Find A Way - A Brallie Fanfic...

By brallieisendgame

46.4K 1K 243


Find A Way
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

2.1K 44 9
By brallieisendgame

Brandon’s POV:

“Thanks again, man.” I watched Aiden leave taking my phone with him. Somehow, I felt like this plan would work. Aiden pulled out of the driveway and I returned to Callie who was finishing the last layer of paint for her room. “It looks great.”

“You think? I like it a lot. Thank you for helping me.” She leaned her head against my chest.

“Anytime. We can do the rest of the apartment later in the week. I can come over after school or even when you’re working and get some work done.”

“Would you really do that?” She asked surprised.

“Of course. Soon enough you’ll get your first paycheck and you’ll buy that kitchen table that you wanted. Then we’ll have breakfast and I’ll make you some pancakes.”

“I’d love that.”

“How about we order something in for dinner? We could have pizza or subs or something.”

“I could really go for some pizza actually. But you need to stop paying for me.” She nudged me slightly. I know she didn’t like me paying for her paint or for anything else that was for her for that matter. She’s doesn’t like having to live off of others. That’s one of the main reasons she chose to be on her own.

“I know you don’t like people always helping you out or assisting you with things, but I’m going to. I want to buy us dinner and so I will.” She had that look in her eyes that she was attempting to show she was mad but her eyes gave away that she did appreciate it, and that was enough for me.  “So pizza it is?” She nodded as she handed me her phone. Luckily I had the memorized the number of the pizza shop right down the street from ordering so much from there.

“I have a question…” Callie seemed hesitant and unsure.


“Why would you want to stay here tonight? Don’t say because you just want to spend time with me. I mean like, you could easily stay over in a few weeks when I actually have something for us to do. I literally have nothing here and you’ll be bored out of your mind.” She doubted herself a lot. She didn’t see that the only thing I cared about was being in her presence. I didn’t need the LCD TV or anything else for that matter.

“Come here.” I pulled her over to her bed and sat on the edge together. “I know you have a lot of doubts. I know that you feel like you need to impress me. But you don’t. I didn’t fall for the girl who needed to go out of her way. I fell for the beautiful girl who is sitting in front of me right now. I fell for you because you are you. Remember what I told you at the wedding? You’re amazing, and kind, and smart, and beautiful. I still mean all of that. You don’t need to worry about impressing me. I don’t care what we do or how bored we are, as long as I am around the girl I love, you, I couldn’t be happier.”

“I don’t deserve you. I really don’t.” A tear began to fall from her eye and down her cheek.

“Callie, if anything I don’t deserve you. I’ve screwed your life up and I’m just glad that you decided to let me love you.”

She shook her head. “Stop. You, you are the best thing that has happened to me. I’m sorry for being like this.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for and I mean that.” I wrapped my arms around Callie tightly not wanting to release my grasp for as long as I could. “How about we just eat our dinner underneath the stars tonight? It’s something to do and it’s nice outside.”

“I’d like that.” She sniffled slightly before glancing up towards me. Someday, somehow I was going to prove to her how incredible she is, her flaws and all. She deserves to be happy and have everything she wants. I hate that she forgets that. I rubbed her back continuously until the doorbell interrupted the moment. “We clearly struggle with interruptions.” Callie laughed before we released our grasp to get the food.

After giving the delivery man the money, I headed out to the back porch while Callie grabbed an extra blanket from her bed. She spread it out along the deck and the two of us sat on it side by side with the box of pizza in front of us.

“So do you think your moms will catch on that you aren’t really at Aiden’s?” Callie seemed worrisome.

“Nah. The tracker will show I’m over Aiden’s. That’s all they’ll want to know. Why? Are you worried?”

“No,” I could tell she was lying. “I just don’t want to be the reason you get in trouble. Your family is already mad at me as it is. We don’t need to make it worse.” I nodded. She was right but I was still staying with her for the night. No one would ever know.

We laid back after finishing the pizza and gazed at the star. The sky was beautiful. I glanced beside me to see Callie entranced by the view. She was smiling bright. I liked seeing her happy. Things were finally coming together for her and I couldn’t be happier for her. She deserved everything. I’m lucky to have her.

I grabbed the old iPod that I had given Callie and scrolled through the songs without Callie noticing. I selected a song and waited to see Callie’s reaction.

We'll do it all


On our own


We don't need


Or anyone


“I love this song!” Callie smiled as she began to sing along to the chorus.

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?


She had a beautiful voice, one that would captivate everyone if given the chance. She glanced up and smiled. “Sing with me.” She murmured slightly. I would have obliged but I couldn’t say no to that smile of hers. I don’t see how anyone ever could. I decided to play along and join Callie as we stared up into the stars. 


I don't quite know

How to say

How I feel


Those three words

Are said too much

They're not enough


If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?


Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life


Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads


Callie sat up just enough to readjust herself so that she was leaning against my chest. She leaned down slowly before pressing her lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as the song continued to play softly in the background.


I need your grace

To remind me

To find my own


If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?


Forget what we’re told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life


All that I am

All that I ever was

Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see


I don't know where

Confused about how as well

Just know that these things will never change for us at all


If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

The song ended and the only sound that could be heard was the crickets in the neighborhood. Callie’s hands were cupping my face as our lips continued to move in sync. I placed my hands around her back as we deepened the kiss. Kissing Callie was magical, like nothing I have ever felt before. It was like everything before Callie, didn’t matter. I never wanted this moment to end.

 Okay so I've had this chapter written for over a week now and this song was already written into it. Madisen Beaty posted a video on Instagram from the charity even last night with Maia and David in it and Snow Patrol was performing this song. It is fate or something I don't even know but I freaked out.

Anyway, as you can see I started posting chapters on here! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and give feedback? Thank you! :D

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