New Kid

De IndigoChildxo

473K 15K 5.3K

Ok you know how they say "being the new kid sucks," well they really weren't lying... "You will do no such t... Mais

1: New Kid
2 : The best day ever..Not
3 : A day in the forest Part 1
4 : A day in the forest Part 2
5 : Game Day
6 : He did what
7 : Understanding
8 : Books & Boys Part 1
10 : Daddy's Little Girl
11 : Gone with the rebel
12 : Then what are We
13 : Home Invasion
14 : Monkey Business
15 : Cosmic Love
16 : Emotion Overload
17 : That's what Friends are for
18 : Friend of the Family
19 : Hot and Bothered
20 : Outcast
21 : New New Kid Part 1
22 : New New kid Part 2
23 : Trouble in Paradise
24 : Love Thing
25 : Where was I?
26: Gone Unnoticed
27 : Carmelo

9 : Books & Boys Part 2

19.5K 654 268
De IndigoChildxo

9 : Books & Boys Part 2

Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, I somehow end up wet, and now pissed. He claims it was unintentional, an "accident". Yeah, because one plus one doesn't equal two. I wasn't born yesterday.

"Just shut the hell up," I hissed, making him laugh even louder than he already was.

I huffed and turned around walking towards the stairs. I could hear him walking behind me, he got closer with every step I took. I speed up trying to get him off of my tail. As I was about to climb the first step I was thrown over Jace's shoulder.

"No, put me down you're gonna' get wet," I forced through clenched teeth.

He didn't stop until we were back in my room. He let me down, standing me on my two feet. I looked at his shirt which was just as wet as mine.

"That must be uncomfortable." I roll my eyes at his stupidity. It's his fault, and he didn't listen to me.

He looked down at his shirt then at me. I could see it in his eyes he was up to no good. He reached for the bottom of his shirt slowly lifting it up. I frantically push his hands down making his shirt fall down in the process.

"Keep your shirt on for my sake," I groaned, annoyed. This was like being the caretaker of a hyperactive neurotic child.

He chuckled unexpectedly making my heart flutter. He stepped forward making me step back, causing me to stumble and fall backward onto my bed.

Jace stood before me.

"You and I both know you want this off," he said taking off his shirt leaving only his perfectly sculpted body for me and all my entirety.

I mentally groaned out of frustration. Gosh, I just wanted to forget how much I hated him, and enjoy his body. Maybe just a little touch-No, self-control is key.

I shut my eyes and did my breathing techniques "deep breathes, deep breathes," I told myself. I peeked through my eye lids to find Jace towering over me, shirtless.

I opened my eyes seeing no use in hiding now. I looked Jace in the eye to afraid to say anything. His eyes bored into mine. He eased his body down. He held his weight up, so that was hovering over me.

I gazed deeply into his eyes and was frightened by what I saw: lust, and determination.

"Jace," I whisper uncomfortably.

"What," he groaned.

He was making very easy for me.

"Do you know anything about personal space," I hissed angrily.

He lowered his body to mine. I reached my hands forward trying to stop him. Once my hands touched his chest I went brain dead.

My incoherence was a disadvantage in this case. I didn't move my hands. Maybe I didn't want to move them, maybe I like the way his skin felt beneath my hands. Maybe I wanted 'this' to happen, whatever 'this' is.

He flipped us over so he was laying on his back, and I straddling him. I didn't try to escape or even fight against him for that matter. I just let it happen, I was being rather care free, which rarely happens. He grabbed my waist securing me in this awkward position.

I squirmed a little, feeling self-conscious about myself. I had no idea what I was doing until he groaned. I froze immediately and tried to climb from off of him. His grip on me tightened.

"Jace let me go," I said through clenched teeth.

"No," was all he said.

I frowned and crossed my arms.

"You make me dislike you," I admit as I throw my head back out of frustration.

He just laughed at me before he pulled me down and laid me beside him.

"I'm tired," I yawned.

"Well go-" "shut up I'm trying to go to sleep," I interrupted.

I smiled as I laid my head on his chest, surprising myself. I tried to pull him closer if that was possible. Jace chuckled and brought me closer to him. With him being so close I was able to fall asleep in matter of minutes.


When I woke up the bed was heavier than I remember. I opened my eyes, and blinked rapidly; my eyes were sensitive to the lighting. Once I regained eye sight, I made an attempt to sit up but had no avail. I looked down at the arms that encircled my waist. I began to panic.

I struggled turning over to see who was in my bed. As I came face to face with a sleeping Jace, the memories of earlier started to flood my mind. I watched his sleeping figure, I watched as his chest rose and fell, I noticed how his mouth was slightly parted.

Just then, a devious thought came to mind. I extended my arms and legs "accidentally," pushing Jace off of the bed. Aww and he was sleeping so peacefully. Oh well, karma is a bitch. Once I heard a thump I smiled to myself, feigning unconsciousness.

When I heard him groan, I kind of felt bad. I sat up, crawled to the edge of the bed, and looked down at him on the floor. He was sprawled out on his back holding his head from where he hit it.

I manufactured a yawn. "How did you get down there?" I asked professing innocence.

He blinked from the state of confusion he was in.

"You pushed me?" he said narrowing his eyes.

"No, no I think you fell," I said reassuring him.

"What time are we leaving," I asked quickly, changing the subject.

Jace pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.

"As soon as you get dress," his said giving me once over.

My eyes fell to his bare chest, then his abdomen

"And as soon as you put your shirt back on," I spoke up. Jace stood up proceeding to walk out of the room.

"Hurry up," he called over his shoulder.

I jump from my bed then ran into bathroom. I took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. I wrapped a towel around me; having forgot to grab my clothes. I towel dry my hair as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Damn you even know how to make a towel look good," Jace chuckled.

I looked over to the bed at Jace, And began to panic.

"Get out, get out you pervert. Get out!" I screamed as threw things at him until he was out of my room.

I heard him laugh as I screamed out of frustrated. I got dressed quickly then met Jace in the living room.

"Finally," he sighed getting up from the sofa. We walked out the door and to the car in silence. I swear he's becoming more annoying. I'll just speak when spoken to; not seeing the point of making conversation when there is no need.

The ride was a peacefully silent one. He spoke seldom, and when he did it was little comments about how these people can't drive to save their lives or how hot it was.

Moments later we arrive at the bookstore. Jace and I walk inside together. I, nominating myself as Project Leader, walk ahead knowing what we need to do, and where we need to go.

I walk towards the back of the store. I think that's where the psychology section is. Ok, I'm lost, but I don't want to admit it. I have way to much pride for that. I know I'm stubborn, but so what. Who isn't? We walk past the Teen fiction section for the third time.

Right when I was about to turn the corner, Jace caught me by my waist. I felt his chest against my back. He lowered his head to my ear.

"Sweetheart admit it, you're lost," Jace said.

I turn around to find him his infamous smirk gracing his face. I suck my teeth annoyed, brushing past Jace, and pushing him in the process. It took me a while but I found the psychology section.

No wonder I couldn't find this secluded section. It's way back there. I browse through the books, hoping that I could find something on human behavior. After a while I found one.

I grab the book and walk towards the register. I'm looking for Jace because as soon as I purchase this book I would like to get the hell out of here. Saturdays are usually my sleep in days.

This boy is going to ruin it. I found him where I left him. He was standing over there talking to some blonde chick. I decided not to be a cock blocker, and interrupt. I walked to the register to purchase my book.

"Your total is fourteen ninety nine," the girl said as she put my book into a bag.

I shuffled through my bag to find my wallet, but was interrupted by a presence beside me. I look up to Jace handing the girl his credit card.

"Would you like a receipt," she smiled at Jace.

"Yes, please," I said making my presence known.

We waited as she scribbled something on the paper. She handed it to Jace, but I quickly grabbed it before he could. I looked at the paper and nearly died of laughter.

On the paper she wrote her name and number and little message that said "call me". I simply tore the bottom half of the receipt off and handed it back to her.

"Thanks, but we only ask for the receipt," I said making that smile slowly turn into a frown. "THOTs these days," I said, shaking my head while walking away.

Jace caught up to me before I could exit the store. He grabbed my hand and began to drag me to the back of the store.

"Where are we going," I said trying to get out of his grasp.

Jace stayed quiet as he brought me to a cloistered aisle much like the psychology section. I look at my hand that was secured inside of Jace's.

"Why are we back here?" I ask forcefully, as I tugged Jace's hand.

"When you were walking towards the register you saw me right?" he question.

"Yeah," I said lamely.

"So, why didn't you come and get me".

I sighed "because I didn't want to interrupt, and I didn't see any need in dragging you along to pay for a stupid book," I snapped, kind of irritated that he brought me all the way back her to ask me such pointless questions.

"Did you really bring me back here to ask me that," I said clearly annoyed.

Jace stepped closer, he back me up until I was against the wall.

"No, I brought you back here to do this," he said before he smashed his lips to mine.

My eyes widen in shock. I tried to push the man whore off of me but he wasn't letting go. He kissed me hard, and I eventually gave in and began to kiss him back. No no, this is wrong. It feels wrong, but pleasurable simultaneously. We hate each other, so why are we kissing?

His hands down slid down my thighs and made their way to my bottom. He picked me up, and I instinctively warped my legs around his waist. He plunged his tongue in my mouth, and I joyously granted him access.

I feel so bad, like a rebel or something. He deepened the kiss, our tongues moved in sync. I don't know how but we ended up on the floor. I'm so glad he didn't bring us to the children section.

My phone buzzed interrupting us I crawled from under Jace. I reached in bag to grab my phone it was my mom. I look to Jace, he was already wearing that cocky smirk. I took a deep breathe, and answered my phone.

Is it just me, or does mothers always involuntarily, and unknowingly catch their children in the act of doing something bad?

"Hello?" I answered casually.

"Rhiyanne where are you? Are you with that boy?" my mother asked knowingly. I rolled my eyes.

"Why ask when you already know?" I asked, evidently annoyed.

"Don't get snappy with me. I'm only checking in since you don't know how to pick the phone and call," she rambled on.

She had more to say but I disconnected myself from the phone for a while. Three, two, one, I put the phone back to my ear

"Do you understand me," she used the 'I'm-the-one-in-charge' voice, I knew it all to well.

"Yes ma'am," I said sarcastically.

"Bye," I heard her say before I heard a beep.

I sighed as I shoved my phone in my bag. I picked myself off of the floor, and walked out of the hidden aisle into the public. I heard Jace calling my name but I decided to ignore him, just as I ignored my dignity being thrown out the window moments ago.

His voice grew louder, as he came closer. My walk quickly became a sprint. To focused on getting away from Jace, I paid no attention to what was in front of me, causing me to bump into someone, leading to me falling on the floor.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I took the hand that was held out for me to take.

When I got back on my two feet I came face to face with a familiar face.

"Scarlett?" I asked putting the name with face.

"Yeah, that's me," she joked.

"Are you here for Mrs. Mactear's project," I asked.

"Yeah, and I needed new books to read," she said holding up her books.

"Well I have to go, but we should get together sometime," I suggested.

"Yeah we should," she said, agreeing with me.

After we exchanged numbers I walked out of the store, and to Jace's car to find him already there. I climb inside the car.

"When did you get here," I asked as I put on my seat belt.

He started the car, and drove off.

"When you were talking to Scarlett," he said lamely.

"If you saw me why didn't you wait for me," I furrowed my eyebrows slightly confused. He looked at me and smiled, surfacing dimples. I looked away, incapable of being anything but nonchalant.

We arrived at my house. I looked at Jace, he looked right back at me.

"So," he started.

I continue to gaze at him, deciding today I would be brave. I reached over for Jace, but was cut short by my seat belt. Oh my, that was too embarrassing. I blinked and looked up at jace as he calls my name.


From my understanding that didn't actually happen. Or else he wouldn't be so calm right now. I stepped out of the car and didn't look back at him. I was almost to my door when he called my name. I turned around and eyed him quizzically.

He was leaned against his car. He motioned for me to come to him using his finger. Reluctantly I walked over to him and gave him a critical once over.

"Aren't you forgetting something," he hinted.

I looked up at him, and grimaced. I had no idea why I even came over here. I disregard his existence, as I turn to leave. Before I could make it back into my yard, I am pulled back rather roughly. He pushes me up against the car, then proceeds to attacking my lips.

I push at his chest and turn my head, not enjoying his generosity. But that doesn't stop him. His lips move to my neck and he kisses and suck at my neck violently.

An almost inaudible moan escapes my parted lips, and all moisture in my mouth desiccate. He pecks my lips once more, and holds me by my waist. I avoid eye contact at all cost.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

I frowned slightly. "That's none of your business," I said lamely, hoping to appear indifferent.

"In other words nothing," he concluded. "I can take you with me, as long as you ask nicely."

I gritted my teeth. "Who says I want to?" I question still not looking at him.

"It doesn't matter. It's really not up for discussion," he shrugs.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. Jace waits until I am inside to leave.

"I'm, home," I yelled as I climb the stairs. Once I reached my room, I exam my neck in the mirror. Just as I thought, a hickey. I'm going to kill him.

My phone buzzes as I slide into bed. I look at my phone screen to find a text message from jace awaiting me.

Moron: just think of it as something to remember me by.

I will murder him.

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~Ariy xoxo

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