?"

He sat curled up across an arm chair with his legs dangling off the side. He wore thin, shiny reading glasses even though it seemed rather ironic. Or maybe that was the point. Along the mantle above his fireplace chattered toy monkeys and square robots. They marched back and forth and a wind up racecar zooms out from under his bed. This was his way of relaxing. Surrounding himself in the things he loved while alive. The toys and the trinkets. He puts his hand up and with a swish. Everything ceased.

The music stopped, the toys did too. Everything was silent and he closes the Spider-Man comic he skimmed through. He sat up and he asks again removing his glasses and fidgeting his hair. the girls all stood awkwardly and he smiles waiting. Dee clears her throat and she asks, "I'll start this calmly..."

One by one they mentioned how respectful the crew could be and how they would never EVER let anyone come in the house asking unworthy questions. Michael only sat nodding and listening. He didn't look at any of them. He kept his gaze disdained towards the floor. He slid his fingers swirling across each other as if in thought. he rubbed his nose and that gave the impression that he might even be nervous. They ended with the thought that the final decision to call mister Bagans back would be ultimately up to him and no one else.

Michael only curled his lip and he closed his eyes. He opened them after a moment and he asks plainly,
"Did I ever tell you girls of the day I first layed eyes on Neverland?.."

The girls all looked to each other curious and they listened in close. Michael stands with floor creaking below him. He renders his illusion and he stands in front of the sliding glass door. The girls noticed how serious he seemed and the became almost afraid. He turns and he had altered his appearance to the way he was in the late eighties for effect. He moves the sheer curtain away with a tug and he began softly,

"It was 1986. I remember it like it was lucid dream. Janet, my mother and I were out in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Thriller album was still breaking records and continuously breaking out with number one hits. It was safe to say that my solo career was tremendously on the ascent. I had just gotten my first big cut of money from the percentage I split with Barry Gordy in Motown and Mother was encouraging me to find maybe a villa or a house to call my own. We searched everywhere in places like Santa Ana, Santa Monica, San Francisco all of them. Janet told us on our third straight day of hunting that Los Olivos was advertising a ranch that had just been put up for sale and I was at the point of giving up so I told her sure. We pulled into the drive way ready to meet the realtor but she showed up late. I decided to take a tour for myself and Janet helped me hop the fence. When I first saw the overlook to the entire property, Neverland smiled at me. She had the brightest sunshine I had ever seen and I knew, this would be my home."

The girls all keep their attention and they keep an adamant glance. Michael smiled and he said,
"The point I'm trying to make is. Neverland is my entity. I meant what I said when I told that snake Martin Bashir she is the totality of who I am as a person. If people are wanting to come in here. I am going to drop a set of rules for them to follow to a T. "

He explained to each of them the rules. He said if they asked, these are the rules that his sister Janet has given. The first rule was that nothing in Neverland was to be touched or moved. Everything would be as it is, where it is. They would ask no questions about his children or ask to speak to any of the children. And third rule was deemed to be absolute. The girls had to be present with every step of this 'investigation.'

"I trust you girls with all that I used to be and I know you would never let anything happen to Neverland. I'll let this happen. But, I won't make a show out of it. Maybe i'll give them some eerie footsteps to call it interesting. Hm.."
Michael says looking devious. He smiled evilly and the girls became oddly curious. He sees their expression and he clarifies giggling, "I've never gotten the chance to blatantly scare someone with my tricks. And I've got a team of grown tough men walking in her like a mousetrap. This should be fun..."

~~2 weeks later. The Crew Arrives
Zak Bagan told the girls he would arrive around noontime at the mansion. They made up stories of footsteps in the hallway and shadows in the parlors, typical things.
A black ominous escalade pulled into the mansions turn around driveway and the clock struck high noon. The girls all stood in the window with Michaels apparition behind them.

"What exactly is the plan here?" Shan asks again and Michael reinstates,
"Play the role of innocent hostesses. You do not live here, you only run the property as a memorial destination. And you certainly do not talk to me on a daily basis. Capishe?"
They all nodded and put on a mask. Certainly they wouldn't get in trouble for lying, but what these guys didn't know couldn't have hurt them.
Faith opens the door and she stands frozen still. Shan comes to her side and then the same occured to her.

Dee smirks and she asks,
"Oh? Is there a problem?"
They turn and mutter,

"Dee. You didn't tell me.."

"You didn't mention.."

"You didn't say he was..."
Dee giggles and finishes, "Oh did I forget to mention that Zak Bagan's was more on the attractive side of the spectrum?"
Zak Bagans removed his glasses and his dark eyes were revealed. He wore a black hoodie but removed it noticing the heat of the midday. He looked over and saw the girls standing on the stoop and he calls out,
"Wow this is beautiful! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
The girls all scoff pleased and Shan mumbles, "The pleasure is ours.."
Faith elbows her and they all perk up falsely after Michael scolds from the back,
"Quit batting your eyelashes over that prick!"

"Welcome to Neverland, gentleman."

"Aaron, you rolling?" Zak asks turning his head to the bald headed man with the camera propped onto his shoulder.
"Alright so this is Aaron Goodwin our equipment tech.."
Aaron removes his one eye from the cameras lense and he nods,
"How's it goin?"
Zak begins again and turns to the other dark headed man who held a camcorder, "This is Nick Groff, a fellow investigator."
They shook their hands and introduced themselves as the hostesses, letting them know they were so thankful for their company. Zak stood out when compared to the other two guys. He was more muscular and attractive but Zak was almost like the leader our their outfit and he bossed them around quite a lot. In a rash sense, Zak was almost full of himself to a douchebag like degree but the girls found his company very pleasant.
"May we have the grand tour ladies and talk about maybe what we've seen?"

They nod and Shan begins,
"We'll start in the dining room like we mentioned on the phone."

"Sounds good.." he motions to Nick and Aaron to keep rolling and they follow the girls suite.
They make their way into the dining hall and Aaron snickers,
"Man, this place is huge dude."

"Did you guys ever meet Mr. Jackson while he was alive?" Zak asks as they strode. The girls all shake their heads and begin,

"No. We never got the chance. We hear he was an incredible man though."

"He certainly had incredible taste." Zak replies and then mentions,
"Ya know I actually bought the chair that was sat by his bedside when he died. Bought it for 3.5 million."
The girls all stared at the floor cringing but hid their faces it well.

"Okay, nevermind this guy is a friggin weirdo."
Michael says as he looms up from behind. The girls all try to not pay him any attention as it would seem strange to stare at ,what the crew saw as, an empty space.
"Okay so here in the dining hall, we have this beautiful crystal chandelier up here like so." Dee says presenting and Zak nodded.
"So, I'm guessing it'll move on its own sometimes?"
They all nodded and Faith shrugs, "It'll get super, super cold in the room. It'll be freezing and then we'll notice it just very softly swaying."
Zak nods taking it in and he looks over to the sliding door next to the kitchen. "It won't be a draft from that door over there would it. Or maybe an air vent leaking?"

The girls shook their heads and Dee clarifies,
"We've looked and looked. There's nothing to explain it."
Michael steps aside and walks rigjt through their bodies making them react with his energy.
"Dude it just got hella cold." Aaron said with wide eyes and Nick shudders,
"Bro, the hair on my arms are standing up."
Michael steps up onto the table as the girls keep up their act of ignorance.
"This is how it starts!" Shan warns and Michael stands face to face with the chandelier. He looks to the girls smirking and he giggles,
"Dramatic pause. Let it simmer.....simmer some more..."

The girls try to stifle a giggle and even a smile when Michael ever so gently moves the chandelier aside.



They all shouted and roared as they lost their mind.
Michael falls back onto the table holding his stomach in laughter. He closes his eyes as he found it hilarious to watch them rave around astounded. Michael weezed and he said inbetween breaths,
"It's like they don't know any.....woooo......its like they don't know any other sentences."
Michael whoops laughing and the girls were about to erupt from holding back their laughter. Shan held her head down, Dee pursed her lips tight and Faith tried looking away.
Michael inhales trying to calm himself and the crew gathers up reviewing the footage. Mike still giggles,
"Oh this is going to be fun. I'm going to have a ball."

Shan notices the crew not paying any attention and she sneers,
"Mike! We can't answer you with strangers in the room! They'll think we're lunatics!"
Michael wipes his eye and he says, "Yeah, yeah I know. But hey. Enjoy the show I guess. Tonight should be fun."
"This is Zak Bagans....the time is 9:05 p.m. and we're here with Dee Spadden, Faith Pendleman and Shania Zimmerton, they've agreed to perform this lockdown with us inside the Neverland mansion of the late Michael Jackson. Let's see what we can find."
He motions to Aaron and Nick from off camera to begin shutting off the lights and the girls were all given a camcorder 'incase' something were to happen. They rolled their eyes and went along with Ghost Adventures' wishes. They set up base cameras in almost every room and they turned off all the lights.
Zak began up steps and he held his own camera in the pitch black, the green visual of night vision was the only way he could see and he calls out,
"Is there anyone hear that would like to make contact with me?"
The girls stood in a huddle listening to his questions and they feel a rush of cold air beside them. They spin around holding their cameras and they see Michael sliding down the bannister giggling. He spins around at the bottom of the steps and Faith smile motioning with her eyes for them to watch. Michael stood at the bottom of the steps and he looks up to the men mischevious. He takes in a breath and yells out comically, "HEEHEE!"
He kicks over an umbrella container and the guys upstair begin to freak.
"Oh my god!! What was that!! Dude that was loud!!"
Shan acts innocent and she mentions blandly,
"The umbrella container is knocked over!"
Michael stood giggling and he zooms himself to hallway beside his bedroom. The girls slowly make their way to get a closer look at he stood outside his door in the dark. Zak and the men still asked questions aloud making Michael roll his eyes.
He chuckled and said,
"Hey girls. Watch this!"

He spun around like he did when dancing and he cried out loud, "OOOOHHHHH" he began the Panther Dance there in the hallway just like in the Black Or White video and even made the sounds with his lips.
"What the hell is that tapping sound dude?" Nick asks looking around and Zal listens.
"Yeah man I hear it too."

The girls all smile evilly and Michael ceases. He becomes still and says, "They're lucky I don't have a crowbar. Then it'd really get interesting."
The girls all smile stifling their laughter and Zak looks over his shoulder.
"Hey Aaron, you got the Ovulus III?"
Michael's eyes widen and he becomes pressed against the wall almost in fear.
"Yeah man, lemme get it outta my bag."
Faith looks to Mike strangely and she asks the question with her eyes.
Mike looks back to her and he says, "Don't let them pull that out. You don't understand!."
Aaron fishes through his black equipment bag on his hip and he unveils the small black box then reveals the device. It had two metal prongs on the front similiar to a tazer and he turns it on making the surges of energy dance between the metal rods.
"There she is.." Aaron smiles and Zak nods.
Michael groans and he lowers his head. How could he have been in pain? He couldn't have felt pain if he was dead. Unless. Someone was tampering with his energy.
Dee's eyes widen and she looks to the girls.
"They're fucking with Michael's energy."
Michael collapses and the girls all drop the act in a heart beat. The Ovulus machine was trying encapture Michael with its snare of raw EMF energy and the girls begin shouting,
"Noo!! Michael!! Michael!!"
They crowd around him and Zak notices their cries.
"Is something going on guys?!"

Dee tries to hold Michael's head up but his ghostly form slips right through her hand and she shrieks, "He can't use his illusion! He's getting weaker!!!"
The men race over and Shania barks to them viscous,
"Turn the cameras off!!! Right now!! Everything off!!"
Michael murmurs weakly and Faith stands fed up. She grabs the Ovulus from Aaron and she smashes it repeatedly against the wall. It breaks into tiny shards and she tosses it to the floor.
"Hey man!" , Aaron protests in shock, "That cost me two grand!"
She returns to Michaels side and Shania taps around the wall, searching for a light switch. The ghostly glow that fumed around Michael's eyes went dim, then dissapted and Dee held in a scream. The lights flicked on and the floor was empty. They couldn't see Michael. They couldn't even feel his cold presence. They all looked to each other horrified and Shan begins hysterically sobbing,
"Oh god! What've we done?!?"

"What is going on?!?" Zak asks baffled and lost but Faith intervenes rushing,
"The toaster! I'm bringing it out here!!"


Dee and Shan beg and they look around for any kind of sign. They hold their heads and they try to remain calm while the men all stand not knowing anything of what was happening. Faith comes back running and she plugs the toaster into the wall. She pushes down the lever and sets it on the lowest heat setting. The eyes inside glowed that omnious red and they all sat kneeling. Faintly, a blur came onto the floor, like a cloudy mist and the toaster scoots over in a nudge.

In another glance, the mist spread out across the hardwood and slowly it made the shape of a person. It formed and morphed into Michael's shape and his colors and hues came to vision.
"Woahh....woaaahhh what the hell!?" The crew squeaked but the girls only waited.
Michael came to crystal clear vision and he sat up holding his head.
"I feel blurry..." he said soft and the girls say quiet,
"Mike you look blurry."
Shan looked him up and down as she dried her face. She sniffed and asked, "Michael are you alright? We thought the worst."
Michael looks to her and he says, "Shania.....Shania don't cry. I'm dead. Girls, I'm dead what more can they do to me?" He smiled to console them and they all shared a grin now.
Faith squeezes his neck in a hug and she mutters,
"Don't you ever do that again!"
The other girls join in the hug and stress further,
"Never!! Never again!"
They let him go and Dee asks,
"Mike, can you stand?"

He chuckles, "Yeah, yeah, I can stand. It's not a problem."

They ease up slowly and watch hin come to his feet. Dusting him off, they all glance over to notice the paranormal crew standing with jaws wide open. Michael winces and he says, "Oh boy. I uh...I forgot to go incognito..."

The girls all wince too and they try to think of something to say. Michael shakes his head and he clears his throat,
"Uh..hey. Hello, Michael Jackson." He held out his hand for a shake and he smiles,
"Head of manor. How are you?"

The guys all looked to each other in utter disbelief and Zak spoke only,
"Is that...Is that real?!?!?"

The girls all rub their necks uncomfortable and they try to explain but Michael stops them.
"I bet you've never actually met one like me before. I know, it's strange but I promise. I mean no harm."
The crew continued to look more than baffled as they tried to piece Michael together. Zak steps forward and very cautiously looks out to Michael's outstretched hand. He winces but carefully he takes Michael's hand for a shake. Zak's eyes bug out and he asks in shock,
"It feels real! It doesn't even feel cold!"

"We call it Michael's illusion." One of the girls states, "He puts on the effect of being alive. He even can fake a heartbeat and breaths."
Zak turns to his men and he laughs in joy. "Then, this is incredible. This is amazing. That means there's actual, tangible proof!"

He pauses for another moment and he explains,
"Tangible proof that there is life after death."
He smiles and he chuckles,
"I've searched for this my entire life.."
Michael shrugs chuckling and says,
"I imagine you have a lot of questions."
"So, you remember everything from your life? You still have memories, right?"

Michael nodded as he sat there in the parlor,
"Yes, actually. When I became a spirit I regained lost memories in my life. Say, when you wake up and can't remember your dreams? You get those dreams back when you die."
Shan stepped in with a tray of drinks. She placed them infront of everyone as Zak went on with a notepad,
"So, you are actually made of electromagnetic energy right? That's what your being consists of?"
Nick came by with a small black device that beeped slowly until it reached Michael. When he put it to Michael's shoulder it kept a steady ear piercing shriek and Mike winces, "What is that thing?"

Nick hums and says,
"Oh its an EMF detector and believe me, we've never had readings like this before."

"What exactly happened with the Ovulus?"
Zak questions capping his pen.

Michael sighs and says,
"It over charged me and slowly it began to drain my energy. You guys really need to be careful with that one. I didn't know what was happening."

Zak looks to the girls and says,
"So, the toaster?" He turns and continues,
"That is the way he can....repower? The way he can restore with help."
The girls nodded and Faith spoke up, "Michael can get energy from much more than a toaster from what I've studied but we found it was the easiest."

Zak smiles and he shakes his head trying to absorb everything at once.
"Well you've helped my research tremendously, man. Thank you, Mr.-"
Michael cuts him off and says, "You can call me, Michael. Under one condition."
Zak stops and says rushing,
"Well of course, anything."
Michael shifts his weight and points serious,
"I want my damn chair back.."

Aaron and Nick begin laughing as they carry the equipment out to the car and Zak sighs,
"Yeah, I can do that. Sure thing. Pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan."
Michael smiles thanking him and the Ghost Adventures crew left the mansion that night after swearing they wouldn't tell a soul about Michael. And after the girls swore they would pay him back for the Ovulus.
Michael watched them leave and the girls bidded them goodbye.
They all shook their heads and Dee started,
"That did not go as expected."
Faith chuckles mocking those three men,
All of them laugh and Michael spits going inside,
"That prick better give me my chair back."

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