Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

305K 8.7K 2.9K

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need
Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 16: Central City
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Accepting Fate
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 3: To the infirmary

20.8K 469 62
By AshesandAvery

Snape stalked to the infirmary while bringing Harry together with him. Merlin.. What's wrong with Potter?  He thought.

"Poppy! Where are you? It's Potter," said Snape.

The matron rushed out of her office and asked the Potions Professor to place Harry on the hospital bed. Snape did what he was told and stood aside, letting Madame Pomfrey do her work. She waved her wand, muttering a diagnosis spell.

She turned to Severus and asked, "Professor? What happened? Did Harry show any signs?"

 "Potter had detention with me. I assigned me to clean cauldrons. He was about to use the wrong detergent to wash the cauldrons when I stopped him. He yanked my hand away and clutched his stomach. He started to have shortened breathes. I administered a Calming Draught. I tried to dose with an Anti-Asthma Potion, but it didn't work. Next thing I know is that he fainted," Snape explained patiently. 

The matron nodded, lips thinning.

"What's the matter Poppy? What do you think that Potter has?" asked Snape. Poppy might have imagine it, but she swears she can hear the concern in his voice. Perhaps the Potions Professor does care for the boy but wouldn't show it.

"Honestly, I'm not sure, Professor. Maybe Harry has stomach infection. I don't know. I'll run some tests."

Snape watched as the matron took some blood from the boy. He can't help but to be worried about the boy, but he stopped his thoughts right there.

Why am I worried about him all of sudden?  He thought, then shook his head.

The matron saw the professor standing by Harry's bed and looking at him,"Professor Snape? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, Poppy. How long will the tests take?"

"A day or two, a week at most. But some complicated ones take at least a month or so, especially if it is a muggle disease," Poppy said. Severus' brow furrowed. What if the boy's tests will take a month? What will happen to him then?

Pomfrey must have sensed Snape's concerns for she added, "I will administer Nausea Relief and one for stomach ache. The breathlessness- well, I will still have to run a skin tests to reveal Harry's allergies. But I suppose it must have been triggered by something. Perhaps the Professor would not turn down a direct order from a Healer?"

Snape straightened his back, a sign Poppy knew well. It meant Severus was a bit insulted, but Pomfrey knew that Snape was aware that she knew that he has some hesitance when it comes to doing something or anything for a Potter. But to her surprise, he gave off a sigh.

Adrenaline, perhaps?  Poppy thought. Severus then nodded at her and left the Infirmary. Poppy's eyes followed the black figure and then to the boy on the bed.


Harry groaned and opened his eyes. He looked around, darting his myopic eyes on the shadows of the swaying curtains. The white walls seemed familiar, the smell was tickling his nose and the bed smelled of potions and astringent. Harry bolted upright and clutched the white blanket draping over his frame.

Oh, sweet Circe. What happened?!

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, searching his brain for what could answer his questions.

Oh dear... the Infirmary. Wasn't I suppose to be in detention?

Then the memories flooded him. Snape holding his arm, his stomach hurting like it was constricting and his chest hurting, making him ran out of breath.

Oh God! Harry groaned as he ran a hand on his sweaty brow, I blotched up, didn't I?

How was he supposed to face Snape now? Not only did he messed up, Harry could already see what had happened. He begged and he cried and...

"Bloody Merlin's balls!" Harry exclaimed. Snape must have thought of him as a cry baby now, that he was not able deal with an occasional stomach ache, or worse things. Merlin knows how that man's mind works!

Just then, Madame Pomfrey came out of the office, clutching her apron then clucking in disapproval as she saw her patient sitting on the bed. She came to administer the new batch of stomach pain reliever from Professor Snape and to take another blood sample from Harry's arm, "Mister Potter! Why are you already sitting?! You should be lying down! Come, I'll help you."

"Madame Pomfrey? Is that you?"

"Can't you see- Oh dear," Poppy gasped, "You haven't got your glasses on." She took it from Harry's bedside table and put it into the young man's hands, "Here, Mister Potter."

"Thank you," Harry said gratefully, then blinking to let his eyesight adjust to the lenses.

"You are most welcome, dear. Now, why don't you drink this?" Madame Pomfrey took out the vial of the stomach relief from one of her pockets, "Then, you can lie down and I will check on you and take a blood sample again. We have to dig in further. I can't say what had caused you to be ill with the symptoms you showed."

Harry stared at the vial. It was warm, "Madame, did Professor Snape brought me here?"

"Yes, and it was good of him to do so. Why? Is anything the matter, Harry?"

Harry flushed and gulped. What should he do now? Harry sighed and shook his head. He uncorked and  tipped the vial on his lips and the liquid poured down his throat. Harry grimaced when the taste hit his tongue and it was awful! He was grateful when a glass of water appeared on his hands. He downed it in one and smiled in thanks to Madame Pomfrey.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Madame Pomfrey smiled at Harry.

"Now, why don't you lie down, Harry? We need to take that sample." Harry took off the glasses again and Madame Pomfrey told him to outstretch his arm. She waved her wand at the flesh above the artery, "I promise, this won't hurt a bit. Just relax, alright, Mister Potter?"

Harry nodded in reply. With a murmur under her breath, Harry saw his blood trickle down from a small incision, which was even barely visible. Madame Pomfrey took out an empty vial and took the sample, "Very good, Harry!" Poppy praised, beaming. With another wave of her wand, the wound closed in its own accord.

"Good. Now, why don't you sleep? I'm sure you feel quite tired. If ever you feel anything at the rest of the duration of the evening, just press on this," Poppy then gave Harry a small rectangular button, "Sleep well, Mister Potter."

Then she left. Perhaps, Harry was indeed tired. He fell asleep as soon as the Matron reached her laboratory and closed the door. 

The matron left Harry to sleep after such a tiring day. By the name of Salazar, I hope nothing is wrong with the poor boy , she thought.

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