The Masked Singer

By xFakingaSmilex

6.2M 214K 36.1K

• Previously Featured on Wattpad • Everyone dreams of becoming the next big thing in the music industry beca... More

The Masked Singer
Chapter One
[Chapter Five]
[Chapter Six]
[Chapter Seven]
[Chapter Eight]
[Chapter Nine]
[Chapter Ten]
[Chapter Eleven]
[Chapter Twelve]
[Chapter Thirteen]
[Chapter Fourteen]
[Chapter Fifteen]
[Chapter Sixteen]
[Chapter Seventeen]
[Chapter Eighteen]
[Chapter Nineteen]
[Chapter Twenty]
[Chapter Twenty One]
[Chapter Twenty Two]
[Chapter Twenty Three]
[Chapter Twenty Four]
[Chapter Twenty Five]
[Chapter Twenty Six]
[Chapter Twenty Seven]
[Chapter Twenty Eight]
[Chapter Twenty Nine]
[Chapter Thirty]
[Chapter Thirty One]
[Chapter Thirty Two]
[Chapter Thirty Three]
[Chapter Thirty Four]
[Chapter Thirty Five]
[Chapter Thirty Six]
[Chapter Thirty Seven]
[Chapter Thirty Eight]
[Chapter Thirty Nine]
[Chapter Forty]
[Chapter Forty One]
[Chapter Forty Two]
[Chapter Forty Three]
[Chapter Forty Four]
[Chapter Forty Five]
[Chapter Forty Six]
[Chapter Forty Eight]
[Chapter Forty Nine]
[Chapter Fifty]
[Chapter Fifty One]
[Chapter Fifty Two]
[Chapter Fifty Three]
[Chapter Fifty Four]
[Chapter Fifty Five]
[Chapter Fifty Six]
[Chapter Fifty Seven]
[Chapter Fifty Eight]
[Chapter Fifty Nine]
[Chapter Sixty]
[Chapter Sixty One]
The Masked Truth (Summary)
The Masked Truth (Preview)
The Masked Truth (Preview)
The Masked Truth (Preview)
The Masked Truth (Preview)
The Masked Truth (Preview)
[Chapter Fifty Eight]
[Chapter Fifty Nine]
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[Chapter Forty Seven]

47.6K 2K 279
By xFakingaSmilex

Chapter Forty Seven

Raising my fist, I knock on Alex's hotel door. I hope he's still inside of his room and I desperately hoping he's not mad with me for leaving the restaurant promotion gig out. The sound of movement on the other side of the door makes me hopeful, yet nervous.

The door swings open and a tired Alex emerges. He stretches his arms above his head, which pulls his shirt up, revealing some of his abdominal muscles. He then crosses his arms over his chest and leans up against the side of the white metal door frame.

"Hi." I smile.

"Oh, so now you want to talk to me," he replies in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow up, confused at what his problem is. Alex doesn't utter another word, he just turns his nose up and takes a couple of steps backwards. I watch as Alex moves deeper into his hotel room.

Walking inside, I shut the door behind me and follow Alex into the television room. He plops down on the couch and I stand on the opposite of the chair, looking down at him.

"It's not like that," I whisper.

"It certainly seemed like that last night," he snaps.

"What's your problem? I was tired and decided to go home," I explain.

"Not too tired to have Nathan over," he grumbles, pouting like a little child.

"Wha-" Before I can even begin my sentence, I'm cut off by Alex's angry babble of words.

"Don't deny it, I saw him leaving your room last night," he says.

"Big deal, so I had Nathan over for a chat." I shrug my shoulders.

"Tired my butt!" he continues to grumble on like a child. His pouty lips and frowning face makes me burst out laughing.

"Are you jealous?" His pouting face quickly drops to a blank expression. But as I stare him down, I see a light shade of red appear on his face as he begins to blush.

"No," he says under his breath.

"I don't like Nathan like that," I explain.

"How would I know? You could be best friends with each other outside of this mask," he trails off.

"Seriously, listen to yourself Alex! I just wanted someone to talk to, okay?" I ask as I throw my hands up in the air — adding in that extra dramatic effect.

"Why can't you talk to me?" He starts getting defensive.

Nodding my head, I say, "I know I can. I just wanted an outside opinion."

Alex gets up from his spot and slowly shuffles across the room to stand in front of me. He has his pouty face back on — only this time, it's not sad eyes or angry eyebrows. This time, lingering in the depths of his warm blue eyes are happiness and admiration. His eyes make my heart swell and beat erratically.

"Do you need an Alex opinion?" Alex wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my body against him. Resting my head against his chest, I cuddle closer to his body.

"How about that opinion?" he reminds me.

I shake my head, but my movement just ends up with me sliding my head across his chest and messing my hair up.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Alex asks again.  I shake my head again, messing my hair up even more.

"Tell me," he begs. I feel his hands move from the middle of my back and onto the sides of my hips. For every second I don't begin explaining what's wrong, his fingers start creeping up my waist. The feeling of Alex's fingers delicately tracing over my skin already draws a ticklish sensation.

Alex doesn't even reach my ticklish spot before I break away from his hold. "Fine, I'll tell you," I shout through a fit of giggles.

"Good answer," Alex says.

"I don't know where to begin," I whisper. Alex takes a hold of my arms and pulls me down onto the couch with him.

"How many problems do you have?" His arms come around my waist and my head and hand rest on his chest once more.


"Start with the second one then," he urges.

"Why that number?" I ask.

"Because, I just picked that number." He shrugs.

"My family came out to watch my first concert and my Dad didn't show up. Apparently he was caught up with work, but it still hurts," I explain. "I really wanted him to be there for me."

"I'm sure it was really important," he reassures me as he rubs my shoulder.

"The thing I hate the most, is that I know I'm going to be disappointed in the end, but I always hope he's going to be standing there watching me with a proud expression. And every time he's not there for another event, I feel so stupid for believing he would suddenly change for me. It hurts so much, and I can't stop feeling how I feel, and it makes me feel worse about it. I feel like I'm a disappointment to him, to myself."

"Don't you dare tell yourself that," Alex says in a strong voice. He shifts his body so that he's sitting in front of me. His warm hands clasp onto the side of my face as he pulls me forwards. "You are an amazingly talented woman, and if he can't be here to see it, he doesn't deserve a daughter like you," he says.

Each word his close to heart — the hairs on my arms stand up as I feel strength of his words flow into my body.

"You always seem to know what to say," I whisper. Before Alex can continue on with this discussion, I push forwards to another topic. "Next number," I request.


"I hated leaving my family at the airport this morning. I really wanted to jump on the plane with them and just go home. Sometimes I feel so lonely being here by myself." I try to shrug it off but I feel Alex pulling me closer to his body.

"You have Ava, Archer, Mitch and me with you. You aren't alone." He shakes my shoulder. "You have me especially." He winks which lightens up the mood.

"Thanks." I smile. "I bet you are going to pick three."

"What are we betting on?"

"What do you want to bet on?" I shrug my shoulders.

"A kiss," he suggests.

"No." I smack his shoulder.

"I'm going to kiss you anyway." He chuckles.

I try to break away from his hold and run away, but his strong arms tighten around my waist and block any attempts of escaping. "No you're not." Just as I'm about to escape, Alex starts tickling me and I drop back on the couch and curl up in a ball.

All signs of strength leave me, and all I can do is giggle and try to shield my sides from his pesky fingers. But the more I squirm around, the more I laugh. I try to shout out that I surrender, but I can't seem to catch my breath to formulate the words.

"Are you going to kiss me now?" he asks. I can't even reply to this question and he knows it. Alex stops tickling me and pulls me to a sitting up position. With his arms securely wrapped around my fingers, he pulls me close and presses his soft lips up against mine.

All emotions of sadness and laughter quickly turn into butterflies and happiness as the sparks between our lips grows. Alex drops my hands so that one can cup the side of my face and the other can gently rest on my side.

"We should stop moping around the hotel and go out somewhere. It's a nice day." I nod my head in agreement.

"It would be nice to run around for a bit before getting on the airplane," I confess with a smile.

"Good, because we are going to go do some normal things and have fun!"

"We aren't normal people though." I poke his stomach.

"Then we are going to try extra hard to be." Alex winks.

Alex disappears into his bedroom to change. He soon emerges with a pair of black jeans and a white tank top with New Years Day written on it. There's a splash of red that goes over the top - like a blood splatter. 

"Are you ready to go?" he asks me. Nodding my head, I climb off the couch and follow him outside the hotel room. 

"Where's Mitch?" I ask. 

"Somewhere close." He shrugs his shoulders as we walk inside the elevator. "What did you want to do today?" 

"I don't really know, what is there to do around here?" I ask. 

"I'm not sure. Let's just walk around until we find something to do," he concludes. As the elevator doors open on the lobby floor, Alex and I step out and come face to face with Nathan. 

"Hi," Nathan says with a small wave. He's dressed in a casual pair of blue jeans and a white polo shirt with black text written on it. "Where are you two heading out?" 

"Nowhere in particular," has Alex grumbling. 

"What are you up to?" I ask, trying to maintain a conversation. 

"Back to my room to watch movies I guess," he tries to sound excited, but it doesn't quit work. 

"You can always join us," I suggest, poking Alex in the side. 

He opens his mouth, and by the frown playing on his face, I know he really wants to say no, but instead he says, "You're always welcome to join."

"Thanks, I would love to!" he says, getting excited. "I just need to grab something's, I'll be back soon." Nathan dashes into a waiting elevator. 

"Let's leave before he comes back." Alex tries to pull me away, but I stay firmly planted to my spot. 

"We aren't leaving. Are you being jealous again?" I tease. Alex pouts and shakes his head. 

"If you weren't so cute, I'd disagree with you." I don't bother to reply. Instead, I lean up and press a quick kiss against his cheek. 

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