She Will Be Loved

By uswnt_love_th17

30.9K 371 29

Alex decides last minute that she wants to go and attend UNC instead of UCAL like her mother and sisters. Whe... More

Mom Don't Cry
I Loved Loving You
Why Him? Why Now?
The new beginning
So Into You
Dance The Night Away
Allie Needs Her
A Thousand Times Yes
My Desire
I thought I Lost You
Love Me
Dance With Me
Scars Can't Be Hidden
Happy Holidays Baby
Never Again
I'll Be
Feels Like Home
Happy New Year
Death of me
Lover's Arms
Will You?
Three Years Later
Forget Me
Just Like This
I Won't Let Go
If I Die
Heaven on Earth
She will be loved
News!!! Read!!!
What's New

Someone Like You

620 7 0
By uswnt_love_th17

Tobin's POV

I am stoked to see Allie, because it's been like 9 months since the last time. She has been on this team for a little over a year and she loves it. She says they are all extremely close and the coach is excited to have me joining. I am so much different then I was when I left. I am happy to be back, but I am going to miss Paris.

I just got to the hotel where I am supposed to meet the team. I am greeted at the door by the coach who says to come with her to the meeting room. When I get it there I see everyone talking and carrying on till I hear Allie. "Omg Harry" she yells coming to me and tackling me in the doorway. "Okay ladies, this is Tobin Heath from PSG. She is originally from the US and now has returned to join us for the World Cup. Make sure she feels welcome and introduce yourselves. The rooming list is at the front desk, so look at it and then you may head to your rooms. Dinner is at 6 so don't be late." The coach says while ushering us to leave.

Alex's POV

I was sitting waiting on coach while talking to Allie when she squeals like a little girl. "Omg Harry" she yelled trying to damage my hearing. I froze knowing who that nickname belongs to. Then I heard coach say the name that was once my favorite. Why did hearing it make my heart skip a beat? As soon as coach released us I walked slowly to the front desk. Yes I am trying to avoid her, because I know I can't face her. I get closer to see her standing there as Allie checks the list. Allie frowns and I see her mumble my name and then Tobin check the list. She runs her hand through her hair and hugs Allie before walking away. I walk up after they leave and look to see that I am rooming with her. This should be just great. When I get to the room Tobin is on the phone with her back to me. "Yeah I made it.... Yeah the flight was good.... she laughs at something the person on the other line said.... I miss you too Laure.... Not as great as you.... "she must be talking to her girlfriend. I bet she is pretty" I thought to myself. Yeah, talk to you soon. Love you too... bye. She hung up and turned to find me standing there awkwardly. She looked even more beautiful now then when I saw her last. Her tan is just a little darker than I remember, and her hair is a little lighter. I can't believe it is her, Tobin Heath, right in front of me again. "Hope you don't mind I picked the bed by the window. You can have the room to yourself, I am going to head down to dinner early." She said while walking passed me.

After dinner I went to Allie's room before going to mine to talk. "What are you going to do?" She asked when I sat down on her bed. "What do you mean?" I asked, but knowing very well what she is asking about. "Alex I know you are still in love with Tobin. The only reason why you even started dating Ryder was to try to get over her," she said. I felt my heart sink and blood boil. "What the hell Allie? You don't think I know this. I miss her everyday since the day in the airport I have. I have lost countless nights of sleep over it. I do still love her,... hell I mean... I never stopped. Plus the fact that she looks even better then when I last saw her. Allie I won't be able to handle myself being near her. What do I do?" I was mad, not at Allie but at myself. "I don't know Alex, but I'd just wait it out for a while and see how things go." She said and I just nodded, hugged her saying goodnight, and heading to my room. When I got there I heard before I even got the door, the sound of Tobin's guitar and then followed by her mesmerizing voice. I could hear her clearly and I couldn't bring myself to open the door.

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a boy and you're married
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess he gave you things I didn't give to

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd
be reminded
That for me, it isn't over

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead, yeah

You'd know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd
be reminded
That for me, it isn't over

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead

Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes they're memories
Who would have known how bittersweet
this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead
Some times it lasts in love but sometimes it
hurts instead, yeah.

Was that about me? Gosh her voice makes me weak to the knees every time. I finally brought myself to open the door. When I opened it she turned to face me. She smile her beautiful smile I know very well. "Hi Tobin" I said and after let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Hey Alex, are you okay?" she asked but not making eye contact with me. "Y-yeah I am. Why you ask?" I ask nervous that she is catching my eyes looking at her. "I know you, or well... did know you, but I can see something is bothering you." she said finally looking up at me. "It's nothing Tobin" I said a little harsher then intended. "Okay, sorry I asked. If it is anything with Ryder I am sorry. I am happy for you and Ryder, but I can't stand to look at you Alex." She said and her last words stung like a bitch. "T-Tobin I am sorry I hurt you. You have every right to hate me . I am so sorry." I said turning away from her. She began to walk out of the room. "God Alex, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. How could I ever hate the woman that I love and still has my heart in her hands." She spoke just above a whisper and I was praying I heard her right. "Y-you still love me?" I asked my voice really shaky. She exhaled deeply. "Damn it Alex, I never stopped. You did, you stopped, and it is okay you did." I was so happy to hear she loved me, but my emotions changed again when I could hear the hurt in her voice. "You seem so happy, seeing you happy is what got me through the days. Now I show up and drain you of it. I can't do this, to be here and know I am the reason you are upset." She said and I wanted to grab her that second and kiss her. I wanted to show her I never stopped either and why for everything. "Don't leave. I want you to stay. I love you too Tobin." She looked even more hurt when I said that. "No. You can't Alex. This... me coming back... it was a mistake. You are engaged to a great guy Alex, so don't ruin things." She said fixing to turn around to walk out. I with out thinking ran to the door and shut it before she could open it all the way. I got in front of her and pulled the necklace out from under my shirt. She looked down it for a second biting her lip. She shook her head no and ran her hand through her hair. "I can't let you mess up-" I cut her off. "Tobin it's already messed up. I messed it up when I started seeing Ryder to try to get over you. I messed up saying yes to marrying him only because I thought I would be able to forget about you, but I can't. I haven't had a peaceful sleep since the day you left. Tobin I messed up everything by letting you get on that plane with out me. I messed up the only thing that mattered in my life." I said almost in tears. She didn't respond, she just but her bottom lip and shook her head. I can't take the silence anymore. "Damnit Tobin do some-" I was cut off when her lips crashed onto mine. It felt like a movie scene times ten. The way her lips moved perfectly against mine. She pulled back resting our foreheads against each other. She bit her lip again and shook her head again, but keeping her eyes shut. "I am sorry Alex, I just lost control." She said looking scared as hell. "God I am sorry" she said leaving before I can even respond. I was beyond upset she left. I want her back. I will get her back. I said before getting ready for bed.

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