In The Flesh | Yoonmin

By sassyfronkeh

2.4K 170 13

Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead for reentry into society, inclu... More

| Vocabulary |
| Prologue |


110 7 0
By sassyfronkeh

× Church ×

"If you drug a wolf, it does not
stop being a wolf. It’s docile for
a while. And when the drugs wear
off... IT TEARS YOU LIMB FROM LIMB! That is the nature of the beast. To maim, to kill, to devour."

× Out of the church ×

A taxi pulls up. The passenger door opens and Jung Hoseok, an attractive, well put together young man in “countryside wear” steps out. Pinned to his coat is a badge with a red “V” on a white background. Hoseok also has a small wheelie case with him. He looks quite out of place in the rural
surroundings. However the expression on his face tells us that he's excited and a little bit nervous to be here. Hoseok takes a deep breath of the countryside air and walks towards the barn.

× Back to church ×

"You cannot “medicate” evil. You
cannot “chemically control” the
Wicked.", continues the vicar, mocking the concepts.

Hoseok enters.

"The first risen are demons in
disguise. Agents of Satan bent on
pure destruction. And they MUST be judged. Every single one of them!

Hoseok looks at the congregation, expecting to see most of the village, a multitude, ready for the great battle:
What he discovers is that the vicar is preaching to an almost empty church. Only about half a dozen, past their prime parishioners, including Kim Namjoon, in attendance. Oh yeah and Hoseok. Who is looking at all this perplexed - ‘Where is everyone?’.

"The blessed resurrection is doomed until the judgement of the damned is complete. YET YOUR NEIGHBOURS IDLE IN IGNORANCE, FRATERNISING WITH THE FIENDS. MAY THE LORD HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SOULS. AMEN!"

"Amen.", mumble the parishioners.

The Vicar has a red face, he's out of breath, blood pressure through the roof. He looks close to a stroke. He takes out a whiskey flask and downs some sweet liquor.

× Still in the church ×

The vicar stands going through the motions of saying goodbye to the last few parishioners. Hoseok steps up.

"Vicar Oddie?"


"Hello, I’m Jung Hoseok."

Vicar Oddie looks at him, smiling but his eyes say - ‘And...’

"The MP for Roarton Valley. Newly
elected.", continues Hoseok.

Vicar Oddie looks to Namjoon, who nods.

"Another one.", says the vicar.

"I’m here because of recent tragic events. Kenneth Burton. He was from Roarton, wasn’t he?"

"He was once."

"I hope his murder hasn’t hit the
community too hard."

"We’re a resilient people, Mister..."

"Jung. Of course you are, Vicar.
But, as a mark of respect, I’d like
to convey my sympathies to the

"You could have paid your respects just now, but I’m afraid the
service has ended."

"I was actually hoping to speak to
more than just a few of the diehard
faithful. Where’s all the rest of
your flock got to? "

× Bar ×

All evidence of this being the Human Volunteer Force’s HQ is almost gone. No photographs or posters adorn the walls. There’s white spaces where the various posters and flag used to be.
Next to the bar’s dishwasher is a box of HVF paraphernalia stored away. The dishwasher dings. It’s opened and someone takes out a tray of cleaned pint glasses. Jimin is  emptying the dishwasher and putting away the glasses.

"Oh, you don’t want to go live
there. They never bathe.", says Pearl.

"That’s not true."

"I heard they don’t have showers in
their houses."

"Course they do.", replies Jimin. 

"I heard different. Also, they do
their business in a hole. You don’t
wanna go somewhere like that, you
should stay put and take the promotion I’m offering. Here.", Pearl gives him some keys. "How’s that feel, ‘ay. Feels like responsibility, doesn't it ? Never know, work hard, keep your nose down, and one day you could be running this place."

Jungkook appears at the bar. Jimin clocks him. Doesn’t want to be in his vicinity. He goes off to collect glasses. Pearl goes to serve Jungkook.

"Pint’a bitter."

"Little birdie tells me yer packin’?", says Pearl, "You know how it is. This is a weapons free village. Hand it over."

Jungkook doesn’t.

"No pistol, no pint."

Jungkook begrudgingly produces a pistol and hands it over to Pearl who stores it under the bar. Jimin has clocked this. He moves over to a group of female locals sitting around a table talking about Ken.

"What did Ken expect? You move to one o’ those cities and you take your life in your hands."

The table mumbles agreements.

Jimin comes and collects their empties. The table goes all hushed. Jimin moves away. Kieren goes over to Jun and Minghao, playing on an old arcade machine. Jun and Minghao have gone into business together. Their firm? “Kick The Bucket (And Sponge) Window Cleaners”. The name is plastered on the back of their identical overalls.

"How’s the high score?", asks Jimin.

"Almost got it beat.", answers Jun.

Jimin smiles and moves on.
Jungkook nurses his pint, staring at Jun, his old HVF mate having fun with his new Undead friend. Jungkook downs his pint and makes a beeline to them.


Jun clocks Jungkook and gives him the cold shoulder.

"Alright Kook, how's it going, mate?", answers Minghao.

But Jungkook ignores him, directing his question only to Jun.

"What are you playin’ ?"

"What’s it look like?", answers coldly Jun. 

"Dunno. Street Fighter?"

Jun laughs and shakes his head.

"Street fighter?", he corrects Jungkook, "Altered Beasts."

"Oh right. Kicking this dead’un’s
arse, are you?"

"Minghao's not dead. He’s got a
condition. He’s a Partially
Deceased Syndrome Sufferer."

Minghao looks embarrassed. He doesn’t like to be reminded of
his “condition”.

"Right. ‘Ay, poached a, uh,
(trying to be PC, failing) Partly Dead whatyamcallits today. Got a few bob. Fancy a sarnie, on me?"

"Know when I fancied a sarnie? Time you locked me up in a cage and went around saying I was turning into a dea - a partially deceased syndrome sufferer. That’s when I was hungry.", says Jun.

"Come on, mate, that were -"

"Just do one, Gaz."

Jungkook has been told. He wants to retaliate and knows he can’t, so he slinks away.
Vicar Oddie, Namjoon and Hoseok enter. Vicar Oddie presents the patrons to Hoseok.

"This is where your constituents
spend most of their days."

Hoseok makes a beeline for the locals’ table. Vicar Oddie sighs, leans into Namjoon.

"Get us a double whiskey, good lad, but please be careful."

Namjoon nods and awkwardly​ goes to the bar. Hoseok pulls up a pew with the Locals.

"Hello there, mind if I squeeze in?"

The Locals don’t know what to make of this person, this outsider. They are suspicious and moody.

Hi, I’m Hoseok, your local MP. How’s everyone holding up?

"We’re alright."

"Main road needs fixing up.", says a woman.

"I mean, how’s everyone holding up
after the news about Ken Burton?"

"Oh aye. We were just talking about that."

"I’m sure you were.", says Hoseok, empathetic.

"It’s tragic. But you will pay the
price if you go off gallivanting."

Hoseok looks puzzled.

"I told him, didn’t I? I said; you
want a change, Ken, just move down the valley. But oh no, he insisted on moving to the city. Sorry, but he doomed himself."

Hoseok's disheartened that the locals aren’t more cut up about one of their own meeting a tragic end.

"So, you’re not that concerned there was a PDS terrorist attack in Lancashire?", asks Hoseok.

"Weighs on your mind, suppose. But that’s sort of thing happens in those cities, inn’it?", says the woman, not that bothered. "You're from the city then, Mr?"

"Who me? Oh no, I’m from here.", answers Hoseok.

Vicar Oddie pricks up his ears.

"Are you?"

"Born, but not bred. I moved away a long time ago. Could say I’m a
local boy done good."

"Oh well, excuse us while we break
out the bunting."

The Locals chuckle. Hoseok is hurt, but he laughs along.

"Anyone for a top up?"

They all take advantage of the offer of a free drink - “ Aye, same again”.

Hoseok goes to the bar. After he’s gone-

"He's got a high opinion of himself, doesn’t he?"

Hoseok's at the bar.

"Another round. Same again, please.", he says friendly, he then looks at the table of locals, "I haven’t offended them have I?"

"No, it’s just this village. Don’t
take it personally.", says Jimin.

Hoseok's grateful that finally a local is being nice to him.

"Did you know Ken Burton?"

"He was my next door neighbour. I
still can’t believe it. It’s senseless.", answers the boy.

Hoseok is touched at this nice young man’s genuine concern.

"I agree. A senseless tragedy."

Hoseok places a comforting hand on Jimin's. He feels the coldness of his touch. He Looks closer. 'Oh my god, he’s a PDS Sufferer. And I’m touching him!' Hoseok momentarily recoils before recovering. But Jimin can sense his manner changing
towards him.

"Oh, you’re - you’re... [PDS]"

He turns and takes in the punters including Minghao and an elderly PDS puntee playing solitaire alone, who he now recognizes as PDS.

"It’s very relaxed in here, isn’t
it?", says Hoseok, trying to be lighthearted, "Would you mind bringing these over? Thank you.", he asks to Namjoon.

Hoseok heads back to the table. Jimin turns to Namjoon.

"What was that about?"

"He's a member of Victus."

"Victus? Jesus. Really?", curses Jimin.

"Don’t worry. He won’t be staying long."

Jimin looks at Hoseok who sits back down at the table. Still shaken by his close contact with a PDS sufferer.

"Did you go to school in the Valley,
Mr. Jung?", asks the vicar, fishing for clues.

"I, uh, went to the primary school.
Never made it to the big one."

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