Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

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Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 14- War With Yourself
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 16 - Growing Bond
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama

3.1K 89 16
By Littl3R3d

Hope for the best, expect the worst because life is a play and we're unrehearsed.

Cade's scent flows through my nostril as I awake. I open my eyes and he's not beside me, or anywhere in the room for that matter. I take my phone up to shoot him a text and then I heard the door being opened, I sit up and watch as the door opens.

"Hey, you're awake." Cade says softly as he turns to close the door. He has a paper bag in his hand and two coffee cups. He walks over to me and I watch him with a raised brow.

"Hungry?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Yea. What did you get?"

"Bacon, eggs and pancakes." He says handing me one of the cups. "Lightly sweetend tea. Just the way you like it." He says and I reach out to take it with a smile. Isn't it sweet that he remembers how I take my tea? "Thank you." I said giving him an air kiss and he smiles as he fishes out our breakfast from the bag.

"I'm going back home for the weekend." He says looking down at the food. What?

"From Friday?" Please say no. He can't leave me for three whole days, its going to be so lonely here.

"Yeah. My dad had asked me to come spend time with him and my stepmom. He also wants to have a talk with me and Abby so she will be there Saturday." He says and he turns to look at me and I want to spit out the food that's in my mouth because my stomach feels upset.

"About the whole marriage thing?" I said after swallowing my food. I try to sound as calm as I could.

"I presume. But don't worry. Talk is cheap and I don't have to do anything." He says placing his hand on my leg. This does nothing to the hurt that I feel inside. But I need to trust Cade, I need to trust that he won't try anything with her and that he won't let his dad force him into doing anything.

"Okay." I responded and he looks at me as if he's trying to read my face, but I try my best to not let him see that this affects me.

"Will you be okay without me for three whole days bombshell?" He says smirking and I can sense the cockiness in his tone.

"I'll be fine. Won't even know you left." I said with a grin and he stops smirking.
"I'm kidding Cade, stop taking everything so serious. Of course I'll miss you big head."

"How did you know my head was big?" He teases and winks and my eyes widen at his question then my cheeks flush red. I smile shyly and he laughs, there is a knock at the door and before anyone of us could answer it swings open.

"Hey guys!" Elizabeth yells and then she enters a long with my other friends. "Wow there, is this the morning after?" Jessy says with a big grin on her face, as if my cheeks weren't hot and red enough.

"Good thing we didn't pick up where we left off or you guys would have walked in on something else." Cade says and my friends eyes widen, I slap Cade's arm and he laughs then I start laughing at his laugh and then all my friends join in.

"I'll leave you ladies to it." He says then comes to his feet, he then kisses me on my cheek and says afterwards, "let me know when you're done with them and ready for me." He winks and then he leaves at this point there is a big grin on my face because my friends are all falling for Cade's little game.

As soon as he exits my friends walk closer to me and they plop down on Cade's bed. They all look at me like I'm a kid in preschool with a big box of crayons.

"Our little girl has grown up." Megan says squeezing my cheeks and I giggle then slap her hands away. "So?! Tell us!" Jessy squeals and they all stare at me waiting. "Tell you what?" I retort and Elizabeth rolls her eyes.

"Tell us how it was." Megan states and I start laughing. "There is nothing to tell." Why must I torture my friends? Haha

"Why are you holding out on us?" Elizabeth ask then Megan says, "give a girl some dick and she changes." We all start laughing and then I said, "there is nothing to tell because nothing happened. Cade is messing with you guys and you all fell for it. Losers."

"I see why you guys are perfect for each other. Love messing with people." Jessy chimes in and we chuckle.

"So anyways we came here to see if everything was okay from last night and if you are okay. We can see that now and we are glad everything worked out. Also we are telling you that TONIGHT is girls night and we will be doing it here." Elizabeth says and finishes with a smile.

"Can we do it tomorrow night?"

"No. You and Cade live here together, he can give us some time with you." Jessy states while looking at me.

"Its just that he's leaving for the weekend... which begins tomorrow and I just wanted time with him before he left."

"Aww that's sweet. Where is he going?" -Liz

"Home. His dad wants him to spend time and also to talk to him and Abby." I said looking at them and finish up by looking down at my fingers knotting together.

"Hold up! Did you just say with Abby?! That means she's going?" -Megan

"Yes. Please don't let it sound like that, I trust Cade and I want to keep trusting him but I can't if you talk like that."

"So why don't you go too? Doesn't his dad already like you? Maybe if you go he'll see how serious you and Cade are and not want to talk to them about marriage." -Meg

"I don't want to, I don't want the drama and he already told his dad that I wasn't going anywhere. My guess is that if he keeps telling him he'll listen."

"Alright, its both of you guys relationship, we can state our opinions not calling them advice because if anything bad happens, may the good lord forbid. We won't take the blame and you guys seem to have it figured out in some ways. Neither of us are in relationships so who are we to say anything." Megan says then we all laugh at her end statement except for Liz who is blushing.

"Actually I am seeing someone." She says with a smile on her face. "Way to go Liz. Who is he?" I said then asked.

"I'm not ready to tell you guys yet. We need to be more serious first."

"Alright we won't force you. Jessy we need to get ourselves in relationships too." Megan says and we giggle. "Well we have to leave now and get ready for our classes, we will see you later around 3:40 when we are all free."

"Okay, see you guys later then." I said and we blow air kisses at each other. They leave and I'm glad they came because Cade would surely know how much this thing affected me. I can't even eat, I'm so damn nervous about this entire thing.

Dammit Cade! Why'd you have to be the father? Sigh.

Cade's lips brush mine and there was nothing innocent about it, it was like a tease but it was hot, fiery and passionate. I wanted to pull away because we've been kissing for quiet some time under the tree where I'm always at with my friends. In this minty moment my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. His tongue invaded my mouth so soothingly my body started to tremble. But I couldn't help but wonder why he was kissing me like he wasn't going to see me again.

With a wondering mind I break the kiss to look at him. He smiles and I can't help but smile back, his lips were wet, wet with our passionate kiss and I wanted more. I noticed that everyone around us was watching and I started to blush.

"Do you see the eyeballs we're getting?"

"Yeah and I don't care. Let them watch. You're my girl and I want them to know that." He says and I peck his lips.

"As much as I want to continue I don't think we should. My friends are expecting me right now and yours are waiting right over there." I said with my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Come on bombshell just one more kiss. They can wait." He says slowly sliding his hand down my body and resting it on my bum. He leans down and plants his lips on mine, exhaling he tilts his head to the side and my hands slide down to his chest which was chiseled to perfection, I tightened my hold to his chest releasing a moan. Damn. If I keep doing this I'm going to die from the heat building up inside, he was squeezing my ass and he was making me weak.

I detached my lips from his and used my hands to push him away so there was a little distance between us. "Cade."

"Toby." He breaths looking at me with desired filled eyes. "You should go." I said, my voice breathy. "Yeah, I think I should." He says freeing me, before he leaves he places one hand on my cheek to hold it in place while he placed a kiss on the other. "I'll see you later." He says then leaves. I turn around to watch him as he walked over to his friends. Sexy beast. Wait is that Abby? Ha, how long has she been there? He walks over to his friends and she holds out her hands to welcome him in a hug. He walks into it and wraps one hand around her neck.

I couldn't even feel jealous about this, after that kiss which I'm pretty sure she saw all the jealousy I would feel seeing them together has now channeled itself into her, I hope and I feel free. I feel like a high schooler who just recieved her first kiss.

"Hey there horny bunny." Jessy whispers in my ear causing me to almost sock her in the face.

"Don't do that! Damnit, you scared the life out of me." I said holding my chest as if I'm trying to control my fast beating heart that was already beating fast from that intense kiss.

"Aww I wasn't sure you still had any, after Cade sucked it all out of you I thought you were already lifeless." Megan chimes in and I can't help but laugh. "Where is Elizabeth?" I asked looking at them.

"I don't know. With her secret guy I guess. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. She just texted me saying she'll be here in a few." Megan says folding her arms.

"Okay lets go then I'm starved. I didn't finish breakfast" I said and they both chuckle.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Did Cade suck out your sight too?" -Meg

"What are you talking about?"

"Jessy has been holding this lunch bag with your name on it and a tiny note." She says and they chuckle and I turn my attention to the bag which had 'For Toby because she ditched us at lunch.' And I burst out laughing too. Okay so that kiss definitely has me all loopy.

"How did you guys even eat so fast?" I said then yanked the bag from Jessy's hand. "What the hell miss piggy?! You're welcome." Jessy states sarcastically.

"Thank you Kermit." I said popping some fries into my mouth then making a kissy face at her.

"We didn't. We ate at an even pace, you were too busy smashing faces and soul sucking with Cade so the time ran off." Megan says and I blush, we weren't kissing that long we were talking at first. Megan and Jessy start sitting and I look at them with furrowed brows.

"Weren't we going to the library after we ate?"

"Yes but we changed our minds. Plus this is where we always sit in our free time." Jessy says digging in her bag for a book. I plop down in front of them and remove a canned soda from the bag.

"So what are we doing tomorrow night for girls night?" I asked opening the beverage.

"Why were you watching your man hugging Abby?" Megan ask and my eyes widen at her. I wasn't really watching that. I was thinking and looking over there.

"I wasn't my mind was else where. Plus I don't think anything of it. They are just friends. I trust him. Back to what I asked you." I said putting the straw in my mouth to suck up my drink.

"Right. Just the usual, talk and watch movies. Just chill with each other."

"Sounds boring." Jessy says looking down in her book like she's searching for something.

"Shut up Jessica. It's never boring and you know that. There aren't any parties going on and I really don't want to leave campus." Megan says looking at Jessy who's still down in the book. The heck is she doing?

"Chill out pepper. I said it sounds boring not that it was. Can't you take a joke?" Hmm...

"Meg you okay?" I asked before taking a bite of my burger.

"Yeah I'm okay. You?"

"Are you sure? And I'm good."

"Yeah I'm su-" she stops and she's looking behind me, I snap my head around and Elizabeth is walking speedily with her head down towards us. Is something wrong with her? We watch as she arrives.

"Hey guys!" She yelps, her voice chirpy. Okay, guess she's fine too.

"Hey." We all greet and I continue to eat. She sits beside me and starts digging in her bag. We all look on her until she starts looking at our wondering faces. Mine was stuffed. Ha

"What?" She finally says and Megan speaks, "uh? What's up with you right now?"

"Nothing. Just feeling happy." She says then smiles.

"Do we want to know?" Megan ask and Elizabeth looks at all three of us each with a smile.

"No you don't. Not ready to speak of him yet." She says then smiles and turns her attention to the phone. Okay then.

"Whatever." Megan hisses and I finish the rest of my food. Why does Megan seem so jealous of Liz? Shouldn't she be happy for our friend? Maybe its because she's losing her bestie and roomy.

"Toby." A voice calls my name from behind and my friends look up from whatever they were looking down on and then behind me with widened eyes. I turn my head around, "Abby?" What the hell does she want?

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She ask and I start feeling angry, she was talking to me like she use to before but I was still mad. If she ever tries to disrespect or talk to me about leaving Cade I will punch her and no I don't care if she's pregnant.

No I'm not that cruel. Poor innocent child, you're growing in the spawn of satan, I wish I could hel- "I'm sorry." She says looking at me and I'm taken aback.

"What?" Did I really hear her apologize?

"I'm sorry for what I did, I was just jealous of you because... Because I love Cade and I know he doesn't feel the same and I can't change that," she pauses to wipe a tear from her eye. She loves him?

"But I'm really sorry for how I was with you. He's happy and that's what I wanted to do. I'm glad you're making him happy, it makes me happy to see him happy even if I'm not the one who causes his happines." She says in a teary voice, she holds her head down to not look at me and I feel sorry for her.

"I know we are going back home to talk to his dad about getting married but I want to assure you that I won't accept. I would be so happy to have him but he wouldn't be happy and it hurts like hell that I can't give him what you're giving him." She sobs and I feel sad. She loves him.

"I'm sorry for crying right now. Ha, hormones." She says, but I know she's actually hurting, hormones is not the reason for her tears its the heart break.

"I just hope you can accept my apology, one day. Thanks for your time, I'll let you get back to your friends." How can I not forgive this poor girl? She loves the father of her baby and the father of her baby loves someone else, me. I feel guilty as fuck.

"Its okay Abby, I forgive you. We are.. uh.. cool." I said smiling.

"We're cool again? Yay!" She expresses her excitement and I maintain my smile.

"Well I'll see you around." She says then turns to leave and I scratch my head. What the hell just happened? I turn and walk back over to my friends.

"What was that about?" Jessy ask and I look at her with a confused look on my face. "She apologized to me." I state and my friends look at me with widened eyes.

"No shit?" -Megan

"Yes shit."

I explained all of what Abby said to me to my friends and just like me they were silent like I was with Abby until I was finish talking. So this means she finally accepted that Cade and I are dating, that means she won't try anything to shit this up for me. Ha! I can be happy with my man, no one is going to try and break us up. Awesome.

"Dude there is no way Ty made this." Chris says holding a model of a plane in his hand. "And why can't I do it?" Ty ask folding his arms and squinting his eyes.

"Cause you're an idiot." Rob chimes in and everyone laughs including me because he is the quiet one.

They continue talking and I look at them wondering why they are still in our room at a quarter to ten. I gave up girls night to sit and listen to guys. Cade was leaving tomorrow evening and I had a morning class and other classes throughout the day. He on the other hand would be having class too and when I'm free before he leaves he'll be at class. Sigh. Let him spend time with his friends he won't have them all weekend like I'll have mine.

I put my earphones in and turn my back to them and I listen to my music with hopes of falling asleep.

Cade's POV (Cade has a dirty mind. Be warned. If you want you can skip some of his thoughts out.)

I want to spend time with Toby before I leave but I can't control myself around her so that's why I asked my friends to come over.

The way we kissed today was like no other kiss I've shared with any girl. It was way different with her, it was more meaningful. I wanted to fuck her right there under that tree. Just lift her cute little pink skirt up, rip her underwear off and ram my cock into her.

Stop it Cade, she's a virgin that will hurt her. I don't want to hurt her in any way at all, she's so delicate, like a flower she even smells as good as one. She's so soft, I love the way her small hands feel against my muscular body. I'm so hard but when she touches me, I soften, I'm not tense I feel free. Only for her. God I love her.

I'm trying my best not to hurt her, I want her first time to be something she can't forget and won't regret. But I can't take her innocence away from her yet. I have to deal with my dad and his fuckery.

Why can't he get it through his thick skull? I'm not marrying Abby, I won't. He's such a fucking hypocrite, he's the reason I lost my mom, idiot.

I stand watching Toby as she looks at my friends and laugh at their jokes and I can't help but feel how lucky I am. She's so cool, she gels well with everyone. There's so much positivity surrounding her. How can anyone be negative around her? That's why I had to change, I wanted to change for awhile now and now I have got a reason to. Toby-Lynn Casey is mine and I'm hers and that's how it should be.

She's putting her earphones in and I know she's calling it a night. I don't want her to go to sleep and she's not pleased she wanted time with me and because I can't control my stupid harmones around her I'm causing that. Chicken shit.

"Cade!" Kingsley yells my name pulling me from my internal wars.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"We are saying we are going to leave you to do your thing." Ty jumps in and now I'm confused.

"What thing?"

"To go smash, you're over there glaring at her like you can't wait for us to leave so you can pounce on her." He explains and I guffaw.

"Shut up Ty. You know things aren't like that with her yet."

"Why? Because the Cade I know doesn't wait to get things like that." Rob states and I wonder why he's so chatty all of a sudden.

"Because she's special, she's different from all these basic dick riding whores. And you take good care of special things so I don't want to rush it." Why are you lying idiot? You know you would have already if it wasn't for this stupid shit that's happening. From the time she was going to let you.

"Cade Banks is whipped everyone. The playboy is whipped." Ty teases and I laugh at his statement, its true and I don't care.

"Call it what you must, tease all you want at least I won't die alone like you idiots. Now get out before I kick you all out."

"Okay, okay we are leaving." Ty says and they turn to leave. "Bye boyfriend." Chris jokes and I flash him my middle finger and they all start laughing and I chuckle.

I walk over to Toby's bed and I stand looking at her. Relax Cade, clear your head. Please be in sweatpants tonight.

I tap her shoulder and she turns around, she opens her eyes and they look red. Was she crying? She removes her earphones and sits up in the bed.

"Are you okay?" She ask and she doesn't sound like she was, maybe she's just tired.

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked then looked closely at her face to try and find some answers.

"Yeah. Ready for bed?" She says smiling. Okay so she was tired. "Yeah." While I'm smiling at her she lifts up the covers and she is in shorts. Fuck. Find something to clear your head. I get in bed and look over at her, she turns her back to me and I know she's waiting for me to hug her so we can spoon. Her skin looks so soft, she was in a tank and it was showing off her freaking skin.

"When I get back what do you want to do?" I asked with hopes to wipe my brain but before she speaks she turns around and touches my cheek.

"I don't know, anything you want to I guess." She says and she starts rubbing her hand in my hair and I turn on my side to face her.

"I thought you'd want to do something this time, for the first." The last three words of my statement has all kinds of things running through my mind even though that's not what I meant.

"Hmm, lets go back on your boat. Can we go out on the water with it?" She says removing her hand and ending the torture, she puts both her hands to the side of her head that was on the pillow and she lays on them.

"Okay, that sounds good and yeah we can, I'll arrange for it to be down here when I return."

"I'm going to miss you." She says and she makes a cute sad face. "I'll miss you more." I said then pulled her in closer to me, she giggles and I want to pull her closer again just so I can hear that. I just love everything about her.

"Goodnight tiger." She says then places her hand on my cheek and then she plants her lips on mine. Why are you so brutal Toby? Fuck. She removes her lips and smiles at me. "Goodnight bombshell."

Tomorrow I have my dad to deal with, I hope that he doesn't bug me about this fucking shit all weekend.

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