The Hunters Sister ~Castiel

By demilh

114K 2.2K 142

The first book in the Hunters trilogy. ************************************* My name is Maeve Winchester. I'... More

Chapter 1: My love for Pancakes
Chapter 2: Castiel
Chapter 3: The Bait
Chapter 4: The Toaster
Chapter 5: Overprotective brothers
Chapter 6: Sleepless
Chapter 7: You've been Garthed
Chapter 8: Making a point
Chapter 9: Great more Vampires
Chapter 10: Phone call
Chapter 11: Charlie
Chapter 12: Boy talk
Chapter 13: I'm coming too
Chapter 14: I didn't expect that
Chapter 16: Am I Dead?
Chapter 17: Leaving
Chapter 18: Finally
Chapter 19: They found out
Chapter 20: Let's end it
Sequel! !

Chapter 15: Cas POV

4K 79 3
By demilh

Song : Unsteady by X Ambassadors

Cas POV:
I cradled her lifeless body in my arms while I kept pressure on the wound that was still bleeding heavily. I heard sirens in the distance and looked at Dean and Sam. Sam was still on the phone talking more like yelling while tears streamed down his face. Dean sat on the ground with his head in his hands and shaking shoulders as a sign that he was also crying. I looked back down at Maeve's pale face, it looks like she was sleeping but we all knew she was slowly dying. I felt my vision blur and swiped with my hand the tears away. The sound of the sirens came closer and closer by the second. Suddenly I felt that I was dragged away from Maeve by some guys. When they let me go they ran towards Maeve and began examination her. I found myself sitting next to Dean. I looked up to see Sam talk with one of the people that were helping Maeve. I saw him nod before he walked towards us."They're taking her to the hospital." Sam says trying to be strong but I noticed the pain in his eyes when he told us that. "We can drive behind the Ambulance to the hospital" Sam says with tears in his eyes. Dean looked up with red eyes from crying and walked to the Impala. We all got in and followed the ambulance in silence.

We we're currently siting in the waiting room. Sam told us he needed to get some air before walking away with tears in his eyes. Dean was tapping his foot on the floor nervously. I kept looking at the door where Maeve was laying behind.
"Where is she?" I hear the familiar voice of Charlie shout.
I turned to look at her before pointing at the door. She let herself fall in the chair besides us and began crying. Dean wrapped an arm over her shoulder trying to comfort her while Dean himself was just barely keeping it together. Sam came back with red puffy eyes. That moment the doctor opened the door. We directly stood up and looked at him hoping for good news. The doctor looked at us before asking "relatives of Maeve Luna Winchester?"
"That are we" Dean says with a thick voice.
The doctor nodded "Well the good news is that Miss Winchester is stable, unfortuatly she is in coma but it doesn't look good for her at this time"
"What do you mean with that?" I ask him
"I mean that it is a big possibility that she doesn't wake up" the Doctor answers.
I saw Dean his jaw clench and Sam was balding his fists, Charlie was nodding at everything the doctor told us.
"Can we see her?" Sam asks.
"Two at the same time" The doctor says before walking away.
"You guys go first." Charlie says too the brothers. They nodded and went inside.

Charlie grabbed my hand in hers and squeezed it "She will be alright"
"I sure as hell hope so, it is all my fault I should have never fallen in love with her, then she wouldn't have gone on that hunt with me and Packo used her as shield when I was about to stab him so this is all my fault. I was the one who should have watched over her" I confess crying.
Charlie squeezed my hand once more "It wasn't your fault Castiel, it was Packo's"
"That is what I try to tell myself also but I can't help but feel responsible for her." I tell her.
"Cas that feeling what you're feeling now is love mixed with guilt. You love Maeve and knowing you couldn't save her is making you feel guilty for what happened to her, yes you stabbed her but it was an accident."
I totally forget how long we were talking until Sam and Dean walked out the room with tears in their eyes telling us we could see her. I swallowed the lump in my throat before I walked inside with Charlie.

End Cas POV

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