Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

נכתב על ידי TheGreenNinja82

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It seems like EVERYONE mostly has someone they like...except for Mikey that is. But when Venus's friend come... עוד

Chapter 1 ~ Mikey's Rough Day
Chapter 2 ~ Vennie?!
Chapter 3 ~ She's A Hopeless Case
Chapter 4 ~ The Weapon Snatcher!
Chapter 5 ~ The Bad Idea
Chapter 6 ~Wait...WHAT?!
Chapter 8 ~ Yin and Yang
Chapter 9 ~ Heh It's Splinters Fault...
Chapter 10 ~ Kidnapped
Chapter 11 ~ Gangs and Groups (Part 1)
Chapter 12 ~ Gangs and Groups (Part 2)
Chapter 13 ~ Groups and Gangs (Part 3)
Chapter 14 ~ All Is Revealed?
Chapter 15 ~ The Words I Couldn't Say
Chapter 16 ~ The Death of Oroku Nikoretto
Chapter 17 ~ Feelings
Chapter 18 ~ Bandit On the Run
Chapter 19 ~ The Big Kaboom
Chapter 20 ~ It All Ended With a Big Bang

Chapter 7 ~ Bandit Alone

881 49 24
נכתב על ידי TheGreenNinja82

~ Chapter 7 ~

"See you guys later!" I waved happily to my friends as I started walking home.

No homework, no after school tutoring, nothing. After I get home it's just going to be me and my favorite video game.

I smiled happily to myself. Oh yeah, today was going awesome!

Too bad on how it ended!

But none of that, I'm Max, short for Maxine. I got wicked long blond hair with two streaks of hot pink on the side.

I'm wild, crazy and if you call me by my full name I will murder you in your sleep.

Ain't I awesome or what?!

Anyway, I had just done with school and was heading home.

The one thing on my mind was what happened on Monday. Jeez it was weird. First Mrs. Chas screams and there is a green thing with a yellow mask peering through the window.

I wasn't really thinking about where I was walking until something covered my mouth and pulled me into an alley.

I screamed, hoping maybe someone would hear me.


I sighed as my black mask ends rippled in the wind.


I felt like when she told me she didn't like me back...my heart shattered.

I thought...I thought maybe if I found Mikey and Clover...I would earn her respect and she...never mind.

Suddenly I heard a scream and jumped.

Where did that just come from?!

I ran across the buildings, trying to locate the scream. It sounded like a girl scream...

"Just give me all your money...and I won't hurt ya too bad!" Said a voice below.

I skidded to a stop and peered below.

Purple Dragons.

One of them help a girl around 15 with blonde hair against the wall with a knife at her throat.

My hands reached for my T-Phone. Maybe if they hurry they could...no.

Maybe I could win Nick's respect by showing her I can take down Purple Dragons all by myself.

I took out my tofana blades and jumped down.

"Any of you punks wanna fight?!" I demanded.

"Turtle?!" The girl squeaked.

She sounded almost like she recognized me...

"Get 'em boys! I ain't leaving without any money!" The guy pressing the knife against the girls throat barked.

Three of them ran at me, not knowing they were about to get their butts whooped.

I charged and took my anger out.

The girl screamed as the guy dug the knife into her throat. He drug her out of the alley.

This was getting bad. How could I protect her and beat up the Dragons?

I shoved a dumpster at the 3 Dragons, blocking them off, and ran after the one dude with the girl.

Where the shell did they go?!

"Help! Black turtle!!!" I heard the girl yelp.

It came from across the street in another alley.

I plunged into the dark alley.

How cliché can the Purple Dragons get?

Kidnapping girls in a dark alley and forcing them to give them money, we show up, they run off with the girl, ugh. It's tiring.

I saw two shadows, one tall and a shorter one struggling.

I took a ninja star and threw it at the taller figure.

It must have caught the edge of their shirt or something because they flew to the wall.

The shorter figured ran up to me.

...well that was until the girl realized that I was a turtle because she backed up.

I blinked. "Hello."

Her blond hair had two pink streaks in them, her eyes regarded me cautiously.

"What the heck are you?" She asked.

"A turtle." I told her simply.

She rolled her eyes a little. "I see that but your, like, five feet four and your talking!"

"I'm not going to hurt you. I did just save you from those Dragons."

Her shoulders relaxed a little. "I suppose..."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Max," she replied. "What's yours?"


She smiled a little. "Original."

I smiled back. "Thanks."

She nodded and shifted uncomfortably. "So...I take it this is what you always do? Save people randomly when you hear them scream?"

I shrugged. "My friends and I take patrol shifts."

She raised her eyebrow. "Friends?"

I nodded. "Yeah, like Nick, Raph, Leo, Donnie, April, Bekka--," I started to say.

"Whoa, did you say Nick, April and Bekka?" She interrupted.

I nodded.

She blew a strand of blond hair out of her face. "Well, never knew that! But it kind of makes sense..."

I looked at her. "Do you like video games?"

She gasped. "Do I? DO I?! Yes!!!"

I smiled. "Really?!"

She beamed. "Best way to spend your time!"

"I know!"

She smiled only a second later to be punched in the face.

I jumped, realizing the one Dragon had gotten out from my ninja star.

Quickly, I flipped him over my shell and slammed him into the wall.

He scrambled up and took off.

"Aw shell." I mumbled when I saw Max passed out.

Suddenly my T-Phone started to ring.

"Erm, hello?" I asked.


"Jeez Raph, calm down." I told him.

He exhaled deeply. "I'M NICK FOR SHREDDER'S SAKE!"

I blinked but before I could say anything he interrupted. "I'll tell ya later. I sensed confusion in your emotions."

The T-Phone went click and I knew Raph hung up.

I scooped Max up and sighed.

'I can't just leave her,' I told myself. 'First of all because the Purple Dragons might come back and because she knows about us...'

I started for the Lair.


"What the shell is Max doing here?!" I demanded.

Bandit looked from the girl to me. "So you do know her?"

I groaned. "Yes! She's in my Homeroom! God, I can't been seen like this!"

Bekka nodded. "Being stuck in a turtles body ain't a walk in the park."

"How do ya think we feel?!" Raph demanded.

It was odd seeing myself talk. It was like I was constantly looking through a window...

"I'm sorry!" Bandit said with a sigh. "I couldn't just leave her..."

Mikey grinned. "Because you loooove her!"

Bandit stared at him. "Excuse me? Who's the one in love with C--," he started to say but Mikey clamped his hand over his mouth.

"Carmel chocolate pizza? Yes, yes I am." Mikey finished quickly.

I raised my eyeb--eye ridge, suspiciously.

"Well as long as she's here, it's not like she can blab the news about talking turtles." Donnie told us.

Bekka groaned. "But this suuucks! I just wanted to watch my NaLu...in my human body!"

Leo frowned. "NaLu?"

We gasped and screamed.

"HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT NaLu!!!" Bekka and I screamed.

Everyone else looked confused too.

"What's NaLu?" Donnie asked.

"NATSU AND LUCY!!!" We yelled.

The all blinked.

We screamed again.


I froze and pointed to Bekka. "She got me hooked to it."

Bekka stopped screamed and smiled evily. "NaLu!!!!!"

We both smiled and ran around like little kids screaming, "NaLu!!!! NaLu!!! THERES NOTHING BETTER THAN NaLu!!!!"

Clover looked at us and then at Mikey. "Dude, I found these comics in your room. What's the Turtle Titan?"

Mikey gasped. "Only the coolest mutant turtle superhero ever! And he's real too!"

Bekka and I stopped and smirked.

Mikey has been writing those comics ever since Halloween.

Clover looked from him to the comic. "Really?"

He nodded and rushed over. "In the first comic he defeats LizardDandelion who works for a evil alien army...the Braank!"

I rolled my eyes. "SnakeWeed to LizardDandelion and the Kraang to the Braank?" I muttered. "Seriously Mikey?"

Clover sat down and swiped out the first one. "Sweet!"

Leslie looked at them. "Jeez, and I thought Mikey was the only dumb one."

I smirked.

Venus rushed into the room. "You all need to see this."

We all looked at each other and ran out of Donnie's lab.



Peace, Love and Cookies

~ Myranda1550

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