𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 ★ 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐮�...

By marvelgirl_10

2.5K 127 4

||PUREST HEART SERIES: PREQUELS|| ────── ★★★ ────── "Everyone has a history that they can learn from." ──────... More

•Chapter 6: Sickness•
•Chapter 7: Lost•
•Chapter 8: Everly•


72 9 0
By marvelgirl_10

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It took a day's journey for Samuel and Jason to reach their next destination. Neither of them said a word as they stopped their horses in front of the Dark One's castle. Silence continued to surround them as they stared at the dark castle from a safe distance away. That lasted for a moment longer before the De Vil boy looked over at Jason. Samuel wasn't surprised to find the Willims boy looking at the scene in front of him with terror in his eyes. The older knight was doing his best to suppress his own fears after all. But Samuel knew he was the senior knight in this situation and he had to be the one to take the lead and keep Jason calm.

"Are you sure we have to do this?" Jason asked, breaking the silence without taking his eyes off of their future destination, "because I really don't want to do this."

"I know you don't want to do this, I don't want to do this either," Samuel admitted before letting out a long sigh and looking back at the Dark One's castle, "but King Maurice gave us an order and we can't disobey him."

That was all it took for the Willims boy to look over at his friend. "Why can't the King send one of his knights to do it?"

Despite the fear he was feeling, the De Vil boy chuckled. "We are his knights. And all we have to do is go in there and ask the Dark One why the Ogres are coming closer to the kingdom. Piece of cake."

Samuel did his best to ignore the skeptical look Jason was sending him. It wasn't long after that when they rode closer to the castle while keeping their guards up, knowing they needed to be prepared for anything. While the elder knight kept his eyes glued to their destination, the Willims boy was looking in all directions as if he was expecting a beast to appear at any moment. Even though Samuel would never admit it aloud, Jason's actions made him wonder if he should've listened to his allies and chosen a knight with more experience for this position.

What felt like an eternity passed when they finally reached the Dark One's castle. Both of them hesitated for a moment before demounting their horses and tying them to a nearby railing. Once they knew their steeds were secured, Samuel began walking toward the large door with Jason right behind him. A shaky breath passed over the De Vil boy's lips as he knocked on the door three times. Not even a second after that passed when it slowly opened, but there was no one there to greet them. Samuel and Jason stood in front of the opened door like statues unsure of what to do next. That was until a man with scales like a crocodile appeared in the doorway to the room across from them.

"Come in, dearies," the Dark One said with a large smirk on his face as he studied the two boys standing in front of him, "I've been expecting you."

Samuel and Jason instantly exchanged an uncertain look before hesitantly following the powerful man into the next room. After they entered what seemed to be a dining room, they watched the Dark One sit down at the head of the table. Silence surrounded them for what felt like an eternity before Rumplestiltskin decided to break it. "What can I do for the two of you?"

"Uh, we were...we were sent by King Maurice," Samuel answered, trying to sound as confident as possible as he stared into the Dark One's golden eyes.

The powerful man cackled in response to the young knight's words. "Ah, yes, the King. The one who gave me my favorite servant."

Rumplestiltskin's words instantly sent goosebumps throughout the De Vil boy's entire body. His mind began to race with memories of his mother treating him like he was barely human. Samuel's breathing soon became rapid as he looked away from the Dark One and to the floor. It wasn't long after that when he felt a hand on his arm, causing Samuel to look up to find Jason staring back at him. The concern in the Willims boy's eyes was all it took for him to regain the small amount of confidence he previously felt, knowing he needed to be strong for Jason.

"Yes. That would be the king," Samuel continued while attempting to avoid the eyes of the powerful man, which didn't go unnoticed by the Dark One, "His Majesty sent us because the Ogres are advancing fast. And seeing as he already made a deal with you to keep them away in exchange for the Princess, he wants to know why they are getting closer to his kingdom."

"Why? Why?!" the Dark One exclaimed before slamming his hands on the table in front of him, causing both of the knights to jump. The powerful man just stared at them with annoyance in his eyes before continuing to speak. "Because the deal has expired, that's why. A new agreement must be made if he wants me to continue to keep those beasts at bay."

"Deals expire?" the redheaded boy mumbled, drawing the crocodile's eyes to him.

"Yes, dearie, they do."

Samuel and Jason just stared at Rumplestiltskin as they took in the information he'd given them. It wasn't long after that when they exchanged a confused look, both wondering why the King was unaware of the expiration of the deal. As soon as they finished their silent conversation, they turned their attention back to the Dark One, only to find him staring back at them with his sinister grin back on his face.

"What do you want from the King?" Samuel questioned as Rumplestiltskin studied him with his golden eyes, "tell us what you want and we can take a message back to-"

"The King has nothing I want," the Dark One laughed, causing a wave of irritation to wash over the blonde boy.

Samuel had to let out a long breath to calm his nerves before opening his mouth to speak. "Then what do you want?"

"I will need time to decide. Come back in a week or two."

A long sigh passed over the De Vil boy's lips as he looked over at Jason, only to find him now staring at Rumplestiltskin with anger in his eyes. Knowing he had to stop him before he did something to make the situation worse, Samuel grabbed Jason's wrist and dragged him toward the door. As soon as Samuel thought they were a good distance away from the Dark One, he looked down at the Willims boy, who was staring back at him with rage in his eyes.

"You need to calm down right now before you say something you'll regret," the blonde boy whispered to the younger knight, only for Jason to push past him and return to where they were previously standing.

"I'm sorry, Mister Dark One, but we don't have a week or two," Jason declared while Samuel walked forward to stand next to him, silently praying that Rumplestiltskin wouldn't take offense to what the Willims boy said, "the Ogres are advancing fast because your deal 'expired.' You either need to keep up your end of the deal with the King, like an honorable person would do, or you need to think of a new deal right now."

Both Rumplestiltskin and Samuel couldn't help but stare at the young knight in complete and utter shock. The De Vil boy couldn't believe that his once terrified friend stood up to the most powerful being in the realm. A proud smile soon formed on his face as a small chuckle passed over his lips. It wasn't long after that when Samuel turned his attention back to the Dark One. "Jason is right. Either keep up your end of the deal or make a new deal with us. We aren't leaving until we know our kingdom is safe."

Rumplestiltskin continued to stare at them for a moment longer before his eyes fell on the sword at Samuel's hip. "May I have a look at your sword?"

Despite the confusion he was feeling, the De Vil boy unbuckled his sheath and slid it across the table toward the Dark One. He was surprised by how careful Rumplestilskin was as he picked the sword up to unsheath it before laying it on the table in front of him. The confusion within Samuel did nothing but grow as he watched the powerful man examine it. The sword was as simple as they come. It had a semicircle at the tip of the hilt with a circle at the end. In the center of the small circle was a small ruby he found on his first expedition. The most special thing about it was that Samuel made it himself.

What felt like an eternity passed when the Dark One finally broke the silence surrounding them without taking his eyes off the sword. "I will protect your kingdom in exchange for his sword."

Despite wanting to celebrate their victory, Samuel couldn't help but ask the question bouncing around in his head. "Why do you want my sword?"

Both knights could see the irritation forming in Rumplestiltskin's eyes before he looked up at them. "That doesn't concern you, boy. Now, do we have a deal?"

"So you'll take my sword in exchange for protection until the end of the war?" the De Vil boy asked, still curious as to why his sword meant so much to the powerful man. But he was smart enough not to ask any further questions about it.

"Really, dearie. The end of the war?"

"Yes, dearie. Until the end of the war," Samuel retaliated while trying to hold back the eye roll that was attempting to escape him.

The annoyance in the Dark One's eyes did nothing but grow before he let out a long sigh. "Very well. The sword in exchange for your kingdom's protection until the end of the war. Do we have a deal?"

Samuel and Jason couldn't help but exchange small smiles. Neither of them were expecting to actually leave the Dark One's castle alive, let alone make a new deal to protect their kingdom. It wasn't long after that when they turned before turning their attention back to Rumplestiltskin.

"We have a deal."

────── ★★★ ──────

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