Shining of the Four

By ad_meliora

25K 830 207

[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] "As the Moon's shine vanishes and the light burns out, another cat will be lost. F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author's Note

Chapter 31

371 12 2
By ad_meliora

            It was a beautiful spring day, and Sunrise sat perched on the windowsill, allowing the warm sun to warm her back. She purred as she rested, thankful for a relaxing day. From afar, she could hear the distant mews of Holly and Polly, who were fighting over a toy.

            Sunrise turned, glancing at her two sisters. They both struggled to leap, their bellies holding them down. They had been taken to the vet a week before, and since they were deemed overweight, Sunrise had enjoyed watching them groan and complain over their smaller meals and forced exercise.

            Unfortunately, now that Holly and Polly sat outside for one hour each day, Sunrise had limited time with Fawn, whom the two didn't know about.

            Sunrise and Fawn had continued visiting Anna, listening to her stories, chatting about their days. Sometimes, Fawn would vaguely mention a dream, though most of the time she told her dreams in secret to Anna.

            Sunrise hoped the old she-cat wasn't coming between her and her friend, though she'd gotten a bit jealous lately being shoved off to the side while they chatted for what seemed like an eternity.

            Assuming Holly and Polly wouldn't be forced outside for awhile, Sunrise leapt down from the windowsill and padded out the cat door, the warm spring sun immediately shining on her white and gold pelt.

            She sat outside for a few moments, watching bees buzz by her nose and sniffing the flowers that had grown. Soon, it would be summer, a season Sunrise had only heard about since she'd been born in the fall.

            Sunrise sat, gazing around the lively backyard. She licked one of her paws and flicked an ear, watching two robins soar across the sky and land in a nearby oak tree.

            "I bet I can climb that tree," Sunrise whispered, assuming she could catch the robins.

            Slowly, she padded across the backyard and leapt onto the fence, gazing at the oak tree that sat in the neighbor's yard. With much inspiration, she pushed off the fencepost and leapt, sinking her claws into the bark. Slowly, she scrambled up the tree, attempting not to lose balance.

            Unfortunately, she created quite a bit of noise, causing the birds to quickly flee the try.

            "Darn it!" she shouted, pulling herself up onto a branch and knocking leaves down below.

            "Sunrise?" came a familiar voice.

            Sunrise froze, then gazed down at the ground. Fawn stood at the bottom of the tree, a confused look glued to her face.

            "Oh, hey, Fawn!" Sunrise called.

            "Sunrise, what are yo doing?" Fawn asked.

            "Well, there were these birds see, and—"

            "I don't want to hear it," Fawn responded quickly. "Come on! Let's go to Anna's! She wants to tell us something."

            "You mean she wants to tell you something?" Sunrise asked.

            "No, she said you can come too. Now, get down from the tree and come on!" Fawn called excitedly.

            Sunrise quickly picked up her excitement and found her way down, meeting Fawn on top of the fence post. Together, they walked along the line of fences towards Anna's house.

            "What's she going to tell us?" Sunrise wondered.

            "No idea," Fawn replied. "Come on!" she called, picking up the pace.

            Sunrise quickly followed behind her until they came to Anna's backyard. The old she-cat sat curled up on the porch, her tail hanging over her nose as she slept.

            "Anna!" Fawn called, leaping down the fence.

            The she-cat's eyes opened and she glanced around quickly, relaxing her muscles once she saw the two.

            "Oh, Fawn, Sunset, it's you."

            "Sunrise," she corrected her.

            "That's what I said," Anna muttered, standing up and stretching her old muscles.

            "What did you want to tell us about?" Fawn asked impatiently.

            Sunrise stood by her side, eagerly awaiting Anna's response.

            "Oh...yes, that," Anna nodded.

            The two again waited as Anna sat quietly.

            "So, what were you telling us?"

            "Oh!" Anna shouted. "Oh, yes! Now I remember. Come, sit."

            Sunrise and Fawn both padded forward, sitting across from the two.

            "Wow, you two have grown the past couple of moons," Anna observed.

            "Get to the point," Sunrise muttered.

            "Sunrise!" Fawn gasped.

            "Sorry. My old mind seems to leave quickly. Now, what was I going to tell you?" Anna asked, pondering. Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she nodded. "Ah, yes. I do tend to get a bit tired after my naps, you know. I meant to tell you about the new tom who moved in next door."

            "New tom?" Fawn asked, suddenly interested. Sunrise exchanged an excited glance with her.

            "Yes, yes, I introduced myself to him this morning. We talked for a little, especially about our pasts. His name is Frog. He's a former clan cat."

            "A former clan cat!" Sunrise gasped. Fawn shrunk down a little, as if she were frightened by this.

            "Oh, yes. He told me a lot about how he left his clan."

            "Why'd he leave?" Sunrise asked.

            "I suppose you could ask him yourself," Anna purred. "Fawn, dear, is everything okay?"

            "Will he know of the dreams?" Fawn asked.


            "Maybe he knows what my dreams mean," Fawn suggested.

            "I don't know. He seems to have traveled a bit far," Anna explained.

            "Can we meet him?" Sunrise asked.

            "To the left," Anna explained, pointing her tail.

            Sunrise quickly padded forward, Fawn slowly following behind. Sunrise then leapt up the fence, gazing down at the backyard below. Immediately, she came face to face with two dogs that barked loudly and leapt up at the fence.

            Sunrise shrieked, as did Fawn. Two humans yelled sharply, and the dogs retreated and padded inside.

            "Darn dogs!" an old groan came.

            Sunrise turned and noticed that in the corner of the backyard was an older dark brown tabby tom whose muzzle had grayed.

            "Um, hello?" Sunrise called.

            The tom pricked his ears and glanced up.

            "How many kittypets are in this neighborhood?" he asked.

            "Pardon, sir," Fawn called. "We've only come to introduce ourselves."

            "Then do so," he muttered, rising and padding forward to greet them. Sunrise leapt down the fence, Fawn following behind her.

            "I'm Sunrise," she said, staring at the old tom.

            "And I'm Fawn," Fawn explained.

            "Uh huh. Well nice to meet you," the tom grumbled, refusing to make eye contact with them.

            "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Sunrise asked.

            "I'm Frog. Any more questions?"

            "We heard you were a clan cat!" Sunrise blurted.

            Frog narrowed his eyes and growled quietly. "Who told you that? Was it that other she-cat?"

            "Yes, Anna told us," Sunrise explained.

            "I was a clan cat, but I'm retired now," Frog snapped.

            "Retired? Clan cats retire?"

            "Sunrise, maybe we shouldn't," Fawn began, but Frog had only gotten into a worse mood.

            "You stupid kittypets and your stupid minds drifting about clan life."

            "Kittypet?" Sunrise asked.

            "You're just as dull as the others back home. It's what clan cats call a house cat," Frog growled. He turned to pad away, and Sunrise could notice faint scars on one of his legs.

            "What are those scars from?"

            "You're a bit rude, aren't you?!" Frog hissed.

            "Sunrise, we should go," Fawn whispered.

            "Please, I don't mean to be rude," Sunrise begged. "We both have connections to clan cats. Or, well, Fawn does. I'm just interested in them."

            "Connections, you say?" Frog asked, turning back around.

            "Tell him, Fawn!"

            "I don't think..." Fawn began, but Frog was now waiting impatiently.

            "I have dreams...from StarClan," Fawn said quietly.

            "StarClan? Is it even possible? A kittypet!"

            "They're possible!" Sunrise urged.

            "I see cats. I mean, when I was younger, I would only see faint cats. But now, I see patrols, fights, apprentices in training. No cat has spoken to me, but StarClan has given me this ability. I know I'm only a kittypet, and I don't know why I was chosen."

            "StarClan's odd, isn't it?" Frog asked, eyeing Fawn. "They like prophecies. Know any?"

            Fawn shook her head.

            "Hmph. A bit odd, but maybe it is for a prophecy. And you," he said, turning his gaze to Sunrise. "You have sharp claws, strong muscles. You're not a clan cat, are you?"

            "No. I was born a kittypet."

            "You sure look like you could be one, but maybe you need a few scars first," Frog grumbled.


            "Well, besides that collar on your neck, I'd say you could join one," he wheezed, laughing. "Not that you would ever survive."

            "And why aren't you in your clan?" Fawn asked, annoyed.

            "That's none of your business, now is it?"

            "But Anna said—" Sunrise argued.

            "Anna said what? That I'd tell you my backstory."

            "Please, maybe it'll help me understand," Fawn begged. "Maybe I'm having visions of your clan."

            "My clan? I highly doubt it. I hear there are clans around here. Know their names?"

            "No," they both responded honestly.

            "Please. We'll never bother you again!" Sunrise urged.

            Frog rolled his eyes and sat down.

            "Well, sit!" he snapped.

            The two obeyed and sat before him, gazing at the old tom.

            "I lived in a clan far, far away from here, mind you. I was raised a clan cat, born a clan cat, trained to be a clan cat. I was in many fights, many battles, and our clan constantly struggled with territorial rogues. And then these fights progressed, I got more tired, my muscles got sorer, and I nearly died in the last battle I was in. I'd had enough of this way of life. They called me a traitor, but I ignored them and left. I lived on my own, tired, hungry. Some two-legs found me on the road and brought me to a shelter where I wasn't adopted for another thirty-or-so moons. That's nearly three years in your talk, kittypets. And then I came here, and I don't miss clan life. It's too competitive, too dangerous, and stupid," he growled.

            "But didn't you have a family?"

            Frog laughed at this. "No. My clan was anything but family. I never enjoyed the life of a clan cat, and I find a kittypet is more relaxing in my old age. Would I go back? Maybe if I were younger, but I am old, tired, and wish to rest. Now, if you excuse me, I've told my story and you two can leave me alone."

            "But, Frog!" Sunrise called.

            "You promised," he muttered, padding away.

            "That was interesting," Fawn murmured as they leapt back over the fence.

            Sunrise nodded, glancing back over at the now-asleep old tom. She only wished she could hear more about clan life.

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