Older Brothers

By candycat27

383K 7.9K 1.6K

Drama. Drama. Drama. That pretty much describes my life. I mean when your living with your 7 older brothers... More

Older Brothers
★house tour part one: bedrooms★
house tour part 2: rest of house
Yo im aliveee


4.1K 108 18
By candycat27

(I actually high-key forgot about school so here's a school chapter lol. And I changed Sam and Lily's characters. This book is such a mess idk what to do with it.)

Just to clear up. Lily got her braces off because her teeth were as bad as the dentist thought, so she got them off early. It is April now , so wayyyyyy back in like January or something like that.





I just got bored with what they looked like so here are them now.

Anyways, carry on :)
Lily's pov

"Why do you always do your makeup for school?" Logan asked me as I applied some concealer under my eyes. Don't ask why he's in here because I have no idea.

I shrugged,"I don't know. I guess since you guys are the popular I need to keep the reputation up and not have any bad looking days. Plus it makes me feel more confident".

"But you don't need too" he insisted. "Why should you care about what others think of you. Don't your families' opinion matter above all the rest?"

"Of course. But it's your reputation. I don't want to be known as the 'ugly sibling'. "

"No one thinks of you as that. And if they did, well, our brother is the councelor, is he not? We can take care of it. You shouldnt have to wake up in the early morning just to please other people." I sighed.

"It's not just their, or your, opinion. Makeup makes me happy. It makes me feel confident and I like to feel confident instead of the 'shy girl"' who's only friends are her family?"

The real reason I do my makeup everyday is because I care too much about people opinions. I mean yeah, my family's opinion matters too, but I just, I don't know. Kids are rude these days and I can't have them judge me more than they already do.
It's not that I don't live makeup, because I do. Alot. And it does make me happy, but it's not the whole business.
Some say I wear too much makeup. And that may be true, but it helps hide my imperfections.
Others say I'm fake. I'm just shy when it comes to new people.
The kids there, usually girls, only try to become my friend to be close to my brothers. That's why I stick in my very limited selection of friends.
Yet, if I don't wear makeup, the comments start once again.
'oh, no wonder she wears so much makeup'
'how can she be related to the most popular boys in school?'
'shes a nobody without makeup'
'Shes the exact replication of a barbie'
'Shes low-key looks like a drag queen'

He just shakes his head and stares at the ceiling.

"Are you doing your makeup to impress a boy" he asks randomly.

I rolled my eyes, "no, Logan. " Yes.

"Well are you seeing a boy"

"No Logan!" Yes. " Jeez can you mind your own business for once?"

He looks at me before looking away and leaving.

"No Logan , I'm sorry. Don't leave" I beg, as he closes the door behind him. I sigh before running my hands through my hair. I'll talk to him later.
I quickly change since I do my makeup and hair before hand so I don't ruin my clothes.

I grab my backpack, making sure I grabbed my math binder from my desk and checking my pockets for  my phone and earbuds.

I see everyone in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Everyone welcomes me besides Logan; he's just ignoring me.

I go to my usual seat, where my plate has eggs and pancakes placed on it. I slowly begin eating, taking my time.

"Are you feeling okay, lils?" Jason asked, putting the back of his hand on my forehead, checking to see if I'm warm or not . I slap his hand away and mumble a 'im fine'.

"Ooooh someone's on their period" colton laughs and I shoot him daggers. He immediately stops laughing as I shoved my seat away from the table, yelling I'll just walk to school.

"Lilian Rose Cavern-" I slammed the door and began walking towards he- school.
I heard the door slam again before I hear 'lily wait up, don't leave me'
I slow down a tad so Sam could catch up.

"What was that about?" She asked once she finally caught up.

"Nothing. Just not in the mood today" she nodded.

"Did you do the math homework for Mrs.fill???"
I was thankful she changed the subject. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about why I left.

"Lilian Cavern, your wanted in the counselors office"

I sighed and picked up my bag and some people 'ooooh'ed me as I left. U turned around and looked at the immature idiots.
"Oh grow up. What are you in, first grade?"

I walked down the empty hallway until I reached my brothers office. I knocked on the door. I walked inside before giving my brother a look as he motioned me to sit down.

"What?" I said after a while.

"Whats wrong?"

"Why does something have to be wrong? I'm fine"

He gave me a look. "You're obviously not fine if you have an attitude and you left this Morning.. Did someone do something?" I rolled my eyes.

"No. Can I go back to class now?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I may be your brother, but treat me with some respect. I am still an adult, you are a child. You listen to me, understand?"

"You're distracting my learning."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm this close" he held his thumb and pointer finger with a small space in-between them, "to losing my patience."

"Whatever. Why can't u just leave me alone?"
"You know what? Fine. Leave. Go back to class."

"Thank you" I breathed out.

Once I left his office, I saw three girls walking in the hallway, the 3 girls who like to make my life hell: Bridget, sarah, and aria.

"Oh my Lord, Logan is so hot. What happened to the other one?"

"She's honestly so fake. She looks like a hooker"

"I bet she's secretly a stripper"

"Nah, more like a prostitute"

They werent even trying to keep their voices down, and they knew I was right there.

"Can you guys stop talking about my life and get your own? I really don't appreciate you talking behind my back. Or in front on me I suppose. So if you have something to say to me, say it right now, to my face." I said, fully done with their bull crap.

Bridget smirked and walked right up to me.

"You're a skank, Lilian cavern. I wonder how your brothers feel, knowing that youre a disgusting human being with probably 5 different diseases. I bet your parents already knew, that's why they hate you. Youre worthless to them. Youre worthless to everyone."

"I wonder how your parents feel, knowing how much of a smacktalker you are. Oh wait! They don't care anymore, am I right? They've totally given up on you. But thats what happens to people like you. People get fed up and leave you, forget about you.You-" I felt a harsh sting in my cheek as my face whips to the side.

I look her dead in the eye as I bring my fist and connect it with her nose. She cups it and begins to cry. She pushes me and my back slams against  the lockers and I grab her hair, and yanking as hard as I could. I heard her friends squeal and try to help her but she tells them to back off and let her do this on her own.

I guess kids could hear the fight from the classrooms , and they began a circle around us, chanting.

She attempts on getting on top of me while still trying to hurt me, but I punch her in the boob, hard. (It hurts like balls)
We continue to fight until I felt a couple pairs of hands pulling at me, trying to get me off of her.
The people finally succeed, and got me off of her. I was still thrashing trying to get back to her. How dare she say something about my family.

"At least I can spread something other than my legs". I snarled as the guy ripped me away from her.

It was colton who held me back, but my other brothers (Logan, Oliver, will, and Collin.+Sam and tabby) were right behind them.

"Get off of me" I yell as I begin to squirm. His hold tightens and he begins to walk to Emmett's office.

I began to panic, Jason and Emmett will both have my head. "No no no please colton let me down. It wasn't even me who started it, I promise! Please let me down".

"We need to talk Lilian", is all he said as we all begin to near the doors.

Once we walk into the room, Emmett immediately sees my face (which has bruises forming and a few scratches), and furiously begins checking to see if there are any injuries anywhere else.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"Well, uh you see emme-"

"Lillian here , got into a fight." Colton cut me off.

Emmett groaned. "how? You were just in here like 10 minutes ago, how could you have gotten into a fight in the 10 minutes?"

"Well first off, it wasn't my fault. She started it and she said stuff so I said stuff back and I guess she didn't like that so she slapped me. I hit her back in self defense. It's not my fault."

"Who was it with" Emmett pinched the bridge of his nose.


"Why is it always with her? Just stay away from her and you'll be fine."

"She was talking crap and I wasn't dealing anymore so I told her to stop and say it to my face. She said stuff about our parents, and I didn't appreciate that." His eyes soften.

"Well, even though you didn't start it, I'm guessing you'll still be suspended for fighting. Probably for 3 days only though. Jason will not be happy and will most likely take your phone." I sighed.

"But I was defending myself!" I protested.

"Doesn't matter. It won't be for long. But damn she got you good" he said , studying my face again.

"You should see her" and the boys agreed.

After awhile, William spoke up. "Why were you so moody today" and I shrugged.

"People are annoying".

"Oh and by the way, you are never walking out of the house again like that. Someone could be hurt you two" Emmett scolded Sam and I.

We rolled our eyes. "Yeah yeah, okay"

"But we love you kiddos"

"Eh I guess we love you losers too"


Word count:1824

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