Guidelines to the Dead Housem...

By DobbyAwesome

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I looked in the mirror, and staring back at me was an average guy with circles under his green eyes. His dark... More

Guidelines to the Dead Housemate
Rule 1. No Smoking in the House
Rule 2. Weapons Are To Be Kept Outside.
Rule 3. No Death Metal or Music After I've Gone to Bed.
Rule 4. Warn me BEFORE if you have friends coming.
Rule 5. Any Evil Exes I Need to Know About?
Rule 6. DO NOT Leave Me Alone In The House With A Vengeful Vampire.
Rule 7. I Don't Like Liars
Rule 8. Don't Mock My Parents They Will Kill You
Rule 9. No Cliffhangers in Any Way, Shape, or Form
AUTHORS OBSERVATIONS- Werewolves on Wattpad
Rule 11. I Don't Ever Want To Meet Your Family
Rule 12. If I Die Hide My Porn Collection
Rule 13. I Don't Give a Shit Who Your 'Arch Enemy' is
Rule 14. No but I'm Actually an Alcoholic
Rule 15. I Would Rather Stay Home
Rule 16. I've Changed My Mind

Rule 10. I'm Perfectly Capable of Taking Care of Myself

35 4 4
By DobbyAwesome

Btw just want to ask, this story will finish at 15-20 chapters. Does that classify as a short story? 




"C'mon do we have to? I wanna go to the movies or something awesome. OH I heard there was a Lazer-tag joint here somewhere!" Tose complained loudly as we walked through the shopping center. 

I insisted on him tagging along to meet Kenzie with me, he was involved with whatever shit was happening so I thought it was only right. Also I got out of the 'family business' so I wouldn't have to deal with the supernatural/paranormal, and here along came a half fey, a vampire and her ex husband Death to ruin the life I built up from the ground. 

Great job universe, way to completely screw me over. 

"We'll see a movie after, I've read the comics for Guardians of the Galaxy and the trailer was funny so I wanna go see that." 

"I have an idea."




"Fine. But I'm gonna let you know that one day you'll look back and think on how rude you were to Death. Then you'll be sorry."

"I'll call you when that happens- wait there she is." I pointed across the food-court at Kenzie, who was sitting on a table and by the pissed off look of on her face she was playing Flappy Bird on her phone. She had a black jumper with green lining and pocket, it went down to her knees and she had black skinny jeans and green converses on. Her hair was braided this time. And I ran a hand through my hair when I realized how those legs of hers were gonna look in those jeans. 

"Dude your mouth's hanging open. You'll catch a fly you will."

"Shut up Tose." 

We walked towards the table she was sitting on. And as soon as we got closer I noticed the careful circle of empty tables around her, like the normal people knew there was something off about her that they couldn't pick so they steered clear. There was a table of guys behind her that kept laughing and giving her the 'damn she fine' look that every guy has I shit you not. 

Tose and I encroached on the careful circle as if we were public enemies. 

"Hey Kenzie," 

"Shut up Corpse Breath this game will bow to my power." She didn't move from her spot on the table so I sat on the chair next to it. Knowing that there are people who have to clean these tables makes me more considerate for them. Also we were in a food court, someone could have barfed right on that tabletop. 

"Flappy Bird, really?" I asked, looking around for a decent Chinese food joint. 

"Yes really- oh shit balls." It made the disappointing sound of shame before she locked her phone and put it away. 

“So. Jim-Jam, Corpse Breath. You know what’s up now?”

“By up, I assume you mean how his name isn’t on your bloody list.” She jammed her finger at Tose, “Want to know why?”


“Not particularly, I want Chinese food more.” My stomach rumbled in agreement.

“Too bad. Scuttle-but is that someone’s on thin ice with the boss-man. Been neglectful of duties is what I was told.”

I blinked and looked at Tose, “but he’s been out like every night. He does do his job.”

She fixed me with a glare, “I don’t make the rules. Anyway I talked to Ron and he said that the boss-man’s been getting pissy and wants you off the job. Apparently Jim-Jam’s the cause.”

I rolled my eyes, “Little ol’ me? I feel flattered.”

“Shut up turd,” She turned to Tose, “You need to talk to the boss-man.”

“Who’s this boss-man?” I asked, standing up and seeing a good Chinese place across the way, “he sounds like a controlling boyfriend.”

“Dude,” Kenzie grabbed my hand, and electricity shot through me from head to toe. Whoa.

“Huh?” I blinked again.

“You’re gonna stay with me.”

“What? Tempting as that is, I’m going to eat then I’m going home.” I pulled my hand out of hers.

“No sir, sorry but from here on I’m kidnapping you. You’re probably gonna be in trouble, if the boss-man wants to get rid of you so Corpse Breath goes back to the dark side then he’s gonna send the brothers out to get you.”

“If Hypnos is coming to get me what’s he gonna do, sleep me do death?”

“No he’s gonna send the other brothers. The horsemen.”

Tose’ shoulders sagged, “Oh. Them. Yeah you better stay with Kenzie, Jamie. My brothers aren’t your average hunt.”

I shrugged, “If Sam and Dean can do it then so can I.”

Tose grinned, “that’s probably the case, but you still should probably stay with Kenzie.”

“Sam and Dean?” Kenzie looked between us, “am I missing something?”

I sighed, “I have one condition that I’d like to make.”

“Yeah?” That was Tose, and at the same time Kenzie said, “Spill it.”

“I can take care of myself. However if it makes you feel better you can tag along. Also you have to fix the hole in my house. Then I can introduce you to Sam and Dean.”

“Are you kidding?”

“No. I’m not going to your place, and you’re not kidnapping me.”

She pushed away from the table and got right up in my face, there was an energy crackling between us and I raised my eyebrows but said nothing, “fine douchnozzle, but only because I like you.” She stepped away.

I sniggered, “Sure. You only insult me every second sentence- you sure you like me?”

She looked up through her eyelashes, and I think I forgot what we were talking about. But my stomach gave a loud grumble before I remembered that I wanted some Chinese food.

“You want some noodles?” I started walking, “oh yeah bye Tose. Good luck mate.” I slapped the guy on the back before walking over to the food place.

We ordered and the lady behind the counter shot us a grin, “Paying together or separately?”

“I’m not paying for him,” Kenzie said the same time as I said, “I’m not paying for her.”

The lady gave me a weird look, as if I probably should pay for Kenzie, but I paid for my food and walked to the tables again.

“Okay. So where do we start?”


“Guardians of the Galaxy? Looks stupid.”

“Fine then just stay out here and glare at the idle masses.”

Kenzie glared at me, “You’re paying for popcorn and I want to verse you in that shooting game – Zombie Flames 2481.”

“Cool, now what food do you want?”

“But … we just had Chinese food and you said you were full like five minutes ago.”

“You saying that you don’t want some MNM’s?”

“I’m not saying that at all. Now- fetch me some food slave.”



“Calm thoughts, Kenzie.”


“They’re only Zombies. All they want to do is eat your brains.”

“THIS GAME IS POINTLESS.” She threw her gun/controller back in its slot and I ignored the green glowing webbing (Warlocks have a distinguishing feature for their magic, hers was like thin green thread spider-webbing) between her fingers but looked around to see people starting to stare.

“Alright, I need to stop for some food on the way home before-”

“Do you ever stop eating? Where does the food go?”

“Into my stomach and then I would explain the toilet to you but-“

“ENOUGH! Needless information from a needless person.”


“Sam and Dean? So the tall one’s Sam, his hair grows throughout the seasons. Dean’s the cool one who has a thing with that angel later on.” She tries to confirm while using magic to put my wall back together.

“Yep. Now which one do you find more attractive?”

She dropped her broom, and snorted, “straight to the point, huh?”

“I’m just that kind of guy,” I shrugged, “It’s Dean isn’t it?”

“I dunno I kinda have a thing for nerdy guys. So Sam I reckon.”

Was she hinting something? Not sure, but maybe? Hopefully? “Okay are you nearly done with the wall? I’ll put the first season on if you are.”

“Yep, magic does come in handy you know,” Almost all her fingers were covered in that signature green webbing.

“Can I help?” I watch a piece of wall stitch itself back together, I’d probably have to repaint the whole thing, or stick a bunch of posters on it to cover it.

“Yes you can get me a drink slave, now run along.” She makes a shooing motion with her hand, and I make a noise somewhere between a laugh and a snort before walking into the kitchen to grab two cans of Fanta out of the fridge.

“Hey turd! There’s someone at the door!”

“Why haven’t they-”

Knock, Knock.

“Knocked,” I finished.

“Remember there are people after you so maybe grab your gun.” She yelled from the living room.

“Announce it to the world, why don’t you.” I drawled and put the cans down before grabbing the gun and jamming it down the waistband of my jeans.

I checked through the peeping hole; not recognizing the guy holding a clipboard and wearing a red polo shirt. He had these cool sunnies on and black hair flopping over the sunnies.

I opened the door.

“Hey man I’m looking for people to sign this petition.” He said a British accent seeping through the words.

I raised my eyebrows, I’d always hated door-to-door petitioners; like people who want me to give them money, or help old people or save the bloody whales. If I wanted to do these things I would donate or actually help people.

“What’s the petition about?” I folded my arms and lent against the doorframe.

The guy grinned and reached for his sunglasses, “War. Prosecution. The big two.” He murmured, taking the glasses off I jumped and reached for my gun as soon as I saw what colour his eyes were.

Blood red.

“Oh uh sorry man I’m –ahem- very busy so I’m just gonna-”

He put his foot in the doorframe, grinning, “No actually I have something else in mind.”

Then everything went black, something covering my eyes maybe? Because I wasn’t blacking out I could hear everything around me. Someone grabbed my hands and twisted one behind my back.

“Ow! Holy crap man- Kenzie! Little help!”

“Holy fuck- Jamie I’m a little busy right now! GETTING KIDDNAPPED DOESN’T HAPPEN EVERY WEEK.”


And all the commotion stopped. 

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