Finding My Way

By -ShellyF

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Nineteen year old Adrianna just really wants to find her way in life. She is tired of being controlled by tho... More

Finding My Way
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

319 16 2
By -ShellyF

"Ten more minutes until visitation is over."

My dad and I both looked at the clock then back to each other. We didn't even get to spend much time together today since I came late. I'm sure he doesn't mind much though since he's sick. He was probably just laying down trying to rest before I came. As cold as they keep it in this place, I'm not surprised that he's sick.

"I really don't want to have to say bye to you baby. I enjoy your company. Four more months and I'm out of this damn place."

"It'll be here before you know it dad, don't worry."

"Yeah I know. I just don't know what I'll do when I get out. I ain't got shit. Marcille doesn't want anything to do with me. My parents act like they don't want anything to do with me. I guess I'ma be homeless."

Wow, he changes moods so quick. At first he was all happy, joking with me and stuff. I guess he's just facing the reality of things though. While in jail, he didn't have to worry about food and shelter. When he gets out, he basically has to start over.

"Let's not end off on this note. You will not be homeless."

"Baby girl you don't know what the future holds."

"Neither do you, so do this..." I used my thumb and index finger to clamp my lips shut.

He laughed then shook his head. "That's why I love you. I'm glad you didn't quit writing me and coming to see me."

I deeply exhaled. "I won't lie, I felt pretty bad after you told me... what you had to say. I didn't know how to feel or what to think. But my love for you will always be permanent. People will do what they do. That was Marcille's wrongdoing, not yours. I will always be your daughter though, Papa Bear."

"Adrianna that's the best thing anyone has ever said to me. I-"

"Time to wrap up the visitations inmates!" I rolled my eyes at the ugly, clown looking guard. Bitch look like she melted a bunch of Crayola crayons then splashed 'em on her face.

I wish I could sit in this room and talk to my dad all day.

We got up and hugged each other."I love you so much Adrianna. You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

"That's so sweet of you to say dad. I love you too." I stood up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on his cheek. "Take care."

He held on to me a few seconds longer before the guard got his attention. He gave me a kiss on the head before letting me go.

I don't like seeing him disappear behind those doors, so I leave the visitation room before he goes.

I signed out and retrieved my keys, then I walked out of the building.

When I got in my car I decided to check my phone. I have several missed calls from my grandmother, two recently missed calls from Marcille's stupid ass.

I don't know what they callin' me for. I haven't talked to my grandmother since she told me about Qua, which was about a month ago. That doesn't mean I haven't tried to get in touch with her though. Anyway, I haven't talked to my mom in damn near two months. I don't really have too many things that I want to say to her.

I tossed my phone to the side then turned my car on.

About thirty minutes into my drive, my phone lit up. I picked it up to see Tiffany's number and picture on my screen.

"Tiff? Shouldn't she be at work?"

I pressed the green button then put my phone to my ear.

"Hey Tiff, what's up?"

"Where are you right now Dri?"

"Coming from seeing my dad. Why? Where are you?"

"Damn so you're driving."

"Tiffany what's wrong? Just tell me."

I can tell by her tone that something has to be wrong. She sounds like she's on the verge of crying or panicking or something.

"Your mom just randomly called me. Or so I thought it was random. She knew you wouldn't answer her so she wanted me to tell you what she had to say."

"Tiffany if it's fuckery I don't want to hear it. Knowing her that's what it is. That woman ju-"

"Adrianna it isn't any bullshit or fuckery. Your grandmother is in the hospital."

As much as I'd like to pretend that I don't care, the sudden nervous feeling that I suddenly feel can't be ignored.

"Wh- umm... what's going on? What happened to her?"

"She says that they're running tests on her so they don't really know yet."

If I was a cold hearted person, I'd not give a fuck and I would continue driving my ass home.

"Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person Dri. You are good at doing that, so don't stop now. I'm sure your grandmother would appreciate your support."

I deeply exhaled. Why does this girl have to be right all the time.

"I know Tiff. I know. Which hospital?"

She told me which hospital it was, then she offered to lose money from her job in order to go with me to the hospital. Only a true friend would be willing to do something so selfless.

I declined though. I'll be okay. I don't even know what's going on with her yet.

After I got off the phone with her, I dialed Raheem's number. I remember telling Layla that we would watch movies together when I came home.

On the third ring, his mom answered the phone.

"Hey sweetie, how are you today?"

"Umm." I rubbed my forehead, feeling even more nervous. "I'm okay. But where's Raheem?"

"He told me he wasn't feeling too well so I volunteered to come over here and take care of my babies."

I could sense that he wasn't feeling too well this morning. That's why I was going to stay at home, but he insisted that I go see my dad. That's why I was so late going to see my dad today.

"Is he alright Mrs.Ridgeway?"

"Girl don't worry. He's fine. Just tired. Don't worry about him."

That's easier said than done, because I worry about Raheem all the time. He really means a lot to me.

"Well if you can, could you please tell him that I will be home later. Something came up."

"Alright I will sweetie. Is everything alright?"

I seriously doubt it.

"I'm hoping so. But umm, I should probably be focusing on the road right now. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, bye sweetie."

"Take care."

I tossed my phone to the passenger seat so I could pay attention to the road. I just passed my exit, so I guess I have to take the next one.

Twenty minutes later, I'm parked in the parking lot of the hospital.

I got out my car then smoothed my dress down. I walked to the back of my car to open the trunk so I could switch my heels with my sneakers. I like to keep a pair of shoes in my car just in case I need them or want to change.

After changing shoes and locking up my car, I entered the hospital. I got on the elevator and went to the correct floor.

As I was walking, some guy tried to get my attention. Not just any guy though. It's weird. Even though he has a brown tint to his skin, he kinda reminds me of...

"Excuse me. Umm. I. Umm."

I looked at my empty wrist then at his face.

"I don't have all day man. Who are you?"

"Gregory McGhee, your father."

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