Stranger Not So Danger

By rosegolden_

193K 6K 607

"When I first met you, you were a complete stranger. But through time, I thought I really started to get to k... More

Chapter 1 ~ An Unlikely Encounter
Chapter 2 ~ Fish Face
Chapter 3 ~ Texting Buddies
Chapter 4 ~ Friends
Chapter 5 ~ The Perfect Date: Dinner...
Chapter 6 ~ ...and a Movie
Chapter 7 ~ Better Than I Expected
Chapter 8 ~ Old Friends
Chapter 9 ~ Said too Soon...
Chapter 10 ~ Playing With Feelings
Chapter 11 ~ Some Explaining To Do
Chapter 12 ~ Diner Date
Chapter 13 ~ Just Like Animals
Chapter 14 ~ Doggie Duty
Chapter 15 ~ Home
Chapter 16 ~ Prepping
Chapter 17 ~ Will You Be...
Chapter 19 ~ Surprise!
Chapter 20 ~ Survivor
Chapter 21 ~ Not Lucky, Blessed
Chapter 22 ~ Only You
Chapter 23 ~ Half a Winner
Chapter 24 ~ Thank You
Chapter 25 ~ Volunteer
Chapter 26 ~ Trust
Chapter 27 ~ Misconceptions
Chapter 28 ~ Heartbroken
Chapter 29 ~ Silence
Chapter 30 ~ Talking Through the Pain
Chapter 31 ~ I Hope You Remember
Chapter 32 ~ I'm Okay
Chapter 33 ~ Finally
Chapter 34 ~ Good & Bad
Chapter 35 ~ Decisions
Chapter 36 ~ Ready?
Chapter 37 ~ You're My Inspiration
Chapter 38 ~ New Beginnings
New Book!

Chapter 18 ~ Nervous

4.4K 134 12
By rosegolden_

"The worst distance between people is misunderstanding." ~Unknown


Lindsey's POV:

As the school day came to a close, I walked to the spot where Karra, Leia, and I all meet after school. Jake had offered to take me home, but I told him Karra would bring me.

As I waited for my friends to arrive, I decided to pull out my phone, just to scroll aimlessly through a countless amount of social media apps. When I swung my backpack forward to grab my phone, I accidentally hit someone behind me with it.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I said while turning around.

As I turned, I came face to face with Chey Mailey and her 'friends' that followed her every move.

"So you're the girl that stole Jake from me." she said.

"From what I heard, you guys broke up." I responded.

"Well, I don't think it's a good idea to hang out with him. Because he'll come crawling back to me anytime now." she said, sass evident in her voice.

I turned away to stop the aggravating conversation I just got myself into.

I saw my friends walking towards me.

"Why were you talking to Chey?" Leia asked.

"I accidentally bumped her with my bag. So, when I turned around to say sorry, it was her." I explained.

"Is that all you guys talked about?" Karra questioned.

"No, she said to stay away from Jake, because I 'stole him' from her." I added.

"What the heck! They broke up like three months ago." she said to me.

"Don't listen to her, she may be all bark and no bite." Leia added.

"Okay." I said in response to both of them.

"So, are you ready to go home?" Karra asked.

"Yup, let's go." I said in response. We said bye to Leia and then walked to her car.

"So, how excited are you that Jake is your boyfriend?!" Karra asked me.

"I'm excited and nervous." I said in response.

"But why?" Karra said.

"My dad said he has to meet Jake before we can actually be boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Wait, how did he know Jake was going to ask you?" she questioned.

"I don't know, he's just really good at observing things." I said.

"Well, it should be fine." she said to me.

"But what if he doesn't like him?"

"Jake is nice, he gets good grades, and he's athletic. What else could your dad ask for?" Karra stated.

I nodded my head in agreement and we both danced to music for the rest of the car ride.

As I got out of the car, when I caught a glimpse of my dad's car, chills ran up my spine. Sure, I love my dad and he's super nice, but when it comes to me dating, he cracks down on the boy hard. Especially after what happened with Matt.

I unlocked the door and stepped into my house. My dad was sitting on the couch.

"Hey hon, how was school?" he asked while watching basketball on TV.

"It was good, I'm gonna go make myself some Cup Noodle, do you want one?" I asked politely.

"Sure," he said.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed two Cup Noodles packages from the cabinet. It was on the top shelf of the cabinet, so I had to grab the stool in order to actually reach it.

Curse my shortness.

After I stopped arguing with myself about my height, I prepared the saimin.

After it was finished, I grabbed two forks from the utensil drawer and walked back to the couch my dad was sitting on. I handed him the cup of noodles and I plopped myself on the couch as well.

How am I gonna word this? Hey dad, Jake asked me to be his girlfriend. So, ya know... Um yea no that's not gonna work. about, So dad, I....

"Hello, Lindsey? Earth to Lindsey," I heard a voice interrupt my thoughts. I snapped out of my daze and turned to took at my dad.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just thinking." I responded.

"About what?" he questioned.

Well, it's now or never.

"So, today, this morning, when I got to school, about 15 minutes after..."

"Are you stalling?" he asked nonchalantly.

Well, stalling was out of the picture.

"Jake asked me to be his girlfriend." I finally spit out.

My dad's face remained calm. Huh, maybe he wasn't gonna explode at me.

"Okay, but you do remember what I said, right?" he said to me.

"Yea.... and I know you think he might be a bad person but if you just get to know him you'll see that he's..."

"Lindsey, just invite him over for dinner tomorrow." my dad interrupted my rambling.

Relief washed over my face. "So, you're not mad?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad? You didn't do anything wrong. Actually, you did the right thing by coming and telling me as soon as you could. I'm proud of you, honey." he said to me while kissing my head.

"Okay, well I'm going to do my homework, and cal Jake." I said to my dad.

"Okay." he said, still focusing on the basketball game playing on the screen.

I got up off the couch, threw my trash away, and went to grab my backpack I had placed by the side of the couch.

I then made my way upstairs, and changed into a tank top and some shorts that I would only wear in the house.

I then proceeded to call Jake.

"Hey, what's up?" he answered the call.

"Nothing much." I responded.

"Did you talk to your dad?" he asked, while I heard his voice change to a little more nervous tone.

"Yea...." I said in response.

"And what did he say?" Jake said.

"He said that you can come over for dinner tomorrow night!" I said in response, excitedly.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yea, he just said he wants to meet you."

"That's good. What?"

"Huh?" I said, not knowing why he said what.

"Oh, not you Linds. Yea mom, I'm gonna take him our right now!" I heard Jake yelling from the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, I have to take Guppy for a walk. I'll text you later, okay?" he said.

"Sounds good."

"Okay, bye Linds."

"Bye Jake."


After doing the massive amount of homework I had just waiting for me in my bag, I headed downstairs to find my mom and dad sitting at the dining room table.

"Hey Linds, are you hungry?" my mom questioned.

"Yea, what's for dinner?" I asked.

"It's meatloaf." she said in response to my question.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement and went into the kitchen to grab a plate.

I know a lot of people don't like meatloaf, and TV shows make it look really gross, but my mom makes the BEST meatloaf.

She has the meat mixed with some vegetables, and puts about five eggs on the meat. Then it's covered with another layer of meat, and finally, ketchup.

I placed two pieces of the meatloaf on my plate, along with some rice, and green beans on the side. I also grabbed a fork from the utensil drawer and sat down at the table with my parents.

"Did you tell mom?" I asked dad.

"No, you tell her." he said in response.

"Tell me what?" my mom asked, not knowing what in the world we were talking about.

"Dad said I could invite Jake over to dinner tomorrow night so that he can meet him." I said to my mom.

"Aw, that's awesome! You'll really like him, hon." my mom said to my dad.

"Well, he better be good, or else." he said in response.

I just gave a small smile and continued eating my food. I ate it rather quickly because I finished before my mom did, and she was eating before me. Well, I guess I was just really hungry.

After I stood up to put my plate in the sink, I walked to the freezer and grabbed out a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich. For some reason I just didn't like the plain vanilla ones.

I sat down on the couch with my phone and scrolled through it aimlessly. After about five minutes, I finished my ice cream (I would've been done faster but I was on my phone), and walked to the trash can to throw my wrapper away.

I then was walking to the stairs to go back into my room when my mom pulled me to the side.

"Yea mom?" I said to her.

"I just wanted to tell you not to worry about your dad." she responded.

"Why would I be worried?" I asked sincerely.

"Well, ever since you dated that scumbag Ma..."

"Please don't say his name, mom." I said, cutting off her sentence.

"Sorry. Well, ever since you dated him, your dad has been really protective of you."

"But why?" I asked softly.

"Because he doesn't wanna see you get hurt again." she responded.

"But Jake, he's different." I said. "He's not like other guys, and he's especially not"

"I know that sweetie, but your dad doesn't. Jake will be fine. Just relax, and don't worry." she said sweetly.

"How do you know I'm worried?" I asked.

"Hon, I'm your mother, I know when you're stressed, sleeping, anything." she said, smiling.

"So you're like Santa Claus, just not as round?" I teased.

"And not as old!" she added. "Now go get ready for bed." she said to me.

"But it's only..." I clicked my home button to check the time. "...oh, it's almost ten, maybe I should go to bed."

"Goodnight mom." I said, embracing her in a hug.

"Goodnight, and don't be nervous." she said.

Well, if only it was that easy.

What's up my daisies? Did you enjoy this early update?

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please do the usual, vote, comment, and share! Thankful for all of ya! *wishes I could give every single one of you a hug*

Also, my best friend giaseatriz is sooo close to 1K! Please go check her book out, it's called The Truth Hurts. I'd really appreciate if you do!

Please vote, comment, and share!


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