Confessions Between Us [STERE...

By _kingpookie_

31.6K 1K 250

"You loved him" "Yes" "Why wasn't that enough" "He didn't love me in the... More

Prologue- Mirror
Chapter 1- Difference
Chapter 2- Anchor
Chapter 3- Clovers
Chapter 4- Roadtrip
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Purpose
Chapter 8- Back Where We Started
Chapter 9- A Look Forward
Chapter 10- Music Taste
Chapter 11- Help (cont from prev)

Chapter 5- Dance

2.7K 101 44
By _kingpookie_

Song- Perfect, Happier, Waves🎵

Artist- Ed Sheeran, Ed Sheeran, Dean Lewis🎧

Character Looks
















Chapter begins

Val grinned as she stepped back and admired how the room looked.

"Well this dance is going to be phenomenal, " Jason said from beside her pulling his fringe back with his hand, a habit that he picked up after meeting Stiles. 

''I would bet my money it will be, this pack that has come is going to be a big deal soon I think. Sebastian was really stressing the importance of it yesterday. That poor chef he lost it at from stress bless her soul.'' Val responded greeting Jason with a hug then sitting down on the entrance steps. Jason stayed standing for a moment longer, before sitting down as well. 

Kaine joined them really cramming their personal space but none of them chose to say anything about it, the three of them had been friends since birth. They didn't really have memories that didn't contain one another 

"You two idiots better save a dance for me don't want to be ruining tradition tonight do we?'' Val said pulling out a bag of gummy bears from her pocket, Jason made an excited gasping sounds and lunged for them. 

''I mean can you keep up with my dancing still? Remember I was awarded best dancer three years in a row''  Boasted Kaine.

''That was probably because you were the only kid who went to dancing school nerd'' Jason responded, Jason was actually a very good dancer and he never let them forget. ''Besides it is you two that will have trouble keeping up with me tonight, remember I made Katie Bell faint two years ago when I serenaded her?'' Ah, a moment he will always hold onto. 

''I recall the healers saying that her baby brother put mistletoe in her food that morning as a joke and that is the real reason that she passed out'' Val snidely responded grabbing a hand full of gummy bears. 

''That may have been slightly true, but it was my amazing hips that sent her over the edge'' Jason said standing and swaying his hips as a demonstration.

''Please who do you think you are, Elvis?'' Kaine laughed as Jason responded by doing an Elvis impression. 

''Seriously though us three are having a dance-off tonight. No questions about it'' Val said, ''Then we can truly decide who is the best dancer in the pack''

''And I assume I will be the judge'' Stiles said appearing from behind Kaine, frightening him to the point he tumbled face first into the dirt. ''Kaine you have enhanced hearing you should have heard me ages ago''

''Enhanced hearing means enhanced terrifying noise, I just presumed you were a nobody'' Kaine said lifting his head back up with a scowl on his face. 

''A nobody huh, I am pretty sure that Louis your boyfriend that is. Fangirled the first time he met me face to face'' Stiles said grinning. Kaine scoffed audibly. 

''He did not'' Kaine said defensively

''He did we were there Kaine'' Jason put in grinning as Kaine gave him the rude finger. 

''Maybe he was fangirling over the fact that I don't smell like the sewer, it must be hard to him sleeping next to shitting beauty'' Stiles said grinning as Kaine lunged for him, Stiles escaped his hand and took off down the road. Kaine swore and followed him.

''Idiots'' Vall said whilst a gummy bear fell out of the corner of her mouth, Jason raised his eyebrows and laughed not mentioning the forgotten gummy bear. 

 Beacon hills crew

Scott stood outside of their hut trying to find a trap or fault in it. Not liking how seemingly everything in this place was perfect. 

"Not too shabby if I say so myself" Isaac commented throwing his bag carelessly to the ground.

''Yeah it is great until we find out they booby-trapped our beds and we die in our sleep'' Scott grumbled. 

''Since when did you become such a pessimist'' Isaac asked giving Scott a baffled look. 

''How have you not after the past four years'' Scott said bewildered.

''I guess I just have a little more faith than you then'' Isaac said

''Faith gets you kill'' Scott said in a monotone voice

''Happiness doesn't cost anything Scott, and you can make it yourself. Get some'' Isaac said patting Scott's cheek, laughing as Scott pushed him away.

They turned around at the sound of running, A man came into sight in a blur. The pack didn't have time to get out of the way, man consequently bumped into Derek. This didn't seem to stop him, he didn't bother to help Derek up either who fell hard to the ground. 

"Get off the road bro" Was all he said as he continued running at an insanely fast pace. 

''Was that freaking Quicksilver off of the Avengers or something!''Erica exclaimed

''Nah the Flash probably he is faster'' Boyd responded. Erica's mouth fell open as she looked at her boyfriend, about to retaliate with something before Scott cut her off. 

 "Ok, I'm sorry but did that just sound like Stiles to anyone else?" Scott asked looking excitedly at the rest of the pack.

''You think that was Stiles Stilinski, are you high bro'' Jackson said following it up with "Besides did you see how tall he was and how fast he ran?" Shaking his head and laughing, Scott looked infuriated. 

The other boy slowed as he neared them

 "Hey are you guys are like the new kids on the block," He asked shaking his curls from his face

"You could say that, who was the guy you were running after?" Scott asked ignoring the pointed look each of the other pack members was giving him, he had to know. 

"Oh, that was my alpha. He is a little quicker than me I think" The boy goofily grinned at them each. 

"I think I know him what is his name?" Scott pushed watching as the other boy narrowed his eyes at him. 

"If you knew him I wouldn't have to tell you his name" The boy responded, immediately putting protective walls around himself. 

"Come kid just tell us the bloody name of him and piss off," Jackson said to him his confidence was removed very quickly as the boy skillfully kicked his feet from underneath him and then flipped him on his back twisting his arms against his back as he did so. 

"Listen you know if I were you and I came into the most feared werewolf tribe asking for favours, well I wouldn't try pissing people off. Especially since our youngest betas could take you" He twisted his arm again making Jackson hiss in pain, 

"OI KAINE COME ON WE HAVE TO GET READY STI WANTS US IN THE HUT" The boy now known to the Hale/McCall pack as Kaine stood up and smiled at the boy and girl that were calling out to him. Scott walked after him as he went to leave 

"Sorry, they said Sti? is that your alpha? As in Stiles?" Scott asked grabbing onto Kaine's arms, who shook his hand away aggressively. 

"No, they are talking about my brother Stuart we call him Sti you nosy shit"Kaine spat at him pushing him back into Derek,  Scott narrowed his eyes at the boy not believing him. Kaine gave them one last look before running over too his friends.

Derek came to stand beside Scott watching the three kids leave 

"What are you playing at'' Derek demanded ''What part of this is important did you not understand. 

''Are you serious, he sounded exactly like Stiles. Then those kids call him Sti, Derek it must be him'' Scott said a dazed look in his eyes. 

''Scott you sound like an idiot right now, you can't say shit like that to them we don't want them getting suspicious'' Derek responded gritting his teeth.

''And why would they be getting suspicious, because we know one of the alpha's around here is Stiles? If it wasn't Stiles why did that Kaine kid get so defensive'' Scott responded throwing his hand in the air. Derek growled angrily. 

''Because you were fucking prying into his personal business, you made us look like amateurs. Who doesn't know the first thing about pack interactions'' Derek's voice was trembling with anger as he spoke. Scott laughed sarcastically,

''Since when are pack interactions more important than Stiles?'' Scott asked pushing Derek back as he spoke. 

''Since Stiles isn't apart of our lives anymore, and doesn't give a single shit about us'' Derek hissed ''Take a look in the mirror Scott, Stiles left and he isn't coming back''

''Not for you maybe, but I didn't fuck up my relationship with him like you do'' The words slipped about quickly, Scott was so angry he didn't even care. Derek snarled at him,

''Yeah he told you that on the last night he was in Beacon Hills huh? I don't remember him coming to your house Scott. That has a lot to say about your relationship with him doesn't it'' Derek said furiously. 

''Alright you two need to calm down'' Lydia hissed stepping between them, ''Go inside you are making a scene'' She said motioning for the others to restrain the two and take them inside. 

Mount Denali Crew

''Kaine I cannot believe you judo flipped one of them, Stiles is going to be so proud'' Jason uttered out throwing an arm over Kaine's shoulders. Val snorted behind them pointing to STiles who was standing at the doorway to their hut grinning. 

"How was the trip, Kaine?" Kaine rolled his eyes and pushed past Stiles into the hut. 

"I met the new clan," Kaine said openly as they walked into their cosy hut

 "What were they like?" Jason asked reaching over the kitchen bench to grab an apple. 

"They asked me about you, Stiles, cause you know you ran into one and just kept running" Kaine gave Stiles a pointed look as he spoke to which Stiles rolled his eyes. 

"What did they call me a dick?" Kaine rolled his eyes at the sarcasm and threw himself onto the couch. 

"They actually new your name weirdly" Stiles' eyebrows rose before he turned to glare at Jason's loud chewing 

"What were their names?" Stiles demanded quickly changing into his alpha mode, that glitter of amusement he was wearing before vanishing. Replaced with stone cold eyes.

"It kind of slipped my mind to ask," Kaine said sheepishly looking into the furious glare of Stiles. 

''I thought I made it clear that you must always get information on new packs. I thought that I have stressed this to you at training, This is how we get blindsided and backstabbed'' Stiles said his tone clipped, it was scary how his personality could change so quickly.

"It doesn't matter we are seeing them in like twenty minutes" Val yelped and got up quickly running to her room down the corridor and calling dibs on the bathroom.

Stiles removed his shirt as he walked to his room placing his dirty clothes in the laundry basket he looked out his window admiring the view that he got every day. 

 Stiles slid his thumb over the screen not checking who had called 

"Hello?" Stiles moved so that his phone rested on his shoulder and tilted his head so it stayed there, 

"Is this my Prince Charming?" Stiles snorted automatically at the recognition of Laz's voice and finished timing his shoes before responding 

"It depends would my suitor be waiting out the front of my mansion?" He could hear Laz grin through the phone 

"I'll be out in a second" Stiles then hung and popped his head into the living room where the others were dressed as while.

Stiles walked over to Val and smiled bowed his head and held her hand kissing it 

"You look beautiful tonight as always love" Val smiled at him as he stood up and did a mocking bow in response. Her dress was an array of pinks and purples which flowed beautifully around her. 

"I mean we look beautiful as well thanks" Jason sarcastically muttered from the couch, Stiles turned to smile 

"Yes you two look amazing as well" Stiles turned his back to them making his way to the door where Laz was waiting for him

"Kaine your date is here" Stiles yelled smiling at Louis who like always when around Laz and Stiles was fidgeting nervously.

Laz grinned at Stiles reaching out a rose from behind his back, Stiles laughed grabbing it and placing it between his teeth. Stiles reached out his hand for Laz who took it immediately and linked their hands together. 

"Should we talk to the new guys together?" Stiles asked as they began to walk towards the loud cheering that was the main hall, Laz pulled Stiles close to him 

"tonight we are not going to worry about them, I am going to enjoy one on one time with my gorgeous boyfriend and show him what moves I have on the dance floor" Laz kissed Stiles on cheek as he laughed 

"I just don't want them to be assholes or something like that you know?" Laz nodded turned to face him as they neared the corner that turned towards the main hall 

"I know babe but just relax tonight ok?" Laz then reached into his suit pocket and pulled out two masquerade mask. Stiles raised an eyebrow when he saw them 

"Well put it this way they won't be able to see your face, so I won't have to worry about someone trying to steal my man" Laz reasoned as he slipped his over his face, 

"Ok then Mr. Mysterious" Stiles smiled placing his on his face. Their masks concealing their eyes with a design of black surrounding them.

Kaine and Louis appeared beside them hands clasped together, 

"I was going to spoil the part that this was a masquerade ball, but I thought it would be better if Laz did it than I" Kaine said turning to Stiles with a smug look. 

"Are all the mask standard here?"Stiles asked ignoring his beta, Laz looked over at the two boys beside them 

"No I had to buy the masks for them, Louis said something about not earning enough for what he does which I would like to remind him is nothing" Louis rolled his eyes 

"Well are you guys going to block our way?" Jason stated before pushing Louis and Kaine out of their way 

"I see that you found out about the masquerade then Stilinski". Jason called over his shoulder as he and Val disappeared into the hall. Stiles groaned but pulled Laz with him as they made their way into the building. Laz stopped Stiles at the door 

"I have to wait here Sebastian and I are going to talk to the new guys and yadda yadda boring stuff I'll see you later yeah?" Stiles nodded giving Laz a peck before making his way to the others 

"Save me a dance!" Laz called as his boyfriend disappeared.

"Stood up I reckon" Laz heard his best friend behind him, he tuned widening his eyes as he noticed what was in front of him, 

"No shit!" Laz looked at the clasped hands then back 

"Holy crap!" Sebastian turned red and Laz stumbled over his words trying to comprehend. 

"You and Tif? since when? how did I not.? behind my back?" Tif rolled her eyes at the man in front of her, Sebastian regained his composure 

"Bit scared that you recognise my girl even when she has a mask on" Laz nodded his head 

"Yes you should be everyone knows that I totally swing that way" Tif looked blankly at Laz 

"I'll see you inside later" Laz frowned 

"Of course you will.." 

"not you dumbass" She responded pecking Sebastian on the cheek walking into the building, holding her dress so that it didn't skim the ground. Laz glared at her figure seconds from making a crude comment when he saw Sebastian watching her with his mouth slightly open, 

"Whoa, you are whipped" Sebastian shook his head punching Laz on the shoulder as he heard approaching footsteps.

Laz noticed the new comers and reached behind the door to grab the masks that they had ready for them, 

"You guys put a lot of work into this" Said the tall boy with golden curls 

"We don't do anything half-assed around here" Laz shrugged holding a white mask out for the girl with red hair. Her eyes trailed down to it then she quirked an eyebrow up at him 

"I could smell your cologne from a mile around who is the special lady?" She asked before grabbing the mask eyeing it approvingly. Laz handed out the other masks whilst responding to her, '

"Who says it is a special lady?" The girl who he is pretty sure is Lydia smiled 

"Well how great Derek over here swings that way too!" Said he boy beside her who Laz definitely knows is Jackson. Derek slapped him across the back of the head 

"ah as good looking as he is I have someone" Laz responded. 

"Do let me meet him later tonight?" Said Lydia, Laz shrugged nodding. 

They were greeted by people everywhere yelling and smiling as they walked around the huge hall, which was covered with lights. 

"Laz your boyfriend is complaining about your absence," Said a girl from beside Scott her dress was a beautiful collection of purple and pinks. Laz nodded 

"Tell him I'll be there in a sec yeah?" The girl nodded continuing her path to the food tables on the left of the room 

"Yeah he isn't getting that message" Scott said laughing. Laz guided them towards one of the tables at the right of the room with their names on it 

"This is your table for the night. Get comfortable I'll make a quick speech and then we will begin the dancing" The pack sat down watching the man make his way to the form of the hall everyone parting for him. 

Before he could make the speech Derek shoved Jackson into the table 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, we need this tribe to help us... you can't just go around like dumbass making comments about setting me up with the Alpha" Scott coughed awkwardly as people glanced their way, Derek pulled away going slightly red in embarrassment. Jackson huffed out some colourful words before sitting beside Lydia who placed a comforting hand on his knee, Derek rubbed his eyes as he sat down hearing three taps on the mic. 

Everyone in the room fell quiet as they devoted their attention to the man up the front, 

"Well doesn't it look lovely tonight, I have a very important announcement for you all" Said Laz looking completely at ease with three hundred people watching him

"Finally gonna pop the question?" Someone yelled from the crowd causing people including Laz to laugh. 

"No not that, as you all know we have visitors from the clover clan here tonight. I won't make them stand because we aren't in preschool here but if you see them tonight please be kind. Now if you would grab a partner it is time to dance" The crowd let out cheers as people grabbed their dates.

Jackson stood first offering his hand to Lydia who rolled her eyes but took it anyway, Scott and Alison followed quickly walking quickly to the dance floor, Erica jumped to her feet tugging at Boyd's hand as she did so 

"Come on you're acting like Derek dance with me!" Derek looked at them then back at the crowd. 

"Do you want to dance with me maybe?" Isaac asked Derek fumbling with his suit jacket "Like as friends" Derek was about to agree just so he didn't feel bad when a girl walked over to them smiling rightly. She looked at Isaac grinning whilst pushing a piece of her red curly hair behind her ear 

"Hey, I saw you walk in before with nothing on your arm and was wondering if you wanted to dance? My name is Hazel by the way" She said. Isaac looked over at Derek 

"are you going to be ok here on your own?" He asked Derek nodded waved his hand watching as the pair left the table. Derek picked up the glass in front of him taking a sip as the music began to play.

Song 1/ She looks so perfect- 5SOS

Derek caught sight of Laz who was with a boy, most likely his boyfriend who was grinning whilst spinning Laz around you could see his mouth moving meaning that he was singing. He saw to the right of them Erica moving like a wild woman around Boyd who was laughing lightly trying to grab hold of her but she is a woman of wonders in heels I guess. Derek found his eyes wander over to Laz and his partner again there was something familiar about them to him. Derek watched as the boy with Laz stood back at the chorus and began to sing it to him but distinctly changing the lyrics to "HE", Laz pulled the boy closer to him by the waist smiling like an idiot.

Stiles swayed his hips slightly to the beat of the song smiling as it ended "You do look pretty perfect standing there" He said to Laz. Laz nodded slightly eyeing his boyfriend "Don't make it to hard for me on the dance floor tonight yeah?" Stiles smirked at him "Well I don't know how I would make it hard for you" He responded. Grinning as the next song came on.

Song 2- Wait on Me- RIXTON

Scott laughed as he and Alison attempted to dance well to the music. The song that was playing was interesting like I mean Scott thought this was serious but I guess whatever floats your boat. Scott, however, didn't mind because the lyrics were speaking loudly for him. He bent his head to whisper into Alison's ear "I know how to love you and I wanna love you so more, come a little closer wanna be the one to explore" He sang with the song. Alison pulled her head from his shoulder and turned around still swaying with the beat "Good thing I didn't wear a long dress" She said to Scott laughed as his eyes glazed over and he nodded his head very fast.

Val looked at the man who had asked her to dance with him, he is no doubt attractive even with the silver mask covering his face. She raked her eyes over him again squealing a he picked her up and spun her around "Keep up love I came here to dance not to prance" He said placing her down lifting her hand as he pulled her close to himself, Val slipped her hands around his neck walking them back he smiled to her as she gave him a challenging look. He walked her sliding his hands up and down her sides "Moving fast there tiger" She mumbled into his ear, He looked down at her "Just doing what the song is telling me to do!" She laughed at his explanation, "Care to give me your name sir?" She asked as the song came to an end "Zayn" He responded, "And you're ?" He asked her "Val" She responded "Well I hope to spend much more time with you" He told her.

Song 3- Way Down We Go- Kaleo

Before the song begun Laz looked over to see Derek alone at the table, "I'm going to get you another dance partner ok?" Stiles frowned at him but nodded and waited patiently in the middle of the dance floor as the song begun knowing that he wouldn't be dancing until the next song and waited. He looked over to Kaine who was spinning under Louis' arm which looked ridiculous because Kaine is so much taller than Louis. "Hey, Kaine my Grandmother dances better than that" He yelled out cupping his hands around his mouth, his mouth twisted up into a smirk as Kaine flipped him off.

Laz pushed through the last of people between him and Derek, Derek looked up at him confused "Shouldn't you be out there with your boyfriend?" He asked, Laz smiled at his "Well I have plenty of time to do that later, you go out there I told him he was getting a new dancing partner" Derek looked up at him alarmed "No trust me I don't need anyone to dance with, I'm ok over here" Laz rolled his eyes before picking him up off his chair, "Alright folks this next one is a pit more of a slow one just to give you guys a chance to catch your breath" Someone said from the front of the room. Derek was pushed forward by Laz towards the boy in the middle of the room with the white suit jacket "You are not sitting there like a loner for the rest of the night buckle up princess" Laz called and Derek cursed under his breath however over forward to the boy.

Song 4- Little Things- One Direction

Stiles watched as a man made his way over to him the strumming of the guitar in 'Little things' begun and Stiles impatiently motioned his hands for him to hurry up. "My boyfriend said you looked like a loner" Stiles said grabbing the other man by his waist so they could dance properly to the song, Derek frowned slightly "He did?" the other boy laughed audibly "No he is much nicer than that, but you did look very solemn" Derek blushed "Are you going to put your arms around my shoulders or just stand there like a block of ice?" Derek awkwardly nodded and slipped his arms around the boy's shoulders who was slightly taller than him. The boy began to move them humming to the tune in the background Derek frowned wondering why this was feeling so good, so much like home? 

"You know someone I used to know gave me a mixtape with this song on it," he said and Derek felt himself begin to freeze, maybe no probably not but maybe he thought, "sounds corny" Derek muttered as the other boy twirled him around. "It was very corny, but so am I so I guess it worked" Derek frowned up at the boy you couldn't see his face in the dim lighting or from the mask but Derek had a very strong feeling that he knew who this man was.

Stiles dipped his head so it was rested on the other mans shoulder and started softly singing to the song "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you and You'll never treat yourself, right darling, but I want you to" He leaned back eyeing the mans face, Derek felt intimidated as the boy eyed his face the memories of when he gave Stiles the mix tape of this song were surfacing through is mind, he felt a thumb swipe across his cheek collecting a tear and pulled back shocked "Derek?" and then like that the whole room stilled around him as he looked up at the boy, no he knew who it was as soon as they touched "Stiles" He responded and watched as Stiles' face contorted into an emotion he had no idea how to read.

Stiles dropped his hands from his waist and Derek's face fell, Stiles grabbed his arm and pulled him through the crowd till the got out the form of the hall. Stiles paced rubbing his hand over his chin "Why?" He asked Derek frowned "What?" Stiles walked up to him so they were face to face "Why are you here" he asked "We need the help, Stiles are you a werewolf now? please don't tell me you have done that to yourself" Stiles shook his head "That's all you care about? no hi, Stiles how you going just... Are you a werewolf now" Derek maintained eye contact. "what do you want me to say? How is it fucking someone new? does he treat you better than I did?" Derek regretted his words immediately, he always manages to screw these things up. Stiles narrowed his eyes at him "Yeah he treats me better than you ever did and he has the balls to not be afraid to tell everyone that he is gay!" Derek growled, "I wasn't afraid.." "No Derek I really don't give a shit, I'm going to go back inside with my boyfriend and you can do whatever pleases you" Before he is gone Stiles take one last look at him "Enjoy the rest of the night," He said, Derek groaned as Stiles quickly left him.

There were some things that Derek had quickly noted from their interaction 1/ Stiles is still very angry at him, and Derek is very angry at him 2/ Scott was right that it was Stiles 3/ Stiles is very different now, for starters he is taller than Derek now and looks as if he could take him in a fight. He was broken from his thoughts as a couple ran out of the building, the girl from before was one of them "Hey were you just talking to Stiles?" She asked holding onto the hand of the man beside her, Derek blinked making sure that he wouldn't cry "Yeah you know him?" Derek asked not really caring for the answer half listening as she responded "yeah he is my alpha he looked really pissed as he left anyway we will be off" She said. Derek stood there watching as the two ran off their laughs echoing through the forest, hold up alpha?

Song 5- Waves- Dean Lewis

Stiles quickly walked into the building feeling numb after the encounter, he just saw Derek for the first time in a year, but not just saw they danced together. And Stiles acted as though he didn't know him just to avoid the inevitable confrontation, numbness came to him again as he realized that if Derek is here the pack is here. How could he be so stupid the Clover Clan originated in Beacon Hills, how did he not put two and two together, he felt his eyes flicker red and black as emotions overwhelmed him. He turned down the corridor heading to the bathrooms clutching the wall sliding down so he could rest his head in his hands, why now? why did this have to happen to him he managed to run from this for a year why did hey have to come here no just as things were getting good again. No, he wasn't going to ruin tonight not a chance, he stood up frowning at the hole that he had apparently made in the wall when he fell down. and then he made his way back to the hall back to his anchor, back to Laz.

Val grinned as she ran out of the building after talking to the guy from the clover clan, Zayn behind her laughing as he watched her dress dance behind her. She sun around pressing a finger to his lips shushing him and they stepped into a clearing with. Zayn glanced down at the ground which was covered in Daisies he watched as she picked them up and joined them together, she bit her lip as she looked up at him "Flower crown" she simply stated and he laughed dipping his head so she could place it on his black locks. He straightened up and smiled "How do I look?" she frowned slightly stepping her tippy toes so she could alter the crown, as she stood back down she caught him staring intently at her. "You're beautiful, have I mentioned that yet?" He asked tucking her hair behind her ears and leaning down so that their faces were inches apart "maybe once or twice" She muttered as he placed his hand on her chin "I'll tell you every day from now on" and then softly he placed their lips together. Val's hands quickly made their way to his hair as one of his hands settled on her waist and the other stayed on her chin, he pulled away pecking her cheek as he did so softly smiling at her. "Did I mention that you are beautiful love?" He asked grinning as she laughed and buried her head in his shoulder.

Scott raised an eyebrow as Derek settled down at the table with the rest of the "What is up your ass?" He questioned Derek muttered "Later" As food began to be served to everyone. Scott up some food and peered over at Hazel just noticing her presence, "Hey there who are you?" He asked handing Alison a piece of food from the tray. Hazel smiled up at him "My name is Hazel!" Isaac laughed from beside her his arm resting on her chair. "Well then Hazel, did someone spike your drink because no one in the right mind would want to date someone like Isaac" Jackson questioned playfully, Hazel smiled at him glancing at Isaac "I dunno I just have a thing for hot guys" She shrugged and the table laughed as Jackson nodded his head in acceptance and sat back in his chair. They fell silent as Laz made his way onto the stage "Now tonight has been an absolute blast, we will play one slow and then after that is there are any party animals left they can stay behind and dance a little more. Who would like to be the first couple to dance?" He asked. Derek clenched his hands into fists this is the guy that Stiles is dating? His frustration grew more as the crowd shouted "You and Stiles!!" Derek could feel the whiplash as the pack spun to look out the front. Seeing Stiles being pushed from the crowd to the middle, Laz grinned and jumped down from the stage walking towards Stiles outstretching his head. Derek listened to the reaction of the pack members "I fucking kne it" Scott "That's Stiles?" Erica "He's getting different dick?" Don't have to explain but obviously Jackson. Derek could hear Lydia stomp down on his foot.

Song 7- Hunger- Ross Copperman

Stiles reached out grabbing onto Laz's hand pulling him into his embrace, the piano began and they began to slowly sway. All of Stiles' worry had washed away from the simple touch of Laz, the tribe was yelling happily "GET MARRIED ALREADY!" he heard hollered knowing that the voice was Kaine's. Stiles' mood was completely lifted and they began to move slightly faster, feeling  Laz would out it Stiles tightened his grip on his boyfriend's waist the lifted him into the air. The tribe laughed and then they were soon going Laz and Stiles kept moving as one, Stiles tried to ignore it but he could feel Derek's stare on him. "why are you crying baby?" Laz asked moving to look at Stiles better. Stiles just took a deep breath and let his eyes rake over his boyfriend's half covered face, "Its just I uh... I love much" He said ducking his head. Laz grabbed his face in his hands "I love you too Stiles more than you will ever know" and lowered his head to kiss him passion speaking behind his actions.

Derek shook his head throwing down the napkin that had been rested on his plate and stormed out of the building, trust only Stiles to rub his new relationship in his face. Derek loosened his tie throwing off the stupid mask as he began to run, he didn't know what else to do because even though he had always been taught to never eavesdrop he heard Stiles say it.







And he didn't truly know that he could be any more


A/N - whats cooking good looking.... next chapter will feature some of the aftermath of the event, but briefly more of it will be in flashbacks later. Below are new characters that were introduce THEY WILL BE MAIN CHARACTERS, spiderman out



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မင်းဟာ လူသားတွေကိုကယ်တင်နေတဲ့ဆရာဝန်မလေးပေမယ့်ကိုယ့်အတွက်တော့ အချစ်တွေကုသပေးမယ့် အချစ်ဒေါက်တာမလေးပါ..... #စဝ်ခ...
1.5M 26.4K 55
What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place almost 20 years after Believe me. Aaron and...
85.7K 2.4K 38
Francesca Astor came to Love Island to find her soulmate, and once she sets her eyes on him, she's never letting go. Rob Rausch x Fem!oc #1 robertrau...