The Other Curtis

By tenneesseewalker

112K 1.7K 163

15 year old Samantha Curtis is trying to figure out life when she finds herself falling for one of the gang... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 31
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Just something quick
Chapter 33

Chapter 13

3.4K 50 3
By tenneesseewalker

Jamie and I had taken off to where ever so I could tell her about my morning. So instead of going anywhere that there could potentially be socs, we went back to my house. Darry's truck was in the driveway. "Hi girls." Darry said when we walked through the door."hi Darry" we both said walking into the kitchen where Darry was. "What are you doing home at this time of day?" I asked Darry. "They gave us the rest of the day off. What are you two doing here at this time?" Darry asked. "School was only half a day today so we came here to hang." Jamie said. "Oh sounds good. Why are there holes in your cloths?" Darry asked me. "Huh? Oh we ran into some Socs this morning I helped fight them. I'll go change." I said running up the stairs to go change. I put on a black tight fitted t-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and my brown ankle boots. I walked back downstairs. "Much better." Darry said with a smile. "So what are you doing with your day off?" I asked Darry. "I don't know yet. You wanna do something?" Darry asked leaning on the counter. "We can walk over to the dx." I said. "Ok. is the rest of the guys over there?" They were when we came over for lunch and told them it was a half day." Jamie said. "Cool." Darry said and started walking to the door. I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on just in case. "So what have you been doing while they were at school?" Darry asked. "I hung out with Steve in the garage." I said which is a total lie. "Did you learn anything?" Darry asked. I nodded my head yes. "What did you learn?" Darry asked. "What not to do." I said making Darry laugh. "Ok sounds fun." Darry said with a laugh. I walked into the DX before Darry and Jamie. "I thought you took off to somewhere with Jamie." Pony said when me walked into the door. "We did but Darry wanted to walk over here and see if y'all wanted to do something." I said as Darry and Jamie walked in the door. "Yeah we can go to the movies or something when we get off work." Steve said. "Wait I can't. Me and ty are gonna go to the rodeo and try and pick up a few broads." Soda said with a smile. "How many times have I told you I hate it when you call girls broads." I said. "Why do you hate that?" Soda asked with a smile. "Because it makes them sound like a object not a person." I said. "In that case broads broads broads broads." Soda Steve two-bit and dally started chanting at them same time. "STOP!" I yelled at them. They stopped and started laughing. "Ok can the rest of you guys go to the movies?" Darry asked. They all nodded their heads yes. "What time do you guys get off?" Jamie asked. "Five" Steve said. "Cool. Sam and I are gonna head back to the house and chill for a while." Jamie said. "Ok." All the guys said as we walked out the door. "So Jamie how mad is Matt?" I asked. "Not to happy. He couldn't even see straight." Jamie said. "That's just great." I said kicking a rock that was at the toe of my shoe. "So what happened with the Socs this morning?" Jamie asked. "Bob and randy came up behind us and wanted me to come with them then they realized that I was the girl who hit cherry. Then I hit them and then they fell back. Their friends went after soda and Steve. Then they both got up and were gonna fight me. Then dal came up behind them and was like if you lay a hand on my girl imma kill you both. As soon as they realized it was dal them and their friends took off running. Then I ran up to dal and kissed him forgetting that soda and Steve were even there. So needless to say soda and Steve know that me and dal are dating." I said. "Wait the Socs know that you are dals girl?" Jamie asked. "No they may have thought that it was a front." I said turning to walk into my house. "Well they better if not there is a target on your back." Jamie said. I walked up the stairs to my room. "Sam I wanna see your tattoo." Jamie said as soon as I got into my room. I pulled down my shirt low enough for Jamie to see the tattoo. "That looks great." Jamie said. "I know right." I said. "How are you gonna hide it? We are gonna take the camping trip to the lake next week as soon as school gets out." Jamie said. "So? I will just put a tank top on over my bikini. Simple as that. The question is how am I gonna hide my relationship with dal for that long?" I asked Jamie. "I don't know. Why don't you just tell them. I mean Soda and Steve already know. I have also been meaning to talk to you about the relationship thing anyway." Jamie said. "Why?. I asked. "Me and Pony are dating!" Jamie blurted out. "How long has this been going on?" I asked. "You know the other night when we went to the movies?" Jamie asked. I nodded my head yes. "Since then." Jamie said with a smile. "Have you told the guys yet?" I asked. "No not yet pony wanted me to tell you first." Jamie said. "Well I think I hear some of them now." I said walking out the door and down the stairs. "What are you guys doing?" I asked two-bit, Johnny, and pony who all instantly ran to the kitchen. "Cake and beer!" Two-bit yelled. Jamie and I couldn't help but laugh at them. "Where's Darry and Dally?" I asked. "There a few blocks back they were talking about something. I don't know what it was. but it was boring so we raced back here." Two-bit said sitting down on the couch with a beer and a big piece of cake. Johnny and pony walked into the living room with their cake. "What no cake for us?" I asked Johnny and pony. "We got the last pieces. Two took half the cake." Pony said.  Jamie and i both looked at Two-bit shoveling the cake into his mouth. He looked up at us and smiled. Darry and Dally walked in at that time. "Darry can you make more cake. Two ate it all." I asked Darry. Darry nodded his head and walked to the kitchen. Dal sat down on the couch and started watching Mickey Mouse with two-bit on tv. Jamie walked over and sat down by pony. I walked over and sat down by dal. I sat watching a old rerun of Mickey Mouse that i had seen a million times for about five minutes before getting up and going to supervise Darry making the cake. I knew Darry knew what he was doing but i wanted to eat some cake batter. I was just in time. Darry was putting batter into the pan so as soon as he was done i took the bowl and spoon. Darry just looked at me and smiled while shaking his head. "Do you know what movies are playing tonight?" Darry asked dal and I. "Probably one of those beach movies. That's about all they play anymore it seems." Dal said walking into the kitchen. "What's wrong with the beach movies?" Darry asked. "Nothing if you wanna watch a bunch of girls in bikinis run around like they are scared of some fake made up monsters." Pony said bringing his plate to the kitchen. "There is a new movie playing tonight." I said. "How do you know?" Pony asked. "I have a friend that works there. He told me." I said. "He?" Darry asked. "Yeah he. I have connections all over this town." I said with a sly smile. "How do you have connections all over this town?" Darry asked. "I know people and people know people. So the people that I know tell me about the people they know." I said. "Ok. What ever." Darry said. I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch beside Jamie to talk about the camping trip next week with her, Two-bit, pony, and Johnny.

Hey y'all it's me I know I have not updated for a few days but I was writing this and I have been really busy. So I hope y'all liked the update please comment and tell me what y'all think I love hearing from y'all. Thanks so much fir reading and I will try and update soon! Bye 4 now!

Stay gold

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